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july 13, 2023

i'm currently in the process of writing up this website's contents. every time i edit, there's undeniable some point in which i think i should connect this site to my other social media (e.g. add it to my discord about), or add my socials in this website's about section. how else would this website mean anything to anyone?

i'm still trying to come to terms with the idea that it's okay if i'm the only one that ever sees this, and it's okay if the only one this website ever impacts is myself. i made this catered perfectly towards myself, after all. my anonymity is the only reason i can freely talk about fandom and fanfics and fanart, and add my silly little blinkies and be cringe. i think i'd kill myself if people in my real life found this site because of the amount of dirt they could have on me LOL. so, yeah. i'm happy to have this pretty little site for myself and maybe other people who stumble upon it. that's why the domain is nothing like any of my other online names, after all.