1/3/2024 reorganized diary entries
8/26/2023 added crochet page
8/16/2023 added button wall
8/15/2023 added button and button container. added playlist to aa4 shrine
8/13/2023 added ace attorney 4 shrine!
8/8/2023 added a couple more resources
8/7/2023 added exit, minimize, and fullscreen icons to the main header. all of them just lead back to the homescreen, though. added warnings page to library. added resources/cool links page. updated comment widget with bug fix.
8/5/2023 added changelog and started omori shrine. finished up till the first three sidebars in the main omori page. updated library until otgw (still need to do links). added media list
➼ notebook-style gallery? have descriptions/commentary. maybe figure out the slideshow thing