I'm sorry.
I know this is selfish of me.
I know how much everyone is going to be hurt by this.
But I can't take this anymore.
Everyone wants me to be perfect.
I can't show an ounce of weakness
because everyone depends on me
to be the strong, mature
older sister.
I'm so sorry that I can't live up to that expectation.
I'm so sorry for being a disappointment.
But the truth is, I'm not the amazing person everyone
says that I am.
Every time I practice, I make a mistake,
and every mistake is just another painful reminder
of how absolutely inadequate I am.
I won't be going to the recital.
I would just mess it up.
I would embarrass myself.
I would embarrass Sunny.
I would be a disgrace to everyone.
Even if I quit and refuse to go,
I'll just be disappointing everyone
who believes in me.
No matter what I choose,
all I'll do is make things worse.
It would be better to just die.
I'm sorry, everyone.
I'm sorry mom, dad, Sunny,
Kel, Hero, Aubrey, Basil...
I'm so sorry, everyone.
You shouldn't have to see this.
I love you.
You feel as though your life is in danger. Your eyes race across the words, written in beautiful handwriting, perfect handwriting. Your heart beats out of your chest. You don't want to lower the paper. You know what lies behind it. Your fingers won't stop trembling. The note shakes in your hands. Your tears stain it. The ink bleeds. You fall down, your arms unable to steady themselves.
You see her. Her face is without expression. She hangs from the tree by a jump rope. She sways gently in the wind. Why did she feel like she deserves this? You love her, and she loved you. Did she think you hate her? You could never hate her... you love her.
You hear footsteps from behind you. Someone gasps in horror.
"M-Mari?" a male voice says, its pitch quivering uncontrollably, "She... oh my God..."
You're in too much shock to even acknowledge that there's another person with you. Your mind cannot perceive them; you are huddled in the fetal position. You enter an empty, white room in your mind. This isn't happening. None of this is real. It is all a dream.
"Mari... no..." the voice says, "Mari... wouldn't have done this... any of this..."
Someone walks closer to you.
"She... she just... needs some rest..." it says, "She... can't be... Sunny, help me... she... just needs to lie down..."
You open your eyes, your vision hazy. You hear something rip and tear. You see SOMETHING fall from the tree, landing into someone's arms.
"Grab... her legs... Sunny..." the voice says.
You pick up the black-haired girl's legs and begin carrying her inside. She seems much lighter... someone... must be carrying her with you. You walk up the stairs. The girl's face seems so peaceful. Yes, she... she just needs to sleep. You walk up into your room and lay her down on her bed. Is it "her" bed? You don't know who this person is. Your head feels fuzzy. Who's with you? This isn't real. None of this real. Why won't you wake up?
You reach out to touch the strange girl's hand. It is cold. This person, whoever they are, is not breathing. You are crying profusely. You killed her. What? Who did you kill? You're not sure, but you know it was your fault. It must have something to do with that piece of paper you had read. You should've gone after her when she ran to the backyard. You shouldn't've made her stress worse by being such a horribly disobedient little brother. You should've just practiced together, despite how much you hate doing that. She killed herself and it's all your fault.
"It's... all my fault..." you say, "All my fault... she wouldn't've killed herself... if I... had just... kept quiet... it's all my fault... it's all my fault..."
You repeat those words like a mantra. You hear panicked breathing coming from behind you.
"Everyone... everyone would be so horrified if they found out..." the voice says, "Mari... isn't who we thought she was... our friends would be devastated... God, I could never do that to them..."
Someone grabs you by the shoulders.
"Sunny, don't worry," they say, "This... it doesn't have to be like this. You can help them."
The person looks around, from you, then to the mysterious girl.
"Mari... wouldn't've done this..." someone says, "She was so kind... so... happy... Mari... was so happy... she didn't look stressed... she's a good person... she wouldn't do something like that... it... my eyes must've been playing tricks on me. It couldn't be true. She wouldn't..."
"It's all my fault..." you reply, "I should've stayed quiet..."
"You did this..." someone replies.
"It's all... my fault..." you say.
"Yeah... you..." someone seems to get an idea, "You... did this. Mari didn't kill herself, it was... just an accident. Just a horrible accident. Mari wouldn't've done this. It... must have been you. It was an accident. You... you killed her."
"I... killed Mari?" you say, "I... killed Mari."
"Don't worry, Sunny," the person says, "You can help them. Mari didn't kill herself. It was just an accident. Come on, Sunny... grab... her arms..."
You do as the voice directs you to. The girl's long black hair falls over your shoulders. She is once again far lighter to carry than you would've assumed. You just look up at the ceiling. You tell yourself that this is all a dream. You stand at the top of the staircase, holding the girl horizontally.
"It was all an accident..." someone says, "You... got into an argument with Mari, and... you pushed her down the stairs. It was just a silly accident... it could've happened to anyone... right, Sunny?"
You can't respond. You just stare up at the ceiling lights. Even as you feel the weight leave your hands, even as you hear the sound of something hitting wood, you don't look away. Your head feels fuzzy again. You bite your tongue and attempt to wake up one last time, but it’s no use... You’re still here. Your head slowly turns down. For a moment, you begin to feel relief. Right... it... was just an accident. Mari wasn't stressed or suicidal. She was happy, she was perfect, and you killed her. It was just an accident. Nobody would have to know what actually happened. You would take the blame so that nobody else would have to suffer. You can help them.
You feel a cold hand clutch yours. You try to jerk away, but it squeezes back; unwilling to let you go. The hand drags you down the stairs, into the doorway of the living room as you step over SOMETHING. You look up and see him for the first time. Hero. You see the tears falling from his tired eyes as he looks at the corpse lying at the bottom of the staircase. You suddenly realize that none of this is a dream. All of this is real.
Suddenly, Hero stops. You look up at his eyes... but this time, they’re wide awake, staring at SOMETHING. You turn your eyes toward it as well, though you wish you didn’t. An eye meets yours. Your heart sinks into your stomach. You shouldn’t have looked back... You just... shouldn’t... have looked...
"It's all my fault," you say.
"Sweetie, please..." a female voice says, quavering with sorrow, "It... it was an accident. I... I've lost... my only daughter... I don't want to lose you... as well. Please... I need you... to be a good boy. Don't... be like this... don't... blame yourself... I'm not mad, sweetie..."
She must be trying to calm you down. She's telling you to not cry, to not blame yourself. Stones thrown from a resident of a glass house. Strange men and women, donning strange clothing, stand in the room. They pick pieces of wood and string off the floor. They carry a black-haired figure on a hammock. Sirens blare. You are in so much pain. You want to die.
One of the strangers speaks to your mother as they wrap you in some sort of blanket, lying you prone, trying to forcibly calm you down. Hot, acidic liquid leaves your mouth in vile spurts. Every nerve of your body is overstimulated. Still, your mother tenderly caresses your back, petting you like a cat, whispering assurances between her own sobs. They are empty words, just as you are an empty shell. It feels like eons pass. New people enter, old people leave. You can hardly bring yourself to care. It's all a false premise. You survey your surroundings... you are lying on your mother's lap. Your father and your friends... including Hero, stand before you. You're crying.
"I... I'm so... sorry..." you mumble between sobs, "I... I killed Mari... I—"
Kel wraps you in a tight hug, one you feel you don't deserve. A hug based on a false premise. He's crying, too.
"Sunny, please... stop... it's..." he mumbles, "It's... not... you... it was... an accident... right...?"
You wish everyone would stop saying that. You wish everyone would stop reassuring you. You wish people would stop treating you like the flawed person you know you are. Kel backs away and rejoins your friends.
"Mari..." Aubrey says, "She... wouldn't want you to blame yourself for this."
Everyone looks like they could shatter like glass at any moment. Especially Hero. He refuses to look at you directly. Everyone is still sobbing. They pity you. They feel sorry for you. They forgive you for your mistake. You despise them for that. After lying down for a while, listening to their meaningless platitudes, your parents decide to carry you up to your room to get some needed rest. As you're carried up the stairs, just as Mari was, you hear Hero speak to a police officer. He seems to be recounting the events.
"I was in the living room," you hear him say, barely, so distantly, "Sunny... he threw his violin down the stairs... he was just... too frustrated... too much pressure... Mari started yelling at him about it, talking about how he... he threw away everything they'd been preparing for, and... the violin we had spent so much money on... she was so mad. Sunny tried to walk away, but Mari blocked his way, and then... he pushed her. I... called an ambulance as soon as I saw that. Sunny seemed... devastated. He hadn't meant to do that."
His eyes suddenly meet yours. His gaze is heartless and empty, full of loathing and anger directed at... well, you assume everyone else believes it's directed at you.
You can tell, though...
He's angry with himself.
He's angry at Mari.
You're laid down to rest.
You awaken in a cold, empty, white void. You are entirely neutral; you feel absolutely nothing, and that is a massive improvement over... what, exactly? You can't help but feel as though you've just awoken from a nightmare. Yes... a nightmare, perhaps that's why you believe that this nothingness is an improvement.
You look down at your body. There is nothing there. You appear to have no form. This is perfect, actually, because without a form, you aren't able to feel any negative emotions. Though, it might be hard to do anything. Ideally, you'd have positive emotions as well.
You try to imagine something, but every time you reach into your memory, SOMETHING appears. It looks... well, it looks a bit like an octopus with a single horrible glowing eye at the center. It makes you feel horrible. Guilty. Sad. It is unacceptable. You want it to go away. You just want to feel happy. You hate this.
Suddenly, an object appears within the void. A black light bulb, hanging from a string that extends upwards indefinitely. Suddenly, you feel SOMETHING quell, shunned away by the light bulb like a scared animal. It turns out you can create things in here... how wonderful. You really won't be able to do anything unless you have a body. As horrible as the idea of a physical form sounds, you know it will be necessary to stave off boredom.
Your mind reaches into a distant memory, free to explore undeterred by SOMETHING. An image of a violin, a beautiful specimen of quality craftsmanship. It was given to you as a gift by your friends, and it was destroyed by the eldest of them. You so dearly love playing it. It is your most cherished possession. Yet... somehow, you can't help but mourn it. Is it gone, somehow? What happened to it? You don't allow yourself to delve into that; it makes you feel sad, and you cannot feel anything negative. You simply focus on that object.
You begin to feel yourself gain a physical presence. You imagine a mirror, and one appears. Examining your appearance, you are pleased. Your skin is made of beautiful wood, its grain forming your veins. Your hair, though short, is made of soft metallic strings... it is a beautiful off-white. You wear fancy clothes, clothes purchased for a recital. Your eyes are simply holes. This wooden form is a suit. With the correct angle of light, eyes are visible beneath, but otherwise, there are just empty voids of this vessel.You are beautiful, elegant, perfect. Not a single speck out of place. You smile brightly; it is a smile radiant enough to light up the darkest depths of an abyss. Your violin was made under the brand of "Peki;" you figure that's a good name for this form. Peki.
You feel absolutely ecstatic. You admire yourself... so perfect, just like Mari. Mari... your darling sister. You love her so much, you admire her so much. In a form as perfect as this one, you couldn't possibly fail her. In this form, you are good enough, strong enough, smart enough, supportive enough, loving enough to keep her alive, to keep her from ending herself. You can happily practice together with her. Your resistance, your negativity, it had been the end of her. You must be expressive, emotive, outgoing. You must. You cannot fail. You must be perfect. Or else this wooden shell will break. You miss her. Where is she? You want to see her.
Tears fall down from your eyes... no, this won't do at all. You can't be feeling so lonesome. You can't be feeling this longing. You can't be feeling anything negative. You imagine a box of tissues to wipe away your sorrows, a tool towards neutrality. It appears, and you quickly use them. Much better. You've calmed down. You can't show sorrow. You can't show anyone your imperfections, dare you call them that. You have to be perfect. You cannot fail her again. This form is perfect.
You become bored... surely there must be something to do. You envision a sketchbook and some crayons. You begin drawing, making immaculately detailed scenes of skeletons, zombies, bloodied entrails, cats... well, really whatever your mind comes up with. They are all masterpieces, each and every one of them. It's fun, but... well, you're still all alone. You want to see your friends... you want to go somewhere bright and happy.
Something falls down, just off in your periphery. As you walk over, you're followed by floating, disembodied horns, like those of a goat. You weave your way through them and reach down to pick up the strange object: a small, golden shield. You can see your reflection in it. A door appears off in the distance... you decide, having nothing better to do, to open it.
The world you enter into is dilapidated. It is soaked with water, teeming with spiders... it seems high off of the ground. It is wooden, all around, and... you slowly begin to realize. It's the treehouse. There's a girl crying in the corner... crying an inhuman amount, actually; it seems like her tears are what's been causing the water damage, here. You walk over to her, cautiously holding your shield.
"Oh... dear..." the girl says, "I've messed everything up... I'm... all alone..."
"Hey..." you say, "You're... you're not alone! I'm here!"
The girl turns around, shocked. Her face seems so familiar.
"Oh..." she says, "I... don't recognize you. Who are you?"
"My name is Peki," you say, "What's yours? I feel like I know you."
"M-my name is..." she mumbles, still sobbing, "M-Mari. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble, here, it's just... I'm so sad..."
You feel the current of her tears flow by your shoes, tempting you to fall over. You walk over to her.
"Hey, it's... alright, Mari," you say, "What are you sad about? You can tell me about it. My name is Peki, by the way."
"I..." she mumbles, "My... friends... we were going to have a picnic, but I... I tripped, and... fell... and I spilled all of our food! I'm... so clumsy and stupid... I messed everything up for them..."
Her tears continue. She's sobbing like a little girl. You gently stroke her hair. You know exactly how to comfort her.
"It sounds like your friends mean a lot to you..." you say, "They'll understand it was an accident, right? You didn't mean to hurt them."
"...B-but..." she says, "I... the picnic... it's ruined, now."
"I'm sure we can figure out something," you say, "Where are your friends? I think you should talk with them."
"They're... probably at the playground..." she says, "But... it's... down there... a-and..."
She shivers uncontrollably, crying even more.
"I-I'm scared of heights!" she yelps, "I can't... go down there."
You take her hand into yours.
"We can go down together!" you say, cheerfully, "If you fall, I can catch you! It won't be that scary if we do it together, will it?"
She looks back up to you, and you fully see how disheveled her face is. She seems absolutely miserable... but, you can help her! Unlike last time.
"A-alright," she says, "You... seem... nice... Peki? Was that your name? I... trust you."
"Great!" you say, "Come on, let's go!"
You pull her along and climb down the ladder, following underneath Mari, watching out in case she falls. She seems to shiver uncontrollably, looking down nervously.
"Mari, it's okay," you say, "It's not as scary as you think. You can do this!"
"S-sure," she says, "I... I can do this..."
You continue climbing down. You take a moment to observe your surroundings; you're in the middle of a vast forest, climbing down the largest tree of them all. The sky is a horrible, murky dark blue. It's pouring rain, and the atmosphere of this place is absolutely depressing.
"Do you live here?" you ask, "This place is a dump! You deserve better than this..."
"I-I... don't deserve anything..." she mumbles, "I'm too stupid..."
"No, you're not!" you retort, "I'm sure you're really smart, Mari!"
She seems to shiver a bit less. Your happiness only grows as you find yourself helping her. You reach the bottom of the ladder, and as you step on the ground, Mari seems a lot more relaxed.
"Y-you were right!" she says, "That actually wasn't that bad. I don't think I'm scared of heights anymore!"
You smile back at her, and she seems to return it, ever so slightly. She's been in desperate need of company.
"The playground is just south of here..." she says, pointing to a pathway opposite to the ladder, "That's where all my friends are!"
"Great, I'd love to meet them!" you say.
You follow the path as you hold Mari's hand. Despite her miserable appearance, her hand is pleasantly warm. You enter the playground... it's in horrible condition. The swingset are corroded, some hanging from only one rope; the monkey bars have several bars missing; the slide has holes in it; fruit, trash, and jump rope are scattered across the whole place. Various other miserable people mill about. It's an absolute mess.
Off to the side is a picnic blanket where four people sit: a boy with deep purple hair wearing a crown of thorns, a boy with orange hair carrying a deflated basketball, a girl with bright pink hair carrying a baseball bat with nails stuck into it, and finally... a boy with red hair, idly eating a plate of burned cookies. They all appear to be about 12, except for the last boy, who seems to be about Mari's age.
"Oh, look who decided to show up," the orange-haired boy smirks, "Clumsy old Mari. I'm surprised you didn't fall when you climbed up the ladder! And... hey, wait, who's this weirdo?"
"Yeah, he's all... colorful..." the pink-haired girl sneers, "Gross!"
"E-everyone," Mari says, "This is Peki! He helped me get down from the treehouse. S-since... none of you would help me!"
"Like we care," the red-haired boy retorts, "Of course we didn't bother trying to save you. Duh."
"You're so stupid, Mari," the purple-haired boy teases, "Seriously, you should just die!"
Everyone laughs at that.
"Excuse me?" you snarl, "I'm not going to stand here and let you insult her!"
"Oh, sorry," the red-haired boy says, "My mistake, your highness. Who do you think you are?"
"I'm Mari's friend!" you say, "I'm going to protect her, no matter what!"
"Seriously, what a freak..." the pink-haired girl mumbles, "Whatever, tree boy. If you're gonna stick with Mari then I guess you'll be here for a while."
"Welcome to the Vast Hollow!" the orange-haired boy says, "Enjoy the picnic. There would've been food if someone hadn't screwed up, again."
You and Mari begrudgingly sit with the four rude people.
"Peki, let me introduce you to everyone," she says, "The orange-haired boy is named Kel. The pink one is Aubrey. The red one is Hero. The purple one is Basil."
"So familiar..." you muse, "Well, nice to meet you all!"
"Mhmm..." Basil says, "Sure thing."
Hero seems to be idly flipping through a book... you recognize it as his photo album.
"Ah, may I..." you reach out to touch the book, but Hero swats your hand away.
"This is mine," he says, "You... can't see it!"
"God, stop being such a baby," Kel whines, "You're supposed to be my older brother."
"Yeah, Hero!" Aubrey says, "What are you hiding? Embarrassed about being a photographer?"
"It is kind of embarrassing," Basil says, "I mean, what kind of guy is into that?"
Everyone begins laughing at Hero's expense. You use this as a distraction to take the album away.
"H-hey!" Hero yells, "Give that back!"
"Good thinking, Peki!" Mari says, "Now we can all look at it together."
Hero seems incredibly displeased, but regardless, you open up the album. It seems familiar to you, but different. There are far fewer pictures than you'd anticipated. Every one of them shows the five "friends" sitting with you going through their lives melancholically. You see Basil making them all crowns of thorns, Aubrey eating a pineapple, Hero punching Kel in the face... it all seems rather offputting.
"You all look so miserable..." you bemoan.
"Wow, we've got a detective here," Hero says sarcastically, "What gave it away? The constant rain? The fact that everything's frickin' broken to pieces?"
"I... think I can help with that," you say, "I'm very good at fixing things. Maybe I can start by repairing the playground!"
Aubrey sighs. "Sure, go ahead and waste your time. Not our problem."
You take that as permission to begin. You walk over to the swingset, its broken wooden platforms hanging, swaying gently in the wind. This will not do. You recall one of your skills: HEALING KISS. With a gentle smooch, the wood begins to repair itself. You hold the rope up to the platform, and the two rejoin. Good as new.
"The heck?" Kel says, "Did you... just kiss the swingset? Weirdo!"
You ignore their words, walking around and doing the same to all the other broken playground equipment. The other kids stare at you, sneering and throwing childish insults. You feel bad for them... they're probably only so mean because of how much their world sucks. But... you're helping them! As you repair the playground, you can see them tentatively begin playing once again. You see a flicker of happiness cross their faces.
You've helped them!
Unlike in the real world, where it actually matters.
A chill runs up your spine. It is unacceptable... you refuse to feel anything negative. Off in your periphery, you can see it. That unknown entity, that horrible glowing eye. You hold your shield out and retreat to your happy place.
White Space. The pain and horrible emotions you feel... you want them all to go away, but there is nothing here in White Space, by design.
You take out your shield, admiring your reflection. So flawless, so dependable, so supportive and loving... nobody could possibly die because of your neglect. You lean in and give yourself a kiss. The glowing eye fades away. The dream ends.
"The medical examiners found rope marks around her neck," a stranger says, "Are you sure you killed her?"
You can no longer remember the truth. You nod your head.
"I'm sure," you say, "I don't know what that's about."
"Maybe it's not rope marks," Hero says, "It could just look like that. Could be... scrapes... from... when she fell."
"I... see..." the stranger says, "Well... listen, Sunny, I just want you to know... you're not going to jail for this, alright? You're going to be fine. From what I've heard... your friends don't hold a grudge against you."
You wish they did.
Days go by, days spent inside, with nobody but your mother and father. They coddle you, telling you more reassurances, more platitudes. Why is everyone so focused on you? Why is everyone being so nice to you? You... killed Mari. You walk slowly down the staircase, one step at a time. You want to go outside, you want to live a normal life, but your parents insist on "mourning." You don't want to. Mourning makes SOMETHING appear behind you. You can see it sometimes, in the mirror or at your bedside. You smile at it and kiss your reflection in a handheld mirror.
You're smiling a lot, actually. Your parents seem concerned. A stranger has called it a "coping mechanism," whatever that means. You know you have to smile. Your lack of emotion is what got Mari killed in the first place. If you had just smiled while you practiced she wouldn't've killed herself. Your friends call, all except for Hero. You speak to them, having calm, casual conversations with them. You try to help them, to make them feel better. It doesn't work. You are imperfect. Horribly, horribly flawed. You are not Peki. You are just stupid, reclusive Sunny. You cannot help them.
Mari is sleeping on a bed of flowers. You are wearing Peki's clothes... a cute fancy little shirt. Your friends stand beside you, all of them except for Hero. Where is he? A stranger says he's at home, crying in bed. You're still smiling, and everyone seems to be made uncomfortable by this. Why? Don't smiles... fix everything? Everyone just needs a hug and a kiss. Then... everything will get better. You can help them!
You can help them.
you can help them.
You keep smiling.
They keep crying.
isn't working...
why are they still crying.
why are they sad
they cant be sad
you cant
you cant fail them again
if you let them get sad
they might
kill themselves like mari
stop crying
stop being sad
you cant you cant
you're failing again you cant do this stop
stop stop stop stop
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
You cannot help them.
More days go by. In your dreams, you spend time with those depressed young kids. You smile, you fix their problems. You make them smile a bit, too. You're so happy. You're helping them! It's always a shame when you wake up. You see your reflection and you notice every blemish, every flaw. Still, you kiss your reflection to heal yourself.
Your parents, your therapist (you have a therapist now, apparently), and your friends... they are all worried for your mental health. Too little too late; they should've been doing this for Mari, not for you. You don't need this. Mari needed this. You want them to stop. You walk outside. The sun seems to shine dimmer. You greet the world with a smile. You can help them, just as your friend had said. Which friend? Hero... right, Hero! Hero is sad, isn't he? He's sad because something happened a few weeks ago... what was it again?
You knock on Hero's door, wait a bit, then ring the doorbell. Eventually, someone arrives. It's Kel. He looks... just like he does in the Vast Hollow! He's so sad, so broken... well, that just means you have some work to do. You smile at him brightly.
"Hey, Kel!" you say, cheerfully, "What's up? I was wondering if I could talk with Hero. I've heard he's not feeling too good... I want to help!"
Kel falls silent. He isn't smiling at all. Why isn't he smiling? He's... Kel! Kel is always happy... right?
"...Hero doesn't want to see anyone," he says, "Sorry, but... even I can't get through to him."
"Oh..." you say, disappointed, "Alright, well... wanna play some basketball with me?"
Kel's eyes go wide. He begins crying.
"Dude..." he says, "That... no. No."
Why... why is he crying? Why is he crying?! Why is he crying?! What the hell is the matter with him?! You're only trying to help. Your smile quivers. You begin sweating. You're filled with anger. You just want to help. Why won't he let you help him?
In your dreams, you're always able to help. Everyone's problems are simple. Your kisses and hugs make all the bad thoughts go away. Sometimes, Mari will say she's just a burden to her friends, and that it would be better if she just died. You, perfect Peki, lean down and hug her, giving her soft kisses on the forehead like she used to give you. Then, she smiles. You've helped her. You're not a failure.
Things seem to happen in cycles. You repair the playground, repair the forest, repair the areas nearby... though, they seem to change every time. You journey with your new friends: Kel, Aubrey, Basil... but... Mari stays at the picnic blanket, and Hero, though, he always goes missing. Every cycle, he finds something odd. A photo, or maybe a branch of a tree, or a discarded jumprope. Then, SOMETHING comes back, and you force yourself back into White Space, kissing yourself, forcing yourself to wake up. For your own protection. The supression of the truth. The truth... the truth would only hurt everyone. You have forgotten it entirely, though it so horribly beckons you.
On your journies, you make the skies clearer, the rain lessened, the sun brighter. But, every time, you find that your smile will begin to falter. SOMETHING will taunt you downwards. SOMETHING will spread letters everywhere. Cute, fancy letters, written in perfect handwriting. Their placement is always different, but the message they spell and the truth they lead to is always the same. They say "WELCOME TO BLACK SPACE," wherever and whatever that is.
You always wonder what it means, up until you find yourself within it. It is a horrible place, a broken place, the polar opposite to you, perfect Peki. It would be easier to name the few dozen things that aren't flawed in Black Space, rather than naming the things which are flawed. Each time, the letters turn into keys, unlocking doors to more broken places, more broken people. Different each time. Each time you find yourself taunted by a shadowy stranger bearing a pair of luminescent white eyes and a horrible frown, a voidly imitation of your dearest friend. Each time you find yourself taking a throne of horns, looking out over your kingdom, your happy friends. The friends you have helped.
Each time you awaken from this amazing dream world, you find yourself disappointed at how the rules of the waking world are so different. You walk outside, and rather than people treating you like you're perfect, they seem to either avoid you or pity you. You hate that. You're not supposed to be pitied, you're perfect. You're... Peki. No, you're Sunny. Who are you, exactly?
This continues for many... days? Weeks? Maybe it's months. It's surely not years yet. Couldn't possibly be years. You still smile. You still try to help. Hopelessly, of course... in the waking world, you can't help. You're flawed. You see eyes tracking your every movement, laughing, judging, calling you a freak, calling you a murderer. That's okay. You've sacrificed yourself. You're the scapegoat. You have taken the blame to protect everyone, to help them. Everyone can be happy if you take all the suffering onto yourself, right?
You've noticed Aubrey... Aubrey doesn't seem to want to look at you. Basil seems horrified at you. You recall once that Basil had called you "perfect," like a white tulip. Now, with your lie, your voluntary taking of the blame, that perception has been shattered. You are not perfect. He is heartbroken. Aubrey saw you as a quiet, calm kid. Her perception is shattered. You are not perfect. You see, in real-time, two crushes shatter. Aubrey and Basil seem... a lot closer than usual. You see them hugging each other at first, one crying onto the shoulder of the other. Why isn't that you? You should be helping them. They always refuse your help, yet they accept the help of each other. You see two broken crushes blossom into a new one. Aubrey and Basil hold hands, bonding over their suffering. You see them kiss. You find yourself furious. You cannot help them. Peki's kisses and hugs are supposed to be what makes everything better. This is horrible.
When was the last time you had hung out with your friends? Why, last night, of course! No... that can't be right. When was the last time you had hung out with them in Faraway? It... must've been before the incident. Incident? Your head feels fuzzy a lot of the time. You find it hard to focus. You're not sick; you're eating plenty. You're smiling a lot, more than you ever had before. It still grosses out everyone you meet. It's a horrifying smile. You're a monster in their eyes. Them being disgusted by your hopeless attempt at being perfect... it sucks, but it's far better than the truth.
Your smile is so radiant, so horrible, and yet, you still find yourself empty. When was the last time you had felt happiness? It must've been ages ago...
You correct yourself.
The last time you felt happy was last night.
The last time you had hung out with your friends was last night.
You helped them.
You can help them.
The "real world," the one in which you're so flawed, the one in which everyone is unresponsive to your help... it doesn't interest you at all. You much prefer your dreams. You much prefer being Peki, perfect, perfect Peki. When you're Peki, you feel happy. You feel useful. You don't feel like a failure. In the real world, as the... days? Months? ...Is it... is it years... as time goes by, you see your friend group dissolve more and more.
Everyone is distant. They had all reassured you that they didn't hate you, that it wasn't your fault, but... well, nobody wants to spend time with you. Maybe it's because they hate you, maybe it's because you remind them so much of her. Of who? Mari... yes, her. Why, though? Mari is alive. Perfectly well in your dreams. You solve her problems, her silly, childish problems. In your dreams, there's never a shortage of problems to solve. Every time something gets done, in a few days, it gets reset. You constantly have a supply of issues to fix, of ways to make yourself useful. You can help them.
At the beginning... what was it, a month ago? Maybe 10 years. Who cares. At the beginning, you were knocking on Hero's door every day. According to your parents, he's sad! That means you have to help me. Just like you always do in the dream world. You knock and knock and knock, but nobody answers, except for Kel and his parents. Then, nobody answers. Then, you switch to knocking just once a week. Then, you knock whenever you feel like it.
At school, Kel seems horrified by the state his brother is in. You figure... some amount of time must have passed, yes? You're not sure how long, but it can't be "too soon" anymore, can it? You offer to play basketball again. Neither one of you have fun. You're not happy. Kel isn't happy. You want to vomit. It's so empty.
You eat plenty of food, drink plenty of water. You begin exercising. Your smile is so bright, your body is so healthy... you're getting closer to being perfect! It feels so empty, so fruitless. You eat food, but it feels like putting gas in an engine, not like tasting flavors. There's no enjoyment. Enjoyment... happiness... when was the last time you had felt those emotions in the waking world? Maybe... if you just... keep smiling... keep trying to be perfect... you'll eventually get there.
You hardly notice when four years have passed.
It doesn't really hit you until you see the "sold" sign on Hero's front lawn.
[ We see a boy crying. ]
[ We see an older boy comforting the younger one. ]
You sit alone in a white void. There is some kind of fabric underneath you... it feels like a picnic blanket. There is a computer, a sketchbook, a box of tissues, and your cat Mewo beside you. The start of another cycle, just like always. This time it would be perfect. Just like always.
You flip through your sketchbook, admiring your masterpieces. You tear out some tissues, wiping away your sorrows... after all, you can't possibly be seen feeling sad. You open up your computer, reading your diary entries. You gaze at your immaculate reflection. Your name is Peki. You are perfect. You pet your cat, and it meows a response... it almost sounds like... "Waiting for something to happen?"
Something falls nearby. You know what it is already: a golden shield. Walking past the flying, disembodied horns, you pick the shield up and admire your reflection within it. You smile brightly. You can help them. A white door casts a faint shadow... you open it, excited to see the world on the other side.
Kel, Aubrey, and Basil sit in the center of the treehouse, playing a game of cards. Aubrey suddenly looks up, running over the cards on the floor to hug you.
"Peki!" she says, "You're back! I... I was so scared without you!"
"Oh, come on!" Kel shouts, "What the frick, Aubrey! You ran over the cards! I was gonna win, too..."
"It's just a card game," Basil says, "No need to be such a baby about it."
"You're only saying that because you were gonna lose!" Kel retorts, "Ugh, whatever. Peki, I guess it's nice to see you."
"It's nice to see you too, Kel," you say, "Same for everybody. Here, give me the cards, I'll deal out a new game, alright? What were you all playing?"
"Crazy eights..." Kel bemoans.
You pick up the cards and begin shuffling, then dealing out everyone's hand.
"...Thanks," Kel says, "It's always nice having you around, Peki. The others are no help."
"We're right here, dummy!" Aubrey says.
"Not like you're much help, either," Basil says.
"Now, now," you say tenderly, "Calm down, everyone. Let's just have some fun, alright?"
The four of you begin playing. It's a calm, relaxing experience.
"Oh, hey, Peki," Basil says, suddenly realizing something, "Mari and Hero want to have a picnic with us. Just... humor them, y'know?"
"No need," you say, "Unlike you all, I enjoy their picnics!"
"Heh," Kel playfully grimaces, "You've always been such a weirdo, Peki. I guess I like that about you."
"Aww, thank you, Kel," you say, "On another note, sorry about this."
You get rid of your last card.
"OH FLIP YOU MAN!" Kel says, throwing his cards into the air.
Aubrey and Basil begin to laugh their butts off, meanwhile, you just smile at his rage. It's a comfortably familiar sight.
"Don't get too feisty, now," you say, "It's a long fall if you slip down the ladder."
You wrap Kel in a big, tight hug.
"H-hey!" he says, "Let go of me!"
"Nope!" you say, "Peki's love always makes things better~"
You teasingly kiss him on the forehead.
"Gross!" he says, shoving you away, "Weirdo! Creep!"
"Aww, you're welcome," you say.
"Kel, you're such a dork, honestly," Aubrey says, "What, you don't like it when Peki hugs and kisses you?"
"You do?!" Kel asks, exasperated.
"I... well..." Aubrey says, looking off to the side.
"Ha!" Basil points at Aubrey, "Aubrey's got a crush~"
Aubrey punches Basil in the face.
"Frick off!" she says, "You say that like you don't, either!"
"Agh..." Basil groans, "Okay, fine... but... can you blame me? Peki's so perfect!"
You laugh, blushing slightly.
"Oh, come on, now," you say, "You're getting me all flushed. We should probably stop messing around up here and go see Mari and Hero."
The others sigh, pouting.
"Fineeeeeee," Basil says, "I guess I can probably handle eating their food... I might only puke once."
"Good enough for me," you say.
The four of you walk over to the exit. A snake sits hanging from a tree branch and curiously turns to face you.
"Going out, Peki?" it says, "Have sssssssome cash for the road."
The snake vomits a sum of 100 cherries into your POCKET.
"Aww... thank you, dear," you say, petting the snake as it hangs from the branch without a care in the world.
With some money to spend, the four of you begin climbing down the ladder. As per the usual, you descend below everyone, ready to catch anyone if they fall. Halfway down, Aubrey slips and groans in pain.
"Ugh, wait, wait!" she says, "I think... I'm stuck... between the rungs... agh!"
"Ha!" Kel teases, "You're such a dummy, Aubrey!"
You hear Basil slap Kel.
"You're a dummy, too, Kel," he says.
"Mmm... this is a bit of a problem..." you say, "Nothing I can't fix!"
You reach up to Aubrey and smoothly pull her out.
"Agh!" she says, "Oh... I'm out! Thanks, Peki!"
"No problem," you say, "Always happy to help."
The four of you soon enough reach the ground. The playground is just south of here. As you enter, Mari rushes over to you, hugging you tightly, just as she always does.
"Peki!" she yells, "Oh my goodness, you're finally back! I... I was so sad without you, everyone... everyone is so mean to me! I'm sorry, I'm so useless and dumb and—"
You put a finger to her lips.
"Now, now," you say, "Don't talk like that, Mari. You're perfect, just like me!"
"I... don't really believe that..." she says.
You hug her back, kissing her forehead. Your magic begins to infect her.
"A-alright," she says, "Maybe... just a little bit. Maybe I am... kind of perfect."
"That's the spirit!" you say, "Oh, Hero! Hello to you, too."
Hero looks up from his photo album with a devilish smile.
"'Sup, loser," he says, "Glad you're here."
You sit down at their picnic, like you had done a hundred times before. Also, like all the prior times, you ask to see Hero's photo album.
"Sure," he says, "You've seen it before, though. Not sure what your deal is with this thing. It's just some silly photos."
He lays the photo album down at the center of the picnic blanket. Everyone is... "enjoying" Hero and Mari's burnt/raw food. The photos show you and your friends hanging out together. You, the happy, perfect friend, ushering them along into happiness. You make crowns of thorns, eat pineapples, drink bitter tea, read books, hug and kiss your friends (much to some of their chagrin), enjoy picnics, and finally... well, there's a picture of Kel messing around with Hero's camera, sticking out his finger in a rude gesture. Finally, there's a picture of everyone's feet in a circle. Yours stick out, bright and perfect, unlike everyone else's ragged, mud-stained feet.
"Aww, I'm so glad you take these pictures, Hero," you say, "It reminds me of the fact that you all can be happy, sometimes! I don't see your smiles often enough."
"Ugh, always so sappy..." Hero says, "Sure, whatever."
"I really mean it," you say, "It means so much to me that I'm able to help you all feel better."
"Eugh, seriously," Kel says, "You're such a weirdo! Who says stuff like that?"
You laugh at their typical insults. They're always so brazen, just like little kitties.
"Hey, speaking of weirdos," Basil says, "Hero made everyone a cake, but he's too scared of dropping it... so he left it at home! What a loser."
"Can it, Basil," Hero says, "It's... no big deal. Just some dumb cake."
"Cake?!" you say, your eyes lighting up, "I'd love to have some! Wouldn't you all agree?"
"Cake does sound pretty nice..." Mari says, wistfully, "I think I'll sit this one out, though. You all can go visit his house and bring me a slice."
"Ooh, Hero's house!" Kel says, "I love barging in on people's personal space!"
"Yeah, visiting Hero's freaky house sounds pretty fun," Basil says, "I'm in."
"Anything to get out of the rain, I guess..." Aubrey laments.
"Great!" you say, "Then, it's decided! We'll go down to Hero's house. It's just south of here, yes?"
Hero nods, clearly not enjoying your plan. You get up, your four friends following behind you. You walk through the playground, saying hello to the other kids playing there. Despite being just as unruly and disgruntled as your friends, they seem to enjoy the work you do to maintain the equipment. However, before you can go, you're stopped by a certain lizard-like girl.
"Hey, dork-faces!" Berly yells, "We're gonna play hide and seek! You're gonna join us, or else!"
"Or else wh—" Kel begins to say, before suddenly getting headbutted in the gut.
"Or else I'll do that!" Berly replies.
"Ugh!" Kel groans, "Fine... we'll play your stupid freakin' game..."
"Please ignore him, Berly," you say, "We would be happy to play a game of hide and seek with you!"
You see the others grimace, but Berly seems pleased to accept your words as the opinion of the whole group. Berly makes everyone draw straws... you end up being the one to have to find everyone. Well, that's typical. Everyone hides, and you immediately spot everybody, but you decide to be a good sport and pretend to search around. Firstly, you find Kel, hiding behind the tetherball pole, which is as bad of a hiding spot as it sounds. Mikhael hangs in a tree, Bun Bun and Nose are by the slide, etc., etc., really, you've done this so many times it doesn't register as anything too special. Eventually, you find almost everybody, and Berly does a roll call... Hero is missing.
Suddenly, a tree begins to shake violently. Hero is held captive in Boss' arms... the large, purple rhinoceros glares at you menacingly.
"Fools!" he says, "What the heck are you lame-o's doing?! Hide and seek, really?! What are you, 6 years old?!"
He laughs mockingly.
"Hey!" Berly says, "Hide and seek is a game for everybody! Also, you're not allowed here! Get out!"
"Yes, Boss," you say, "I'm sorry, but this behavior is unacceptable! You must drop Hero, now!"
"Oh yeah?" he quips, "Make me!"
You begin fighting. Aubrey uses her nailbat, Basil uses his gardening shears... Kel, well, Kel just uses his fists. You use your shield, ramming yourself into the purple bully, guarding yourself and your friends, and occasionally using the sharp edge of it as a blade. You manage to widdle his health down to almost nothing... then, he bodyslams you all. Everyone else turns into toast, except for you...
Peki did not succumb.
You land one final blow, finishing the job. Boss drops Hero to the ground.
"Wh-what the heck, man?!" he yells, "What's wrong with you?!"
"It's... it's not fair!" Boss yells, "You all get to have so much fun, meanwhile I'm just stuck on my own! Screw you guys!"
"Boss, I'm sorry you feel that way..." you say, tenderly, "Here, let me help you calm down..."
You gently kiss one of his... hands. Well, they're not really hands, but they're close enough. Boss seems to smile, just a little.
"Oh... huh..." he says, "That... kinda feels better."
"I wasn't aware that being banned from the playground had hurt you so much," you say, "Boss, you're welcome here, so long as you stop picking fights."
"Ugh, really, Peki?" Aubrey yells, "You're gonna let Boss stay here?"
"I let all of you stay here," you retort, "He's not any ruder than you all are."
"Hey!" Basil shouts, "That's... okay, yeah, that's true."
You laugh.
"Boss, we have to get going, but I hope I can see you again!" you say, "There's plenty of good food at Mari's picnic."
"Hmpf!" Boss snorts, "F-fine! Not like I care..."
He once again hides behind his tree.
"Well..." Kel says, "I guess... that happened."
"Let's get going, mmm?" you say, "The cake must be getting cold!"
You and your friends walk south of the playground, down to Hero's house. Along the way, you spot what appear to be abandoned bake sales and other food stalls. You smile, anticipating Hero's speech.
"Ugh, these old things," he says, "Freakin' failures... y'know, actually, these remind me of you all... and myself, too."
Everyone else frowns at that. Hero picks up something.
"Let's see... there's some sandwiches..." he says, "Sandwiches remind me of myself. Because they're so customizable, they're pretty much universally loved. Very versatile."
"Eugh," Kel says, "Gross! You're not universally loved!"
Kel is right, though... that comparison is not for the Hero that stands before you.
"Mhmm..." Hero says, walking along to the next stall, "Oh, I remember this... jars of honey. I kept the bees myself... still have some of the stings. Mari reminds me of honey. She's sweet and everlasting, and she pairs well with many things."
"Are all of these comparisons going to be so icky?" Basil says, "Seriously, what kind of weirdo compares people to inanimate objects?"
"Moving on," Hero says, not paying attention.
You encounter a sprout mole and are given a tutorial on fighting and emotions. You have heard this before.
"...Basil," Hero says, "You remind me of gingerbread. Of course, ginger is a plant, but also, some people say it has healing properties. That reminds me of how you always support other people and assure them that things are going to be okay. You care about people a lot..."
"Shut up!" Basil yells, "None of that is true!"
"Aubrey," Hero continues, now fully ignoring everyone's protesting, "You remind me of coffee. Bitter, strong... a bit too much for most people. But, once you get used to it, you're very enjoyable. Your strength becomes a virtue."
"...Thanks?" she says, "Jeez, you're being so weird, Hero."
More tutorials you have already seen.
"Kel," Hero says, "You also remind me of a drink. Soda, actually. You're bright, silly, probably a bit foolish and unhealthy, very uncontrollable... and yet, very enjoyable."
You know what's coming next. Same as always.
"Finally, Peki," Hero says, "You remind me of steak. Simple, plain, and absolutely perfect."
"Aww, Hero," you say, "You're too kind. Thank you."
"S-sure," he says, blushing, "Sorry, I just... felt the need to say all of that."
You can tell that your radiantly positive attitude has infected him, just slightly. You smile back. You've helped him. Yet another repetitive boss battle, this time against a gigantic sprout mole... you and your friends unleash your ultimate attack, killing him with ease. You're so happy to have them with you. As you walk out towards Hero's house, he suddenly runs in front of you and takes a picture.
"Say cheese, losers!" he snickers, quickly taking a picture, "Ah, dang... it's blurry. Oh well."
"Ha! Who's the loser now, huh?" Kel says, "Here, lemme look."
"Yeah, I wanna see, too!" Aubrey says, "I love seeing Hero's failures!"
"No, me!" Kel says, shoving Aubrey away.
"Umm... guys?" you say, "You can just... wait your turn."
"No!" both of them shout back.
"You're gonna make him drop the photos," Basil says.
This then proceeds to happen as Kel and Aubrey push each other, and Hero, to the ground."
"Called it," Basil says, "Freakin' morons."
"Oh my goodness!" you yell, "Are you two alright?"
"F-fine..." Kel says, "No thanks to Aubrey."
"Shut it, Kel!" she spits back.
You and Basil exchange an exasperated glance and pick up Hero's photos.
"There we go," you say, assuring him, "Let's go inside and put them back into place, alright?"
"Ugh... fine," he says, "Thanks, Peki. Glad I have you around to cover up for my dumb friends' mistakes."
"You're a dumb mistake!" Kel says, sticking his tongue out.
Hero simply shrugs and keeps walking forward. You follow him into his small, run-down house. The walls are covered in various tacky decorations, the kitchen is stocked to the brim with ingredients and cooking utensils, and the table at the center of it all has a gigantic cake. It looks delicious... at least, to you.
"Eww..." Aubrey says, "Hero, it's gross in here!"
"Yeah, something smells awful," Kel says, "Oh, God, is it the cake?!"
"I think it is..." Basil groans, "Ugh, we're gonna have to eat it..."
"Yup!" Hero says, "Don't be such babies about it."
You all sit down and begin eating. The cake tastes wonderful, though the others seem to disagree. As you eat, you begin putting the photos back into place.
"There, good as new," you say, "See, Hero? Nothing to get too worried about."
"I wasn't worried..." he says, lying, "But... sure. Thanks."
Soon enough, you all finish your cake.
"Alright, well, that was fun, I guess," Hero says, taking the photo album with him as he gets up to leave, "We should probably head... back..."
A picture falls out of the photo album.
"...Huh?" Hero says, picking the photo up, "I guess you must've... not attached this one properly, Peki."
You laugh nervously. "Umm... I'm certain I did. I... am perfect, after all. You must've done something. It must be... your..."
"Wait... what the hell?" Hero says, cutting you off, "This... did I take this photo?"
Something seeps out from his body, black like tar, threatening to consume everyone whole.
"It seems... so familiar..." Hero says.
"H-Hero," you plead, "Put the photo down. Now. You're..."
You snap under the pressure.
"You're just going to ruin everything!" you yell, "You... worthless, useless monster! You can't turn back now, you'll hurt everyone! You... I-I... can't..."
"Right... I remember..." he begins to say, "It's not your fault. It wasn't an accident. She... she was too stressed. She broke under the pressure. Mari, she—"
[ P̸h̸o̷t̷o̸ ̵o̶f̵ ̸a̶ ̴M̴i̸s̸t̵a̶k̴e̵ ]
[ W̴̻̍͘e̴̳͒̆ ̸̥̹͛̀s̵͍̏e̷̝̿ȩ̵͍̃̓ ̵̦͑a̴̙̋͗ ̶̨͓͝g̶̣͛ḭ̸̺̂r̷̡̤͋l̶̩̺͒ ̴͔̃w̷̝̫͋͘ị̸̜͂͝t̸̺͍͂͛h̸͎̽͐ ̸̗̔l̷̺͕̿ô̶͍̱n̸͉͉̐g̶̤̟̚ ̵̘̞͋b̷̩̥͊ḽ̸̦͋̈́a̸͈̓̔c̶̦̦̉͠k̶̡̄̄ ̸͖̼̔͝ḥ̵̐͛a̷̮͋͠ḯ̸͖̘͠r̶͇̘̉,̴̢̫͆ ̶͉̙̕ś̵̭͐e̶̜̖̾̈́a̶̭̒̚ͅt̷̯̬̕e̵̙̚ḍ̴̄ ̵͓̈́̔ä̵̪́̽t̶͇́̈́ ̷̧͍̽̎a̵̳͗̐ ̶̳̀̽p̷̞̉i̶̥͂̎ã̵̯͝ṋ̸̃͂o̵̡̊.̷̤̌ Á̶̛ͅ ̴̖̓ÿ̶̲͙́̎ǫ̵̈́̔ͅǘ̸̲n̵͇͑̂ǧ̴̱̽ ̵̭̫̑b̵̮̮̓̈́ǫ̵̽ÿ̶͕̪́ ̶͚̀̊w̴̗͠ĩ̸̦͝t̸̮̅̆ḧ̵̥͉̽ ̶͖̊s̵̡̛h̸̤̉́o̸̟̪͗͘ṛ̵̹̋̐t̶͚̤͒̑ ̵̖̍̽b̵̺̥̓̑l̸͎͈̑a̴̬̽ć̷̯̳̆k̴̦͐͆ ̸̧̃̚h̷͉͝a̶̖̮̋̓í̷̡r̵̡̟̋̿ ̸̗͛͆ṡ̶̥t̷̼̾͒ȧ̸̖͚̎n̶̟̑ͅd̷͖̈́s̶͎͎͝ ̶̮̎b̶̙͑͊e̶̍͜ș̴͋i̴̞͗͋d̷̤̑e̷̱̭͝ ̴͈̹̈̇h̵͉̐̓e̷̺͂͂r̴̳̊,̴͙͎̉͝ ̴̥̈́̃h̸͍̻͂͊o̷̜͒l̸̥̾̅d̷̠̔i̸͖͌n̵̮̈g̴̱͇̍ ̵͗̐ͅa̸̻̹̓ ̵̲͎͂̈́v̷̙̀̍i̴͎̓̽o̶͈̬͗l̸̙̐i̴̳̹͐́ṉ̴͉͝.̸͔̖͑ T̵͚̩̋ẖ̵͋͝e̷̛̞̜̕ ̵̜̿g̶̯̔͜î̸̗̆r̷͔̆ḽ̶̡̄ ̶̦͓̉ä̸͇́p̸̡̆͜p̶̛̟͝ë̵̖͈a̵͓̼͛r̵̺̣̿̓s̵̟̃̅͜ ̸̾ͅṭ̸̞̓ó̸̡͙ ̸̲̚b̴̈͜è̷̝̃͜ ̵̳̰̇f̴̰͔̓r̷͍̞̀͒u̸̇͜s̵̖͚͐̈́t̸̹͕̎͘r̷̰͂ạ̶̗̾̓t̴͓͎͑ȇ̷̖̪͘d̶͇̙̋̈.̶̳̏ ]
You're back in White Space. You can feel something all around you. You run around wildly, panicked, searching for something... anything. The only other living thing here is Mewo, and the horns, if you want to call them "alive." You open your computer... nothing but static. Your tissues do nothing to ease the way you feel. You're crying profusely. Your sketchbook has a new drawing... that horrible, horrible monster. SOMETHING. You don't know what it is. Why do you feel this way? What... what's even happening right now?
You take out your shield and stare at your reflection. You see every flaw, every mistake, every blemish, everything magnified. You are flawed. You are imperfect. You cannot help them. You... no, you just... need to heal. You can make things better. Peki's kisses always make things better.
You kiss your reflection and wake up.
You wake up. You hate that, but you're awake. There's a couple of reasons for why you hate being awake. Of course, there's the fact that here, you're not Peki. You're just... you. Regular, flawed you. Another reason is... everything is so damn blurry here. Not in a literal, vision-based sense, but something deeper than that. It feels like time passes by at an ever-changing rate. Some moments last hours, some days last microseconds. You feel like you're constantly fading in and out, only half-conscious, if that at all.
Something is sticking to your face. It's a sleep mask bearing two open eyes. You take it off. You take your phone from your nightstand and check the time and date. In your drowsy state, the light nearly blinds you, and what it holds shocks you. Four... four years. Had it really been four years? You can hardly believe it, but it turns out... that's exactly the case. Four years have passed by... basically without you noticing. It terrifies you how much your perception of reality has been skewed. In your dreams, everything is clear... you just want to go back to sleep.
You're hungry, though. Not very; you've been eating... but you're still too hungry to sleep. You... know how to cook of course. You're Peki, you're... perfect. No, you're not Peki. Are you? Who... who are you? Your head feels fuzzy... you look around yourself. It's nighttime... you stare into your handheld mirror, and despite everything you feel, you smile, trying to be Peki, trying to be Mari.
Your smile quivers up and down, clearly taking immense effort. Everything... everything is so out of focus. Probably... probably just from hunger, right? Easy enough. You walk downstairs. The bottom of the staircase reminds you of a lie. There is only one door, off to your left. The practice room. To the right, there is nothing. You walk into the living room. Jet-black tendrils exude from outside... probably just a trick of the light. You take a moment to admire your family portrait. It's you, your mother, and your father. A happy family, despite everything. You are smiling.
Your smile was protecting them. You cannot falter; if you do, they might learn the truth... it would break their hearts. You have to keep taking the blame, for their sakes. You walk into the kitchen and turn the lights on. You check the fridge... stocked shelves. You've helped them. Through your sacrifice, you have kept your family together. Everyone is happy because of you. You examine a package of meat... a steak. An odd midnight snack, but it would work just fine.
You take out a cutting board and place the steak onto it. You recall some bits of information... so hazy, so distant... you feel like you learned them from Hero, or from Mari. A recipe, herbs and spices, seasoning... you coat the raw meat in a layer of these things, placing it into a frying pan, landing with a sickening wet sound. You turn on the stove and watch the meat begin to cook, slowly turning from red to brown. You like your steak medium-well.
You feel like you've forgotten something. An ingredient? Or maybe... something more. An awful truth. No, maybe it's something more mundane. Did you... forget to do something? You recall seeing a bright red sign on someone's lawn, a crashing, terrible feeling... panic... no, you couldn't've had a panic attack. You're Peki. You're... perfect. What happened after that? What did you forget?
Steam rises off of the steak, invading your nostrils, filling the room like fog. It whisps around and forms a vaguely humanoid figure.
"Silly little brother..." a voice says, "So forgetful... so flawed... people always said we're so much alike. If only that wasn't true. I want you to be better than me, Sunny."
Oh, hey!
Mari's home!
Wait... what?
You wake up right where you were. You... fell asleep? You're very confused. Everything is dark. The light switch doesn't seem to work. The door to the dining room is locked. The cabinets and the fridge are empty, though, that's not what you're focused on.
There's a horrible voice. You're absolutely terrified... no, you can't be terrified. You can't be terrified. That's a negative emotion, a horribly negative emotion. You stumble forward, trying to avoid the voice, but it follows you wherever you go.
The door to the main hallway is locked, too, as is your front door.
An eerie red glow emanates from the television. The horns... the thorns...
You find it. Your precious hand mirror. Your golden shield.
You stare at your terrified reflection... you place a healing kiss onto your own lips. Peki's kisses always make things better.
The door to the backyard opens. It's your only way forward. You step outside, brandishing your handheld mirror like a weapon, like a shield.
You're not sure why this voice is acting like Mari is dead. Mari is safe at her picnic blanket in the Vast Hollow. Outside, the sky is blood-red. You step forward. SOMETHING is all around you, its octopus-like form spreading its tentacles in lines of black void which beat with a pulse. Thin black lines, symbolic of noise, chase you from behind, surrounding you.
You don't know what Hero has to do with any of this. You approach a tree in your backyard... it has a haunting aura.
You're hit in the back by a gigantic soundwave. You turn to face the monster... it has a horrible smile. You feel your whole body vibrate violently, like you're standing in the middle of an earthquake. You feel your eardrums rupture further and further with every screech and shout the monster yells at you. You attacks do nothing. You're terrified.
"Sunny..." the same voice from before says, "You cannot stop being terrified if you refuse to accept that you're even terrified in the first place. You are scared, Sunny. You have to realize that you're scared."
You focus in on your fear. It feels horrible... you're not supposed to feel anything bad.
"Good, now..." the voice says, "Steady your breathing. You're not perfect, Sunny."
You learn how to CALM DOWN. You breathe in and out, slowly but surely lowering your anxiety.
The monster disappears.
You're slumped down on the floor, leaning against a cabinet. Something is burning.
"Sunny... Sunny?!" a woman's voice yells, "Oh my God, are you okay?!"
"Shit... wait... Sunny!" a man's voice shouts, "What's going on?!"
A woman runs into the kitchen, twisting the knobs of a strange square device. An oven. A stove? Where are you?
"I'm... sorry..." you mumble, "I... killed... Mari..."
"Oh, sweetie, please," the woman says, heartbroken, "Jackson, open a window."
You're enveloped in a hug. It feels just as horrible and undeserved as all the others you've been given.
"It's okay, sweetie," the woman says, "Mommy is here. You're okay. Sweetie, did you take your pill?"
Right. That's what you've forgotten. You feel so stupid, so flawed for forgetting.
"I'm... sorry..." you say, "All I do is... ruin everything..."
"Sunny, you—" the man begins, coughing, waving a towel like a flag, "You're... you're alright, bud. Just... calm down, okay?"
You steady your breathing. It's difficult, given the fog... no, steam... the steam in the air. Eventually, it dissipates. The man hugs you as well, holding a glass of water.
"Here, Sunny," he says, "Drink this and... well, it's late, but you really need this."
You take a sip from the glass and swallow something that the man places in your mouth.
"...God, I..." he says, "It's been so long since you've had an attack like this. Sunny, did something happen?"
You think back, trying to clear the horribly thick fog from your mind.
"Hero... Kel..." you say, "They're... moving. I... got really scared... a-and... I panicked... and..."
You mumble your words out through tears.
"That's... horrible..." she says, "Alright, sweetie... how... how about this? We'll get you to bed and... in the morning, you'll go and visit them."
"Hero... doesn't want to come out..." you say.
"We'll break his door down if we have to," your father says, "I mean... clearly this means a lot to you."
It does. It means everything. You're still crying profusely, wiping your tears.
"I... got hungry..." you say, "Tried to... make myself something... too useless..."
"Sweetie, please... don't say things like that..." your mother reassures you, "H-here, I'll... I'll... bring you upstairs. Honey, can you... get Sunny something to eat?"
"Sure," your father says, "Anything you have in mind, Sunny?"
"A s-sandwich..." you say, "Sandwich... would be nice."
"Alright," he says, "I can make you a sandwich. You can... have a snack, and then go right back to sleep. Alright?"
You nod. He ruffles your hair playfully.
"There we go," he says, "There's nothing to be afraid of. Just a fire alarm."
Your mother carries you upstairs like a child. Their care for you sends such horribly mixed signals into your brain: one side says that you don't deserve this since it's all laid onto a false premise, the other side accepts their love... since you need it so dearly. That second half of you is the half that acknowledges your flaws. It is muffled to the point of nearly being muted.
As you're laid down to rest in your bed, horrible memories flash through your brain, only barely broken by the feeling of your mother's soft lips upon your forehead. She stays with you in your room and you lie under the covers, still breathing a bit heavily. She whispers reassurances... same as always. After a few minutes, your father walks in, too, handing you a sandwich.
"Here, eat up," he says, "It's not good to take meds on an empty stomach."
You eat the sandwich and feel refreshed. It reminds you of a broken, traitorous man. A recluse who lives in his parents' house at the age of 19.
"Th-thanks..." you mutter, "You're... all too nice to me... I'm... sorry... I killed... Mari..."
Your parents just sigh.
"Sunny, you... you need to get some rest..." your mom says, "It's okay. We've told you so many times... it's okay, alright? Just get some sleep, and... let your medication help you."
You nod silently.
"Good boy," she says, "You're very brave... we'll... let you get some rest, now. We love you, Sunny."
"I... love you... too..." you mumble, absolutely exhausted.
Your parents exit your room. Everything is quiet. Sleep comes to you easily.
You're back in White Space, back to being Peki. You check your computer... sure enough, there it is. Exactly on schedule, as always. The letters, their locations given in cryptic clues, the phrase that they spell a total mystery to you. Though, you know you've heard it before. Off in the distance, something falls. You walk past the red horns and pick it up... just a map of Headspace.
You sigh, rubbing your face and your temples, psyching yourself up. You smile. You're happy. You can help them. Through the suppression of the truth, you can keep them happy. Blissfully ignorant. This is what's best. You step through the door into Headspace.
Once again, you are greeted by three of your friends: Aubrey, Kel, and Basil.
"Peki!" they all yell, running up and hugging you, much to your surprise.
"O-oh!" you say, "It's... good to see you all. Is everything alright?"
"N-no!" Kel says, "Hero... he's gone missing!"
"Missing...?" you say in a falsely shocked tone, "Oh, dear... we'll have to find him. How long has he been missing for?"
"Just... a few hours, I guess..." Aubrey says, "I... I'm worried about him, I-I mean, not that I really even liked being around him, but I want to make sure he's okay!"
"Aww..." you say, petting her hair, "Look at you all... you're more genuine than I've ever seen you before."
"W-well," Basil stammers, "I mean... we have to make sure he's alright, otherwise Mari will get super sad, and that's just a pain to deal with."
"Mmm, right," you say, "Well, let's meet up with her... she can brief me on the situation, and we can search the Hollow together!"
You smile brightly. Your radiant positivity infects your friends. You see slight smiles cross their faces... they're so happy, so beautiful... you want to keep them like this forever.
"Yeah!" Kel says, "We can find him! Let's... let's go!"
You climb down the ladder yet again. This tree is the one that Mari—
You reach the bottom. To the west is the Pyrefly Hollow. To the north, Deep Hell. To the east, Alterworld. And, of course, to the south... the playground, though the entryway is blocked by a floating letter. You collect it... though it seems to leave behind a puddle of the ink it was written in. You walk down to see Mari sitting alone on the picnic blanket. She's crying profusely.
"Oh... my darling... my sweet Hero..." she says, her tears flooding the playground, mixing with the constant rain.
"Mari!" you yell, rushing over to her, "Mari, it's alright, I'm here! Peki is here... I can help you!"
She keeps crying. You kiss her forehead... your special brand of magic.
"Peki's kisses always make things better, right?" you say.
"Mmm... mhmm..." she says, barely holding together, "Peki... the others probably told you, but... Hero is gone... my... my love is missing!"
"Shh, it's okay..." you say, "We're going to find him! But, I need you to tell me everything you know. Where did you see him last?"
"I-I..." she mumbles, "You all... left to go eat cake at his house, a-and then... a little bit later, everything just... went white... and when it went back to normal, Hero was gone!"
"I... see..." you say, feigning showing concern, "Well, that's alright. We'll search however much we need to!"
You turn to face your friends.
"Come on, everybody!" you say, "We'll start by checking the whole Vast Hollow, top to bottom! Let's go!"
You lead your solemn friends, smiling as wide as you can. As you look in a floating mirror, they glare coldly behind you. First, you check Hero's house... it is not only empty, but entirely desolate, dilapidated even by the standards of Headspace. Next, you check the main stretch of the Hollow, fighting bunnies and sprout moles along your way. Nothing to be found, unfortunately. Even at the train station, there's nothing of note other than the massive line.
Eventually you arrive at the docks... a calm, eerie place, the metal docks sit just a foot above the blood ocean, and by extension, Deep Hell. Kel groans in annoyance.
"Man, we're running in circles!" he says, "Hero isn't anywhere around here!"
"Guys, I'm kind of worried..." Aubrey says, "What if... Hero is gone for good?"
"He'll... show up eventually, right?" Basil says, "Maybe... maybe if we wait?"
"Now, now, everyone," you say reassuringly, "We cannot give up hope just because things haven't gone as well as we hoped they would. We have to stay strong, for Hero's sake! Maybe... maybe he isn't even in the Vast Hollow at all! Hero might've gone off to Alterworld, for all we know!"
"Alterworld...?" Aubrey says, "Why would he be there?"
"I dunno, my brother's kind of a weirdo," Kel replies, "Maybe he likes all those stupid loud noises..."
"Ugh, do we have to?" Basil says, "Can't we just wait for Hero to come back?"
"No!" you say, "We have to go and find him, just like always!"
You stare out blankly, realizing your mistake.
"What...?" Kel begins to say.
"Onwards, friends!" you say, cutting him off, "We have to find Hero!"
You begin walking back to the treehouse with your friends in step closely behind you. As you reach Mari's picnic, you wave at her and tell her that you're headed off to Alterworld. She's unresponsive, still crying... you hope you can help her. Or, well, there's no need to hope; you know you can! You are Peki. Your radiant, wood-and-string self sticks out from this horrible world like a sore thumb. You are Headspace's beacon. You are perfect.
You walk towards the entrance to Alterworld; an elevator lined with neon tubing, looking as though it came straight out of a sci-fi movie. It reeks of tackiness and excess. You look up to see Alterworld... the spotlights, the fireworks, the distant sound of rave music. An eternal party.
"Do we... seriously... have to do this?" Basil asks, "I... don't like places that loud."
"We have to do this for Hero," you say, pushing the others along, "Come on, don't get cold feet on me!"
You walk into the elevator as the others begrudgingly follow along. You are shot up into the air at a breakneck speed, poor choice of words, and quickly arrive. As you step out onto the Alterworld Campsite, you see dozens of people milling about, drunk out of their minds, throwing glowsticks, lighting fireworks, and generally just causing havoc and destruction.
"Oh, how lovely!" you say, "My, compared to the Vast Hollow, this place is so bright and happy!"
"Err.. I wouldn't say they're happy," Basil sighs, "More like... tired and emotional."
"Oh, c'mon!" you say, "Think about how much fun we can have here!"
"We're... not old enough to drink, though..." Kel says.
"Yeah, we're... kids..." Aubrey says.
"Oh, nonsense!" you say, "Come on, live a little! If a bit of beer is what you need to be happy, then go ahead! I think I see Mari just up ahead... let's meet up with her, then we can have some fun while we look for Hero!"
You laugh to yourself. Soon enough, you'd turn their gloomy faces into bright smiles! Sure, they'd be a bit tipsy, but they'd be smiles nonetheless! Anything to help your friends smile. You walk over to Mari, sitting at a blanket, crying and covering her ears.
"Hello, sister!" you say, "Glad to see you followed us up here... oh, dear, you don't seem to be doing alright."
"I... can't really hear you!" she says, "It's... so loud... here... I feel like everyone is shouting at me... telling me horrible things..."
"Oh, Mari..." you say, concerned, kneeling down to her, "Do I have to kiss your forehead again?"
"M-maybe..." she says, "It... couldn't hurt."
You kiss her forehead. Your positivity infects her.
"Hehe..." she chuckles, "O-okay, maybe it isn't so bad here. The colors are really pretty!"
"I agree," you say, "Don't worry, you can just sit right here, and we're gonna find Hero!"
"O-okay!" she says, "I'll be here... at my picnics... if you ever need to recharge, you can come here!"
You smile brightly, though your friends still seem off-put by everything. You begin walking around aimlessly. There are various houses, though all are incredibly crowded and in a state of rave-induced disarray. There's a family of duck-rabbits with a missing son, an obsessive fan of an annoying-looking girl, a very tiny centaur, and plenty of other weird characters... none of them are Hero, though. Plenty of enemies, too... wormholes and UFOs, covered in blinking lights, bopping along to the beat of the music.
Circling back, just north of the campsite is a crescent-moon-shaped house. In front of it stands a burly-looking bouncer.
"...Ugh, I don't think we should talk to this guy..." Kel says, "Let's... find another wa—"
"Good evening, friend!" you shout, "Me and my friends here would like to enter this party!"
"Show me your invites," the man replies simply.
"...Invites?" you lament, "Oh, dear..."
"Well, this was fun while it lasted," Aubrey says, "Guess we'll go back home."
"Great!" Basil says, "I'm already sick of this place."
"A-a-ah," you say, "Not so fast. Party bouncer, my friend, is there any way we could enter without an invite?"
"No invite, no entry," he replies, "We don't cotton to freaks 'round these parts. Scram."
"Mmm... I see," you say, "Children, you might wish to avert your eyes for this next part."
You shove the bouncer into a nearby wall, placing your palms flat against it, trapping him between your arms.
"Wh-what the heck?!" he yells.
"Oh, dear..." you say, "Your face... it isn't smiling. That's more of a frown, actually. We can't be having that. Here, let me heal you."
You plant a kiss onto his forehead.
"Y-you... creep!" he says, "What's wrong with you?!"
"Mmm..." you say, disappointed, "You must be really broken. I'll have to be more direct. Hold still, darling."
You kiss him on the lips, putting as much effort into your magic as you possibly can. The man slumps to the floor with a vacant, goofy smile.
"Yay!" you cheer, "We can go to the party, now!"
"Uhh... yeah," Kel says, "I guess that worked. That's really stupid, though... we could've just killed him."
"If it's stupid, and it works," you say, "...then it isn't stupid."
"Let's just get in and out of here," Basil sighs, "We'll check for Hero and then leave."
You walk up the staircase into the mysterious house. This seems to be the source of the music... your eardrums would be rupturing if you weren't so perfect. It also seems to be where the majority of the crowd is. It also also seems to be where the majority of the liquor is.
"Oh, hey, everyone, look!" you say, walking over to the racks and reading the labels, "My, this is quite the library of spirits! Anything you all would like in particular?"
"I'll pass," Aubrey says.
"Same," Kel says.
"Yeah, let's just go home," Basil says, "I don't like parties."
"Oh, dear..." you lament, "It seems as though the fun police have arrived. Oh, dear, does anyone have some bricks for me to throw? At the fun police? Everyone! Get down and cover your eyes, the tear gas shall soon be arriving! Because... the fun police are here! This party has been very fun, but all good things must come to an end, I suppose, because now the FUN POLICE have come here. I'll be honest, I don't quite like police! I think they are a poor method of enforcing justice, especially the fun police. You know what I say? FUCK THE POLICE!"
"Fuck the police!" someone else in the crowd says.
"Fuck the police!" another person says.
Soon enough, everybody has joined in, yelling "fuck the police," with the confidence of people who have already been to jail and aren't afraid of it anymore.
"Jesus Christ," Kel says, "Fine. Give me like... I dunno, some kind of martini."
"Ah, that's the spirit!" you say, pouring him a glass, "Pun intended. Here, this is a good one. What about you, Aubrey? Basil?"
"Just... wine, I guess," she says.
"A beer?" Basil says, "That's... plant-based, so maybe I'll like it."
"Ah, fair warning," you say, "Beer tastes like piss. Wine, too, tastes bad... like a bunch of old grapes. Since, well... that's what it is! It isn't about the taste, though; it's about being happy!"
You hand them their drinks.
"Enjoy!" you say, "Personally, I'll be having... mmm, let's see..."
You scan the racks for the most perfect drink among them. One crystal-clear concoction jumps out to you.
"Vodka!" you proclaim, "Transparent and pure! Absolutely perfect... just like me!"
You and the kids begin drinking, walking around while scanning the crowd for Hero.
"See anybody?" Kel asks.
"Plenty!" you reply coyly, "No Heroes, though. How's everyone feeling?"
"Kinda... fuzzy," Basil says, "It's really loud in here."
"Ah, you'll get used to it," you reply, "Come on, let's keep looking!"
You all keep drinking and walking around. Eventually, walking up to the second floor, you find yourself in a small bedroom. There appears to be a bedridden person... they're breathing steadily. Someone stands beside the bed, appearing to be panicked.
"Ah, my apologies!" you say, "Wrong room. We'll leave."
"N-no!" the person standing beside the bed says, "A-actually... I could use some help."
"Help?" you say, your eyes lighting up with joy, "Absolutely!"
"Ugh... really, Peki?" Aubrey says, "You... always try to help everybody... freakin' weirdo."
"Yeah, what the heck, Peki?!" Kel says, "Hehe... heck Peki. Hecki? Hecki hecki..."
"Man, you were right," Basil says, "This does taste like piss. Not that I've ever drank piss before, but this really does taste like it."
"Umm... are they okay?" the bedside person says.
"Oh, them?" you ask, "They're better than ever! Look at those smiles!"
True enough, the three of their faces bear tipsy grins.
"Let's get back on track, though," you say, "What's your problem? And... I suppose, more politely, what's your name? My name is Peki!"
"O-oh..." the bedside person says, "I-I'm... Rodney. Second in command of the Space Roadies!"
"Oooooooh!" you say, stars in your eyes, "That's so cool! The Space Roadies... amazing!"
"Y-yeah," Rodney says, "Except, well... our first in command, DJ SADBOY, he's kinda..."
"SWEETHURT!!!" a horribly drunken voice yells from beneath the covers, "Sweethurt, you... fuckin' bitch... leaving me... I did everything for her... and she just hits me and cheats on me... calls me a creep 'cause I got fuckin'... ugh... then she goes and ruuuuuuuns away, probably off to fuck some... other guy... damn whore..."
"Yeah, that," Rodney says, "It's pretty bad."
"Oof, yeah," you say, turning to the other three, "Children, umm... don't remember any of those words, alright!"
"Fuck!" Kel says.
"Whore! Bitch!" Aubrey yells.
"Shit!" Basil adds.
"That... wasn't even one of the ones he said..." you lament, "But, alright, I think I see the problem, Rodney. Just a simple case of heartaches! Something about this 'Sweethurt' girl..."
"Yeah, she's his ex-girlfriend," Rodney explains, "They broke up recently, and he isn't taking it well... at all. I've tried everything... but he's still so sad!"
"Oh, dear!" you say, "Well, that's no good. Here, let me—"
"Oh, nonononono," Rodney says, "Don't get too close to him... he'll straight up just... punch you. He doesn't want to be touched... at all."
"Ah... I see..." you say, "That's a problem. I usually help by giving people healing kisses. Are there any other leads we have to work off of?"
"Hmm..." Rodney says, "Well... the only other thing I can think of is... when Sweethurt and DJ Space—I mean, DJ Sadboy... when they had their anniversary, Sweethurt gave him a bottle of this really good and expensive wine. I think that might cheer him up, but... the problem is I can't find it anywhere around here!"
"Pssh," Kel says, "Well, dang, guess that's that then!"
"Yeah," Aubrey says, "S'been fun."
"You all are such spoilsports, honestly!" you pout, "Somebody probably just threw the bottle into the trash by mistake!"
"Hehe..." Basil says, "The trash... just like me~"
You sigh. At least they're smiling.
"That's... a good point, actually," Rodney says, "Umm... I know it's a lot to ask, but if you could go search through the Trashheap, I'd really appreciate that! Here, I'll open up a shortcut..."
Rodney does some weird motions onto a wall, then suddenly, a doorway appears.
"...And here's the key!" he says.
"Thank you!" you say, "We won't disappoint! I live to help people, after all. Come on, children, it's time to go searching through a garbage dump!"
"Wohoo!" Basil says, "Three cheers for Peki, for being a responsible adult! Hip hip!"
"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Kel says.
"Who?" Aubrey asks.
You begin your journey through the Trashheap. Kel, in his drunken silliness, decides to just aimlessly dive into piles of trash searching for what you need... he finds little other than some recyclables. When you meet a roadblock, you recall how to TAG, switching control of the party over to Aubrey, who smashes things to bits with her nailbat. Kel, meanwhile, throws out baseballs with the force of a cannon. Basil takes the role of slashing away any stray plants or traffic cones which get in your way. As for you, you use your shield to redirect beams of light to solve puzzles... and to blind people, or roast them alive like ants under a magnifying glass.
Along the way, you're greeted by an annoying pink-bowed sprout mole, who says her name is Rosa. She seems to idolize this "Sweethurt" girl... whoever that is. And... she has DJ Sadboy's drink!
"H-hey, lady!" Kel says, "Drop... the bottle! We're the police, and we're gonna... arrest you!"
"Yeah, that bottle is private property!" Aubrey adds, "Man... you look like it'd be so much fun to beat you with my nailbat..."
"I'm gonna cut off your stem, bitch!" Basil says.
"Oh my!" Rosa says, "So uncivilized! Get away from me, heathens!"
"W-wait, don't ru—" you begin to say.
Rosa runs away, forcing you to chase after her. You and your friends sweat profusely... you aren't able to keep up with the tiny, quick-footed Rosa. That is, of course, until eventually, you reach an odd barrier that Rosa seems to be frozen behind. "DO NOT CROSS," it says, in bold letters.
"I'm gonna cross the line!" Kel says, "Yeah, I think that would be really funny. I'm gonna cross the line."
Kel steps over the line, and after a brief period of feeling like the world has come to a standstill, you fight off against... a giant... download... window? Sure, whatever. Though it crashes and burns, you manage to kill it. Rosa, still stuck in place.
"Yoink!" you say, swiping the bottle away from her, "I suppose we'll be trading one happy face for another... but, I don't like you very much, so I'm okay with that!"
"Haha, yeah!" Kel says, "Get wrecked, pink whore!"
Aubrey sticks her tongue out, mocking the still-frozen Rosa.
"Hehe..." Basil says, "Can I... cut her stem off? Seriously, I wanna do that so bad..."
"Wh-what?!" Rosa suddenly snaps back to reality, running around wildly, "Wh-what happened?! You... oh, you mongrels! You stole it back!"
"My insincerest apologies," you say, "But, we need to get this to DJ Sadboy! It's the only thing which will get him to get over his heartaches!"
"Ha!" Rosa says, "Oh, you really are dumb, aren't you? Who do you think threw it away in the first place? DJ Sadboy doesn't want it anymore! You've been wasting your time!"
"Oh... dear..." you say, "Really?"
"Yes, really!" Rosa says, "But, if you're so insistent on taking it anyways, fine! You'll live to regret this day... I'll make you pay, eventually! Mark my words, peons!"
Rosa runs away.
"Yeah, get outta here!" Aubrey says, "Ya damn floozy... Peki, you... you did good... don't let... her get to you..."
"Oh, it's alright, Kel," you say, "I'm just worried... how will we help DJ Sadboy now?"
"Let's... just go back to his house..." Basil says, "Maybe Rodney'll have some kind of idea..."
You begin a solemn walk back to where you started, being greeted by a strangely buff blue planet along the way, who gives you access to his space travel platforms and teaches Kel how to flex his muscles. The distractions are working... excellent. You greet Mari once again.
"O-oh... Peki..." she says, "You're back. You're... gonna help DJ Sadboy, right? He's heartbroken... just like me!"
She really does cry quite a lot. You kiss her forehead again.
"If I can help you, I can certainly help him," you say, "Don't worry, dearest sister. I can help you!"
She seems reassured by your kind words. You and your friends walk up to DJ Sadboy's house, wearing big, happy smiles on your faces as you barge into his room yet again.
"Alright, Rodney!" you say, "I got good news and I got bad news, what do you want first?"
"Ah!" he says, surprised by your sudden entry, "Umm... good news!"
"Good news is we found the wine," you say, "Zusammenbruch, 1978. Good year for vineyards; I had a sip myself, very nice."
You don't notice that Kel takes the bottle away from you.
"...The bad news is, DJ Sadboy threw it out himself," you continue, "So this probably won't do anything and we've all wasted our time. Ain't that a kick in the balls, eh? Well, you live and you learn. Are you suuuuuuure you don't want me to kiss him? From what I've seen in pictures, he's like, actually kinda ho—"
You're cut short by Kel rushing the bed, bottle in hand.
"Yo, DJ Sadboy!" he says, throwing away the covers, "Come get your juice, ya dumb couch potato!"
"W-wait, Kel!" you say.
"Kel, you fucking idiot!" Aubrey says.
"Kel!!!" Basil exclaims.
But it's too late. Kel is already pouring the bottle's contents directly into DJ Sadboy's mouth.
"Oh... oh no..." Rodney says, "Umm... hey, y'all? It's been fun, but I... gotta take a piss! See ya!"
Rodney runs out of the room. As the bottle finally empties into DJ Sadboy's gaping maw, he begins to cough and hack uncontrollably.
"What..." he says, "...the fuck is this garbage?! This is disgusting! It reminds me... of my bitch ex-girlfriend!"
DJ Sadboy suddenly stands up, glaring at you all menacingly. His hair is unkempt, his clothes are stained with liquor... he wobbles from side to side uncontrollably. But, despite that, his face is very well-defined. His voice is rough and gravelly. His body has a bit of musculature to it. Not to mention, his various colorful accouterments make him a shining image of a hype-raising DJ. But no longer is he DJ Sadboy. He is... DJ Bitchboy.
"Oh, you are hot!" you say, "Nice!"
"Y'know, I kinda feel like that's not our top priority right now," Basil laments.
"You!" DJ Bitchboy shouts, "Fuck you! You think you... you randos can just barge in here, forcing me to drink that shit?! I don't care about Sweethurt! She sucks! Y'all... get out of here! God, my head hurts... fuck..."
He's clearly drunk out of his mind. Luckily, you all are, too.
"We're not leaving until you smile for me!" you say, "Making people happy is my purpose in life... I won't quit!"
"Ha!" he says, "Well, then. Guess you'll just have to die for that! I could use a good fight right now... you'll soon learn who exactly it is you're trifling with..."
You all get into your battle stances.
"Prepare to feel the wrath..." he says, "...Of the lord of the Space Roadies!"
Time to fight! Everyone starts off HAPPY... that's great! You attack DJ Bitchboy with everything you've got... all you need to do is knock him out, then you can heal him! With Kel's annoyance, you make DJ Bitchboy ANGRY to give yourselves an emotional advantage... though, the sad music that he hums does make a few of you... well, SAD. You keep shaving off chunks of his HEART.
"Fools!" he says, "You cannot placate me... who the fuck even are you?! Just some randos... you don't belong at this party! Cool guys only!"
He is now locked into being ANGRY. You have Basil lower his SPEED through his VINES skill. You KISS your friends to heal their HEART. You're determined to keep going.
"I don't care about Sweethurt!" DJ Bitchboy says, "She... cheated on me... she hit me! She was horrible! I hope she dies in a fire! She dumped me... just cause I don't have the... right stuff... fuck her!"
DJ Bitchboy has become ENRAGED. He forces you to become SAD... oh dear, this won't do at all. You smile despite the negative emotion. Soon enough, though, Aubrey has cheered you back into being HAPPY. You keep attacking, relentlessly, all in the hope of easing this poor soul's heartaches.
"Sweethurt... Sweethurt!" he says, "Y'know what?! I'll fuckin' kill her myself if I have to! And you... you all are just getting in my way! What, are you gonna... protect her? Perfect, pretty Sweethurt? Fuck you! She's a monster! How dare you care about her!"
DJ Bitchboy has become FURIOUS. You can feel the heat in the room reach a boiling point... or perhaps that's just the vodka running through your veins. You're getting tired... totally exhausted, actually. You can't keep this up for much longer... you just want to lie down and go to sleep. You can almost feel your smile quivering... no! That can't be! You resolve to end this battle quickly... you save up your ENERGY and unleash you ultimate attack, alongside your drunken friends.
"Agh!" DJ Bitchboy says, crumpling down to the floor, "You... can't... be serious. Oh, God... I..."
He pauses, beginning to cry.
"My heart..." he says, "It... hurts..."
You see DJ Bitchboy's hair begin to change, alongside his expression.
"Wh-what... just happened?" he says, "Ugh, did I blackout? Please tell me I didn't drink perfume again..."
"I don't know about that," you say, "But you did just get into a fight with us. Don't worry, though, we won!"
"Oh... dang..." he says, "S-sorry about that. I'm... not really me when I'm drunk like that. My name is... DJ Spaceboy. What's yours?"
"Peki," you say, "This is Kel, Aubrey, and Basil. We came here looking for our friend, but we... sort of got distracted with your whole deal. Are you feeling better?"
"Oh... yeah..." Aubrey says, "Right, Hero... I forgot."
"Uhh... I'm feeling... fine, I guess..." DJ Spaceboy says, "God, I'm sorry. Are you all hurt?"
"Not too badly!" Kel says, "I'm tough; I'll survive."
"I've been through worse," Basil shrugs.
"You say you're looking for your friend..." DJ Spaceboy says, "What's their name? What do they look like?"
"His name is Hero," you say, "He's a teenager, tall, red hair, likes cooking. Versatile and universally loved."
"Hmm..." DJ Spaceboy says, "I'm sorry, I don't think I've seen anyone like that. I'll tell my crew to look out, though! I mean, after all, I kinda owe you all a solid."
"Aww, thank you," you say, "You're very kind. I'm glad we could help out."
"Yeah..." he says, "I, umm... think I'm gonna get everyone here to leave. Cancel the party, y'know? I think I should... go for a walk, maybe drink some coffee. I'm gonna have one hell of a hangover."
"Good luck with that, friend!" you say, "I should probably do the same with the kids, here."
"Pssh, we're fine," Kel says, "I'm not drank!"
"Drunk," Aubrey corrects.
"I like guys," Basil says, blank-faced.
"Yeah, you all need some rest," you say, "It's been fun, DJ Spaceboy. I hope we can see you again!"
You wave him goodbye and return to the campsite. Within just a few minutes, everyone disperses. The party's over. You walk over to Mari, still sitting comfortably at her picnic.
"P-Peki!" she says, "You all seem... hurt. What happened?"
"Oh, we just ended up fighting him," you say, "It's fine, though! He's back to normal. He smiled!"
Mari laughs, smiling too.
"That's great," she says, "Did he... know anything about where Hero is?"
"I'm afraid not," you say, "But, that just means we need to check some more places! He said he'd keep an eye out, though. Keep your hopes up, Mari, I'm sure we'll find him!"
"Yeah, we're gonna get your BF back!" Kel says, "Then you two can... y'know..."
Kel grossly sticks his tongue out, wiggling it around in a childish imitation of a passionate kiss.
"Eww, Kel!" Aubrey says, "Gross!"
"Heheh," Kel says, "I'm fuckin' hilarious."
"Yeah..." Basil laughs.
"They seem, umm..." Mari says, "Happy! That's good. Maybe you should... take them back to the treehouse to get some rest, though?"
"That was the plan," you say, "Come on, everyone! You're drunk, let's go home."
You begin walking south, back to the entrance to the space elevator.
Something catches your eye. A shadowy figure, walking west... you follow after it into the corn maze.
Your friends are gone.
You are all alone.
Checking the way back, there is nothing there.
What happened?
You walk around aimlessly, following the figure wherever it goes. In little alcoves, you find remnants of past events. Memories? Something, surely. They're bittersweet. They feel like happiness which you can no longer feel. The shadowy figure leads you into a barn, inside which is a beautiful painting. You touch it and find yourself transported into another world.
A long, black hallway. A music stand. A portrait of a happy family. Sheet music.
You turn away.
Something chases after you.
Hero clutches an album hero is afraid hero is guilty hero hero hero hero hero
You return to White Space.
It's cold.
SOMETHING is with you.
You KISS your reflection.
You wake up.
It's morning. You feel well-rested, well-fed... honestly, you feel well. Not happy, though... but despite that, you still smile. You can see it in the reflection of your handheld mirror. You take a moment to gather yourself... your medication gives you clarity, direly needed clarity. Not perfect clarity, but at least with the pill in your stomach, you're not wandering around half-dead wondering how five minutes were actually three weeks.
You focus in on your memories, using this newfound clarity. Your name is Sunny Suzuki. You are 16 years old, and you are a perfectly healthy teenage boy. You have a mother named Lily and a father named Jackson. You used to have a sister named Mari, but... well, you don't remember the specifics, but you killed her, and it was an accident. Since then, you've changed. You're an outgoing individual, the kind of person who spends most of their time outside, just... doing things. Whatever your heart wishes to do, really. You're a jack of all trades, so whatever you do, you do it well. You greet every day with a smile. When someone feels sad, you kiss their forehead and give them a hug, and that makes everything better. Sure, people will call you names and insult you, but that's fine. You are Faraway's scapegoat. You take all the suffering onto yourself so they can be happy. You are the sacrifice.
Let's see, what else? You recall that you need to do something... some sort of deadline... oh, right! Kel and Hero are moving away! Sure, it's been a while since you've really talked with them, and from what you can tell, Kel, just like everyone else, seems to dislike you, but you're still friends! If he hates you, that just means he's feeling sad... and if he's feeling sad, that means he needs one of Peki's Sunny's magic healing kisses! You do miss your friends... well, you see them every night, but you'd like to see them during the daytime, too! You get dressed and brush your teeth. Minty fresh, as always. You walk downstairs to have breakfast with your parents.
"Hey hey, there's my little champion!" your father says, "How ya feelin'?"
"A... a lot better," you say, "Thanks for... helping me out... last night."
"Aww, it's nothing, sweetie," your mother says, "We'll always take care of you when we can, but... well, me and your father were talking, and we're a bit worried..."
You sit down and begin eating.
"Hmm? Why?" you ask.
"Well, Sunny, y'know..." your father says, "We're not always gonna be here to help you out. We're just worried, like... what's gonna happen once you get your own house, and you're on your own?"
"My own house?" you chuckle... the thought seems so distant, "I mean... I'm capable. I can cook, and do laundry, and everything."
"That's... great, sweetie," you mother says, nervously, "Really, it is, but that's not what we mean. What if you have a panic attack and you're all alone?"
"...Hmm," you say, unable to think of anything else.
"Yeah, I mean..." your father says, "I... I don't want to scare you, but if we weren't home last night... you might've burned the house down."
"I'm sorry if we sound paranoid, or... if it sounds like we're just trying to stress you out," your mother says, "But... we're just very... worried about you. It's been four years, and it seems like... you still have some guilt over what happened."
"...A little," you say.
"Has your... umm..." your father begins, "Dang, what did Mallow call it? Dissociation?"
"Dissociative amnesia, dear," your mother corrects.
"Right, that," your father says, "How... how is that going?"
Right. You recall your therapist giving you that diagnosis. The day of the incident had been blacked out in your memory, so traumatic that you have entirely forgotten about it, with only the haziest of details remaining. Apparently, it's quite a common occurrence for people in your situation.
"Same as always, I guess," you say, "I can't remember anything. I can remember the day before, and the day after, but... nothing in between."
"It might be for the best, honestly," your father says, "That's... a horrible thing to have to remember. I still have nightmares about what I saw, honestly."
"Me too..." your mother laments.
There's a chill in the air. Your father coughs.
"Alright, screw this," your father says, "It's too early for us all to be moping around. Sunny, you're gonna visit Kel and Hero today, right?"
"Oh?" you say, "Yeah, that's the plan."
"Ah... I do hope Hero goes outside," your mother says, "Everyone around town has been really worried about him ever since he... got like that. I think it's time for someone to do something... drastic. Clearly he's not going to leave by choice."
"So, what," you say, "Should I... force him to leave?"
"Oh, nononono," you mother says slyly, "I would never encourage my only son to break into someone's house."
"But..." your father says, "If you get Kel to let you inside... I'd recommend you drag Hero out, if that's what you've gotta do. You're definitely stronger than he is. You're always helping people, Sunny... and, well, Hero could really use somebody. It's not healthy to stay inside all the time like that."
"I just wonder why his parents haven't done something about it..." your mom laments, "What kind of mother just lets her son rot away in his bedroom?"
"Eh, don't be too worried," you say, sipping from your coffee as you enjoy your breakfast, "I can make things better. You... can count on me! Just like always."
You flash a bright smile at your parents, which they return.
You step outside. It's another warm, beautiful Summer day. Three days left until Kel and Hero move away... you have to help them before they leave. You walk up to their door, petting Hector along the way. You close your eyes and focus... you can do this.
You start knocking. It rings eerily against the silence of your neighborhood. You hear some movement inside.
"Kel? Hero?" you yell, "It's me, Sunny! You... you guys are moving soon, right? I saw the sign outside... listen, I know it's been a while, but do you wanna maybe... I dunno, hang out again? For old time's sake?"
You hear the door gently creak open. You fix your composure, standing up straight, holding your hands together at your thighs, smiling brightly, just like Mari. On the other side... is Kel.
You had seen him in the four years since. After all, the town is only so big, and you get out a lot. What you had not done much in past four years, however, is see him up close, which as it turns out, is incredibly different. The first thing you notice is not something registered by your eyes, but rather by your nose. He smells... bad. That wouldn't be too unusual for Kel; he liked playing sports a lot, but this... this is different. It smells like... like he hasn't showered in a while. It smells like energy drinks and coffee. Kel wears a button-up shirt and jeans... odd, given how much you're used to seeing him in some kind of basketball jersey. His hair is very neat. Too neat. It doesn't fit him at all. There are thick, dark bags under his eyes. Most jarringly of all, though, he's wearing glasses. Freaking glasses. You'd seen all of this before, but it's still a horrible shock. Who is this guy?
"H-hey... old pal..." Kel says, his voice quivering along with his body, "How's it hangin'? You look... good. Happy, too. You're smiling a lot... just like always. Any particular reason you're in a good mood?"
"Kel!" you say, wrapping him in a big hug, "Of course I'm happy, you answered the door, buddy!"
"O-oh!" he says, shocked at the sudden physical contact, "Thanks..."
The hug lasts perhaps a bit longer than it should. You back away.
"You look good, too," you say, lying to avoid hurting his feelings, "Mind if I come inside? I wanna talk with Hero!"
Kel's strained smile turns into a frown.
"O-oh..." he says, "You're here for... Hero... not me?"
"Oh, nono, you misunderstand!" you say, "I'm here for both of you! After all, you're both moving away, you know?"
"Oh..." he says, seeming to regain his composure, "Right, right. Umm... sure, I guess you can come inside. My parents won't mind, since you're... a nice... upstanding guy."
"Aww, thank you," you say, "I'll let them know I'm here."
You step inside. The living room is nice... pretty much exactly as you remembered it. Well, aside from most of the extraneous furniture and decorations being gone and packed into boxes.
"Well... umm... welcome to my house, I guess," he says, "We like to keep things clean, here... or, well... I do. The cleaning, I mean."
You walk around, admiring the house. There's a huge portrait on the wall... it's Kel and Hero with their parents. They're all smiling, but there's an air of dishonesty to it, like the parents are holding a gun to their sons' heads. Kel is smiling far wider than any human being naturally would, and Hero looks like he's getting stabbed. Oh, dear... they really are suffering. It only furthers your resolve to help them.
"Kel..." a female voice says, walking down the stairs, "Who was that at the door?"
She walks into the living room, turning to face you.
"Hi, Mrs. Martin!" you say, waving at her kindly, "Kel let me in... hope you don't mind. It's nice to see everyone again!"
The mother stares at you in shock, then furrows her brows.
"A-ah, mother!" Kel says, "Umm... Sunny is just here to say goodbye! T-to me and... Hero! He won't be long."
"...Sure," she says coldly, "Make yourself at home."
She walks away, up the stairs, shutting the door to her bedroom behind her.
"Mmm," you say happily, "I think that went well!"
"...Ah..." Kel laments, "Sorry about... her. She doesn't like... y—I mean, people... coming to see Hero. Hero... Hero doesn't even like people coming to see him."
"Oh, nonsense!" you say, handwaving the issue, "How will he get the help he needs if he doesn't talk to anybody? Come on, let's go upstairs and see him. It's been four years since I've even seen him!"
You walk out of the living room, leaving Kel to scramble to keep up with you.
"H-hey, wait," he says, "Listen, Sunny, I get that you're... really into helping people... a-and stuff, but... maybe you should just sit this one out."
"Hmm?" you ask, "Why's that?"
"I... I mean," he says, "Jeez, I don't wanna be rude, but maybe there are some problems you can't fix, you know? My brother... he makes me mad, honestly, with how hard he is to reach. You shouldn't bother."
You laugh grandiosely.
"I haven't yet met anyone who I can't help," you say, "Nobody can resist the Suzuki charm, eh?"
Kel seems immeasurably uneasy, but concedes.
"Alright, I mean..." he says, "Sure, if you really want to. Just don't get your hopes... too far up."
You walk up the stairs... you notice the distant sound of music coming from the right-side door. If memory serves, that's Hero and Kel's shared bedroom. You stand by the door, listening in. It sounds lovely... orchestral. Very old, actually.
"Hmm... why do I..." you say, "Hmm, I feel like I recognize this song, but I can't quite remember it..."
You suddenly remember, snapping your fingers.
"Oh, yeah!" you say, and begin singing along to the melody, "Heartaches, heartaches, my loving you meant only heartaches. Your kiss was such a sacred thing to me. I can't believe it's just a burning memory."
"You... know that song?" Kel asks, "W-well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You kinda know everything."
"Oh, you're too sweet, Kel," you say, "Ah, but... I'm getting distracted. Should I knock, or should you? I don't want to scare him too much, if he's really that afraid of other people."
"It, umm..." Kel says, "Yeah, good thinking, I should call out to him."
You step aside and let Kel knock.
"Hey, Hero!" he yells, "Can you come out? I need something."
The music gets louder.
"...Dang," Kel laments, "Hero, come on! You've got a visitor!"
The music gets even louder.
"Hero, you're gonna make mom and dad angry!" Kel says, "Turn your music down! You're lucky they even keep you around!"
"...Pardon?" you whisper under your breath, not quite processing Kel's words.
"Ugh, seriously?" Kel says, "Sunny, I'm sorry, uhh... you might just have to come back some other day."
"Oh, but..." you say, "There's only a few days left. Surely... there must be something."
"Not really," Kel says, "I tried to warn you, bud. He's stubborn. He only gets out of bed to eat and go to the bathroom, sometimes not even that. He just sits in there listening to love songs all day, it's disgusting."
"You... probably shouldn't berate him like that..." you say, "He seems very sad."
Kel scoffs. "You only say that because you don't have to share a room with him. Believe me, if you did, you'd be as frustrated as I am."
"That's... hmm..." you say, "Alright, how about... I try? Here, let me just..."
You turn the doorknob, but it seems to be locked.
"Oh, dear," you say, "Hmm. I didn't know they made bedrooms with locks."
"Well, heck, Sunny," Kel says, "If it was that easy to get to him, we wouldn't even be having this discussion."
"Mmm..." you muse, thinking hard, "Kel, do you have a paperclip?"
"Huh? Umm... sure?" he says, handing you one from his pocket, "Why—"
He doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence before you begin bending the paperclip out of shape, flattening it into a straight line. You reshape it and jam it into the keyhole, wiggling it around in just the right ways to start unlocking the door.
"Umm..." Kel says, "Okay, that's... kind of... very concerning that you know how to do that."
"Oh, don't be so worried," you say, "I would never rob someone! Having a skill and using it for evil are two very different things."
The lock is successfully picked.
"There we go!" you say, "No time like the present!"
"W-wait," Kel says, "You're just gonna barge in there?"
"I don't see any other way of going about this," you say, "Come on, live a little, Kel! You're not going to get anywhere if you don't take some leaps of faith, eh? Hero's living proof of that."
You swing the door open with a great deal of force.
"Hero!" you say, "My friend, it's been so long!"
"Ah!" Hero yells, writhing back with shock, "Who the he—"
His voice falters with fear. He looks at you like a deer in headlights. You turn his radio off so you can have his undivided attention.
"S-Sunny..." he says, "Oh... oh no, I-I-I... wh-what... you..."
He crawls backwards.
"Hero?" you ask, tilting your head, "You seem so scared... I know it must've been a while since you've seen other people, but this is for your own good!"
"Wh-what... you... wait..." he says, "P-please, Sunny, please, please don't kill me, I'm sorry, I-I... I messed up so bad, oh my God..."
He cowers, shaking uncontrollably, shielding himself with his arms. You approach him.
"Kill you?" you ask, "Oh, hardly! Why would I kill you? I have something much better planned for you, Hero!"
"I-I... oh my God... Sunny, I'm..." he stammers, looking as though he could have a heart attack, "I-I'm... agh!"
He falls over the side of his bed, scampering around like a wild animal, trying to run out of the room... but you block his path.
"Ah-ah-ah!" you say, wagging your finger, "There's no escaping me, dear Hero!"
He falls onto his back, staring up at you with an absolutely petrified expression.
"J-Jesus Christ, Lord in Heaven," Hero pleads, "I am so, so sorry for my sins, a-and for sort of not believing in you! I accept you into my heart, Lord!"
"There's no need for that!" you say, "Say goodbye to Jesus..."
You wrap Hero in a tight, tender hug.
"...And say hello to Sunny!" you finish, "Ah, Hero, my old friend! How I've missed you..."
"...What?" Hero says, "I... wait, what?"
Kel sighs in frustration. "Dude, what the hell is the matter with you? It's just Sunny, he's not some assassin. Chill."
"You... you're not... mad... Sunny?" Hero asks pleadingly.
You hold his shoulders and look at him.
"Mad?" you say, "Hero, come on, now... why would I be mad?"
"But..." he says, "I... I ruined your life."
"I'm... confused," you say, "What do you mean? If anything, I ruined your life. I mean, look at yourself... you're so decrepit... is this really what Mari's death did to you? I'm... I'm very sorry, Hero, I really can't apologize enough, but... I guess for formality's sake... I'm sorry for killing Mari."
He stares at you, not believing what he's hearing, then his eyes go wide as he seems to realize something.
"You... don't..." he says, "You forgot...?"
"Hero, what the hell are you even talking about?" Kel spits out, "You're delusional, honestly. I mean, that's really no surprise considering you spend all your time inside."
"Kel, dear," you say, "Please stop berating your brother. That is not what he needs right now."
"Oh, really?" Kel says, "What does he need, then?"
You look back at Hero with a radiant smile.
"Why, one of my magical healing kisses, of course!" you say, softly smooching Hero on the forehead, "There, feeling a bit better, now?"
Kel stares at you with a disgusted expression. Hero looks to be in total shock... you stare at each other, and for the first time, you take in his appearance. You had seen Kel before... but you had not seen Hero in four years. Four long, horrible years, and God did they take their toll on him. Hero was 15 when Mari died, and he doesn't look like he's aged at all since then.
He seems malnourished, his skin is sallow... it took you almost no effort to pin him down to prevent his escape. His side of the room reflects his state... scattered pieces of paper, tissues, dirty clothes, and books... everything is dusty and unclean, and the most lively thing there is a vase full of dead red carnations. You feel an immense amount of pity for him.
"Dude, did you just... kiss my brother?" Kel says, "That's... umm... y'know what, sure, love who you love."
"Kel!" Hero shouts, "Th-you-I..."
"It's just a platonic thing, Kel," you clarify, "I kiss everyone. There's nothing that a kiss can't fix."
"That's, like, objectively wrong," Kel says, "But honestly? You got Hero out of bed, so I can't really criticize your... weirdo methods."
"This... this isn't real..." Hero says, "This can't be happening. You can't seriously have forg—"
"Hero, dear," you say, "You're getting stressed out. Please, calm down. Take some deep breaths, okay? We're here to help. There's nothing to be afraid of."
Begrudgingly, he does as you say, eventually reaching a state of relative calmness.
"Hero, how long has it been since you've gone outside?" you ask, "Just tell me the truth. No need to be embarrassed."
"It's... been..." he says, "Four years. It's been four years."
Your heart sinks into your stomach. It's exactly what you were expecting, unfortunately.
"...Alright," you say, "Hero, I know you're not going to be here for much longer, and I know that this is the first time we've spoken in a very long time, but I swear to you, before you move away, I'm going to make you smile for me. I'm going to take you outside, show you the beautiful outdoors of Faraway... whatever it takes! I'll do it. You have my word."
"...I..." he stammers, "That's... so much... all at once, I-I don't... deserve... this..."
"Mmm, alright, I can see what's happening here," you say, "Self-loathing, typical depression stuff. Luckily, I'm an expert in helping depressed people! First and foremost, you need to get into a better environment, or in other words..."
You gesture grandly with your hands.
"Not this!" you say, "Seriously, someone needs to clean in here, it reeks of tears and semen."
"B-but my bed..." he says, "it's... so comfortable..."
"Hero," you say, "If you're not going to accept my help, I'm going to make you accept my help. You're my friend, right? You'll accept my love, won't you?"
You pick him up with ease.
"Besides," you say, "I'm much stronger than you. You can't stop me, dear."
"Wh-wait what?!" Hero yelps.
"Could you please stop calling him 'dear'?" Kel says, "I get that it's just your thing, but it's weird."
"You're going to have to get used to me being a weirdo, then," you say, walking out of Hero's room as Kel follows beside you.
"W-wait, please, Sunny," Hero yelps, "You can't do this to me... I'll die if I go outside!"
"Oh, Hero," you say, "You're scared... please, let me take care of you. Deep down, you really want to see the world, I can tell by the look in your eyes. You're tired of that old, stuffy room, aren't you? Just let me take care of you, alright?"
Hero turns his face away from you.
"S-shut up!" he says, "You don't know anything about me, you damn amnesiac!"
"Ugh..." Kel laments, "Sorry about this, Sunny."
"It's no problem," you say, "Really, Hero, I'm worried about you! Your eyes are swollen... and your skin is covered in cuts and bruises. Let me take care of you."
"No!" he yells, struggling fruitlessly in your arms, "I'm... not some little kid! I can take care of myself!"
"Clearly," Kel says, "...you can't."
"Oh, Hero, dear," you say, "Please, don't resist. It's already a bit awkward carrying you like this... you're only making this harder, you know. I'm your friend, Hero, don't you trust me? I'm only trying to take care of you..."
Every step seems to take effort, but you're making your way to the front door.
"I... I don't understand," he says, "Why... why are you being so nice to me?!"
"Hero..." you lament, "Oh, you're so confused. Kel must be right; you're delusional. I'm only trying to help... going outside... that's what's going to be best for you! You know that, don't you? Please just let me take care of you."
"He...heh..." Hero mumbles, crying, "You sound... just like her..."
"Mmm?" you say, "Oh... I see. I'm sorry, Hero. I must be bringing back some bittersweet memories... I insist on doing this, though. You're in a terrible condition, and it's only going to get worse if I don't do something to help. You need to explore the world, Hero! Open your eyes, and get moving... it's time to make some new memories together!"
You kick open the door and walk outside.
The light seems to shine brighter than ever before. Hero hisses as the sunlight reaches his face.
"Ugh!" he says, "You... you really don't know... when to quit... do you... Sunny?"
"Nope!" you say, "I'll never quit on my friends. That's a promise."
"Heh..." he says, "You're so selfless, Sunny."
"Aww, thank you," you say, "I'll let you down if you promise not to run away, alright?"
He sniffles, wiping his tears. "O-okay..."
You set him down. He shakily manages to stand up, looking around in bewilderment. Kel begins sarcastically slow-clapping.
"Wow, congratulations," Kel says, "You finally stepped outside, three days before you're moving away."
"Kel," you say, chastisingly, "Stop it."
"Pff, fine," he says, sticking his tongue out in classic Kel fashion, "I guess... it is pretty nice to have you not be moping around so much. You're being less of a pain in the ass than you usually are, so... thanks, Hero."
"Heh... s-sure thing, Kel," he says, "Don't... mention it."
Hero seems to be transfixed on various mundane objects outside.
"Man," he says, "Nothing... nothing's really changed too much, has it? That's... a little reassuring."
"Familiarity can be nice," you say, "But new experiences are fun, too! I'm sure there'll be plenty of both around town... Hero, is there anywhere you'd like to go?"
"U-umm..." he stammers, "Shit, uhh... wow, I hadn't really considered that. I wasn't expecting... any of this today. This all feels like some wild dream, like at any moment I'm gonna wake up."
You take Hero's hand and pull him along as you walk down the street.
"Well, even if it is a dream, let's enjoy it while it lasts," you say, "I could go for... hmm, yes, I could go for some pizza! Let's have a nice walk around town, maybe spend some time in the park, and then eat a pizza at Gino's!"
"I-I mean..." Kel stammers, "That sounds like it might take a bit. I have to be home so I can study..."
"Ah, come on, Kel," you say, "Live a little! You're such a stick in the mud, and that's saying something, considering Hero's with us."
"Pssh," he says, "Please! I... can be fun! I know a bunch of math-based magic tricks, how's that for fun?"
"Wonderful!" you say, "A great starting point. Let's... expand on it!"
Hero chuckles to himself.
"Mmm?" you say quizzically, "Something funny, dear?"
"Ah, nothing, really," he says, "Just... it's wild that you're back and I'm outside... feels just like old times."
You smile brightly, though Hero's face is still neutral... oh well, he'll get there eventually. You enjoy your walk around town, soon enough, you arrive at the park.
Before you even enter, you can hear and see that something is amiss. Two people are shouting, one very angry, one very afraid.
"Well, well, well!" a male voice says, "If it isn't Mikhael Kőfaragó!"
You see a tall blonde man push another to the ground. The taller one stands on Mikhael's chest.
"Take off that dumb wig," the taller one says, "No wig can hide your ugly fuckin' face."
The wig is thrown off.
"B-Basil..." Mikhael says, "P-please! All I ask is that... that you leave me and my friends alone! Please!"
Basil laughs mockingly. You'd seen him before, just like Kel, but once again it's so much different seeing him up close... well, relatively, at least. You keep your distance as you watch the scene unfurl. Basil carries a very sharp-looking pair of shears. His hair is dyed neon blue. He wears a leaf-green jacket that looks like it's struggling to stay together. Some pins, including a pink-purple-blue striped one, are pinned to it. Of course, he's also grown a whole hell of a lot, both in height and general maturity. Puberty did a number on him.
"...You want me to leave you alone, huh?" Basil taunts, "Wow, ain't that rich. I think I remember saying something similar, way back when... do you remember that, Mikhael?"
Basil stomps down on Mikhael's chest.
"Agh... Basil, we..." he mutters, "You don't... have to do this!"
"Oh, but I really, really do," Basil quips back, "Maybe your memory is failing you, Mikhael. You were so confident back then... why don't you repeat back the things you said to me. You did it once, you can do it again, eh?"
Basil stomps again.
"I-I'm sorry..." Mikhael mutters.
"Mmm, no," Basil says, "That isn't what you said. I recall you saying 'weakling,' 'quiet kid,' 'flower boy'... I remember you mocking me for liking plants and flowers... I remember you called me gay, Mikhael. I remember you called me a faggot. Remember that, Mikhael? Ring any fucking bells, huh?"
Basil stomps down on Mikhael's chest with even more force. You're worried for MIkhael's health. You can't watch this any longer.
"Basil!" you yell, rushing closer, but not too close, "Stop it!"
Basil turns to face you with surprise in his eyes. Then, he sneers.
"Oh, boy," Basil says, "And here I thought this day couldn't get any better. First, the last member the scooter gang shows their face back in town again, and now, you're here, Sunny! My old crush... the boy who killed his sister and smiled about it afterward. How's it goin', you psychopath?"
"Pretty good, actually!" you say, "Thanks for asking!"
Basil laughs to himself, easing up on Mikhael and giving him a chance to escape, which he quite eagerly does.
"Oh, come on!" Basil says, "Ugh... he can't run forever. I'll get my payback... besides, I've got someone much worse than he is right in front of me!"
"Am I really that bad?" you say, "I'd disagree. I think I'm pretty great!"
"Oh, amazing, you're a narcissist, too," Basil says with a malicious tone, "Why are you even allowed to go outside, huh? You're a danger to the public. How come you haven't shoved someone into traffic yet, huh?"
He walks up and pushes you. He's got a good few inches on you, and more to the point, he's pretty much your equal in physique...
"Basil!" Kel yells, "We, umm... we were just passing by. Hero finally came out today... we're going to get some pizza, that's all! We don't want any trouble."
"Oh dear," Basil says facetiously, "Well, why didn't you say so~! As if! What, you think you can just pass right by me? Leave me alone again? Nice, real fuckin' nice. Oh, whoop-dee-doo, Hero came out of the house."
"H-hey... Basil..." Hero says, incredibly shocked, "You look... different..."
Basil's eyes go wide as he seems to realize something.
"Wait..." Basil says, beginning to laugh, "You-you can't actually mean... oh my God..."
Basil falls into a full-force chortle.
"You haven't gone outside in four years?!" Basil says, "Wow, what a fall from grace! You used to be the star student, the charmer, the Cassanova! Now look at you. You're a loser, Kel has to try to pick up your slack, Sunny's turned into a total freak acting like his smile can just make people do what he wants, and I'm the only one with a girlfriend! Ain't life funny like that?"
"B-Basil," you say nervously, "Why... why are you insulting Hero like that? He's your friend... right?"
Basil just keeps laughing. "Man, you know what, if you don't end up going to jail eventually, you should totally get into standup comedy, because you are hilarious right now. Friends? Sorry, where was Hero when my best friend turned out to be a murderer? Where were you, Kel? Hmm? Yeah, right, you were off doing your own thing. Not a thought to spare for little ol' Basil, eh? Hey, I'm used to being ignored, I've got shitty parents, and Aubrey's got a shitty mom! You know who we didn't ignore, though? Each other. You could learn a good lesson or two from her when she comes back from her vacation."
"I'm... sorry, Basil," you say, "Oh, dear, you seem so hurt... here, let me help."
You pull him forwards and kiss his forehead.
"Wh-what the fuck is wrong with you?!" he shouts, pushing you away, "No, that tears it. I am going to make you pay, you crazy lunatic!"
Basil draws his shears like a deadly weapon... perhaps because they are. You feel like running isn't an option. As much as you hate it, it's time to fight. Hero has only his hands to fight with, but Kel at least has his pens.
"Basil!" you say, "Please, don't do this! I don't want to hurt you!"
"Ha!" he retorts, "As if! What're you gonna do, stab me? Push me down a flight of stairs? Come on, killer, hit me with your best shot!"
You hesitate, pulling out your handheld mirror. You attempt to use it like you do with your shield... but this isn't a dream. It's comically ineffectual.
"What... the hell?" Basil says, more confused than anything, "What's actually the matter with you? Did you just hit me with a mirror? I... I don't even know how to respond to this. Ugh... you aren't even putting up a fight. Really?!"
Basil backs off, putting away his weapon.
"You shitheads are no fun, honestly," Basil says, "Not even when I'm trying to get my payback. Fuckin'... run along, I guess. Go have fun and be friends, or whatever. I'm sure you all are real happy together. How lovely."
"W-we are happy!" you say, "I'm always happy, really!"
"Fuck you," Basil says, "Fuck you, fuck your mom and your dad for not arresting you, fuck you, Kel, and you too, Hero, for not talking to me for four years. I'm glad your asses are moving."
He walks away, off towards his house, but stops to spit out one last insult.
"I hope you get what you deserve for hanging with Sunny," he says, "Watch your step. You might fall."
Basil walks out of your line of sight.
"...Jeez, I knew he was bad, but like..." Kel says, "He's such a dick, now."
"He's... so hurt..." you say, "Why... why is he running away?"
Your smile does not falter despite your negative emotions... just like always. Even your frowns are just quivering smiles. Even when terrified you're smiling. Even last night.
"Hero, I... I must apologize..." you say, "This is probably a big shock for you. Basil, he's... changed a lot..."
Hero looks like he's just witnessed a murder, again.
"...So that's... what happened to him..." Hero says, "...He really hates you, doesn't he, Sunny?"
"Oh, well, hate is a strong word," you say.
"Yeah, and an applicable one," Kel says, "Do you... just like, think everyone likes you?"
"Well..." you say, "I mean, yes, I am perfect. But... that's beside the point. Hero, don't let this get you down! Basil is very mean and sad right now, but... I'm sure if I keep trying, I can help him feel better. I never fail, you know!"
Hero just stares at you blankly.
"Sure," he says, "We... should go get some pizza. I'm hungry."
It pains you to see him still be so sad. The same goes for everyone else in the park... they seem a fair bit shaken by everything.
"Ah, umm..." you say, raising your voice a bit, "No worries, everyone! Everything's fine."
You walk around the park, enjoying the memories which come back to you as Kel and Hero follow behind you. A cute artist girl sits on a bench, as she usually does.
"Hello there, Mincy!" you say, "How goes it?"
She stares at you, frightened.
"Umm... well..." she says, "You did just... get... into a fight..."
Kel facepalms as Hero stands neutrally.
"Ah, that was nothing but a bit of a... friendly scuffle," you say, "Don't worry yourself, dear. Oh, Kel, Hero! Have you met Mincy?"
"Mmm?" Kel asks, "Uhh, no..."
Kel blushes, pushing up his glasses. You smugly notice a spark.
"H-hey..." Mincy says, nervous as ever to meet new people.
"Mincy, these are my old middle school friends, Kel and Hero," you say, "Kel, Hero, this is Mincy. She's an artist... quite good, too!"
"Oh, that's cool," Kel says, "Can we see?"
"Err, umm..." she says, "S-sure!"
She shows you what she's been drawing... just a simple sketch of the park from her perspective.
"Wow!" Kel says, "Dang, Sunny, you weren't kidding..."
"See?" you say, "She really is amazing!"
Mincy blushes... she always gets nervous when you compliment her... art.
"I'm... not that good," she says.
"Ah-ah-ah," you say, "Have confidence, Mincy! If you want to get into that art school you've got your eyes set on, it's good to have some confidence."
"A-alright..." she says, "Thanks, Sunny. You're always so nice to me..."
"Think nothing of it," you say, "That's what friends are for... and I'm everybody's friend!"
You wave Mincy goodbye, walking over to Faraway Plaza.
"Hey, Sunny, umm..." Kel says, "Do you—"
"Have her phone number?" you say, "Of course, darling."
You take out a pen and notebook from your backpack and hand Kel a page with Mincy's phone number on it.
"Wh-what?!" he yells, "Why would you think I would want her ph-phone number?!"
"Well," you say, "You're both shy nerds with niche interests and grand aspirations. You'd make a cute couple."
"I-I-I..." he stammers, "W-well, why not you, huh?! You're the one complimenting her so much!"
"Mmm, well," you say, "She is very cute. Perhaps we can share her."
"That's not how dating works!!" he says.
"Ah, says who?" you say, "Expand your mind, Kel!"
He sighs.
"Let's... just get some pizza," he says, "I'm basically a tomato already."
Hero chuckles grimly.
"Yeah," he says, "I'm hungry. Good to see that sense is still here."
"Ah, of course!" you say, "Hero, dear, I know it's been a long time, so I'll order for everyone, alright? I'll pay, too. I insist."
"I mean, I could—" Kel says.
"No, no, come on, now," you say, "This was all my idea. I should be the one to order, right?"
Kel nods in agreement.
"You've... got money?" Hero asks as you walk into Gino's.
"Oh, plenty," you say, "I work part-time jobs. They pay surprisingly well... I mean, they're under-the-table, usually."
You open the door and step inside. Hero and Kel sit down at a table and wait for you as you walk up to the counter and order.
"Good afternoon, Cesar, my friend," you say to the man behind the register, "Apologies, I won't be doing any deliveries today. I'm spending the day with my old friends... isn't that wonderful?"
"Mmm, yeah," Cesar says, "Pretty good. What do you want?"
"Just a whole pizza, dear," you say, "Half meat lover's, half my usual."
Cesar just sighs, seeming a bit disgusted.
"Oh, my, are you ups—" you begin to say.
"No, no!" he says, forcing himself to smile frighteningly wide, "That's perfectly fine. I'll get your pizza. Just... wait at your table, sir."
"Thank you~" you say, sitting down.
You look at your two friends, who seem anything but comfortable.
"You really do just flirt with everyone, huh?" Kel asks.
"It's not flirting, honest!" you say, "I only have eyes for one girl... and I'm not telling any of you who she is! But how about you tell me your crushes, since we're on the topic. Kel? You have one?"
"Nope, not at all," Kel says, "I don't have time for love. Too busy with school, y'know."
Hero looks solemn. You decide to drop the topic of crushes.
"So, Kel, Hero, you're moving away, but I don't actually know where to!" you say, "I sure hope it's somewhere nice... and not too far away, so I can visit often!"
"Vicin City, actually," Kel says, "Not too far from here. It's, uhh... actually right by Middlegris, if you know that town."
"Ah, I see," you say, "Mmm, that's a bit of a journey, but I can drive it. Or... walk it, even! Gotta make sure I exercise, you know. Mmm... I do hope it goes well for you two. What's your plans for once you get there? Like, jobs and college and whatnot?"
"I, umm..." Kel says, "Well, hopefully I'll get into, like... Harvard or something. Because... if I don't... my parents are gonna be on my case about it."
"Oh, screw your parents," you say, "You should just do what makes you happy!"
"That's easier said than done," Hero meekly replies, finally getting the energy to speak.
"Not really!" you say, "Every day I wake up and do what makes me happy; I'm sure you two can do the same. That's all I want, after all... I want everyone to smile!"
Your positivity seems to infect them, just a bit. You really do have a special charm. Soon enough, the pizza arrives, and you begin eating. Kel and Hero seem a bit disgusted by your choice of toppings... pineapple and anchovies, but, well, you know that it tastes amazing, so it's their loss.
"Mmm, hey," you say, swallowing down a bite of vile pizza, "Speaking of smiles... remember our old photo album? Hero, you would always be taking pictures of the six of us... oh, dear, what ever happened to that?"
For a moment, Hero appears like he's remembered something unpleasant. He looks at you with an expression which is clearly trying to silently communicate something, but you don't pick up on it.
"Oh, umm..." Hero mutters, "I... kind of... lost it. A while ago, actually."
"Oh..." you say, "That's such a shame. Do you have any idea where it is?"
"Umm..." Kel says, "I do, actually, but you're not going to want to hear it."
"Wait, you do?" Hero asks.
"Yeah, uhh..." Kel says, "Basil took it. I was carrying it around at school one day... just, y'know, reminiscing, I guess... he took it away from me just to mess with me, but then he realized what it was, and I guess... he really wanted to have it. I'm guessing it's probably off collecting dust somewhere in his house."
"That's horrible!" you say, suddenly slamming your fists on the table, "Oh... poor Basil, what's gotten into him?"
Hero looks like he could cry.
"Ah, Hero, dear," you say, lowering your voice, trying to calm him down, "Apologies for yelling... umm... Hero, don't cry, I'll get your photo album back, alright? We just... need to find out where Basil is!"
"He might be at home..." Kel says, "But, uhh... sure, I guess we could ask around. Are you sure you really wanna confront him again?"
"Of course!" you say, "This is important! I mean, it matters to me, and it clearly matters to Hero!"
"...If you insist," Hero says.
"I absolutely do!" you reply cheerfully, finishing off your last slice of pizza, "Basil said he knows Mikhael's friends... the scooter gang, right? I'm sure if we ask them, they'll know what he's up to."
The three of you get up and walk outside.
"We should start with all the places we haven't been to, yet," you say, "I guess everywhere else in the plaza works! Say, Kel, remember when we went to Hobbeez?"
"Yeah, umm..." he begins, "...haven't been in ages. It's all just stupid stuff for little kids."
"Well, luckily, I'm a child at heart," you say, stepping inside.
The interior of Hobbeez is just as happy and lively as you remember it being... you're perfectly in your element.
"Greetings, Pedro!" you shout, "How goes it?"
Pedro, the shopkeep, looks up at you and your friends with a confused expression.
"Huh, well, that's unexpected," he says, "Umm... good to see you all again. It's been a very long time."
"Ah, yes, too long," you say, "Unfortunately, I'm not here to talk... apologies, we're busy."
"Ah, fair enough," Pedro says, appearing grateful to avoid a conversation.
You look around, trying your best not to get distracted by various colorful toys and comic books.
"See anybody?" you ask.
"Yeah, I see a smiling weirdo," Kel replies.
You playfully punch him in the arm.
"...and I see a huge nerd who needs to learn how to have fun," you tease back, "Hero, how about you? Recognize any of these people?"
Hero seems to take a moment to think, then points over to the corner where two oddly familiar people stand. A tall, quiet, bulky girl, and a short boy with a cool hairdo. Charlene and Angel, if you recall correctly.
"Psst, friends!" you say, walking up to them, "Hello!"
They turn to face the three of you, seeming to narrow their gazes until, finally, they realize who you are.
"...Kel? Hero? S-Sunny?" Angel asks, "Oh, dang, it's been ages... how've you been?"
"Wonderful!" you say.
"I'm alright," Kel replies.
"Fine," Hero says simply.
"We're... pretty good ourselves," Angel says, "C'mon, Charlene, say hi!"
"H-hey..." Charlene stammers.
"Hi, Charlene!" you say with a cheerful wave, trying your best to encourage her, "Oh, I really did wish we had more time to catch up, but unfortunately, we do have something somewhat urgent to attend to... that's why we wanted to speak with you, actually."
"Oh..." Angel says, "...not... just to talk again?"
"Oh, nonono!" you say, "Really, I would love to hang out! It's just, umm... Hero... someone took something very important from Hero, and... we want to get it back."
"T-that's... bad..." Charlene mutters.
"Yeah, umm..." Angel says, "Do you want our help?"
"Oh, yes," you say, "See, it was Basil who stole it, and—"
Angel and Charlene's eyes go wide in horror.
"Ah, yeah, no, sorry—" Angel begins to say.
"Oh, wait, you're misunderstanding again!" you say, "I just need you to tell me where he is. Surely you know that, right?"
Angel and Charlene look at each other nervously.
"You should, umm... stay away from Basil," Angel says.
"He's... m-mean..." Charlene mumbles, "He called my flowers... a-amateur..."
"That's horrible!" you say, "Please, let me take care of him. I'll teach him a good lesson."
"You... really shouldn't..." Angel says, "You're gonna get your butt handed to you, dude."
"Let me prove myself!" you say, "I'm strong, seriously! Sure, Hero's been staying inside for four years, but I've been working out!"
You flex your muscles proudly.
"Mmm... alright," Angel says, "If you're really so determined, how about we do an arm-wrestling contest? You versus me and Charlene."
"Oho!" you say, "I like the sound of that!"
You sit down at a nearby table, across from Angel and Charlene. Kel seems exasperated, while Hero seems as unemotive as ever.
"Kel, you're a smart guy, yes?" you say, "You can be the referee... just in case anyone tries something fishy."
Kel chuckles playfully. "Sure thing, you dork."
You put your hand out, challenging Angel.
"En guarde, old chum!" you yell.
Angel smirks back at you and takes your hand.
"Ready?" Kel asks.
"Yeah!" Angel replies.
"Yes!" you reply.
"Okay, umm..." Kel stammers, "Three, two, one... go?"
You put in as much force as you possibly can. You immediately get his arm halfway down, just from him underestimating you. After that, though, it's a roughly even match.
"S-struggling, Angel?" you taunt, "Not... surprising. I am perfect, after all."
"H-ha!" Angel retorts, "Since when were you... a narcissist?"
"Oh, it's only natural, you see..." you begin to say, "I'm such a charmer, not even I can resist me!"
You slam Angel's hand down with a thud.
"...Dang," he says, "Man, what's your routine?"
"Oh, nothing too amazing," you reply coyly, "I'm just very busy, and I smile a lot!"
"Ugh... alright, alright, you win against me," he says, getting up and letting Charlene take his place, "...but can you beat Charlene?"
Charlene sits down with a thud. Her arms are about as thick as your neck.
"Alright, round two, I guess..." Kel says, "Hero, why don't you make yourself useful and cheer Sunny on?"
"I... don't know if I can do that," Hero says, "Sure. I'll try."
You ready yourself for a challenge, taking Charlene's hand.
"You two ready?" Kel asks.
"Indeed!" you reply.
"Mmm..." Charlene nods affirmatively.
"Okay," Kel says, "Ready... steady... go!"
Charlene has the advantage over you in terms of sheer size; regardless of her musculature, there's just more flesh to work with in her arms than with yours. Not to mention, her cliff-faced persona makes her seemingly invulnerable to typical taunts. As you struggle, your hand begging to touch the table, you get a creative idea.
"M-my, Charlene," you say, "You have a very firm grip. I admire that. You're very strong."
Charlene looks confused.
"Plus, your aura?" you say, "That whole 'not saying anything and being unemotive'? I think that's cool! You're the kind of person who communicates to the world... that you're not someone to mess with! And yet, at the same time, that if you're a friend... you'll be kind to them!"
Charlene begins blushing, turning away from you, lessening her grip.
"You have very beautiful eyes, Charlene!" you say as your killing blow, "Dark red... very captivating! I think you're perhaps almost as beautiful as me!"
Charlene shakes uncontrollably.
"B-b-beautiful...?" she mutters.
You slam her hand down.
"Haha!" you say, "I win! Apologies, Charlene. Though I played a bit dirty, everything I said was true!"
"Th-thanks..." she says, still refusing to look at you.
"Eww..." Kel says, "Ugh, alright, well, at least you won."
"Indeed," you say, "Unsurprisingly, of course. Angel, you promised you'd tell me. Where is Basil?"
"Umm... alright, so..." Angel says, "I actually don't know."
"Oh my God..." Kel says, "This has been a massive waste of time, then?"
"H-hardly!" you say, "We had fun! Though, Angel, I must say... I am disappointed."
"I-I'm sorry..." he says, "I... do know someone who might know where Basil is! Mikhael was getting bullied by him, right? He's probably at Fix-It, trying to pick up chicks like usual."
"Why would he be picking up girls at Fix-It?" Kel asks.
"It's the only place he's allowed into," Angel says simply, "He, err... had a few incidents of... let's say PDA. A-anyways, he'll be there. Sorry for all the trouble."
"G-good luck..." Charlene says, "Hope... Hero... gets his thing... back..."
"Aww, thank you," you say, "You two are very sweet. It was fun spending time with you... and thank you for the help. I hope our paths cross in the future!"
You wave goodbye to the two of them as you walk out of Hobbeez.
"Well, friends, you heard them!" you say, "Our journey continues. That's probably for the best... after all, that means we get to have more fun together?"
"Man, you really never do stop smiling, do you?" Kel says, "It's... kinda creepy."
"Oh, hardly!" you say, "My smile is charming! It infects people with happiness. I am perfect, after all."
"...God, this sucks," Hero says, "I thought this was a blessing, but this just feels horrible."
"Oh, dear," you say, "Hold out hope, Hero! We'll get your photo album back soon enough!"
"...Not what I meant," he says under his breath. You decide to ignore that.
You walk into Fix-It. Carpentry is just one of many skills you've picked up in the past four years; you know a little bit of everything.
"Mondo!" you shout to the man behind the register, "My friend, how have you been?"
"Hmm? Oh, hey, Sunny," Mondo replies, "Alright, I guess. Bit of a long day. You here to do another short job?"
"Oh, I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't," you say, "I'm looking for someone. A boy named Mikhael, blond hair, sometimes brown, very pretty boy, glamorous like I am. Ring any bells?"
"Mmm... yeah," Mondo says, "I think he's in the back section. I'm waiting for him to do something so I can kick him out."
"Oh, no need," you say, "I'll take care of him."
"What, is he your boyfriend?" Mondo smirks.
"Not currently," you say, "I'm actually single. That's beside the point, though; thank you for the information, Mondo! I'll be on my way."
"Mhmm..." he says, "Oh, hello to you two, also. Kel, and... stranger."
"Hello," Kel says.
Hero just waves. The three of you walk into the back area of the store, where all the plants and other garden decorations are stored. You scan your eyes across the store... there he is. You wait back for a moment; he's not alone.
"Ashley, wait!" Mikhael says, "You can't just leave me!"
"Get away from me, creep!" the girl replies, "Seriously, ugh! You really just go around kissing random girls? What the heck is wrong with you?!"
The girl pushes Mikhael to the ground and runs away, right past the three of you. You walk over to him, sighing with pity.
"Oh, dear, Mikhael," you say, "You never learn, do you? Look at what you have to do to mimic just a fraction of my glamor! It is fruitless to attempt to be me... I mean, why would you even try to imitate someone else?"
Hero cringes at that.
"S-Sunny!" Mikhael says, standing back up, "Sunny, please, teach me your ways! What do I have to do to become charming like you? Do I have to push Daphne down the stairs? I... I don't want to do that!"
"Oh, nonono," you say, "Come on, now, Mikhael. Don't say ridiculous things like that. You should just be happy being Mikhael! Happy, flawed little Mikhael. Then, I'm certain you'll be smiling!"
"N-no!" he says, "I... I need a girlfriend! I need at least three sexy ladies on each of my arms!"
"Mmm... ambitious," you say, "Shoot for the stars and land on the moon, I suppose."
"Listen, Mikhael," Kel says, "I'd love to stand here and listen to you complain about not getting any p—... I mean... girls, but we're on a mission."
"A mission?" Mikhael says, "What are you, some kind of... roleplaying game protagonist?"
"No, that would be a quest," you say, "A mission would be a spy."
"And a crusade would be a knight," Kel adds.
"And a cruel and unusual torture would be me," Hero says.
"Oh, hush," you say, "Mikhael, darling, I'll cut to the chase. Where is Basil?"
"Basil?!" Mikhael asks, terrified, "I-I don't want anything to do with him! That guy is crazy! You saw!"
"Yeah, well, I also saw that you called Basil a fag," Kel says, "Which, like, isn't cool at all. You kinda deserved that, dude."
"I was 12!" Mikhael says, "I was just saying what my family said!"
"Oh, right," Kel recalls, "Those zealots. My condolences, your life must be miserable. I know I sound sarcastic right now, but seriously, oof, that must suck."
"Mikhael, we just want to know where he is," you clarify, "You don't have to take us to him."
"A-alright," Mikhael says, "I'll tell you... but I have to get something out of it!"
You all sigh.
"Very well, Mikhael," you say, "What do you want? If it's a girlfriend, I can try to get you one."
"No, I want to get a girlfriend myself!" he says, "You must teach me your ways! I demand it!"
"If... if that's what it takes for me to find out where Basil is..." you lament, "...Then... fine! Let's begin. What do you have in mind?"
"Roleplaying!" Mikhael says, stars in his eyes, "I'll be me, and you be a girl!"
"Is this... are we really doing this?" Kel asks.
"Seems like it," Hero shrugs, "This is all just a bad dream."
You shrug off Hero's words. You lean onto a shelf and cross your legs femininely.
"Let's get started," you say.
Mikhael coughs, then psychs himself up.
"Greetings, female!" Mikhael says, "You—"
"No, stop, stop," you say, "You already messed up at the second word. See, this is why you shouldn't try to be perfect, Mikhael. You're just not."
"No!" he says, "I... I'm perfect! A-aside from... a few minor imperfections!"
"...Sure..." Kel says.
"Mikhael, no girl enjoys being called a female," you say simply, "What are you, a biologist?"
"...Fine," he says, "God, you're so picky. Ahem... hello! Lovely weather we're having, my name is Mikhael, what's yours?"
"My name is Sunny," you say, "A pleasure to meet you. I think I've seen you around at the bakery."
"Ah, yes!" Mikhael replies, "My family runs that place, though I don't really have any interest in it."
"I see..." you say, trying to steer the conversation towards something that might satiate Mikhael, "A rebel, hmm? That's pretty cool."
"O-oh!" he says, blushing, "Why, thank you! I think you're cool, too... and... very beautiful!"
"Aww, you're sweet," you say, smiling coyly and tossing your hair, "You're pretty, too, especially for a boy."
"P-pretty?!" he says, "I'll have you know, I'm handsome! I am not some... some effeminate male, like yourself!"
You grab Mikhael by the shoulders.
"What exactly do you mean by that, hmm?" you ask, "You're saying I'm pretty?"
"W-well," he says, "Perhaps... yes! You... you are perfect, after all."
"Ah, there we go," you say, slamming him against the wall, "You finally acknowledge it! And you, Mikhael... you are imperfect, yes?"
"M...mhmm!" he says, getting very nervous, "Very imperfect!"
"Oh, dear," you say, "Well, I think I know just what you need to be better... a healing kiss from yours truly."
"A-a-a-a... a k-kiss?!" he yells, "I'm... alright, sure! Go ahead!"
You lean in and kiss him on the forehead.
"There, is that better, dear?" you ask.
"Y-you!" he says, "Coward! Don't half-ass it!"
He pulls your head forward and kisses you on the lips... there's even a bit of tongue action. He seems to enjoy it thoroughly.
"Oh, eww!" Kel says, "Come on, this is a place of business!"
You return the kiss, going deeper. It reminds you of something. Mikhael moans in pleasure.
"...I think I'm gonna be sick, oh my God," Kel says, "Hero, tell me when they're done! I'm out."
Kel leaves while Hero stays put. His eyes are transfixed on the scene before him. He looks absolutely petrified. Eventually, the two of you separate, walking apart. You wipe your mouth.
"You... you taste like... pizza... and pineapples... and... anchovies?" Mikhael says, "What the heck did you eat?"
"Mmm, Mikhael," you say, "A word of advice: when you get done kissing a girl, do not immediately insult how the inside of her mouth tastes like."
"Noted," he says, "Th-thank you... that was an enlightening experience."
"Surely," you say, "Now, Mikhael, I have upheld my end of the bargain and then some. Tell me where Basil is."
"Mmm, alright, so..." Mikhael says, "I've got good news, and I've got bad news."
"Mikhael..." you lament, "You imperfect twat."
"L-listen!" he says, "I might not know where he is, but I do know where he isn't!"
"And where is that?" you ask.
"Umm... here!" Mikhael says, "He's definitely not here, I can tell you that much!"
You sigh, struggling to maintain your smile through your anger.
"Alright, alright," you say, "Well, Mikhael, it's been fun, but we need to move on. Do you know of anyone who might know where Basil is?"
"I... umm..." he says, "Kim... she would know. She and her brother are usually at the candy shop."
"Oh... oh, I see!" you say, "Well... I suppose it does make sense for us to ask everybody. Mikhael, umm... you still need some work, and you really shouldn't lie to me like that, but it's been fun! Let's do that again sometime."
Mikhael flushes bright red. "S-sure. Go ahead, Sunny! Goodbye!"
You wave at him as you and Hero leave. As you step back into the main room of the store, Kel meets up with the two of you.
"Hey, Kel!" you say, "So, Mikhael doesn't know where Basil is, either. But, Kim and Vance definitely, definitely do! Let's go!"
"Umm..." Kel looks at you, exasperated, "Are we just... not gonna acknowledge you French kissing Mikhael?"
The three of you begin walking towards the exit.
"Oh, please, Kel, grow up," you say, "It's just a practice kiss! What, you've never done those?"
"No...?" he says, "Have you?"
"Well, yes," you say, "I just did! You saw it!"
Kel sighs. "That's not what I meant, but whatever. You did what you had to in order to get information out of him."
"Mmm, yes," you say, "But, I did quite enjoy that. He tastes like freshly baked bread."
"That's chill, man, love who you love," Kel says, "Just, like, warn me next time."
You laugh cheerfully. Kel has the beginnings of a goofy grin on his face... seems like your positivity is infecting him. You walk outside and turn to go into Othermart. The door chimes happily as you enter.
"Ah, I do love this place," you say, "Hero, Kel, you don't mind if I go around and say hello to some friends here before we go to the candy store, right?"
"Heh... sure," Kel says, "You really do have a lot of friends, huh?"
"Of course!" you say, "Everyone is a friend. Come on!"
You start walking. You wave to the cashiers.
"James, Sasha, Charlie, Rosalina, Stacy!" you say, "Good to see you all! Keep up the good work!"
You give them a thumbs up which they each return with a smile. You walk into the pharmacy, passing by a young brown-haired lady you don't recognize.
"Tim!" you say to the man behind the desk, "My man!"
"Hey, Sunny!" Tim replies, "My best customer... need any restocks?"
"Wait, best customer?" Kel asks, "Do you... get hurt a lot?"
"Oh, hardly," you say, "I'm very careful. But, other people aren't. I always carry a first aid kit with me... alongside some other useful items. Right here, in my backpack! It's always good to be prepared... ah, but, Tim, I'm afraid I'm all good right now. Just popping in to say hello."
"Oh, sure. It's always good to see you, son," he says, "Take care, and keep up the good work! You're Faraway's best nurse."
You walk over to the meat man.
"Brian!" you say, "Good to see you. These are my old friends, Kel and Hero."
"Oh, hey!" Brian replies, "'Sup? Y'all want somethin'?"
"Uhh, well, actually..." Kel says, "Mmm... mom's making soup tonight, but she'll probably want something other than leftovers tomorrow. I'll take... a pound of ham."
"Comin' right up," he says, soon enough bringing Kel a delicious-looking ham.
"Cool, I'll—" Kel reaches into his pocket, but you swat his hand away.
"Here you go!" you say, handing money over to Brian, "A pleasure as always."
Brian nods. You walk over to the next stall.
"...Apologies for taking so long, friends," you say to Kel and Hero, "I do have a tendency to get distracted easily... ah, no matter."
You turn to face the fishmonger lady, Ayee.
"下午好,艾伊夫人!" you say cheerfully, " 我的朋友英雄好久没有出门了,所以我带他四处看看。 戴眼镜的男孩是他的兄弟凯尔。 你好吗? 生意一直很好,我猜?"
"啊,桑尼,我的孩子!" she replies, "是的,生意一直很顺利。 你真好,能帮到这样的朋友。 我希望你的朋友英雄没有太难适应。"
"放心,有我在,他会没事的!" you say, reassuringly, "我想留下来谈谈,但我和我的朋友们正在糖果店找人。 再见,艾伊女士!"
You wave at her.
"一会儿见!" she says, waving back.
You and your friends walk over to the next shop, the final one before the candy store.
"...You... speak Chinese?" Kel asks, "Dang, that's... impressive."
"Oh?" you say, "Well, of course I do! I mean, if I didn't know Chinese, I wouldn't be able to befriend Ms. Ayee!"
As you step in front of the bakery, you realize that it's closed.
"Ah, right," you say, "They're closed on Sundays. That's fine, actually! They, umm... don't like me very much, Mr. Edward and Mrs. Jennifer. I-I mean, currently! Currently."
You handwave the issue and walk towards the candy store.
"Here we are," you say, cheerfully, "My favorite store in the whole of Othermart. Now, let's see..."
You step inside, looking around, allowing the atmosphere of the room to embolden your happiness.
"Good afternoon, Shannon!" you say, smiling radiantly.
Your favorite person in the whole store (though, you would never say such a thing out loud) walks out from the backrooms of the store.
"Sunny!" Miss Candice says, walking up to you and wrapping you in a hug, "Oh, it's always such a pleasure to see you, smiley smiley!"
"Aww, really, the pleasure is all mine," you say, gesturing to your friends, "I've just been showing these two sad sacks around town, trying to get them to smile for me. I think it's been working, so far!"
"Oh, that's wonderful," she says, "Maybe some of Miss Candice's candy will cheer them up, smiley smiley!"
"I bet it would!" you say, "Oh, you're just full of great ideas!"
You plant a kiss on her forehead, which she returns.
"Mmm, hey, alright," Kel says with a nauseated cough, "Hang on a sec... just gotta pull up my phone... Google, could you please define 'saccharine' for me? Oh, what's that? In the description field it's just the video from my camera, pointed right at you two. That's wild, I didn't know they made video definitions in dictionaries now."
"Eww, he really is a sad sack," Miss Candice sneers, "He's going to need a lot of sugar! You go pick out something extra nice for him, dear! Smiley, smiley!"
Miss Candice walks behind the register. You notice the cute girl standing by the cardboard cutout of Miss Candice.
"W-welcome to the candy store!" she says, "Our candy is sure to make you..."
She trails off, staring at your gigantic smile, then looking back at Miss Candice, then looking back at you.
"Smiley!" she says, looking as though she has a gun pressed to her head.
"Aww, thank you!" you say, "You're always such a sweetheart, Curtsey!"
"Mhmm!" Curtsey replies, fearfully.
"Y'know, I probably should have seen this coming," Hero says, "Of course you and her would get along great."
"I'll take that as a compliment!" you say, walking over to the shelves of candy, perusing the options. You quickly grab your personal favorite.
"Ah, honey-lemon hard candies..." you say, "Kel, Hero, anything you're in the mood for?"
Kel and Hero begin looking, too.
"...Hmm, maybe..." Kel says, "Ooh, this looks good! Dark chocolate with oranges in it... mmm. Alright, maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea."
Hero seems neutral on the matter. Actually, he seems neutral in general, which you absolutely loathe want to fix as soon as possible. You're struck with an idea. You take something off the shelf and hand it to him.
"A smores starter kit!" you say, "Smores are the sandwiches of the candy world, you know."
"I mean, I guess?" Hero says, "Odd way of putting it. But, umm... thanks."
"No problem!" you say, "Anything for a friend."
Hero's gaze still seems to be very cold. You recall why you came here in the first place... looking around, you notice two people off in the corner of the store, snickering to themselves.
"...Hmm?" you say, "Oh, I do believe I smell something bitter."
You walk over to confront the two people. As you'd expected, it's Kim and Vance, shoving candy into their pockets.
"Excuse me," you say, startling them, "I'd greatly appreciate it if y—"
"Crap!" Kim yells, "Sunny, you snitch!"
"Me?" you say, "I'm not a snitch, honestly. Shoplifting can be a perfectly moral act... but here, well, you may as well be taking money out of Shannon's wallet."
"Stealing?!" Miss Candice yells, hearing the commotion, "Sunny, dear, are those two kids back?! I swear, I'll call the police on you two! Smiley smiley!"
"That won't be necessary!" you say, "Please, do not!"
"...Ugh, Sunny, really?" Vance says, "Come on..."
You sigh.
"Kim, Vance," you turn to face the two thieves, lowering your voice, "Let's not do anything too hasty. I would, if I am being perfectly honest, prefer to not have anyone here get shot. So, hand over the candy."
"W-we..." Kim says, "Grumble grumble... fine!"
Very begrudgingly, they hand over their spoils. You place it into a basket for later organization.
"Dang, Sunny," Kel says, "Since when have you been so mean to police officers?"
"Why, ever since I've been this cool!" you say, "Which is to say, always. I'm amazing, I know, no need to faun over me."
Kel stares back with an awkward smile.
"Why are you picking on us, huh?" Vance asks, "As if Basil isn't already enough of a pain!"
"Oh, funny you'd mention that," you say, "See, I'm only so mean because I need something from you! Would you happen to know where Basil is?"
"W-why would you want to talk with him?!" Kim asks, "Basil's a jerkwad!"
"Agreed," Hero says, "But, he has something that belongs to me."
"Are those kids out of my store, Sunny?!" Miss Candice yells, "Get them out! Smiley, smiley!"
"Right away, Shannon!" you yell, then turn back to the thieves, "Alright, you two, come with me."
You take them by their hands and drag them outside.
"H-hey, wait!" Vance says.
"Y-yeah... you can't just... drag us out!" Kim says.
"Oh, but I can!" you say, "I'm much stronger than either of you."
True enough, despite their struggling, they cannot escape your grasp. You place the money for your purchased candy on the counter and practically carry them out of the candy store, out of Othermart, out to the sidewalk. Once you're outside, you let them go.
"Now, what do we say, mmm?" you tease.
"F-freakin'... sorry, I guess?!" Kim says, "You weirdo!"
"Ah, I get that a lot," you say, chuckling, "It's fine. You're all just jealous."
"Ugh... I really can't stand you sometimes, Sunny," Vance says, "Can we just... go... now?"
"Ah-ah-ah," you say, wagging your finger, "Nope! Basil's location, now. And don't tell me you don't know, because we already asked everyone else in the scooter gang."
"Why should I tell you, huh?" Vance asks, "What, you wanna get your ass handed to you that badly? You some kinda masochist?"
"Oh, hardly," you say, "Just a friend trying to help a friend! Now, tell me where he is. I really don't want to have to lobby any threats or such... though, this is quite important."
"What's in it for us?" KIm spits out.
"Yeah, c'mon, Sunny," Vance retorts, "You're so selfless, aren't you? Give us something to make us talk."
You smile brightly.
"Ah, alright, then," you say, "I believe I know just the thing..."
Before they can possibly react, you kiss each of them on the cheek.
"There we go!" you say, "There's your payment. Now, talk."
"W-what the hell?!" Vance says, "You're such a freak!"
"Ugh, yeah, you nerd!" Kim says, "The heck is wrong with you?!"
"Ugh..." you sigh, "Lighten up, will you? You'll learn to like it eventually. Besides, if that reward isn't good enough for you, how about this?"
You spread your arms out grandly.
"Your reward is..." you say, "...me not calling the tax-funded hitmen on you for attempted shoplifting. How about that?"
They both sigh, conceding due to your sheer absurdity, if nothing else.
"Vance..." Kim says, "...Tell him."
"Alright, alright!" Vance says, "Fine, you wanna know where Basil is so badly, you freak?"
You hear the sound of a bell chiming.
"He's at church," Vance says, "Bye."
They walk away without another word.
"...Church?" Kel asks, "Why would Basil be at church?!"
"I..." you mutter, "I'm not sure. Oh, dear..."
You feel a chill up your spine. It makes your smile quiver. You... don't want to go to the church. Why? You're... perfect, after all.
"Well, we've got our answer," Hero says, "No time like the present, I guess. Sun's just about to set, anyways. We should hurry."
You look up at the sky.
"I-Indeed," you say, coughing, "Right! Let's get a move on, you two. We have a friend to talk to!"
The three of you begin walking towards the church. On your way there, you catch a glimpse of Basil's house... it seems just as floral as always. Turning right, you walk over to the front of the church. It's uncomfortably quiet.
"...Alright, well..." Kel says, "This... is it, I guess. It sounds like there's a sermon going on, though, so... maybe we should wait this out."
You walk up and peek inside. You can see everyone there... so many eyes but one person stands out. A boy with blue hair.
"Alright, Kel, Hero?" you say, "I'm about to do something very impulsive and reckless."
"Umm... hey, maybe don't?" Kel says, "You, uhh... sort of did very much kill someone the last time you did that."
"I know, I know," you say, "Jeez, I'm sorry, alright?"
Hero gains a somber expression.
"...You seem... weirdly tense," Kel says.
"Yes, well," you say, "Umm... the thing is... no, you know what? There isn't any point in discussing this. As bad of an idea as this may be, it's necessary. You two will back me up, right?"
They nod hesitantly.
"Good," you say, "Now, just... be quiet."
You gently open the door. A preacher is saying something which falls deaf upon your ears. You slowly, cautiously walk up towards the pew behind the one Basil is sitting in. Each step seems to be louder than the last. You can feel phonophobia itching at the back of your mind... you close your eyes and calm down, sitting behind Basil.
"...Basil," you say, quietly.
He recoils in surprise, turning to face you.
"Y-you?!" he says, trying to keep his voice low, "What... what do you want?!"
"Basil, you took my brother's photo album," Kel says, "We'd like it back. That's all. Give us the photo album, and you'll never have to see us again."
"I-I mean, I don't know about that," you say, "It would be nice to see you some more, Basil."
Basil chuckles.
"And why should I give you that photo album, huh?" he asks, "You wanna reminisce? Stare at those cute, old photos? Ooh, or maybe... Sunny, you want a trophy, right? The proverbial mounted deer head. A picture of your victim! I wouldn't put that past you."
"B-Basil..." Hero says, "Please, that album... it's all I have left of her..."
"Oh, I'm sure it is." he says mockingly, "Probably why all the photos were ruined before I cleaned them, huh? Man, you must really like mayonnaise."
Basil just keeps laughing. You've attracted a fair deal of attention.
"Oh, God, Hero... really?" Kel asks.
"L-listen, I... don't have to defend myself!" he says, his tone carrying something inscrutable about it.
You're not really paying attention to what they say. You're paying attention to the whispers. Your phonophobia is back, but there's something else here, too.
"Oh my goodness, is that... him?" a voice says.
"He dares to come here... after what he did..." another says.
"Oh, dear," you say, "B-Basil, I would recommend you... stop being so loud. You're causing a ruckus! These people... they just want to listen to the sermon!"
Basil laughs again, standing up.
"Is that so?!" he yells at full volume, "Well, Sunny Suzuki, I beg to differ! It's not me causing a ruckus. You know what I was gonna do here? Sit down and pray to the girl you killed. You think you can barge in here and say that I'm the one who's not welcome? You are interrupting us, Sunny. You always try to flip the script. It ain't gonna work this time."
The chorus of churchgoers begins speaking again, every eye fixed on you.
"...It is him... that demon child..."
"I've told everyone... he isn't to be trusted..."
"I was there at her funeral. He was smiling the whole time. He's a psychopath."
Basil cheers, clapping his hands together as though he were cheering on a performer.
"...This... isn't good," Kel says.
"Umm... Basil, y'know what?" Hero says, "The photo album? You can have it. Thanks for cleaning the stains off of it, but uhh... yeah, we've gotta g—"
"No," you say, cutting him off.
You clench your fists together. Your smile quivers up and down but it does not break.
"Basil," you say, "Hero needs that photo album to be happy. He's never going to smile... unless he gets it back."
You step out into the center aisle, intent on blocking Basil's potential avenues for escape.
"I'm not leaving until you give that photo album back," you say, "Don't make this any harder than it needs to be, Basil. This is for the best."
Basil falls back into a full-belly laugh.
"Man... you really are just comically fucked up, you know that?" he says, "Look at yourself, Sunny! Look at yourself in that damned handheld mirror you always carry around. Look at your face. Listen to your voice, the way you talk, the things you do to people. You're disgusting."
The crowd murmurs in agreement. They all hate you.
"If you're not going to give me what I want," you say, "I'll force you to. I am stronger than you, Basil."
"Oh, really?" Basil says, stepping out into the aisle himself, "You wanna bet on that? You wanna have a fight in the middle of a place of worship? Sure! Wouldn't be the worst thing you've ever done, would it? Not even close! You won't be going much deeper in Hell for this than you already would've; you've already hit rock bottom!"
Your friends get behind you, hating every moment of this. Basil tosses his shears aside, shrugging.
"I don't need these," he says, "I'll protect this church from freaks like you with my bare fucking hands. Besides, I wouldn't want to stain the carpet with your sinful blood."
Time to fight.
You feel everyone's eyes upon you. Dozens... no, hundreds, no... millions... they're uncountable. You calm yourself down. Kel once again uses his pens as dull weapons, and Hero fights with his fists, same as Basil.
"I can't believe he would come here..."
Basil lands a punch on your side.
"Who does he think he is?"
You use your handheld mirror as a blunt object. The glass does not shatter; only the most perfect glass would do for your mirror.
"He goes around hugging and kissing people without their permission... he's a pervert."
Basil sweeps Hero's legs.
"He constantly carries that mirror... always talking about how perfect he is... he's a narcissist."
You use your mirror as a shield, guarding yourself. You don't want to hear them.
"He killed his sister, and he's smiling about it."
Their voices taunt you, prod at your mind like that horrible, mysterious black void creature... SOMETHING. You tell yourself that you need to remember... remember that you are perfect. Remember that you are worthy of love. Remember that your kisses always make things better.
"He's too dangerous to be allowed to just walk around. He should be in an insane asylum."
"He should be in jail."
"He should get the chair."
You turn the mirror towards yourself and kiss your reflection.
"Oh, fuck you, Sunny!" Basil says, cringing with disgust, "That's it. Enough messing around!"
Without any further warning, Basil rushes all three of you, spreading his arms out as wide as he can, pushing all of you out the door. You fall down on your backs onto the grass and Basil stands tall in the doorway.
"Agh... Basil," you say, "That... oh, God..."
"Oh, sorry, Sunny," Basil says mockingly, "Did that hurt? Is your neck broken? Has the light drained from your eyes? Are you going to wipe that stupid fucking smile off of your face? Hmm?"
You just stare at him, indicating that your answer is "no."
"That's what I thought," Basil says, "Don't come back here. Don't ever even look at me again."
He laughs again, malice and heartbreak in his eyes.
"...If you do," Basil taunts, "Well, let's just say... you'll be right next to Mari again. Goodbye, Sunny."
The doors slam. A cheer erupts from the inside of the church. You feel like you could vomit.
"Well..." you say, "That... was..."
"A complete and utter failure?" Kel asks.
"W-well," you say, "We got... information! We know Basil's... motives... we know... more about him! That's... useful! Sure, as a rescue mission, we failed, but as a reconnaissance mission? A massive success! No casualties!"
You smile back at them with what little force you can muster. Kel sighs. Hero looks absolutely devastated and disgusted.
"H-hey, guys!" you say, "Come on, now... smile for me! Sure, Basil's bad now, but we can't give up! I know I can help him!"
"How?" Kel asks, "Seriously, do you have a plan?"
"I..." you say, "I don't know."
Kel sighs. Hero says nothing.
"Man, let's... let's just go home," he says, standing up, "Mom's gonna be pissed if I don't get back to doing my schoolwork."
"I-It's Summer!" you exclaim, jolting up.
"Yeah," Kel says, "There's work over Summer."
You sigh.
"Oh, Kel..." you say, "You used to be such a free spirit... what happened?"
"Same thing that happened to Basil, probably," Kel says.
He seems to notice your displeasure. Sure, your smile hasn't faltered; it never does, but... you certainly don't seem happy.
"Look, Sunny, I..." Kel says, "We'll figure something out, alright? All three of us. Tomorrow's a new day, y'know? And... we've got two more before me and Hero move."
"Yeah, that's..." Hero falters, "Plenty of time..."
"Aww, you guys!" you say, smiling brightly and pulling them into a tight hug, "I'm so happy you see things my way. See? It isn't that hard to be optimistic!"
"Heh... sure, bud," Kel says, "Seriously, though... it's been fun, but I gotta get home."
"Mmm... well," you say, "Alright. You definitely do look like you need some rest... have you been sleeping well, Kel?"
"Ha!" Kel says, "Sleep? Man, I remember sleep. Sleeping was great. Heh... ah, but seriously, no, I actually have a caffeine-addiction-induced case of insomnia."
"I... see," you say, "Well, no time like the present to start fixing things! I'll walk you two home... it's the least I can do, really. Besides, I'll be going home, too, and we're neighbors."
"Heh... yeah," Kel says as you start walking back home, "It's... it's actually really great to see you, Sunny. I kinda didn't realize how much I missed you... I mean, even if you're really, really different... you're still Sunny, in your own weird way."
"Mmm... yeah..." Hero says, "Meeting you... went better than I thought it would."
"Yeah, I mean, you thought Sunny was going to kill you," Kel says teasingly, "What was that all about, anyways?"
"Umm..." Hero seems a bit like a cornered animal, "Just... paranoia, like you said. I kinda thought everyone was out to get me... being to isolated. It's... nice to be outside again. Even if..."
He trails off.
"...Don't worry, Hero," you say, "I can help you! Whatever is that's wrong, Sunny can always make things better!"
You reach the street which runs up to the park. You see Basil's house once again... but you notice something odd. You almost miss it, but you're glad you don't; there's a kind-looking young woman, the same one from the pharmacy, taking out the trash. You immediately recognize something sticking out from one of the bags... it's bright green. The woman goes back inside, leaving the trash bag in the bin.
"The photo album!" you yell, rushing over to the trash.
"Hmm, alright," Kel says, "So, he's delusional, too."
"No, no, I mean it!" you say, now digging through the garbage, "Let's see... aha!"
You manage to pluck the album loose, holding it high above your head.
"Ba ba ba ba~" you sing, "Gotcha!"
"Oh, dang..." Kel exclaims, "Good thing you spotted that. I... can't believe Basil would just throw it out like that."
"I can't believe I'm not dead right now," Hero says, "Life is just... full of bittersweet surprises, I guess."
"Oh, come on, Hero!" you say, "We got the photo album back! Oh, this is wonderful! We have to show your parents... I'm sure they'll be ecstatic! We have to look through the album together... just like old times!"
You smile radiantly, running in place, hopping up and down like a little kid.
"A-alright..." Hero says, "You... what, do you want to have dinner with us?"
"Absolutely!" you say, "Thank you, Hero!"
You happily take his hand and rush down the street, off towards your house, leaving Kel to chase shortly after you. Soon enough, you're standing outside the door to his house. You begin knocking... perhaps a bit too overzealously. The door creaks open.
"Okay, okay, I'm he—" Kel and Hero's father says, cutting himself off, "...Oh. So that's where you've been. With..."
He looks at you with contempt. Kel and Hero's mother walks up from behind.
"Hmm? Who's at the door..." she says, then meets eyes with you, "...You again."
"M-My apologies, Mr. and Mrs. Martin!" you say, "I figured... Hero needed some sunlight, so I forced him outside. We've... been spending the day having fun together!"
"Kel doesn't have time for fun," the mother says, bluntly.
"...And Hero doesn't belong outside," the father says, just as harshly.
"Mom, Dad, please..." Hero says, tiredly, "Please... don't be mean to Sunny. He doesn't deserve anyone being mean to him."
"Aww, Hero!" you say, hugging him affectionately, "You're such a sweetheart... thank you!"
His parents look at you, disgusted.
"Hero, you... really want to spend time with him?" his father asks.
"Yes, it... seems like a... I mean, maybe it's not best for your mental health—" his mother says.
"It's fine," Kel says, "Sunny... he's not as bad as some people say he is."
Kel takes the photo album out of your hands.
"See?" Kel says, "You remember this? Hero's... photo album? Sunny got it back, all because he knows how much it means to Hero."
You see the parents glance at each other, then back at you, seeming to reconsider things.
"...That's... awfully nice..." the father says.
"Mmm... well... if Hero is alright with you, I guess there's no harm..." the mother says.
"We were hoping, umm..." Hero says, "Could Sunny... stay for dinner? We want to look at the photos together."
The mother and father nod.
"Alright," the father concedes, "Come on in."
You step inside. You can smell something cooking in the kitchen room.
"Oooh," you say, "Smells delicious! What are we having?"
"Just some chicken noodle soup," the mother says, "Nothing too special."
"Oh, hardly," you say, "I'm sure it'll taste good."
Even Kel and Hero's parents can't seem to resist the temptation of your charming smile. Your positivity begins to infect them.
"Kel, Hero," you say, "Let's sit down and flip through the photo album! I know it might seem like a bit of an old person thing... but we're almost adults, now, anyways!"
"Yeah, and I am an adult..." Hero says, "...Legally speaking."
You take a seat on the couch, one brother on each side of you.
"Hero's memories..." you say, reading the cover, "Alright. Let's begin."
You open the photo album. True to Basil's word, the photos are spotless. However, some are missing. You survey what remains. The first photo is you with your violin, then... you see her, staring back at you. That beautiful, perfect girl. Your smile becomes even brighter, and your cheeks flush slightly. There's two photos of her at Hero's birthday party. Two blank spaces. Then, Hero and Mari sleeping beside each other on the couch, then Hero and Mari washing dishes. The pictures of himself are all either selfies or taken by other people. Then, three empty spaces. There's a picture of Hero reading a book to you. Another blank space. Two pictures of a picnic, one picture of you riding on Mari's shoulders, a picture of you and Kel with a flower crown, a picture of Hero wearing a flower crown. Five blank spaces. A picture of Mari with a popsicle, then a picture of everyone's feet in a circle. Blank, blank, blank. A picture of Kel relaxing at the beach, a picture of Hero resting on Mari's chest, a picture of Hero and Mari holding hands, smiling against the sunset. Blank. A picture of you with a gift, then a picture of you sitting in the box. Two blanks. Mari holding a bug up to Hero's face. Blank, blank. Everyone at the treehouse. Blank. Two pictures of everyone playing cards. Two blanks. The final stretch... you and Mari hugging, Mari practicing piano, Mari appearing flustered, you and Mari practicing for your recital.
"Hmm..." you muse, "It's very nice to see these photos again. I love seeing bright, smiling faces... especially Mari's..."
"Yeah..." Kel says, "But... there's lots of them missing. I wonder what's up with that?"
Hero says nothing. His eyes seem to dart between the photos of Mari and you. He seems even more nervous than usual... like he knows something nobody else does. You reexamine the pictures and their descriptions.
"...I see," you say, "Every picture here is one which either shows or mentions Mari. All the others are gone."
"So, wait..." Kel says, "Basil just... threw away Mari?"
"I... don't think we should jump to conclusions," you say, "But, it certainly seems to have been an intentional choice. Basil must have his motivations for only throwing away these photos. Well... regardless, at least we have them now."
"You're always about the bright side, huh?" Kel says, "That's... definitely something that's sorely needed around here. It's a good thing we have you around..."
"Aww, thank you," you say, "It's just how I am."
"Heh... yeah," Kel says, "Hero, umm... try not to ruin the photos again, alright?"
"I would prefer not to talk about this ever again," Hero replies, his eyes empty as he stares at you, not Kel.
"Honestly? Fair," Kel replies, "That's cool."
"Kel!" a male voice calls from the kitchen, "Come in here and help us get dinner ready, please!"
"Ah, shucks..." Kel says, "Alright, you all stay here... or, y'know, feel free to walk around. Dinner'll be ready soon."
Kel smiles and leaves, leaving you along with Hero. You stare into his eyes.
"Uhh... hey," he says.
You keep staring.
"Umm... is something wrong?" he asks, growing nervous.
You keep staring.
"...Why are you staring at me like that?" he asks.
"I just think you're very handsome, Hero," you say, "What you did with those photos... let me know if that's ever about to happen again. I want to help."
"Uhh... alright?" Hero says, not quite understanding what you're saying, "Sure. I'd just prefer if we dropped the topic, really. The photos are clean."
You nod, standing up.
"Don't mind me, dear," you say, "I'm just going to have a look around, that's all."
You wave Hero goodbye and carefully walk up the stairs, then go into Kel and Hero's room... there's that familiar stench. You wish so dearly to clean Hero's side of the room, but there wouldn't be enough time before dinner, probably; you can tell that this place needs a deep cleaning. At least Kel seems to be relatively clean, although there's countless bottles and cans of caffeinated drinks scattered about... Red Bull, coffee, even his old favorite, Orange Joe. Ah, well... he's coping in his own way. You can certainly understand using beverages to cope.
Though it's quite taboo, you then go into Kel and Hero's parents' room. You don't think you'll find anything too interesting... but much to your pleasant surprise, there's a baby there!
"Oh my gosh!" you say, trying to keep your voice low, walking over to her, "Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing!"
You stare down at her with your flawless smile. She looks up at you with an empty gaze, then cringes away, appearing afraid.
"WAAAAAAA!!!" the baby yells.
"Oh, dear," you say, trying your best to lullaby-sing her back into calmness, "Ah... hush little baby... don't say a word~"
You hear someone walk up the stairs. The door opens.
"...Oh, Sunny," Hero says, "It's... just you. Here, let me... take care of that."
"Ah, no, really, I—" you begin to say.
"She's my sister," Hero says, cutting you off.
He picks up the baby, rocking her gently, tenderly patting her back.
"There we go..." you say, "It's okay, Sally..."
Soon enough, the baby stops crying, and Hero places her back into her crib.
"Apologies," you say, "I must've scared her by being someone new... just like you, I suppose! My, you really were frightened of me... I can't help but think that's silly. Why would you ever be afraid of me, Hero?"
He looks back at you with that same vacant, horrified, terrified expression.
"...Are you messing with me?" he asks, "I genuinely can't tell."
"Huh?" you tilt your head, "I'm not sure what you mean."
He just sighs, walking over to the window and looking wistfully out of it.
"I had always wished... that someday, things could go back to the way they were before," Hero says, "You know how... in movies, and in stories... when someone makes a wish, they get it, but it gets a bit twisted...?"
He doesn't feel the need to finish that sentence.
"Oh, Hero, dear," you say, walking over to him and hugging him, "You're getting all worried over nothing. Just let me help you... that's all I want to do! It's my raison d'etre!"
"...That's... a pretty good one," he says, "A good... reason to live."
"Mhmm..." you say, "It's the perfect one."
You share a cold yet tender moment of silence.
You let go of him.
"Let's go downstairs, mmm?" you say, "I'm very hungry."
"I... could eat, I guess," Hero shrugs.
The two of you walk downstairs to greet Kel and his parents. You politely sit down, directly across from Hero.
"...Mmm... took you two long enough," Kel says, "What were you two doing up there?"
"Hero was showing me Sally," you say, "You should've told me sooner... I didn't know you had such an adorable baby sister!"
"Heh, yeah..." the father laughs, "It's great to finally have a daughter. Not that two sons isn't good, though."
Kel's dad playfully punches his arm.
"...Yes, you two are enough trouble on your own," the mother says, "You two could use a little lady to keep you in control."
"I... don't think a baby sister would do that," Hero says, "That'd be, uhh..."
"A girlfriend?" you ask, eating, oblivious to the implications of your words.
There's a tense silence.
"Yes, a... a girlfriend," the mother replies, "Mmm... say, Sunny, what have you been up to? Kel told me that you started a fight with Basil."
"Oh, well, I know that sounds bad," you say, "But I had a good reason to. I needed to get the photo album back."
"Doesn't that seem... a tad excessive?" the father says.
"Oh, anything for a friend," you say.
You continue eating in silence.
"...Do you... always smile this much?" the father says, "Or are you just in a good mood?"
"Oh, I just always smile," you say, "It's my thing!"
"I... see," the mother says, "Well, Sunny, you know... you can just relax."
"Oh, hardly!" you say, "I... have to smile all the time. You see, a while ago, I made a promise..."
ṕ̸̤̞͎͔͎͍̞͚̮͍̩̦̒͒̇͒̓r̵̛͉̲̱̱̜̘͕̾͗̌̂̃̽̆͆́͑̈͆ơ̵̛̮͖͕̯̺̺̹̲̎̍̓̈̏̓̂̄͒͝͝m̸̧̧̡̨̳̗͕̭̥̭͕͈̰͉͌͛̌̊͋̐̊̊̈́̉́͛͐͝i̴̧̫͖̭̫̯̰̓̓̍ͅs̷͔͓͉͎͎̻̮͓͍̪̺̦̈́́͜ḙ̸̛̮̝̠͍͓̲͇̰̼̳̄̽́͜͜͜͝m̵̟͎͋͒̈́̈̆̀͂̾̎e̸̲͎͚͆͆͑̑̈́́͑̐̾̒̕̕y̶̢̭̟̯̬̗̞̠͚͊̀̿͊̐̿̓̿̊̌̃̚̚̚o̵̜͍̽̒̐͆́ư̷̛̹̞̝̎̓́̾̌̂̓ļ̵̭̘̯̠͔͚̿͂̊̌̋̕l̶̺̅͒̈̓̒͛̂̿̿̚͝ã̷̻̯̙͓̗̞̼̭̣̝̘͉̜̭̠̈́͒̾̍͑̄͑͝ḷ̴̢̡̪̬̭̹͙̫̠̮͑́͜ͅw̸̧̛̫̍̆̎̓̒̿̄̽̈́̽ȃ̶̛̺̝̖̥̮̗̗̞̖̖̭̘̺̃̀͆͐͆̎̅͐̈́̍̚̚͜y̶̗̲̫͚̳̺̝͍̤̗̆̾̾͒͂̊͜͜s̶̡̭͛͂̊͝s̴̢̫̹͍̦͂̈́̈́̅̆̐̂̑͘͘͜͝m̵̧̗͚̱̗̥̐̓̈́̆͐į̵̨̲̯͚͚̤͙̩̦́͊͌̕l̷̛̩̲̻͑̊̂͛͝e̸̠̬̦̲̱̺̟̦̪͍̱̖̝̣̅p̴̪̠̠̮̣̝̤͔̔̾̊͑̽͐̚͘͝ͅͅͅŗ̶̢̨̺̦͎̦͖̗͈̹̠̈̽̓̓̌̈́̈́̈́͗͘͜͜͝͝ͅo̸̧͓͇̟̖͔̳͖̱͓͚̦͓̜̖̐̆̄͊̇̑̈́͌̍͂͐̽m̶̨̨͙͓̝̞̆̓́͐̋̍̕í̶̛͚̰̩̓́͊̊̄͗͌̐̽̋̂̏̕s̶̢̞͎̫̝͚̯̪̿̇̃̚ḛ̷͂̍́͊͑̂̇̂͛̆̿́̒̏͠m̸̢̡͖͉̥̗̼͖̯̓͌́̀̚͜͝͝ͅe̴̹̯͉͙̒͗͒̑͒͆̓̈́̌̽̅͆̕͠y̵̧͖̮̺̲̍͌̉̏̌̒̂̿̆̆̔͗͠o̷̧̩̥͎̹̫̜̪̱̖̯̩͑̚ũ̶͇͍̼̥̈́̀̔͆̊̀̿̃̋͝l̵̨̤͇̠̂̆̅̏͗̆̇̽̕͠ļ̶̧̯̙̙̱̝̘͐̑́͂͌̊̀̑̾͒̚͠͠a̶̧̧͉͓̙̻̘̐̎͝ḷ̸̼̳͔͆͑̌̇̀̌̍̐̆̃͋̿̚͝͝ͅw̶̨͚̯̼͖͈͒͝a̵̹̪̥̪̟̳͖̓͝y̴̛̬̭͚͙̯͂s̶̡̨͖͖̮͚̼͕̺̩̲̦̽̏̇͐̈́s̶̡̹͕̣͇̰͓̟͚͕̝̜͇̱̮̑͆͆͒̾̽̉m̴̤̰̓͘̕ĭ̸̛̘͓͔͗̂̊̏̽͆͒̎ĺ̵̢̛͔̦̞̱̪̬̤̣̜̟̝̉̐͛͑̃͊̍͑̊̍͌ę̴̯̝̰͎̑̿͒̄̆̿̋̚͜͠p̷̣̙̠̗̍̂̈́͐̓͗͊̈̅̿̒͘͝r̷̭̭̣͕̓͐͊͌̿̽ơ̴͙͈̫̳͓̝̞̮͇̙̆͛͗̅͗̓͘ͅͅm̷̦͉͙̳̠̦͍͙͔͙͋͑̽͛͜i̸̢̨̺͔̰̲̮̤̪͖͂̌̋͌̒̿̾̓̈́̿̒̓̽̕s̷̩̯̝̗̟̊͆̑͐̄͐̐̓̓͋̀ẽ̸͚̯͒̄͆̿̑̈́͊̕͘͝m̴̰̟̦̹̞̟͔͇̘̗͛̈́̾͝ͅę̵̺͇̠̠͔͇̔̐̚y̴̩̬̬͓̎̑̽̂̈́̂̚o̷͚͙͓̍u̴̝̱̲͔͍͉͕͓̹͂̏̇̏̐͗̾̈́̽̎̌l̵̼͚͓͓̺͓̯̓͌̇̊͊͘̕̚ļ̸̡̡̱̬̟̖͚̺̦͈̅͊͆͘͝a̷̡͓̙̻̖̺̞̫͈̮̲͙̥͓͉̓̌͑͗̌̓͛̎̑̽̎̾͝͠ľ̸̞͕͍̪͎̫̘̾͂͆͊́͗͐̅̍͂͑͒̕ẁ̶̨̰͒̒̃̆͑̏̽̿̎͊̄͝͠͝á̵̢̨̢̛̜̫̝̲͎̜͉̞̹̹͆͆̊̈͛̊̎͑̒̃̾̿ͅỹ̶̖̫̒͘s̴̮̖̝͂̿̆s̴͉̭̳̟͎͍̠̲̟̘͙̊̒m̵̨̼͇̟̤̬̗͍̣͔͋͗̌̃͐͒͘͠i̴͙̖͍̞̠̭̜̅̓̓͑͜͝͠ͅl̶̡̧̖̩̻̜͚̠͎̬̦͔̍̈́̑̎̒͒͂̏͑̏̈́̀̋̍͠ȩ̴̢͓̱̩̫̤̗͙̗̟̼̃͜ͅp̷̡̛̝͓͎͍͎͓̲͌̒̉̈͆̆̄͘͝ͅr̶͍̮̭̗̲͎̥̎̌̎͋͛͘͠͝ö̸̠̮̝̗̺̱͎͚̠͈̹́̄͂̈́͋̄̿̐̍m̴͖̝̲̩̘̙̗̟͎͆͊̐͒͛̈̂͗͒į̴̱͈͚̖̣̾s̶̻̬̹̤̜̤̣͔̩̘̫̈́̿̒͐͝͝ͅë̸̬̱̗̜͕̮̱̘̼̲̗͇͖́̎͆͌̉͝m̶̗̎̈́̍̾͛̀̈́ȅ̵͚͙̞͈̲͆͐̈́͑͆̎͝y̴̨̧̞͚͍̞͖̘̌͜͝o̶̘̯̤̠͍̥̅ư̶͙̲̩͓͔̼̰̈́͐̽̇͋̏̊̎̉͗̈̕l̴̢̛̥̙̆̉̔̊̈́̾̾̆̽͌̾͘̕͝l̸̢̛̜̞͇̪̤͒̈́͋͛͐͋͜ͅa̶͈̠͈͑͊͗l̸̪͐̍̊͠w̵͎̿̕͠ȧ̷͇̜̉̏̂͗̐͝y̴̢̩͍̳͈̠̪͚̦̭̪͛ş̶̛̩͙͔̣͇̫͕̲͇̼̋͐̌̏̋́͆š̷͇̦͉͉̮̭̘̖̣͜͠m̸͓͚̺̝̗̠̣̘͇͉͙̞̑͋̑̽͐̈̈́̏̎̆̓͆̆̈́í̴̝̜͙͉̬͙̈̆̿͒́̌̀́̚͜͝l̸̡̡̻̥̖̗̰̯̗̮̪̣̠̯̾̌̅͑̑̃͌̿̈̍͑͘͠͠ͅe̷̛̛̱͖͍͕̗̰̹̥͓͆̌̾̾̉̋̅̌p̴̢̨̳̙̜̯͕͈̮̰̽͑̎r̵͖̰̪̣͗͊͆̈́̂͌̉̚ͅö̴̡͉̪͓̦̻͎͎̾͐̌̋̑̐͌͒̓͂͊m̵̧̧̘͚̞̣͉͓̙͕̲̎͜ͅi̷̺̠̓̋ś̷͎̮̟̺͒̈́̍̋̉̄ḙ̸̜̺͖͓̖̠̦̜̮̰̭͙̇̉̔̈̐̆͊͠m̵̫̩͕͖̫̥͇̥͈̙̰̪̬̞̿̐̀̽̋͑͠͠ē̸̡̧̱̭͚̳̲̼̽̅̄̊͆͘͠y̴̡̛̼̞̋̒͐͐̃̒́́̿͛ò̴͖̻͕͓̃̅̍̾͘̚͘ȕ̸͙͚͕͉͕̗̖͙͒̎̒̈͒͐̇̑̀̐͘͜͝l̷̡͚̫̑͂̀̈́͌̚͠ͅl̵̻͕͌̔͋̒̄̉̒͘̚͝͝à̸̡̨͕̱̲͇̱̖̺̲̩͗̔͊̍̇͐̽͗͠l̷͈͍̯̺̤͍̣̹̬̫̟͇̎̈̇̓͋͛͘̕͘͝ẅ̶͎̰͚̰̖̰́̈́̇͑̓̆̈̉̿a̷̡̝̥͙̤͙̽̈̊̕y̶̡̡̺̰̠̠̦̦̭͈̭̐̅͐̕̚͠s̵͓͖̝̜̞̯̯̣̥͇̙̞̙̋̇̑̓̈́̈́̔̕͘͝s̶̢̧͇̯͍͚̃͂̕m̵̢̭͉͖͈̯͔̼̒̓͆̆̑̏͌̚͝͝ͅȉ̵͙̦͍̗͉̠̣̥͈͌͌̌̔͊̚l̵͖͙̖͌͋͒̽͂̽͂̏͜͠͠e̵̻̮̮̻̰̟̓͑̅̐͌̇̈͘͘p̷͖̮̗̏̅̌̿͐͘͝r̴̡͔͉̭͖̟̭͙̘̲̬̬̪͖͇͗͗̔̅̎̌̚̚͝ò̶̫͉̫̇͊͝ṁ̶̧͕͖̙͔͉̰̇̐̈́͗̈̿̓͌͗̄̕͘̚͠i̵̠̦͍͔͙̼̼̟̭̽̆̏̈́̿̅̐̋̇͜͝s̵̫̮͕̰͉͚̪̺̟̿͛̆͊̀̔̍e̶̗̖̜͓̠̣̝̪͉̅̑̈̏̾͊̊̈́̾̅͝͠͠͝m̸̨̞͔̰͍̣͎̮̮̞̣̝̊͛̒͜ͅḛ̵̢̯̝̠̠͑̐̓̌̋̋͌́̔̕͝͝͝ͅy̸̖̩̮̭̟̼̲̝̎̓͊̃ͅơ̵͎̜͕̥̻̗͉͚̖̫̭͚̤͕͋̌̎̓u̸̡̝̤͍̤̞͔͂̒̃͌͜͝͝͝ľ̴̢̢̡̤̝̻̪̭̙̻̯̪l̶̛̟̗̺̬̙͎̟̪̹̲̺͓ͅͅa̷̼̗̬̩̫͕̜͒̐͒̈͛͌̄͂̚l̷̨̛̠͖̥͕̰̜̬̟̳͕̤͕͎̇̂̌̍͌̄̐͗̎w̶̛̰̰̗̓͊̐̂̒̔ä̶̢̧̢̤̱̠̟͇̱̺̖̜́̄̿͂̔̽͑͋̏͝y̸̧̨̧̥̼̫͎̞̪̫͇̣͙͓̓̍̎͒̽ş̶̛͉̻̳̈́͌̾͗͗̂̽̾̅̈́̆ş̶̜̱̜͈͙̱͇̯͉̼̻͔̏̓͐͆̑m̶̢̡͓̬̝͓͓̏͊͋̾͛͗̏͛̄͒̽͠i̸̛̼̙̯̩͆͊̓̌͋̂̈́͠ͅl̷̨͕͇͎̘̥͉̮͑̐̉́̐̅̐̈́̿͌̋̋̚͝͝ė̴̬͉̻̤̪̲p̵̗͛̌̑̄̾r̴̰̬̬͉͗͐̔͋̆́̓o̷͓̖̺̙̘̼̹͖̙͇̙͕̐̇m̶̖̗͎͓̺͈͈̲̞̊͊̊̄̔̆̋̈́̌̐̾͐͜͝ͅi̶̡͎̗̻̲̭̦̘̭͕͚͎̣̎͋͜s̴̢̧̧̢̜̰̗̼̳̫̦̍͌̓̃̔͛̈́̚e̸̜͍͇̞͕̱̤̱͎̲̩̙͋̂̀̈́̃̉̀̈́́͘ m̷̺̦͉͚͎̳̱̥̱͇̊̊̽̇̓̉̈́͆͝ͅȩ̵̨̛̛̱̻̬̗͎̥̥͕̩̞͠ͅy̶̡̫͌͒͊̓͆̐̈́͆̈̒̑̈͝ǫ̵̨͉͉̜̘̳̪̥̭̭̠̘̫͌͑̃̿̎̆̾̋́̀͂̑͘͝ͅu̸̡̬͎̻̳̞̥͖͋̈͋̓͒̀̈͂̄̎̚͜ĺ̷̬̞͕̪̱̙̹͕̝̬̩̼̅l̵̨̛̲͙͈͓̺̦̦̼͎̰͔͌̈́͑̇̈́̇̈́̀̔̓͘ả̶̦͔̻̻͍̱̬̘̺͋̐̑̾̍̏̌͆͝l̴̰͉̠̮͈̝͉͓̼̟̼̳̯͙͐̀͑̈́͌̿̕͝w̵̨͇̣̳͓̩̅̀̈́̔͆̐̓̚̚a̴̛̛̻̣̭̭̼̺̬̳̍͌̊̈̈̄͐͑͋͜͠͠ỵ̵̨̮̜͙̲̮̼͕̻͕̈́̋̔̃̑̔̅̾̔̒́̚̚͜͝s̸̝͉̟̅͛̽̈́̅͂̎s̶̨̛̹̳͙͓̺̠̹͓͍̆̓͑͒͌̈́͊̄̈͝m̴̨̤̹̖̳̋̿̂͝i̸̪̖͇̜̙̺̺̥̮͐̔͒̈́̔̈́͆̌̑̋̾͘l̵̨̧̪̮̭̩̤̤̥̹̳̙̹̦͙̀̅̒̄͝͝e̶̹̣̼̘̖̒̍͋̃͊̈͑̋̚hero said to the young raven-haired boy
You drop your fork. Sweat droplets begin to form on your skin.
"You alright, there?" someone asks, concerned.
"...Mmm?" you say, still maintaining your smile, just like always, "Yes, umm... sorry, may I be excused to use the bathroom? I've got an odd pain in my large intestine... pardon me."
You get up and walk away, towards the bathroom. You try your best to keep your footsteps calm, but they ring out more than you'd like. Imperfect footsteps... made by an imperfect person. You walk upstairs with less care than you usually would. You open the door, shut it behind you, and lean your weight against it.
"Alright, Sunny," you say, "Deep breaths. It's not as scary as you think, right? Yes... that's what Mari used to say. I just need to do that."
You breathe in, out, in, out, steadying yourself. After doing this for a short while, you look at yourself in the mirror. There is something behind you. You are still smiling. Yet, you are not happy. You are frustrated... you feel like there's something inside you, boiling you alive with the desire to get out.
"Right..." you say, "Just... need to give myself some love, yes? That always... makes things better... kisses... hugs... and..."
You slip up on saying that last part aloud. You walk over to the toilet. You stand above it and unzip your pants. A very vague, blurry image enters your mind. Contact is made... flesh upon flesh. Narcissism.
A minute passes.
Something that is neither yellow, nor clear, nor red is exiled.
You flush the toilet, zip up your pants, and wash your hands.
You smile brightly as you look at your reflection. You are perfect. Sunny's love always makes things better... it even makes Sunny better! You can't help but laugh at that cute thought. You exit the bathroom and return downstairs. It seems as though, in your absence, dinner has finished.
"Oh, hey, Sunny," Kel says, "You all good?"
"Perfect, as always!" you say, "Apologies. Given the position in my body, I doubt it was any of your cooking, Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Must've been something I had yesterday. No worries, though... the pain has subsided."
"Glad... to hear that," the mother says.
"Yeah," the father says, "Well, umm... Sunny, you're an odd kid, but you helped out my son, so... thanks."
"Aww, thank you," you say, "That truly does mean a lot to me."
You chuckle cheerfully. Kel smiles. Hero appears more dead than alive. You look outside... it's a little after sunset, now. Everything is dark.
"Ah, I should get going, though," you say, "I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome... and for that matter, I wouldn't want to anger my parents. It's been fun..."
You quickly kiss Mr. and Mrs. Martin's hands.
"Ciao for now!" you say, waving everyone goodbye as you walk out the door, "I'll be seeing you tomorrow, Kel... you too, Hero!"
You shut the door behind you.
It's dark out. Very, very dark out. Out here, nobody would be able to see if you're smiling or frowning. You are still smiling, of course, but hypothetically speaking... you could ease up. You can't, though.
Because you're not alone.
You are surrounded by a million eyes. They do not disappear when you get home.
"Wh...why..." you mutter, "I... took my medication, why... must this happen... again..."
It's dark inside your house as well. The doors are all locked... except for, once again, the back door, as well as the staircase room. You feel the eyes' gaze pierce into your soul.
"Ha... ha..." you say, "They... they all hate me... why...?"
Some tears begin falling down your face.
"It's been four years... and yet... they don't forgive me... all I try to do... is help..." you say, "I just want to see everyone smile... why... why are they all so mean to me? Why... won't they accept my love?"
You feel your smile threaten to break. You need to do something to fix this, and fast.
"I... suppose... medication can't solve everything on its own..." you say, "I need... something more... yes..."
You run upstairs... eyeballs float around, bouncing like ping pong balls, all turned towards you.
"I just... need to... calm... my nerves... yes..." you say, breathing in and out, though the reprieve it brings is minimal.
You throw open the door to your bedroom and walk inside, doing your best to not make so much noise that you awaken your parents.
"I just... need a drink, yes," you say, "Then... I can be happy. Just a little paranoid... nothing... nothing that I can't fix..."
You pray that the hallucinations will go away as you open a cabinet in your desk and toss away a false panel. You pull out the bottle, using every ounce of effort you can muster to keep smiling.
"Ah... there we are..." you say, "Just... need a drink, and then... I'll be perfect. Perfect people still drink... right?"
You stare at the liquid in the bottle, nearly half-empty from previous excursions... but this is just your emergency stash for home.
"Vodka... crystal-clear... perfect... just like me... just like... M—" you cut yourself off, bringing the bottle to your lips.
You hadn't realized how thirsty you are... but maybe that's just your mind playing tricks on you. You take a few chugs, then put the bottle back down to take a few deep breaths.
"F-funny..." you say, "Alcohol... is a depressant... and yet... I'm trying to be happy... how ironic..."
You chuckle to yourself.
"My, who am I even talking to?" you say, "I suppose I'm not alone..."
The eyes are still watching you, judging you harshly for such a flagrant display of imperfection.
"Ha..." you say, "I can feel... a bit of happiness coming on... my smile... strengthening... very good... just... a bit more..."
You take a few more sips. You feel horrible about it; you regret it before you even do it, you regret it while you do it, and you certainly regret it afterward. That sounds like something you've heard before.
"Sunny," a voice calls out to you, "Put the bottle down. Now."
"Hmm?" you say, "Oh, I suppose now I've really gone off my rocker. Hello, ghost lady."
"Little brother," she says, "Put the bottle down. Now."
"You... can't make me," you retort, beginning to feel a bit tipsy, your smile emboldened, "Look at me... look at these arms, Mari! These strong, buff arms. Aren't I perfect, just like you?"
"No," she says, "You are imperfect, just like me. It pains me to see you follow in my footsteps like this."
"Pff..." you say, "You were never a drunk."
"You're being too literal, little brother," she says, "Please, for me? Put the bottle down?"
"Mmm..." you say, recalling an old conversation you had heard a long time ago, "Sure. I'm plenty happy anyways."
You stand up. The hallucinatory eyeballs still aren't gone. You walk out of your room and down the stairs. Mari's voice echoes eerily.
"It's so odd..." she says, "I would've thought my connection would be weaker than this. Maybe it's because you're so... quote-unquote... 'strong.'"
"Aww, well thank you," you say, walking into the living room, "You're too kind. I love you, too, Mari."
"...You can't keep going like this forever, little brother," she says, "You cannot keep denying my mistakes, nor your own. You are trying to reach an impossible goal... you are imitating a person who does not exist. You have two choices, little brother: you either get crushed as you fail, again and again... or you accept mistakes as facts of life."
You walk outside, into the backyard. It's a long, long way until the tree.
"...You're either going to become me," she says, "...or you're going to become someone better. You will either die, or live. What is your choice, little brother?"
You feel the eyes lock onto you, awaiting your answer.
"Heh, oh, Mari..." you say, trying to handwave her words away, as you really, really do not want to hear them, "You... you're talking nonsense, again."
"Mmm..." she says, "Stubborn. You'll pay for that if you keep it up... I hope you don't."
The eyes gain void-like, octopus-shade forms. SOMETHING attacks you. It stares directly at you, its gaze sharper than any knife. You attack... but nothing happens. You CALM DOWN... but nothing happens.
"This is going nowhere, fast, isn't it?" she says, "How long are you going to live in denial? How long are you going to let yourself keep forgetting the truth?"
"...Shut up..." you say, smiling through your fear, "I don't need this."
"On the contrary," she says, "You do. But, sure, go ahead, Sunny. Spite me. Don't take my advice. Keep doing your own thing. Keep trying to be me. If you keep going down this road... we'll see each other soon enough, down in the second ring of the seventh circle of Hell."
"...I'm... not going... to die..." you say, "I... will live..."
"I'm glad to hear that," she says, "Now, if you want to stop being so afraid, you have to realize that you're afraid. Find that emotion within yourself, that one which has been pushed down so far... bring it back up. FOCUS, Sunny."
You do as she says, though you wish not to. You close your eyes, take a breath, and FOCUS.
You're back in your room, holding a bottle of vodka. The lights are off. It's nighttime. Everything is normal. You sigh, hiding the bottle back away where it was. You take a shower, brush your teeth... and though you dare not look at your reflection, you know you're still smiling. You lie down and fall asleep.
[ We see sheet music flying through the air.
Each sheet has notes circled. ]
[ There are progressively more notes circled. ]
[ We see a young boy and an older one, facing each other.
Behind the younger one are pitch-black tentacles,
attempting to pull him into their grasp. ]
[ We see the older boy comforting the younger one,
sitting in front of a door.
The older boy dissolves into nothing,
as does the door.
In its place, White Space emerges.
The boy lies down,
his shadow extending out
like a dark pillar.
Two eyes
and a radiant smile
emerge from the darkness. ]
"Oh, my..." you say, "I feel as though it's been a while since I was last here."
Mewo meows longingly.
"Aww..." you say, petting her gently, "What's wrong, little buddy? Have you been anxious without your owner? Don't worry; I'm here now..."
You plant a soft kiss on Mewo's head. She seems calmer.
"Ah, there we go," you say, "Peki's kisses always help people feel better. Excellent stress relief... like a cup of chamomile tea! I suppose I'm just that magical and perfect."
You check out your reflection. Your shield... it almost seems shinier. Your reflection is clearer than ever. You're smiling radiantly. On the computer, you check your progress on Hangman... you have no idea what it's meant to spell. There isn't much else to do in White Space, though... your only company is Mewo and the horns. Hardly a talkative bunch. You get up and open the door, making your way into the treehouse.
As you enter, rather than being immediately greeted, everyone is sitting off by the ladder, staring out at the sky. The wind is rushing by, and you hear claps of thunder and flashes of lightning. What was once just rain has now become a thunderstorm.
"Oh... oh dear," you say, "Well, that's certainly ominous."
They turn around to face you.
"Peki!" Aubrey says, running up and hugging you, just like always, "Stop leaving like that! It's scary..."
"Yeah, seriously," Kel says, "What, you've got something better to do?"
"Are we not good enough for you, huh?" Basil asks.
"N-no!" you say, "I'm sorry. I wasn't gone by my own volition. Believe me, if it was my choice, I'd always be here! But... there's no point in focusing on the negatives. I'm here now, and that's what matters!"
You place a kiss onto everyone's foreheads... they seem to lighten up just a bit.
"Mari's really worried about you, too," Aubrey says, "Come on, let's go see her!"
The four of you begin climbing down the ladder. Although the rungs are always slippery, combined with the strong wind, you have to be very cautious.
"P-Peki," Kel says, "I... I think I might fall."
"Don't worry!" you say, "Even if you do, I'll catch you!"
Luckily, as a perfect person, you don't have much trouble climbing down, even in these inclement conditions. You walk down to the playground and immediately rush Mari with a hug.
"Mari, dear!" you say, "I'm so sorry for leaving you. I missed you so much..."
You kiss her on the lips.
"O-oh..." she says, "Thank you... Peki. It's always so hard to do anything without you..."
She sniffles, still clearly upset by Hero's absence.
"I really miss him," she says, "Oh, Hero... how I long for your embrace..."
"I miss him, too," Kel says, "He'd always work out with me... we were supposed to get strong together!"
"Yeah, and he'd always make us food for our picnics..." Aubrey says, "Sure, it sucked, but I still... really miss his food!"
"I even miss Hero's weird food comparisons..." Basil says, "Like, how he said I'm gingerbread!"
"Yes, I..." you say, a devilish bright smile shining from your face, "I miss him, too... but we can find him, I'm sure of it! We still have two huge swathes of Headspace to search! I was thinking... perhaps we could try the Pyrefly Hollow?"
"P-Pyrefly Hollow?!" Mari asks, "Why would he be there? It's... so scary!"
"Oh, I know it is," you say, putting a hand on her shoulder, "But, we have to look everywhere. Don't worry, dear, you won't be alone! We'll visit you at each of your picnics. You'll be perfectly safe."
"Mmm..." she says, "O-okay... if you say so."
"Ugh..." Kel groans, "Alright, I don't want to go either, but you're right... we have to check everywhere. If Hero actually is there... he's probably really scared... he probably needs our help."
"Yeah!" Aubrey says, "Let's go find that scaredy-cat and save his butt!"
"Woohoo!" Basil yells.
"Aww, I'm so happy you're all so determined," you say, noticing the slight smiles crossing each of their faces, "No time like the present. Just let me take the lead, alright?"
They all nod as you go back up north to the treehouse and turn west. The sky seems to darken even more as you approach... you see, skittering around, flying overhead, absolutely everywhere... eyes. Eyes with wings, eyes with legs, eyes as the fruits of plants. Basil makes use of his garden shears to clear away some overgrown plants along your path.
"...Well, I absolutely despise this," Basil says, "But, too late to turn back now."
"Indeed!" you say, "Just relax. What's a few hundred eyes staring at you, mmm?"
You stand proudly, bringing your arms out wide in a grand gesture.
"I have no fear of being judged," you say, "For I know what any person's judgement shall be!"
"That you're perfect?" Aubrey asks.
"Precisely!" you say, snapping your fingers with a smug expression.
Your personal confidence seems to do little to alleviate your friends' fear as you keep walking through the Hollow, picking up minecart track pieces and placing them down, lighting candles with a scavenged matchbox. The trees here bear a few cherries, though it's basically as worthless as finding a penny on the ground. Still nice to scavenge for them, though. Soon enough, you reach one of Mari's picnics.
"Greetings, dear sister!" you say, "Hanging in there?"
"Mmm... mhmm!" she says, clearly still nervous, "I-I... I mean... I'm still alive, so that's good... at least!"
"Aww..." you say, walking over and hugging her, "Shh... don't worry, darling. It's okay! I'm here."
You gently pet her hair, working your magic. She begins to calm down.
"Heh..." she chuckles, "Peki... you always know just what to do."
"Aww, thanks," you say, "You're so sweet. We'll meet you up ahead soon... you'll be alright, yes?"
She nods. You continue your work, exploring and fixing the track. Soon enough, the path is complete, and you return to the start to break through the barricade preventing your entry. You burst through at high speed... over the trees, you can see an extravagant castle.
"Man... what kind of haughty bitch lives there?" Kel asks.
"Mmm... I have an idea," you say.
The railroad track ends. The four of you get out and follow the path... Mari meets up with you yet again. You stock up at a nearby mailbox, following the path north. Sprout mole corpses line the way... eventually leading to a conglomerate monster of dead sprout moles. Though not the hardest fight, it certainly gives you some trouble... eventually, you emerge victorious. From the corpse of the monster, you gather some sprout mole masks.
Following a ladder down underground, you find the Sprout Mole Village. Mari is once again there on the other side, sitting at one of her picnics like always.
"Ah... I'm so glad to be out of that horrible Hollow," Mari sighs, "This place is so much nicer! Look at these sprout moles, Peki! They're so cute~!"
She hugs a sprout mole like a stuffed animal. You have to admit... it is very cute.
"Oh, I'm so glad you're feeling better," you say, "You know, you should really smile more! You look beautiful."
Mari blushes at your compliment, mumbling thanks. You and your friends walk over to a bright-pink poster advertisement.
"Sweethurt's Quest for Hearts...? It says here it starts in just a few minutes..." Basil says, "Sounds dumb."
"Wait, Sweethurt?" Kel asks, "Isn't that Spaceboy's ex-girlfriend?"
"The one who beat him and cheated on him?" Aubrey says, frowning, "Yeah, I'd rather not see her."
"Oh, hush," you say, "I'm sure she must've had her motivations, right? We shouldn't pass judgement on someone we know so little about... we don't even know if she's smiling or not!"
"...Seriously?" Aubrey asks, exasperated.
"Yes!" you say, "No, that's it, I've decided! I need to find out more about this... 'Sweethurt' lady."
You turn to the sprout mole in the stall next to the poster.
"Pardon me, my friend!" you say, "We would like to attend this... 'Sweethurt's Quest for Hearts'... how much do the tickets cost?"
"Sold out," the ticket-taker says, "You can't have any."
"Oh, I see..." you say, "Well, that's a shame."
You smile glamorously, flipping your hair.
"Perhaps you can make an exception for me?" you ask, "I don't know if you realize, but I'm Peki. The Peki?"
The sprout mole frowns, disgusted.
"Oh, dear," you say, "So displeased. Let me help!"
You kiss him on the forehead.
"Eww... what the heck?! Listen, dummy, no ticket, no entry!" the sprout mole says, "Now get out of here! You four are the ugliest sprout moles I've ever seen!"
Your smile quivers. You grip onto your shield tightly.
"Apologies, friend..." you say, clenching your teeth, "What did you just call me?"
"Ugly!" the sprout mole says, "What, are you deaf, you ugly—?!"
You grab the sprout mole, lifting him with ease, and dropkick him. He goes flying like a football into the ceiling and dies on impact. His innards fall down to the floor with disgusting, wet, drippy noises.
"Oh no!" you say, "Anyways, let's go see that show!"
Your friends stare in slight horror... though, they're not too surprised by your murder.
"Oh, yes, yes, I know what you're all thinking," you say, "I killed someone after getting really emotional and acting on impulse... if it's any reassurance, this time I did it on purpose! Also, he deserved it, and I don't even know who he is. No point focusing on the negatives, though. Come on, children, we have a show to see!"
You lead the group up the ladder and through the large double doors. You enter into a large theatre hall. The audience is whispering among themselves, gossiping and gushing about Sweethurt. Several sprout moles mill about selling food to the patrons; you covertly pickpocket a few bites off of them. Every chair is occupied, save for four front-row seats. You take your place and wait for the show to begin.
Soon enough, the curtains are drawn. The host introduces the show as a contest where three suitors attempt to woo Sweethurt. There's a brief moment of silence to mourn Ye Old Sprout...
"Ah... oh dear," you whisper.
The show begins. You are introduced to the contestants... one sprout mole, another sprout mole, and... a weird little marshmallow guy.
"What the..." you say, "Hey, wait a minute! Snaley?!"
Snaley jumps back, shocked at the sight of you.
"O-oh..." he says, "Hey, Peki! How have you b-been...?"
You stand up and hold out your shield.
"Where's my money, Snaley?!" you yell, "Huh? Come on, cough it up!"
"I-I... well..." Snaley says, "It's... umm... in my other jacket..."
"You don't wear clothes, Snaley!" you shout, "I've been trying to contact you for three days, Snaley. What happened to my money, Snaley? If something happened to my money, Snaley, you must tell me, you know. You haven't spoken to me in three days... I need to know what's going on!"
"Uhh..." the host says, "Sorry, what's going on?"
"I've been trying to find you this whole time, Snaley!" you say, "What the hell is wrong with you, huh? I've asked everyone about you, trying to find out where you've run off to... just what the hell is wrong with you? Three days, and not a word from you. I ask you to do one simple job for me, and now you can't even cough up the cherries? I need to know, where is my money?!"
"I..." Snaley says, "I'm sorry, please—"
You throw your shield at him like a boomerang, decapitating him.
"Oh, dear!" you say, "My hand slipped."
"Serves him right..." you whisper under your breath.
All the sprout moles stare at you in horror as you sit back down.
"Well, umm..." the host says, "Apologies! We are running into some... technical difficulties! We'll be back shortly."
The crowd starts up their gossip once again... this time, it's directed towards you.
"He just killed someone!"
"He ruined the show!"
"What a creep! Who does he think he is?!"
You throw your head back and laugh.
"Hmm, what was that?" you say, turning around in your seat to face the guest behind you, "If you've got something to say, tell it to my face."
You brighten your smile, staring directly at the terrified sprout mole.
"...Hehe..." you laugh, "Oh, silly me. My ears must've been playing tricks on me! After all, nobody would be stupid enough to say something like that to me! Ah, I suppose jealousy is inevitable..."
You laugh again and turn back around, content in having dissuaded everyone.
"Err... Peki," Kel says, "How... is the show gonna continue?"
"I told you this was a bad idea," Aubrey laments.
"Someone, please!" a top hat-wearing sprout mole says, rushing down from the stage, "The show... must go on! We need a third contestant! Are there any volunteers of a handsome disposition?"
"Ooh, handsome?" you ask, "Why, I can—"
"No!" he says, "Not you! You just killed somebody!"
"What, are you going to call the cops on me?" you tease, "They won't help you. They don't help anybody, my friend."
The fancy sprout mole sighs.
"...How about you, basketball boy?" he asks.
"Me?" Kel smirks, "Man, I'm not handsome. I'm waiting for puberty to help me out with that."
"I suppose... that leaves only you," the fancy sprout mole says, pointing to Basil, "You're not handsome, but you are very pretty! I'll take what I can get! Come with me, sir!"
"W-wait," Basil says, "I... I never agreed to this!"
"No matter!" the fancy sprout mole says, "You don't have a choice in this! Do you want to incur Sweethurt's wrath?! Just cooperate; it will be easier!"
"Yes, Basil, I agree," you say, "You'll make an excellent contestant! You have a very adorable face, you know."
Basil sighs, getting up, begrudgingly following the fancy sprout mole. You impatiently pick at the food of your neighboring guests... they are helpless to stop you. You smile brightly; their food is yours!
"Mmm... friends!" you say, "Please, partake in this scavenged food with me. It belongs in the stomachs of more perfect beings, such as yourselves."
You hold a drumstick out to Kel. He seems apprehensive.
"I... dunno..." Kel says, "I'm... not really hungry."
"Oh, Kel, no!" you say, "It's not about hunger, it's about smiling! Good food always makes people smile. It's an excellent stress reliever, you know."
"Mmm... I mean..." Kel says, gingerly taking the drumstick, "I do like meat... a lot."
"Wonderful!" you say, presenting Aubrey with a slice of pizza, "Aubrey, this is for you, dear. You like pizza, yes?"
"Uh, yeah!" she says, "I mean... sure. Yeah, I could eat."
The two begin consuming their food, as do you. You can see smiles begin to cross their faces... you'd need to go further, though. Within a few minutes the show resumes, this time with a memorial to Snaley.
"Boo!" you yell, "Booooooo! Get on with the show!"
The crowd is thoroughly sick of you at this point, but you couldn't care less. The lion does not worry about the opinion of ants. The first two contestants are reintroduced... then, the replacement arrives.
"...And for our final contestant," the host says, "Hailing from the Vast Hollow, he stands at an impressive five feet two inches, he has an affection for gardening, he's got beautiful purple hair... that's right, it's everyone's favorite twink: Basil!"
Basil, blushing beet-red, walks on stage, standing in line with the other contestants.
"Woohoo!" you yell, "That's my boy! You go, Basil!"
"Th-thank you, Peki..." Basil mutters, hating how much attention he's getting.
"Alright, now, enough stalling!" the host says, "It's time for the moment you've all been waiting for..."
The lights turn off and a dramatic spotlight is placed upon the host.
"She is the ruler of our people, unruly, lovely, attractive, powerful, and absolutely perfect!" the host says.
"That sounds dubious to me," you sneer.
"...It's her! The one... the only... Sweethurt!" the host finishes.
The lights turn back on... revealing Sweethurt in all her glory, relaxing on a fancy-looking couch behind the contestants while eating a bucket of popcorn. She's dressed like she's in some sort of biker gang... her torn jeans have many unnecessary spikes and chains. She wears black gloves with missing fingers, which you note to yourself as being highly counter-functional. She wears sunglasses despite being indoors. She wears a pink crop-top to compliment her hair, revealing the hole in her midriff. She's also a bit plumper than you'd've expected, her excess meat spilling out from her clothes in a manner you find pleasing. Contextualizing her whole outfit is a cool, equally spiky and pink guitar, strapped across her neck. With a cheer, thus enters the famous rockstar, Sweethurt.
"Dang..." you say, "I guess she's hot, too. Who would've guessed?"
"Goooooood evening, my loyal subjects!" Sweethurt cheers, "How's everybody doin' tonight?"
The crowd goes absolutely nuts. Food and drinks are thrown everywhere.
"Man..." you snort, "...and they called me a freak."
"Ha!" Kel yells, "Simps!"
"...Now, now, everyone!" the host says, "Calm yourselves! We must see which of these three suitors, if any, Sweethurt chooses!"
"Yeah, quiet down, will ya?" she teases, "I don't wanna have to get mean~"
The crowd begrudgingly quiets down, though their lust for Sweethurt is still apparent.
"Let's begin with the questions!" the host says, "Terrence, what's your opinion on motorcycles?"
"Uhh..." the first sprout mole says, "I mean, honestly, I prefer to take my car..."
"Mmm..." Sweethurt frows, "You stupid or somethin'? Jeez, that was supposed to be the easy one."
With a lazy hand gesture, Sweethurt signals to the host.
"Ooh, sorry, Terrence!" he says, "Looks like you're going to the dungeon!"
"Th-the... wait..." Terrence says, "Come on, man, I-I..."
"Guards, put a gag on this peon, will ya?" Sweethurt says, "Ugh... another unsuccessful episode..."
Despite Terrence's pleading, the guards forcibly grab him and drag him away as Sweethurt, bored, aimlessly plucks the strings of her guitar.
"Alright, next up...!" the host says, "Fern, what can you give to Sweethurt that no other sprout mole can?"
"Uhh... umm..." Fern mumbles, "I'm... really good at playing the marimba! Here, watch!"
A marimba falls down from the rafters, shattering into bits. Fern obliviously still attempts to play it, hopping around on the keys.
"Wow, that's..." Sweethurt says, "That's really pathetic, and not even in, like, the 'I'm insulting you to turn you on,' kind of way. That's just sad. Jeez..."
Another handwave from Sweethurt.
"Sorry, Fern!" the host says, "Dungeon time!"
"Oh, no!" Fern says, "Wait, plea—"
Fern tries to run away, but is nonetheless dragged backstage by the guards.
"Now, Basil," the host says, "You're the last contestant. I don't want to stress you out, but the pressure is on. Are you ready for the final question?"
"Uhh... sure!" Basil says, then turns to you and whispers, "Peki... help me...!"
You give him two thumbs up and flash a bright smile.
"Very well, then," the host says, a drumroll kicking in, "Basil... do you wish to devote your entire life and existence to Sweethurt? To serve her in your every waking moment? To tend to her every need? To worship and obey her without fail?"
"Umm..." Basil mutters, "...I... umm..."
"We need an answer, Basil!" the host says, "A simple binary choice. What'll it be?"
"Uhh..." Basil says, the drumroll finishing, "...No."
Everyone goes silent. Sweethurt's eyes go wide with shock.
"...N-no?!" the host says, "Then... why are y—"
"No...~?" Sweethurt says, "You're not going to submit to me, Basil?"
"Uhh... no, not really?" he says, "I'm my own person. I'm not just going to be your slave. Honestly, I didn't even really want to come up here... my friends put me up to it. You seem nice, don't get me wrong, but... I dunno, I'm not really interested."
Sweethurt is taken aback. She considers her options. Truly, this is not something she anticipated whatsoever.
"A person who refuses to obey me..." she says, gaining a sinister smile, "How brattish! How refreshing... how... tantalizing! Oh, darling, I can't wait to break you~!"
"W-wait..." Basil says, growing fearful, "Wh-what...?"
Sweethurt snaps her fingers.
"Guards!" she says, "Take this one to my personal chambers. My quest for hearts has ended... I have found my suitor!"
"D-dear God..." the host says, "Is it finally happening? Am I actually free?!"
"Indeed!" Sweethurt says.
"You..." the host says, throwing off his fancy outfit, "WOOHOO! I CAN FINALLY SEE MY WIFE AND KIDS AGAIN!!"
He runs offstage. The guards approach Basil, though he backs away.
"H-hey, hang on a second," Basil says, "I... never agreed to this, either! This is all... way too much! A-and anyways, I'm only 12! You can't just do this to me!"
"Oh, darling~" Sweethurt replies, "I absolutely can. There is nothing and nobody that isn't under my control! Even you will eventually crumble... it will be so fun to do that to you~!"
"Uhh... Peki?" Aubrey says, nervously, "I think... we should do something..."
"Hmm?" you say, speaking with your mouth full, "I see nothing wrong with this. I think Basil would have a lot of fun with Sweethurt! Besides, isn't she, like, super pretty?"
"Alright, umm..." Kel says, "I'm just gonna leave you here to be bisexual while me and Aubrey save our friend."
"Ughhhhhhh..." you groan, getting up and following them, "Fine, if you insist. I can't just let you two run off on your own."
The three of you run up the stage.
"Sweethurt, hello!" you say, "Big fan, honestly. I think we have a lot in common, we should, like, totally get a coffee later, or something... but, anyways! Umm... we can't just let you take Basil for yourself! You see, we're searching for our friend, Hero—"
"Ha!" Sweethurt says, "Sorry, bud, I don't care about your lost little friend. When I want something, I get it, capiche?"
"Oh, dear," you say, "The same thing is true for me. Two unstoppable forces... it seems we are at an impasse."
"Nah," Sweethurt scoffs, "I've already won. Guards! Take the three of them to the dungeon!"
You sigh.
"Crap..." Kel says, "I don't think I really thought that through..."
"Kel!" Aubrey says, "Now we're gonna get thrown in the dungeon!"
"Oh, it's alright!" you say, "We all make mistakes. You're not perfect... after all, you're not me!"
Guards grab your arms, handcuffing you. You do not resist.
"Oh, dear..." you say, "Such brutes. I suppose you lot are pig-adjacent, yes? Boars, then."
"Shut up!" a guard says, covering your mouth.
"Mmmph, mmph mph," you say.
You are forcibly taken off of the stage. Your vision goes black.
"Ugh... my head..." you groan, "Oh, dear, I might be hungover."
"No, you got knocked out," Aubrey says resentfully.
"S-sorry, guys," Kel says, "I was trying to save Basil, that's all!"
"From what, though?" you ask, "From getting it on with a hot girl? Oh, what a travesty. I feel so sorry for him."
"He's 12!" Aubrey yells.
"I fail to see your point," you say, "In any case, we have to get out of here. I do not belong in a dungeon; this place is far too unrefined for me."
The others sigh. With a simple flick of your wrists, your restraints break.
"Mmm, poorly constructed..." you say, "Or, perhaps, merely imperfect."
You free Aubrey and Kel.
"Th-thanks..." Kel mutters, "Let's... just find a way out of here."
You begin searching... luckily enough, the doors aren't locked. The dungeon has many corridors and cells, connected in an absurdly maze-like structure, filled with guards patrolling in beautiful synchronicity... soon enough, though, you make your way to one of Mari's picnics.
"Greetings, big sister!" you say, "I got thrown into prison! Again!"
"Oh, that's horrible..." she says, handing you some food, "P-please... relax, regain... some strength."
You sit down and enjoy Mari's food. You're not even hungry, but you still eat. It feels good... and everyone is smiling. You can hardly hold back the urge to gorge yourself. Soon enough, you're back on your way, pressing buttons and navigating Sweethurt's dungeon, fighting off guards, until eventually... the glimmer of escape is on the horizon. You exit out into the castle proper. It has a gothic vibe, with torches burning from the walls, casting eerie glows everywhere. Spikes and chains are attached to random things, just like with Sweethurt's outfit. It's... oddly aesthetically pleasing.
"Halt!" a guard yells, "What are you heathenous humans doing here?! Back into the dungeon with you!"
"Oh! Nono, buta," you say, quickly slipping on your sprout mole mask, "You are mistaken. we are sprout moles, just like you! We greatly enjoy tofu, and Sweethurt!"
"Ah, my mistake..." the guard says, "It is rather hard to see under this mask... be on your way, then! God Bless Sweethurt!"
The guard walks away. You slip masks onto the other two as well.
"Oh, dear," you say, "That was close! Be careful, you two... I wouldn't want you to get captured."
"Jeez, alright, mom," Kel says.
"Th-thanks, Peki!" Aubrey says, blushing at your touch.
The three of you walk downstairs, fighting off a few more sprout moles along the way. Unfortunately, the entrance is blocked with partygoers.
"Drat," you say, "Hmm..."
"Oh, come on!" Kel says, "We were almost there! Really?!"
"How will we get through now...?" Aubrey laments.
"Let me... just try something..." you say.
You back up, rub your hands together, and sprint towards the mess of people, jumping into them, attempting to crowd dive. This does not go well; you are pushed back inside.
"Mmm..." you say, "I could force my way through if I really wanted to, but it wouldn't be very pretty."
"Yeah, please... find another way," Kel says, "I don't wanna get my clothes too dirty with sprout mole guts."
You decide to explore around the castle... there's nothing too interesting. A movie theatre, a library, a choir... you help some people with their problems, collect some letters, briefly tip your toes into a nightmare realm that's left behind when you pick them up, fight a lineage of ever-increasingly vengeful sprout moles. You know, the usual. What really catches your attention is the dining hall. The room is loaded; it's an absolute feast.
"Oh, my~!" you say, "How glorious! Children, come, partake in this food!"
You begin eating. You are not hungry. This fact does not matter to you.
"Uhh... no thanks," Kel says, "I'm full."
"Bah!" you retort, "Full of hot air, more like! Come on, you two are such downers! You're lucky you even have me around..."
You place a cupcake in his mouth.
"Mpfh!" he says.
"Here, darling," you say, placing your hand on his chin, forcing his jaw up and down, "Eat up. Aubrey, you too."
"Uhh... sure thing!" she says, grabbing a slice of cake.
"Ah... there we go," you say.
Kel chews and swallows.
"D-dude..." he says, "I'm not hungry."
"Oh, come on," you say, pouting, "Do I have to call you two the fun police again? Look at you, you're smiling! Admit it, you're happy! Everybody likes food, Kel."
He just sighs.
"Yeah, I guess..." he says, "I mean, it was really fun when we got drunk."
"Pff, yeah," Aubrey laughs, "Dang, was that really only yesterday? Feels like longer."
"Mmm, well, time is weird, here," you say, "But, yes, it's been a day."
You walk out, finding that the entrance is now unblocked. You exit into a definitely-promised rose garden, complete with a hedge maze. The sky overhead is grim and gloomy, just like everywhere else in this world... similarly, it is still raining, the storm that you noticed brewing from your vantage point in the treehouse now billowing the foliage around, sweeping across your hair.
"Hmm..." you say, "Well, that probably doesn't mean anything."
A gigantic statue of Sweethurt stands at the center of the garden, asking for a password. You begin navigating the hedge maze, clearing out laser-shooting topiaries, finding sprout moles who are (unlike you) terrible at keeping secrets. Soon enough, you return to the statue to report your answer.
"Is it..." you begin to say, "Is it SWEET JELLY-FILLED DONUT?"
"...Hmm..." the statue says, "FINE!"
It rumbles and moves out of the way, revealing a trapdoor. Climbing down it, you find yourself in a basement filled with discarded gifts, letters, and... pickles, for some reason. No matter; you eat them anyways. The pickles, not the presents or the letters. You're not that freaky.
"Oh, no!" you say, "These gifts... and letters... these all belong to people... and Sweethurt just threw them away! How rude! Why, those people would be so sad if they found out about this... I do wish I could find them and kiss them."
"Eh, they probably think she read them," Kel shrugs, "What you don't know can't hurt you."
You nod in agreement and walk to the south end of the room. Above, you can hear some kind of ceremony... a wedding? Your concern grows... as does your intrigue. Making some preparations, you climb up to face Sweethurt.
The theatre is once again packed. Though, this time, for a different event. Sweethurt stands on the stage... and a sprout mole choir begins singing. Someone in a white dress begins walking down the aisle... it's...
"Basil!" Kel yells, "Buddy, we're here to save you!"
"Ah!" he yells, his veil flipping over as he recoils, "K-Kel?! Aubrey?! Peki?!"
"Yes, dear!" you say, "It's us! How are you?"
"Uh... umm..." Basil stammers.
"Oh, come on!" Sweethurt yells, "Really? Wedding crashers?!"
"You're one to talk!" Aubrey says accusatorily, walking out into the aisle, "You kidnapped Basil! No, more than that... you were horrible to DJ Spaceboy! You cheated on him, you beat him... you... you said he's not a real man!"
Sweethurt scowls.
"Who told you that?!" she yells, "No, you know what? I'm not going to stand here and let some wedding-crashing children accuse me of things that aren't true!"
"Not... true?" Aubrey says, "Wait... what?"
"You really thought Sweethurt was the abusive one in the relationship?" you taunt, "Come on, don't be silly. She's a lady, and Spaceboy is a man!"
"G-guys..." Basil says, "Sweethurt... she's not bad, really! She's very nice! She... got me this dress! She dressed me up a-and gave me food... we talked for a while about stuff. She's great! She didn't do anything weird at all!"
"She... took you to her personal chambers, though," Aubrey frowns, "That... sounds bad."
"Huh?" Basil says, "Well, yeah! That's where all the clothes are! In... her bedroom. What... what did you think she was doing?"
Aubrey falls silent. You gain a smug grin.
"Oh, my!" you say, looking back at your friends with feigned shock, "What a revelation! Sweethurt... is actually a good person?! My, if only someone had predicted this! Why, I would say that if someone did predict that, then that person would be very attractive and intelligent, and also charming, and perfect! But alas, nobody saw this coming. Oh, how horrible! If only some amazing, wood-skinned, white-haired person with a huge—"
"We get it..." Kel frowns, "Jeez..."
"Whose side are you on, weirdo?" Sweethurt asks, "Mine, or my deadbeat ex-boyfriend's? God, I swear, was it him who told you that bullshit?"
"W-wait!" Aubrey yells, "That doesn't matter! You still kidnapped Basil, a-and you're still trying to marry him! He's 12, you creep!"
Sweethurt sighs.
"Getting married is the only way he's going to leave me alone," she laments, "Otherwise, he'll think he still has a chance. That, or Rocaille will come back..."
She shivers.
"God, I hate those two..." she says, "But... Basil, I love you! Not romantically, but perhaps you could be my son! Come on, dear, let's get this mock wedding over, and... you can come home with me!"
"I..." Basil says, "Oh, jeez... I really was planning on going through with this, but my friends seem pretty reluctant."
"Yeah, we're not gonna let you have him!" Aubrey yells.
"We're on a mission!" Kel says, "We need to find Hero!"
"I told you, I don't care!" Sweethurt retorts, "I'm not going to let you take Basil away from me! He's the cutest, I mean, look at him!"
She gestures in his direction vaguely, leading to him blushing.
"Besides, if you take him away, Spaceboy and Rocaille will just come back!" she says, "I... I won't let you do that!"
Sweethurt jumps down from the stage.
"If I have to fight you, I will!" she says, "I'm not someone you want to mess with, you mongrels!"
You and Kel move out, standing in formation with the other two, you standing at the front.
"Sweethurt, my dear," you say, "You really are very pretty, and I do quite like you a lot, but I'm afraid we must be moving on."
"I won't ever move on!" she says, "Fine, you wanna be stubborn like that?"
She summons a mace from thin air, her wedding suit disappearing.
"I'll send your corpses into the dungeon!"
Time to fight! Sweethurt laughs mockingly. You really wish your most powerful opponents weren't also the sexiest.
"You're going to regret this, children!" she says.
You do your usual attacks, bashing into Sweethurt with your shield, directing Aubrey to headbutt, letting Kel annoy her and Basil hack away wildly. You wish you could just run away... but Sweethurt is insistent on keeping Basil as her wife. Her attacks are as hard-hitting as you'd expect, given her spiky aesthetic. You do your best to just keep attacking.
"Oh my!" she chuckles, "You're tougher than I thought you'd be. Oh well, that just makes it more fun for me!"
Sweethurt has become locked into being HAPPY. As much as you hate the idea of it... you could very much use an emotional advantage. You direct Basil to begin making everyone SAD, one by one. Using your shield as a reflector, you shine a bright light into Sweethurt's eyes, dealing high damage and lowering her SPEED. As your friends' HEART gets ever lower, you begin kissing them.
"You really thought you could beat me, huh?" Sweethurt taunts, "I've got a hundred sprout moles who beg me to crush them beneath my feet. I'm universally loved! I'm the Sweethurt!"
She laughs and becomes ECSTATIC. With everyone sad, you have the upper hand... you direct Basil to go further. It's horrible, it's so, so horrible, but you eventually feel MISERABLE. You still smile, of course, but damn does it feel bad. You do your best to end the fight as quickly as possible so you can go back to feeling good. Sweethurt eats a hamburger and regains some health. Kel launches his basketball, but ends up throwing it right through her stomach hole.
"Still standing, huh?!" Sweethurt taunts, "Fair enough! I like a good challenge... I'll break you in just like Basil! Come to me, my darling!"
Sweethurt becomes MANIC. There's not much longer now. Her attacks rarely hit, but when they do, they're devastating. Not to mention that she frequently annoys your whole party, making you ANGRY. Despite your dwindling supplies, you keep pressing on... barely managing a victory.
"Wh-what...?" Sweethurt says, "You... won? Oh... oh no. That... that's horrible."
Sweethurt collapses to the crowd, crying. Your victory feels just a bit hollow.
"Oh, dear," you say, "I do really hate seeing people be sad. Sweethurt, we have to take Basil back, but is there anything else we could do to help you?"
"Mmm... no..." she says, sniffling, eating some food to hide her sadness, "I just want Rocaille and Spaceboy to leave me alone... I'm not interested in them! I just want to be happy..."
You look back at your friends. They all seem to pity her, but don't quite know what to do.
"Here, Sweethurt, I have a thought," you say, "Why don't you marry yourself?"
"Marry... myself?" she asks, "You can do that?"
"I mean, who's going to stop you?" you ask, "It's very important to love oneself, and you are very beautiful... I think it could work out!"
"Yeah!" Basil says, "It could work!"
"Marry... myself..." she says, "Huh. That... that gives me an idea, I think. Alright. I'm... sorry for being so rude. You all aren't to hurt, right?"
"Eh, I've had worse," Kel says.
"S-sorry about everything," Aubrey says.
"It's fine," Sweethurt replies, "I have some work to do, but... thank you all."
"It's been nice spending time with you, Sweethurt," Basil says, "Good luck!"
She nods and claps her hands together and an elevator descends from the rafters, crashing onto the floor of the stage.
"Ah, crap," she says, "Guys, could you ease it up on the landings?"
She walks over and gets inside.
"Thanks..." she says, "Umm... we'll see each other soon, I hope! Peki... you get my seal of approval. You really are perfect!"
"Aww, thank you!" you say, "You're not bad yourself. I hope things work out for you... remember to smile!"
Sweethurt flashes you a big grin as she ascends out of sight. You and your friends stand together in silence for a bit.
"Well..." Kel groans, "That was a monumental waste of time."
"Oh, hardly!" you say, "Look on the bright side! I got slapped by Sweethurt!"
You tenderly rub a red mark on your cheek.
"...Sure," Aubrey says, "Well, I guess we should go back home and... tell Mari we didn't find Hero."
"Yeah, let's—" Basil begins, but you put a hand over his mouth.
You sense an oddity... an anomaly... a bit of that horrible darkened realm of nightmares. SOMETHING... SOMETHING is watching you from all around... its eyes staring directly at you. A shadowy figure stands on the stage and beckons you forward.
"Umm... Peki?" Kel asks, "Is... everything okay?"
"...Oh, umm..." you say, "I need to take care of something."
You walk up to the stage... the floorboards have come loose, revealing a dark abyss beneath them. It's a long way down... are you sure you want to jump?
You take a deep breath.
You jump down.
You and your friends are all falling.
You emerge in a red-colored library. It is dusty... its keeper no longer tends to it. You walk south, passing by shelves and shelves of worthless books. Though, soon enough, you find one of interest:
"☐☐☐☐☐ is very young. He walks with his friend ☐☐☐☐☐, hand in hand. They are both smiling, blushing. There is a blossoming ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ between the two boys. Suddenly, a voice shouts at the two with a malicious tone: 'Hey, ☐☐☐☐☐☐!'
It is a word neither boy had ever heard before. Everyone seems to be pointing and laughing at them. ☐☐☐☐☐ wishes to kiss the flower-adorned ☐☐☐☐☐ on the lips. He knows that this is wrong. He does not care. ☐☐☐☐☐ is just too cute. ☐☐☐☐☐ hopes to marry him someday. He hopes to marry ☐☐☐☐☐☐, too."
You take the book into your hands, shifting its weight around, staring down at it with a blank smile.
"Oh, this will not do..." you say.
You drop the book, strike a match, and light it on fire.
You continue walking. Another book of intrigue pops up.
"☐☐☐☐☐ walks down the street. He smiles. He is trying to go about his day like normal. Everyone is looking at him, talking about him. He thinks to himself that they must be gushing about him, talking about how perfect and amazing he is, just like ☐☐☐☐. He smiles because he made a promise to ☐☐☐☐ that he would. Unfortunately, ☐☐☐☐ is inside. ☐☐☐☐☐ cannot tell if ☐☐☐☐ is smiling. He hopes that he is. He shows the town of ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ his love in the one way he knows how. He goes to hug someone, but gets pushed away. He does not understand this."
You drop the book and burn it.
You find another.
"☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ and ☐☐☐ are yelling at each other. ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ slams his hand on the table in exasperation. He points at ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐'s rosy cheeks, her poor balance... he accuses her of lying. He accuses her of being ☐☐☐☐☐. He accuses her of ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ on him. The argument reaches a tipping point. ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ breaks down. She says she is tired. She says she is stressed. She says she just wants to feel good, to stop feeling such pain. She reaches for a ☐☐☐☐☐☐ of ☐☐☐☐☐. ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ tells her to put it down. ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ puts it to her lips anyways. ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ attempts to wrestle the ☐☐☐☐☐☐ out of her hands. A struggle ensues. ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐, her judgement clouded, punches ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ away.
☐☐☐☐☐ emerges from behind the corner he had been watching from. He rushes over to his ☐☐☐ and asks if he is okay. He is bleeding. ☐☐☐☐☐ gets a wet paper towel. ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ realizes what she's done and feels horrible about it. This is the last time ☐☐☐☐☐'☐ ☐☐☐ gets ☐☐☐☐☐."
You drop the book and burn it.
You find another.
"☐☐☐☐☐ has cracks on his body, like a shattered piece of fine china. ☐☐☐☐☐ refuses to accept this. ☐☐☐☐☐ consumes things to heal. ☐☐☐☐☐ consumes a pill every day. ☐☐☐☐☐ eats even when he is not hungry. ☐☐☐☐☐ often ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ to blurry memories in order to lessen a longing which he doesn't fully understand; he figures, of course, that doing this is normal for any hormonal teenager. Finally, when none of these things are enough, ☐☐☐☐☐ gets ☐☐☐☐☐. His smile is always strengthened, his promise always kept. Smiling is often as natural as breathing to him. He hopes everyone else can see things the way he does, and become like him."
You drop the book and burn it.
You find another.
"On Saturdays, ☐☐☐☐☐ sees a man named ☐☐☐☐☐☐. The two discuss what has happened in ☐☐☐☐☐'s life and what to do moving forward. ☐☐☐☐☐ lies to ☐☐☐☐☐☐. He does not speak of his deeper imperfections. He only says enough to continue to get his pills. ☐☐☐☐☐ will often handwave topics with lies, but one time, ☐☐☐☐☐☐ asked why he hates police officers so much. ☐☐☐☐☐ tells ☐☐☐☐☐☐ about reports. He talks about calling out in elementary school, in middle school, in high school. He talks about reporting bullying, his ☐☐☐ being ☐☐☐☐☐, and another thing which he doesn't quite recall. ☐☐☐☐☐ says that he was ignored. ☐☐☐☐☐ remembers breaking down a few weeks after his manslaughter. He was curled up in a ball, muttering to himself, completely unresponsive. His heart was racing. Fearing for the worst, his parents called 911. A team of police officers arrived with their guns drawn; they pushed ☐☐☐☐☐ to the ground and restrained him. They hurt his back, his limbs, his entire body. He feared for his life. ☐☐☐☐☐ notices the lack of a smile of ☐☐☐☐☐☐'s face and realizes he's said too much. He closes with a joke, stating that the real reason he doesn't like the police is because he thinks Roxanne is an overrated song."
You drop the book and burn it.
You find another.
This last book...
This last book feels physically unpleasant to touch.
"☐☐☐☐☐ and ☐☐☐☐ are at home, practicing for the ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐. ☐☐☐☐☐ loves playing his ☐☐☐☐☐☐; it is his most treasured possession. ☐☐☐☐☐ is eager to practice, but ☐☐☐☐ less so. ☐☐☐☐☐ can tell that ☐☐☐☐ is unhappy. ☐☐☐☐☐ figures it must be his fault... but, he is playing all his notes correctly. Meanwhile, ☐☐☐☐ keeps messing up. She slams the keys in anger. She wants to be perfect, but she cannot be. If only she didn't have to play the piano. ☐☐☐☐ says she is too worn out to continue. She wants to relax. She is stressed. She wants relief. He blames himself for her suffering. ☐☐☐☐☐ asks if he can help her. ☐☐☐☐☐ sees something inside of ☐☐☐☐ break."
You drop the book, but hesitate to burn it.
You throw a match into the bookcase.
Slowly but surely, the fire spreads, and the entire library is on fire.
"Haha!" you cheer, triumphantly, "Enough of that nonsense."
One of the bookcases opens like a door. Stepping through the flames, you enter it... on the other side, you see Hero. It's been so long... but that's him. He turns to face you.
He has a terrified expression on his face.
There is SOMETHING in his eye.
A key.
You are back in White Space.
You do not enjoy the direction in which this is going.
You do not want to leave, but you must.
You take out your shield and kiss your reflection.
You wake up.
You wake up, removing your sleep mask to reveal the sun shining brightly through your window. It's late in the morning... perhaps even the afternoon. You figure that if you slept this long, you must've needed it. A perfect person needs their beauty sleep, after all. A slight problem, though; you're hungover. Not very much, but it's still a bit annoying. Luckily, you keep a container of Tylenol by your bedside for situations just like this one. You swallow one dry and check your reflection in your handheld mirror... perfect as always. You get up, shower, brush your teeth, and walk downstairs to eat breakfast with your parents.
"...Ah! Good morning, sunshine!" your mother says, "You got home pretty late, huh?"
You sit down, beginning to eat your breakfast.
"Yeah," you say, "Sorry about that. I lost track of time, I suppose."
"Eh, no worries," your father says, "I guess getting Hero to leave his house went well?"
"Mmm... yes," you say, staring out into nothingness, "Sorry, I'm a bit sleepy, could I have some coffee?"
"Oh, sure," your father says, pouring you a cup.
"Many thanks," you say.
You pick up the pill on your plate, take a swig of coffee, and swallow it. The coffee helps your hangover... but maybe it's just a placebo.
"Sooooooo..." your mother says, "Come on, tell us more! What happened yesterday?"
"Well, I tried going up and knocking on their door, just like always," you say, "Kel answered pretty quickly, we caught up a bit... then we went upstairs to talk with Hero. He was very nervous, but eventually... he calmed down, and I was able to talk to him. He didn't want to go outside, but I dragged him out. We had a lot of fun just... going around town, showing Hero all the stuff he'd missed in the past four years."
"Aww, that's great!" your father says, "I'm glad you could help him out."
"Yeah," you chuckle, "It's a shame, though... he still seems a bit apprehensive. He doesn't emote much, and he still seems quite nervous around me. I can't imagine why."
You take another sip of your coffee.
"Well, I can imagine why," you say, "But I'd rather not think of that."
"If he's seriously still holding a grudge for that long, he needs to move on," your mother says, "The whole town needs to move on... honestly."
"It's no trouble, really," you say, "My main concern is Hero. Before he leaves... I'm going to make him smile. At least once."
"That's a good goal, Sunny," your father says, "I hope that works out for you."
You nod, smiling brightly, finishing off your breakfast.
"Well, I hope you don't mind, but I think I'll be spending today and tomorrow with them, too," you say, "I'll try to come home a bit earlier tonight."
"Oh, don't worry about us," your mother says, "You just go out and have fun with your friends!"
She smiles warmly. You always appreciate the gentle faces of your parents. You walk outside and immediately turn to Kel and Hero's front yard. You knock on their door.
"Good morning!" you say, "Kel, Hero? I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to hang out with you two again today! We have some business to attend to."
The door slowly opens. It's Kel, again.
"Ah... hey, buddy!" he says, "Man, it's... it's actually great to see you. Just to have a new face in front of me."
"Oh, the feeling is mutual!" you say, "I was thinking today we could prepare for Aubrey's arrival, try to reconnect with Basil, and hopefully find the missing photos!"
"Hmm..." Kel hums, "Yeah, I hadn't really considered it, but we do have a lot left to do. Alright, come inside..."
You step into the house. Yet more furniture has disappeared in anticipation of the upcoming move. It's quite eerie. You and Kel walk up the stairs, and you once again hear music coming from Hero's bedroom... this time, it sounds far more modern. You immediately recognize it.
"Ooh!" you begin singing, "Comin' out of my cage, and I've been doin' just fine, gotta gotta be down because I want it all. It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss... it was only a kiss!"
"Man, you really do know your music, huh?" Kel says, "I guess it's fitting. You are Mr. Brightside. Y'know, smiling all the time, being optimistic."
"Indeed," you say, not realizing just how right you are.
You walk up and knock on Hero's door.
"Hero! Hero, dear!" you yell, "Come on, we've got a big day ahead of us! Don't make me lockpick this door again."
You hear someone shuffle out of bed, walk over, and open the door. Hero stands on the other side, looking just as disheveled as always.
"Mmm..." he says sleepily, "I guess it wasn't a dream, then. You're real. Morning, Sunny."
"Good morning, sunshine!" you say, smiling radiantly, "Hero, we were thinking... since Aubrey will be coming back to Faraway today, we should get her a welcoming gift! That might heal our reputation with Basil... and besides, she's our friend, yes?"
"...Was." Hero says, simply, "But, I know you're just going to insist."
Hero sighs, stretches, and slaps his face a few times.
"Alright, my waking nightmare of guilt-tripping begins," he says, "Let's go."
"Excellent!" you say, "Onwards, compatriots!"
With a confused Kel and an incredibly reluctant Hero following behind you, you walk outside.
"Alright, so, a gift for Aubrey..." Kel says, "Umm... I guess maybe a... new... baseball bat?"
"Mmm, no," you say, "Far too basic. It has to be something which will make her smile! Oh, it's been so long since I've really spoken with her... Hero, is there anything you remember?"
"Remember?" he asks, "Yeah, I remember lots of things. That's why I have trouble sleeping."
"I meant in regards to Aubrey, silly," you say, playfully punching his arm.
"Mmm... well," he muses emptily, "Kel, didn't you say Aubrey became a vegetarian?"
"Oh, yeah!" Kel says, snapping his fingers, "Jeez, how'd you remember that?"
"I have very little to keep in my mind," he says, "Every piece of meaningless garbage I can put into my brain is less space devoted to the bad stuff."
"Man, Hero," Kel says, "You're such an emo."
"Yes, liven up, dear!" you say, "Look, the sun is shining so bright, Kel is happy, too, and look at me! I'm smiling so radiantly, aren't I? Don't you want to smile, too?"
Hero stares at you with a look of incredible pity, regret, fear, and disgust.
"Not really," he says, bluntly.
"Oh..." you say, your smile quivering, "Well... that's fine! We will get there in time... for now, we're focusing on Aubrey, yes? Vegetarian... hmm. I think I have a thought! We'll get a salad from Gino's. A really nice one... the best that they have!"
"Ooh, yeah!" Kel exclaims, "Gino's does make pretty good salads. I mean, at least from what my mom says they do."
"Wonderful!" you say, "Then, it's decided. We'll grab a salad and wait until Aubrey comes home! I can't imagine she'll be arriving any later than a few hours from now..."
The three of you begin walking your way towards Gino's. Along the way, you notice that you don't spot any of the scooter gang around. You find this odd. Walking into Gino's, you see, sitting at a table all by himself, Basil.
"Alright, well, plan's canceled," Kel says, turning around, "Come on. We can get a salad somewhere else."
You grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him back.
"Ah-ah-ah," you say, "Come on, now. Don't be such a fickle companion. We just won't talk to him."
"My money's on us getting our asses kicked," Hero says, "Which, frankly, I deserve."
You poke Hero in the face cutely.
"I will not stand for one of my closest friends committing self-deprecation," you half-smile, half-pout, "You deserve happiness, my friend!"
"I—" he begins.
"Say it!" you cut him off, "Say you deserve happiness!"
"...I deserve happiness," Hero says.
"Wonderful," you say, "Now, if we all just stay calm and play it cool, we will get out of here both unharmed and with a salad in our possession."
You walk over to the counter, trying not to look at Basil... you can't help but check him out just a bit; as a kid you found him cute... and, well, he still is cute, but now he's hot, too.
"Umm... Sunny?" Cesar asks, "Hello? Earth to Sunny?"
"Oh, yes, of course!" you say, turning back to face him, "Yes, I would like to order some food from your fine dining establishment."
"Ugh... alright," he says, "I'll go put together your... 'beautiful' pizza—"
"Oh, no, not a pizza," you say, "We'd like a salad. It's a gift for a friend, so I'd appreciate if you make it as high-quality as you can. I shall... pay extra, of course. Sound good?"
"You're ordering just a salad from a pizza place?" Cesar asks, "Man, you're really something else, Sunny. Well, as long as I don't have to make your usual atrocity, I'm happy. I'll get your salad ready."
"Glorious," you say cheerfully, handing him about double the usual amount.
"...Do you just have, like, infinite money?" Kel asks.
"Practically speaking, somewhat," you say, "I help out quite a lot. There are many jobs around town which need to be done and are only about a half-hour gig, yet as I've said before, they pay very well. I usually sweep across all the locations that need help on a daily basis... usually I make upwards of $100 to $200 dollars a day."
"...You always have a full schedule," Hero says, "That's yet another entry in an ever-growing list."
"A list of what?" you ask, tilting your head.
"If I told you, you wouldn't like it," Hero replies, "Besides, it doesn't really matter if you throw something else on the pile... I'm already uncomfortable. But, hey, before the storm comes and tears me to bits, I might as well enjoy the calm."
You aren't sure what he means, so you just smile understandingly. Soon enough, Cesar returns with your salad. (Har dee har.) The three of you walk outside.
"Mmm, oh dear," you say, noticing the heat falling on your skin, "I just realized... carrying around a salad in this Summer weather probably isn't the best idea, right? Nobody likes a lukewarm salad..."
"Nobody even likes salad," Kel says, "But, yeah, that does sound gross."
The three of you begin walking back to your house.
"I'll just... put this in my refrigerator at home," you say, "Plus, that's a good chance for you all to meet my parents!"
"We already know them," Kel says.
"Well, yes, but it's been quite some time, hasn't it?" you reply.
Hero just sighs deeply. You walk inside, carrying the salad proudly.
"Hmm? Back so soon?" your mother asks, "...Oh! Kel, Hero! Hey!"
"Hey there, you two!" your father says, "Good to see you."
"Oh, uhh... hey!" Kel says.
"...Mmm," Hero mumbles.
"We decided on getting Aubrey a salad," you say, placing it into the fridge, "Apparently she's a vegetarian now. Kel, Hero, how about we stay here until Aubrey gets back to Faraway? I'm sure we'll catch wind of it when she does."
"Yeah, that's fine," Kel says, "We could play some video games, just like we always used to."
"Sure," Hero says, "Yup."
Your smile quivers nervously, more and more each time Hero says something so bitterly. You turn to your parents.
"You don't mind, right?" you say.
"Not at all," your mother says.
"I'm sure you two are nice enough houseguests," your father says, "I mean, there was that one time you spilled orange juice on our rug, but let's not live in the past."
"Man..." Hero chuckles grimly, "That'd be nice."
"Mmm... now, where did I put that copy of Mario Kart?" you ask, stepping into the living room, "Oh, it's been so long since I've had guests over... and, well, it's no fun playing a party game by oneself... you two feel free to wander the house while I look around for it."
The two of them nod, going their separate ways. Hero walks into the staircase room, meanwhile, Kel explores the kitchen, and you can overhear him idly chatting with your parents.
"Let's see..." you mumble, checking the shelves, "Mario Kart... Mario Kart... we have a Wii, surely we must have that, I remember it so clearly... and I don't remember much... heh."
Eventually, you find it.
"Aha!" you cheer, "There we go."
You see Kel in the kitchen, though Hero is nowhere to be found. Holding the game in hand, you walk into the staircase room... there's nothing to the left, of course, but to the right you see Hero. You enter the room... he has his back turned to you, his gaze transfixed onto the piano.
"Hero, dear!" you say, "I found it! We were using it to prop up a table. Isn't that ridiculous? I..."
You notice that he is unresponsive. Hero walks over, tapping random keys, until, through trial and error, he finds the melody of your recital song.
"This room..." Hero says, looking as though he's seen a ghost, "You and Mari would practice here."
"Umm... well, yes," you say, "Hero, are you alright?"
"Mari was such a perfectionist," he continues, ignoring you, "I always thought she was successful in that. I always thought she was perfect, that she'd never, ever crack under any pressure. I loved her so much."
"She... she was perfect!" you say, "It's just... there was an accident. That's all."
"I wonder how much longer this can go on for," Hero muses, "You know what I think? I think it's going to be like... like a can of soda. There's not going to be any sort of buildup. Just... one day..."
Hero splays his hands and foleys an explosion sound.
"The anticipation is killing me," he says without a single sliver of emotion.
"Hero..." you say, walking up to him and giving him a hug, "You really shouldn't be saying such sad nonsense. I think... after spending so much time inside, you might be a bit delusional. I... can understand that, but please, try to fight it. I want to help you, Hero. You're one of my closest friends."
Hero sighs. He seems frustrated with you.
"Let's just... play Mario Kart," Hero says, "C'mon. I'll be Luigi."
The two of you walk back into the living room. You call Kel over and the three of you sit down on the couch. Hero is Luigi, Kel is Mario, and you pick your personal favorite: the energetic and radical Funky Kong. Despite it having been a long time, your perfection allows you to win every game, though you hold back just a bit for the sake of letting your friends have some fun. Hero seems to at least be a bit less sad.
After a few races, suddenly, there's a knock at your door.
"Oh, let me get that," you say, getting up and opening the door.
On the other side, you find a woman you've never met before. She appears to be some sort of artist.
"Hey, umm... Sunny, right?" she says, "Sorry, you probably don't know who I am, but my little brother mentioned that you know him. His name is Angel. I figured since you're... apparently really into helping people, you could help me?"
"Oh, sure!" you say cheerfully, "I know him, yes. What do you need?"
"Umm... well, it's nothing too bad," she says, "Just... Angel said he'd be home, like, a half-hour ago, and he's still not home. I'd really appreciate it if you could find him for me."
"Oh, dear!" you say, "That sounds pretty important. I'll absolutely do that. Kel, Hero, why don't you come with? It could be a fun little adventure for the three of us!"
"Man, you really turn everything into something fun, huh?" Kel smirks, "Sure, let's go."
"Oh, thank you!" the artist says, "I live at the southeast end of the block. Err... maybe using cardinal directions isn't that helpful, though."
"Oh, it's fine," you say, "Nobody has addresses here, apparently. We'll find you... and we'll find Angel, too!"
"I appreciate that," she says, "Thank you. I'll be waiting at home."
She leaves, and Kel and Hero get up and begin walking behind you as you leave the house to begin your search. You check down all the streets, finding nothing... eventually you enter Faraway Park. Cris is having a picnic with her family.
"Ah, Cris!" you say, "Good to see you."
She turns to face you, smiling prettily happily.
"Oh, hey Sunny!" she says, "Kel, Hero, you're here too? Cool! Man, it's been a while since I've seen you two... how's it been?"
"The usual," Kel says.
"I want to puke, constantly," Hero says.
"Ah, don't mind Hero," you say, "He's just being edgy. Ah, Cris, I really would like to chat more, but we're on a bit of a mission right now. Have you perhaps seen a young boy with very large and bodacious black hair? Very energetic, usually walks around with a tall, silent girl?"
"Mmm..." she begins to say, "I don't thi—"
"S-somebody... help!" a voice yells. Several more join in, all shouting for someone to come save them.
"Oh, shit!" Kel says, "Umm... wait, where are they?"
You look around. The sound appears to be coming from the northeast of the park... where there's nothing but forest.
"...Oh, dang," Cris says, "Uhh... wait, where is that coming from?"
"Mmm... I believe..." you say, parting some tree branches, "Kel, Hero, you two must remember our old hangout spot, yes?"
"Again, please stop saying that," Hero replies, "And yes, I do."
"Yes, I..." you begin walking forward, "Ah, yes. I remember the way. Come on! The scooter gang needs us! Cris, see you later, dear!"
Hero sighs, but Kel seems determined to help. The three of you rush through the trees and into the small clearing. Up ahead, you see Basil standing across from the five members of the scooter gang, his shears brandished.
"Would you babies quit crying?!" he yells, "Jeez, man, how the tables have fucking turned. You know how many times I cried because of you monsters? Now look at you all."
"B-Basil, please, put the shears down!" Angel yells, "I-I don't want to—"
"Oh, I'll put them down, Angel," he says, "As soon as you and your gang get out of my spot. I am going to have a lovely, romantic date here with my girlfriend, and I am not about to let my five former bullies turned pussies just... barge in here, acting like they own the place!"
"Basil!" you yell, rushing forward, but keeping some distance, "Stop this!"
"Oh, for fu—" he begins to say, "Are you serious right now?! Really?! God, life just doesn't cut me a break lately, does it."
"I can relate to that heavily," Hero says hollowly, "But, uhh... yeah, could you, like... not do this?"
"What, you got a death wish, Hero?" he quips.
"Not particularly," Hero shrugs, "I am fully expecting to die within roughly the next week, so really, if you wanna just finish the job, I don't care."
"Hero, please," Kel says, exasperated, "Basil, come on! What happened to you, man? Why are you acting like this?"
"Yes, Basil, this isn't necessary!" you say, "Let's... let the scooter gang stay here, too! We can share it, or... I don't know, we get it on weekdays, they get it on weekends and Fridays... anything but this brutish behavior!"
"Don't you try to make me the bad guy!" Basil yells, "I'm defending my turf. It would've been our turf, if you all hadn't left me in the dust!"
"Dude, we're sorry!" Kel says, "I've been busy trying to make sure my brother doesn't freaking kill himself, alright? I've got schoolwork and college plans and stuff."
Basil gives his usual disgusting laugh.
"Right," he says, "What is friendship compared to the responsibilities of adult life? You make me sick. You used to be cool, Kel... now look at you. You're a total nerd!"
"Wh-..." Kel says, "I am not a nerd!"
"No, you're definitely a nerd," Kim says.
"Quiet, you!" Basil says, pointing his shears at her, "I mean, you're right, but shut up!"
"Basil, you ruffian!" Mikhael shouts, "Why must you point a weapon at a lady!"
"Oh, I'm sooooooo sorry, dude," Basil replies, "I didn't know women get a free pass on everything. Jeez, how convenient. How about you just get the fuck out already, huh?"
"This... this spot is ours... too..." Charlene mumbles.
"Yeah!" Vance says, "If we have to fight you for it... we will! And... those three will help us!"
"Wait, we will?" Kel says, gaining his trademark :O expression.
"Of course we'll help!" you say.
"Of course, you'll help," Hero sighs.
You walk over to stand side-by-side with the scooter gang. Together, the eight of you stare down Basil. He begins laughing yet again.
"Well, ain't that swell!" Basil taunts, "The freak show gained three new members. I gotta say, I am entertained. Alright, sure, I can take on all of you. Unlike you all, I'm not a coward!"
"Basil, I really do suggest you reconsider!" you yell, "Pragmatically speaking, you are outnumbered."
"Oh, jeez," Basil says, "I hadn't considered it like that. Hmm. Alright, counter-argument to your math..."
Basil readies himself, fully showing his intent to use his shears to their full potential.
"...I've got two knives!" he says.
Time to fight! The scooter gang, more or less unarmed, does their best against the lone Basil, throwing punches and whatever objects they have on hand. Something inside of you is deeply unsettled by Basil's shears, however, so you keep your distance and simply try to reflect sunlight into his eyes. Basil slashes across Vance. It isn't a deep cut, but something about it makes you feel awful. This continues, the eight of you trying your best to attack him despite him having the advantage of having an actual weapon... you still keep your distance and remain unharmed. It isn't long before Basil is overwhelmed.
"F-fuck..." he says, stumbling backwards, "Alright, maybe it was a mistake to fight eight people at once, I'll concede that."
His knees bend... he's clearly running out of energy.
"Basil, dear," you say, "We don't have to do this. Let's just share this spot."
"Heh... no..." he says, "You don't get to decide that."
Basil is breathing heavily, frowning. He looks horrible.
"Basil, please just let me help you," you say, "I... I care about you... you're my friend!"
You begin walking towards him.
"That's not true," he says, "You're not my friend. You were my friend. I thought you were perfect. I had daydreams about marrying you, that's how much I thought you were a precious little angel... things change, Sunny. Especially you."
"And especially you!" you say, "You've changed, too! I want the old Basil back."
"I want the old Sunny back," Basil retorts, "I want the Sunny who isn't a fucking psychopath."
"I'm not, really!" you say, "I'm very nice. Please, just let me ki—"
"I swear to God," Basil says tiredly, frustrated beyond belief, "If you try to kiss me, I'm going to make you regret it."
You keep stepping forward. Only a bit longer before you get to him.
"Basil, I—" you begin to say.
"Take one more step, and I'll use these," he says, holding his shears.
You take a moment to consider.
You look at his face. His broken, sad face.
You need to help him.
You still love him.
You step forward.
In the blink of an eye, something happens. There's a slash across the arm you reached out to him with. You stare down at it.
"That's a warning slice," Basil says, "You want more?"
You can't respond.
You stare down at the wound. You see the red pouring out of your body.
It is a flaw.
A crack in your perfect mirror.
You look at it in horror.
"...Sunny?" Basil asks, "Are you gonna just stand there?"
"Oh... dear," you say, "This... isn't..."
You stumble backwards, falling down on your butt with a thud. You lie down on your back.
"Ha...ha..." you say.
"Sunny?" Kel shouts, running over to you, "Hey, Sunny, come on! Basil, what did you do?!"
"W-wait, don't look at me!" he says, "That's just a little scratch! He'll be fine!"
"S-scratch..." you say, "Flaw. It's a flaw. It's an imperfection. I-I am not... oh dear, umm... oh..."
You're sweating. You feel like you could fall into the empty abyss of the sky.
"Sunny!" Kel shouts, panicking, "Wh-what's wrong? You're blacking out, come on, stay with me!"
You see, just barely, the scooter gang begin to stand over you. You feel all their eyes staring at you.
"P-please," you say, "Can't... let you see... nobody... should see... this... I... perfect... must... be... perfect... can't... let anybody know... please... can this... be our little secret...?"
Your eyes flutter. The darkness pulls you in.
You fall asleep.
It's dark. Very dark. You awaken in the practice room slumped against the wall. Every surface is stained with fresh, wet blood. Shakily, you get up.
"Oh... dear," you say, "I... wasn't expecting this... so soon... in the... the daytime..."
You hear a familiar voice echo throughout the halls.
"You are not expecting anything, little brother," the voice says, "In order to forecast the future, you need knowledge of the past. You are willfully ignorant of this, and so, you stumble and fall, again and again, never learning, so certain that you are perfect."
"...Why..." you say, trying to catch your breath, "Why... must you say... these things..."
"Because they are things you need to hear, little brother," the voice says, "You are going to reach the end of your rope soon. It is only a matter of time. When that happens, will you be standing, or floating?"
You step out into the living room.
"Stop... talking..." you say, "I don't know who you are, or what you are, but you're... just jealous."
"Quite the opposite," the voice replies, "You are jealous of me, and for that you are a fool. The road which you are traveling down leads to a broken bridge. You will drive over it, telling yourself that it is fine. Do you see what I'm getting at, little brother? You need to stop being so stubborn."
You walk up the staircase and into the bathroom. You are there for a minute or two. You return. Something has unlocked downstairs.
"I am tired, little brother," she says, "Tired of repeating myself. Tired of watching history repeat itself. Tired of seeing a pattern continue. I am tired just as I was tired of playing the piano. We Suzukis have a hereditary history of giving in to stress. We both know how that ended, right?"
"Poorly," you say, dryly.
"Indeed," she says, "And yet, you refuse to recall. You suppress. You bottle up your feelings. Little brother, you are bleeding. There is a massive, ever-growing gash in your chest... and you pretend it is not there. You are going to bleed out. You are going to die. I do not want you to be like me. You are worshipping a false idol. You must learn how to stand up for yourself. If you do not, you're going to take more than you can sustain."
Walking downstairs, you open the door to the backyard. You walk up the path to the tree.
"How many times must we do this?" she asks, "How many times must I say the same thing before you see it as true? How many times must I fumble my words before speaking to a crowd? How many times must I check my breath before a date with Hero, so desperate to prove my love to him? How many times must I play the same song before it is perfect? I recall the day we began practicing..."
"I don't," you say, "I don't need to remember that. Mari... is perfect. Mari never played any wrong notes."
The voice falls silent as you continue walking, the shape of SOMETHING appearing from within the puddles of blood.
"I can sense that part of you which is resisting the truth," she says, "When next we meet, I will speak to it, and not you."
The tendrils of SOMETHING grab you. Its form makes stains in the shape of a humanoid falling. You are afraid. You attack wildly, but it does nothing. You CALM DOWN.
"You do not want my advice, do you?" she asks, "You do not care. What should I say, little brother? Should I say that it isn't as scary as you think?"
The tendrils cut off your blood flow. You are damaged... but you manage to CALM DOWN.
"I am done lying, done sugar-coating, done faking perfection," she says, "It is as scary as you think. It's scarier. It is my imperfection. That is the most terrifying thing imaginable... and I know you can beat it, not in spite of that fact, but because of it. It is a necessity. You will do it because you must... and because you never give up. Please, little brother, for my sake... break this repetition, this horrible cycle. Do not give up."
You learn how to PERSIST. The tendrils recede slightly.
"Tell me, little brother..." she says, "What are you going to do?"
"I... will not..." you say, "I will not... give up..."
You PERSIST. The tendrils recede more.
"Stop stifling yourself. You are not speaking loudly enough," she says, "You are still afraid of judgement. You are still afraid of being imperfect. Acknowledge your imperfection. Cry out for help; you cannot do everything on your own. What are you going to do?"
"I..." you say, stammering, crying, "I... will not... give up..."
You PERSIST. The tendrils fully recede.
You see a vision.
A memory.
You see yourself crying.
Your knee has been scraped.
It is bleeding.
Mari kisses it.
It's just a placebo...
but it feels better.
You wake up.
You cough... your head feels fuzzy. It's not a hangover; that's gone... you feel like you fainted. Someone stands above you, looking down with a concerned expression.
"Sunny? Sunny!" a girl yells, "What the hell happened here?"
"We were fighting with Basil, and he cut Sunny..." Kel says, "Then... he just fainted! I don't know why, I—"
"I didn't mean to do this!" Basil says, "Seriously, I just wanted him to get away!"
You're still lying on the ground. You lack the energy to get up.
"I'm... so sorry..." you say, "I... I killed Mari... I'm sorry... I killed Mari..."
The girl looks shocked. She is at a loss for words.
"...What?" Basil says, "You... hang on..."
"Please..." you beg, "I... don't want to be alone... I know everyone... is mad at me for what I did, but... please... just... please don't hate me... please..."
"You..." the girl says, "You're still smiling. You've always been smiling. Why would you be happy that Mari died?"
You laugh grimly, lacking any energy.
"I'm not happy," you say, smiling brightly.
You regret appearing so imperfect in front of your friends, but there's nothing to be done. The moment you fainted the veil was broken.
"...Oh... my God..." Aubrey says, having an epiphany, "Oh my God... Sunny, we... oh God..."
You focus your eyes as much as you can. The girl standing above you is Aubrey. Her hair is dyed pink, tied back in a ponytail. She wears jeans, a t-shirt, a light cardigan, and soft-looking boots. Shimmering pink-lensed glasses adorn her face... her beautiful face. She is wearing lipstick as well.
"What have you done?!" she yells, turning to face Basil.
"I-I was just... this is our spot!" he yells, "I haven't treated him any worse than the scooter gang!"
"That's different, Basil," she says, "What has Sunny done to you? He clearly isn't as bad as them, I mean... look at him! The kid's having a panic attack, I... hang on..."
She picks you up and carries you in her arms.
"I'm gonna take him home," she says, "Basil, seriously, you've taken this way too far."
"I..." he stammers, seeming defeated, "...I didn't know. How was I supposed to know that this is what he's like?! He doesn't look like the kind of person who'd get an anxiety attack!"
"Basil," Aubrey says sternly, "I love you, but I have to go make sure Sunny doesn't fucking die right now. We'll talk about this later. Goodbye, dear."
You feel her begin to walk away, still carrying you with her.
"A-Aubrey," Kel says, "You're just gonna... leave Basil back there?"
"I don't think it's a good idea to have him near Sunny right now," she replies, "I don't think it would be good for either of them."
You begin your trek away, leaving Basil and the scooter gang behind.
"Sorry that this is the way we had to meet up," Kel says, "It's... been a while, Aubrey. You look different, but... good."
"Mmm. You look like shit," Aubrey quips, "But that's nothing new for you, Kel. It's... actually really nice to talk to you all. Especially you, Hero... I think it's been four years since I've seen your face."
Hero is entirely unresponsive.
"Hero?" Aubrey asks, "Hello? Are you alright?"
"...Mmm," he says, "You know, I already knew I had fucked up pretty bad, but the universe just loves reminding me."
"Don't mind him," Kel says, "He's... kinda delusional after staying inside for so long. He just randomly says nonsense like that."
"You're worse than I thought you were, Sunny," Hero continues, unaffected by Kel's comment.
"The feeling is mutual," Aubrey says, "I... Sunny, I'll be honest, I really did think you were a creep. That... you enjoyed Mari's death... since you were smiling. That's my fault. I should've talked to you about it. I should've... done... something else. Something other than just doing what everybody else did... just... pushing you away."
"Oh... don't... talk like that..." you say, "We all... make mistakes. No use... dwelling on the past."
You focus on the warm feeling of her body against yours. It's comforting.
"Aubrey, my... dear friend..." you say, "I've missed you."
"I've... missed you too, buddy," she says, "Let's... get you home, alright? I get the feeling there's something here none of us really understand... hopefully your parents can fill us in."
Soon enough, you reach your front door. Kel begins knocking.
"Hey, uhh... Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki!" Kel shouts, "Sunny is alive, but something kinda bad happened! Please open the door!"
You hear footsteps rushing over. The door swings open.
"What?!" your mother yells, "I... oh God, what happened?"
"Sunny!" your father yells.
"C-calm... down..." you mutter, "It's... okay. Just... a little... scratch."
"Sunny got into a fight with Basil," Kel says, "Basil... cut him up with his shears. It really wasn't much at all, but... he just passed out. Then he... started apologizing for killing Mari."
"I... found him like this," Aubrey says, "I'm... Aubrey, by the way. I just got back from vacation... luckily I heard all the commotion and ran over."
Your parents look in shock... and concern. They seem to steel themselves.
"Alright, come inside, we know how to take care of this," your father says.
You're carried inside as your friends file in. Aubrey lays you down on the couch.
"S-Sunny, you know you can stop smiling, right?" she asks, "It's okay."
You shake your head.
"Promised..." you say, unable to think of what word comes next.
Aubrey just sighs. Your mother places a cold towel on your forehead, while your father holds a bottle of something up to your mouth.
"Here, drink up," he says, "Mallow... recommended this. Cold chamomile tea... it should help you relax."
You take a few chugs of the beverage. It's a sickeningly familiar sensation... though, this liquid is a yellowish-brown, rather than crystal-clear. That, and they have different tastes.
"Apologies... friends..." you mutter, "I've caused... such a bother..."
"Sunny, it's fine," Aubrey says, "You're clearly struggling with... something."
She turns to your parents.
"This must happen a lot, right?" she asks.
"Not too often, but usually... at least once or twice a month," your mother says.
"We had a really good stretch of not having any panic attacks for about two months..." your father adds, "But... he had one the night before last night, too. That's... way too close together."
"Please... don't worry yourselves about me..." you say, "I... I am... perfect... after all..."
"Sunny, we're your parents," your father says, "We're gonna be worried."
"And we're your friends!" Kel says, "I mean, sure, it's been a while, but even Aubrey... even Basil is still our friend!"
"Basil..." your mother says, "He did this?"
"Yeah..." Aubrey laments, "Please, like... don't get too mad at him. He's... he's really a sweet guy, just... the scooter gang was really horrible to him when we were kids, and... Sunny... Basil doesn't like to talk about you much, Sunny, but he always acts like you... betrayed him. He really did idolize you... but then... you became a monster... in his eyes, at least. Mari's death... really crushed him. It was like you had died, too."
You let the cold feeling of the towel and the tea wash over you... you regain some strength, taking in deep breaths, focusing your thoughts. You slowly get up, sitting down on the couch in a more normal position.
"Ah... no worries..." you say, "I'm not dead. I'm... ugh..."
You rub your temples and your eyes.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," you say, "I would prefer if you all didn't know about my... let's call them... less pristine aspects..."
"We can't help you unless you tell us the truth, Sunny," Kel says, "If you just... keep smiling and acting like everything's alright, even when it isn't... you're not just fooling yourself, you're fooling us, too! I-I hung out with you all day yesterday, and I had no idea anything was wrong! You gotta tell us when you're feeling... like this. Don't just smile and lie, alright?"
Something about that hits you right in the heart. Hero, too, seems affected by the parallelism. He sighs, putting his head in his hands.
"I... think I'm feeling better, now," you say, "But... thank you. Thank you all... so much. I will tell you if another panic attack is oncoming... but, really, you shouldn't worry too much. I always bounce right back from them. Aubrey, I... would like to spend some time with you. I believe we all would. It... has been far too long."
You flash a radiant smile at Aubrey, which she returns. You're happy. Of course, you had been happy before... your positive emotions are not muffled at all. However, there still is something special about a smile shared between reconnected friends.
"Oh, wait, Aubrey!" you say, "My, with everything that happened, we got distracted... we uhh... got you a welcoming present!"
You get up and walk to the fridge... the salad is right where you left it. You take it out and present it to Aubrey alongside some of your finest silverware.
"Hark, my friend," you say, presenting the salad with a flourish, "The salad has arrived."
Aubrey laughs, enjoying your goofiness.
"Thanks," she says, "Ah... dang, this actually looks pretty good."
She opens the lid and begins eating.
"Oh, right, I just remembered," Aubrey says, "Kel, Hero, you're moving soon, right?"
"Yup," Kel says, "Tomorrow is our last day."
"Mmm..." Aubrey says, enjoying the salad, "Well, if that's the case, then I guess we gotta make the most of the time we've got. Y'all wanna come over to my house?"
"Oh, that sounds lovely!" you say, clasping your hands together, "Come to think of it, I don't think we ever went to your house when we were kids."
"Well, yeah," Aubrey says, "My mom was a total bitch. Still is, probably... wherever in the world she is right now. My dad's chill, though."
"I'm up for that," Kel says, "Actually... wait, what if we had a sleepover?"
"A sleepover?" Aubrey quips back, "Jeez, I didn't think a nerd like you would have an idea like that."
"Weeeeeeell," Kel says, "I miiiiiiight just be trying to avoid studying, and also I would literally kill a man to get a solid night's sleep."
"Sure, that works," Aubrey says, "I'll text my dad to let him know, we can hang around town, and then once it gets kinda dark, head back home. That good with you too, Hero?"
"I have no strong feelings one way or the other," Hero says, "So, sure."
Aubrey finishes her salad.
"Well, what are we waiting for, then?" she says, "Let's get moving!"
"Yes, umm..." you say, looking to your parents, "If it's alright with you two?"
"Sure, just, uhh..." your father walks to the kitchen and puts a pill in a container, "Here, take this. Have fun!"
"Thank you!" you say.
Waving your parents goodbye, you and the other three walk out the door. Now fully conscious, you can appreciate the beauty of the sunset. The four of you begin walking around aimlessly, having no particular destination in mind. You walk to the park... the scooter gang is there.
"Aubrey!" Kim yells, "Umm... thanks for saving us, I guess."
"Oh, hey, Kim," Aubrey waves, "Uhh... sorry, I was a bit preoccupied with Sunny... are the rest of you alright?"
They all nod.
"Yup!" Angel yells, "My sis got a bit worried, but I'm fine."
"It takes a bit more than garden shears to ruin my magnificent face," Mikhael taunts.
"Mmm... sure," you say.
"I'm, uhh... sorry for how he's been treating you all," Aubrey says, "I knew he was getting back at you, but I just thought he meant, like... well, I certainly didn't think he was trying to stab you, that's for sure."
"It'd be best to let things simmer for a bit," you say, "But... tomorrow, let's go talk to him. All of us."
"I... really, Sunny, I think it'd be best if I went alone," Aubrey says, "He might lash out again."
"Oh, please," you say, "It was just a little scratch, and besides, he's my friend too. He's a friend to all of us."
"Yup!" Kel says, "We've got your back, Aubrey, just like when we were kids!"
"Mhmm," Hero hums, clearly out of it.
You leave the scooter gang to themselves. Quickly checking the secret spot, Basil is of course no longer there. Walking over to the plaza, you see Kel stop by a vending machine.
"Hmm..." he says, "I do want to sleep tonight, but also... an Orange Joe would be pretty choice right now."
"Eww..." Aubrey says, "Orange Joe? That orange juice coffee? That's, like, the worst combination of flavors!"
"Hey, Sunny eats his pizza with pineapples and anchovies!" Kel says, "I'm not that bad."
"W-wait... Sunny, is that true?" Aubrey asks, her face scrunching up.
"Now, alright, I know that sounds bad," you say, "But, seriously, it sucks at first, but if you stick with it, you'll actually learn to like it! It's... an acquired taste! The saltiness and the sweetness, mixed with the savoriness of the pizza..."
You do a chef kiss.
"Ah, it's magnificent," you say.
Aubrey seems to find that dubious.
"Ah, well," you say, shrugging, "Just another person who's jealous of my absolute perfection~"
You glamorously toss your hair to the side, making Aubrey giggle. Continuing to the plaza, you decide to enter Othermart on a whim. Aubrey seems enthralled by your ability to remember everyone's name.
"You... really are friends with everyone here, aren't you?" she asks, "I guess I never really paid attention to that."
"Well, I don't have many friends at school," you say, "But, here, I like to get to know these people. I've befriended all the workers!"
You glance towards the bakery.
"Well..." you say, "Almost. Umm... no, you know what? It's worth a try."
You approach the bakery with a wave.
"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kőfaragó! You too, Daphne and Bowen!" you say, cheerfully, "Me and my friends were hoping we could partake in some of your delicious freshly baked goods."
Their glares make you feel as though you're inside an oven.
"Umm... is something wrong?" Aubrey asks, "We just want to buy something, and you're looking at him like he's some sort of monster."
"...What would you like?" Daphne asks, seeming to bend under Aubrey's pressuring, "We shall serve... all customers. Even... mmm."
"I'll just have a slice of coffee cake for my dad," Aubrey says, "It's for me, not for Sunny, so don't spit in it or whatever."
"We would never do such a thing," Bowen says, "...God shall serve his own penance."
He hands Aubrey a slice of coffee cake.
"Good evening," Bowen says, "Do not return."
Aubrey snatches the cake and hands the twins their payment. She seems very displeased. You begin walking away.
"Let's go home, it's getting late," Aubrey says, "Also... I'm guessing that their deal with you is... the same as everyone who hates you, yeah?"
"Oh, I wouldn't say hate," you handwave, "I am universally loved. There's just a few people who I need to assist in moving through forgiveness towards my... how shall we say... singular mistake."
"...Sure," Aubrey says, "Well, at least you don't seem too fazed. That's good... you shouldn't let other people tell you what to do. That's one thing I really like about Basil... he just lets everyone know who he is and kicks the shit out of anyone who gives him a problem about it."
"Yeah, sure, I guess," Kel says, "Love who you love, stab who you stab, it's all chill."
"Me and his mom will make sure he learns his lesson," Aubrey says, "He may not seem like it, but he's a total pushover whenever me or her get mad. He's a total momma's boy. Pretty cute, honestly."
"I'm glad that you two got together," you say, "After all... all I really want is to see everybody smile."
"That's sweet, Sunny," she says, "I think one day that'll work out for you."
Soon enough, you make it to her house. She unlocks the door and walks inside.
"Yo, dad!" she says, "I'm back!"
Aubrey's dad sits on the couch, watching a football match and sipping from a bottle of Orange Joe. He turns to face you all. The first thing that stands out about him is his pink hair which matches Aubrey's. He wears a Hawaiian-patterned shirt and tan shorts. He seems like he's in his teens, 20s, 30s, and 40s all at the same time. He also seems like the sort of dude who would say stuff like "tubular" while riding a surfboard.
"Hey hey!" he says, "Welcome to el Casa Aubergine! Man... how long has it been since I've seen any of you kids? Four years? You've all grown so much..."
"Dad, come on," Aubrey says with a pout.
"Ah, yeah, I know, I'm getting old," he says with a chuckle, "Sunny, I heard you got into a fight... you're alright?"
"Perfectly fine, sir," you say.
"Ah, man, getting called 'sir' just makes me feel even older," he says, "You can just call me Eddie. I'm not like, one of those super-strict dads who are all like 'hey, if you're gonna date my daughter, you've gotta be a total kissass' or whatever. I'm just sittin' here, drinkin' some Orange Joe and enjoyin' life."
"Yo!" Kel says, "Orange Joe! I thought I was the only person who liked it!"
"Ayy!" Eddie says, "Dap me up!"
Kel and Eddie high five.
"I already like this guy," Eddie says, "He gets it. What about you, Henry? Aubrey says you've just come out of the house for the first time in a while."
"Hero," Hero says, "Umm... yeah, that's true. I've been going through, like, a layer cake of wild and generally bad things happening in my life. Or, actually, more like a stack of pancakes, and every time I think to myself, 'hey, this has gotta be the last pancake, there totally couldn't be another pancake after this,' there's another pancake. Does that make any sense at all?"
"Too much sense, brother," Eddie says, "I hope you can work out whatever's got you down."
"...Thanks," Hero says simply.
"Anyways, we've got sleeping bags and quilts and whatever you want," Eddie says, "Take whatever you want from the fridge or the pantry, and... uhh... have fun, I guess!"
You smile and nod. You enjoy Eddie's easygoing personality. Aubrey leads you down the hall and into her room... it gives off an aesthetic similar to herself. There's plenty of shiny crystals, colorful artwork, a salt lamp... that, and there's something burning.
"Ooh, is that incense?" you ask.
"Yeah," Aubrey says with an embarrassed smile, "I know it's pretty dorky, but I got into all of this stuff a few years back. I just think it looks cool, I don't actually believe any of the shit about, like, crystals curing cancer or whatever."
"They are very pretty," you say, admiring a crystal you recognize as a fire agate, "It suits you well."
"Heh, thanks..." she says, "Uhh... yeah, like my dad said, I've got some spare blankets and stuff. There's probably enough room for all three of you on the floor. I-I mean, if that's alright."
"Wait, we're all gonna sleep in the same room?" Kel asks.
"I mean, yeah," Aubrey says, "What's the alternative? We split it guys and girls, then that means I'm alone, and it's like, not even a sleepover."
"Eh, fair," Kel says, "I always did kinda find it silly when parents would act like if you have a girl and a boy alone in the same room together, like, the whole world is gonna explode."
You chuckle.
"Yes, well, parents can be overbearing," you say, "Eddie seems pretty cool, though, Aubrey!"
"Mhmm," Hero says, still as cliff-faced as ever.
"Ah... Hero, are you getting sleepy?" Kel asks, "I know I am..."
Hero has a look of intense longing on his face.
"Aubrey, you wanna..." he says, "...look at my photo album? It's been a long time since you've seen it, right?"
"Oh, yeah!" Aubrey says, her eyes lighting up, "Dang, I'd forgotten about that!"
Aubrey lays down some blankets for everyone to sit on as Hero sets the album down in the center of the room. He opens the album up, revealing the half-completed set of photos. Aubrey begins admiring them... you do, too.
"Aww... it's so nice to see all of us together again," Aubrey says, "I can remember all of these so clearly..."
"It's good to see Mari, too," you say, "Ah... I do miss her. Sweet, perfect Mari."
Hero stares directly at you, closing the album.
"Mari wasn't..." he begins to say.
"Oh, I know," you say, cutting him off, "You miss her, too."
"That's not..." he sighs, conceding, "Yeah. I do. Despite everything... I really do miss her."
"Yeah..." you say, "But... she would've wanted us to be happy without her, and... we're sort of doing that, right? We're getting there... I suppose happiness is a journey, not something that just happens instantly."
"Dang, that's... kinda deep," Kel says, "Or maybe it's just, like, total nonsense. I'm pretty tired, to be honest."
Aubrey yawns.
"Yeah..." she says, walking over to her bed and lying down, "Well, I think we can call it a day, now. Plenty of more time for us to do stuff tomorrow, right? Hero, Kel... me and Sunny will make sure you have a great last day in Faraway."
"Indeed!" you say, "You have my word. It will be perfect, just like me!"
Kel chuckles, lying down. Hero still seems to have his gaze fixed upon you.
"Night," he says, lying down.
"Good night, my dears," you say, lying down.
Although sleeping on the floor is far less comfortable than on your bed, you still enjoy it. The softness of the fabric envelops you like a warm hug.
You fall asleep.
[ We see a young boy lying down on the ground,
his shadow extending out from behind him.
He looks up.
Squatting behind him,
smiling brightly,
is an older boy
who looks just like him,
His cream-colored hair
and his maple skin
make him stand out
He kisses the younger boy
on the lips.
The younger boy
into nothing.
The older boy
is alone.
As a black
light bulb
hangs from above,
the boy faces a white door. ]
You turn back to face Mewo.
"You know, Mewo, I'll be frank with you," you say, "I don't enjoy the direction that this is going. I do not enjoy it at all. I get the feeling I'm going to be forced to do something I'd prefer not to. Do you get that feeling, dear?"
Mewo meows incomprehensibly. You sigh.
"I suppose we must move forward, then," you say, "My friends are waiting for me, after all. No time for dilly-dallying."
You check your reflection in your now preposterously reflective mirror. Absolutely perfect. You open the door... and stare out in shock.
Nobody is there.
The wind outside whips and wails, thunder crashing, lightning striking... it's a hurricane, it's a tornado, it's a tsunami, it's something, that's for sure. You settle on just calling it chaos.
"Oh, dear," you say, walking forward.
The floorboards seem to creak with each step. The entire treehouse wobbles uncontrollably. You look out the exit, seeing the sheer damage that the storm has done to the world. Looking down... you can't help but feel that climbing down would be a bad idea. On the other hand, though, you know you need to find your friends.
"Well," you say, "...this is an unsatisfactory situation. Perhaps I can just..."
Holding onto the wall tightly, you attempt to gain footing on the ladder... it is anything but stable. You quickly get back onto solid(ish) ground.
"Alright, the ladder is not an option," you say, "I do know, for sure, that at the present moment, the ladder is not an option. Good to know. Alright."
You search around the treehouse for anything you might be able to use to escape. There's plenty of toys, cards, scattered shoes and clothing... off in the corner, though, is a blanket. You walk over and inspect the fabric.
"Hmm," you say, "I have an idea. It's not a very good one, but it is an idea."
You lay the blanket down flat. A jump rope lies off to the side of the room; you grab it, make some holes in the blanket, tie a few knots, and surely enough, you have a makeshift parachute.
"Alright," you say, "Pragmatically speaking? This is likely very dangerous and bad."
You side glance at the storm outside. The treehouse continues wobbling, begging to fall.
"...Alas, this is no time for thinking things through!" you yell, "Onward!"
You secure yourself to the parachute and, without thinking, jump out of the treehouse. The good news is that the parachute functions as a parachute, in that it makes you fall slowly. The bad news is that the wind is blowing at an ambiguous but definitely very high number of miles per hour. You get blown about uncontrollably, and the rain makes it hard to see where you're going. Looking down, though, you see that the playground is empty. There's nobody here.
The wind blows you in the direction of the blood sea to the north. You're too high up to drop onto land, but onto the ocean, you might stand a chance. You attempt to use some miscellaneous junk in your POCKET to steer yourself, pretty much fruitlessly.
"...Peki?" a voice calls from below, "Peki! Oh my goodness, Peki!"
You look down. Mari is standing by the seashore, calling out to you.
"Mari!" you yell, "Dearest sister, I am in quite the predicament! I am perfect, but I believe a second perfect person is necessary to solve my current problem! Thank you, dear!"
"I... umm..." she says, "I don't... know what to do!"
"What?!" you yell, "What was that about a zoo? I'm almost falling to my death, here!"
You can't understand what she says after that, but she runs around, panicked. You sigh. Suddenly, you see a much stronger jet of water burst up from below... Mari is crying in a geyser-like eruption, trying to divert your course.
"Well, that's very weird!" you say, "But, if it works, I'll take it!"
Mari's tears launch up in a parabola, striking the top of your parachute and weighing it down. Slowly, gently, you descend onto the shore. You discard the parachute.
"Peki!" Mari says, running up to you and giving you a hug, "Oh, little brother, I was so worried!"
"Ah... don't be!" you say, kissing her on the cheek, "I always bounce back, you know. I'm very resourceful!"
She wipes her tears, looking back at you with a smile.
"I-I..." she mumbles, "I don't know what happened. Everybody else is just... gone! I... I think they might've taken shelter down below the sea. That's... probably the only place that's safe from the storm."
"...The others went down there?," you ask, "Under the blood? Are you... certain they can survive down there?"
You know the answer, but you want to play your part.
"I... I think so!" Mari says, "Don't worry, they're gonna be okay!"
You smile. Gosh, you love her so much. You walk over to the shore, gently dipping your toes into the ocean. Ah... blood. It feels lovely upon your skin.
"Well, what are we waiting for, then?" you say, "Come on, Mari, get behind me! We'll swim through here, find the entrance to Deep Hell, and get back our friends!"
"Yeah!" she says, "Sounds great! I'm right behind you, little brother!"
You begin swimming. The storm makes the ocean difficult to swim through as waves crest and valley all around you, but you eventually manage to find the docks up north and start walking.
"Hehe," Mari laughs, "Oh, Peki, you're so dependable! I would've been too afraid to swim on my own... but everything is easier with you around!"
"Aww, thank you," you say, "You're too kind."
"I really do mean it, though!" she says.
You laugh happily.
"It's really incredible how far you've come, Peki," she says, "It really seems like everything just... works out for you, huh?"
"Well, I am perfect after all," you say.
"Mhmm!" she nods in agreement, smiling brightly, "I'm sure that... what happens next, you'll be able to do it, too!"
"Right! We'll get our friends free," you say.
Mari stares silently.
"Yeah... that!" she says, lying.
You pass by distant memories on islands all around you. It's you and all your friends... you're so happy together. As you walk, the storm seems to grow louder. You see, distantly, but getting closer, a tornado. The giant, swirling, chaotic tower of air rests at the end of a dock, which you walk down.
"Hehe," Mari says, "There it is! The heart of the storm."
"...It's... oddly beautiful," you say, "Why does it even exist, though?"
Mari laughs.
"I know why, and yet, you don't," she says, "Have you really repressed it so far that not even you remember?"
"Remember... what?" you ask.
"Heh, exactly!" she says, "There was never anything to begin with, right? There is no storm. There is no closet door."
"...Mari?" you ask, "I'm not sure what you mean."
"This storm, Peki..." she says, "...it is the beckoning of the truth you've been hiding. This, right here, is what happens when you continually increase pressure without releasing it. This is what happens when you live as I lived, live as the Suzukis live... letting your stress build, relieving it only in toxic ways, if ever at all. It is going to come to a breaking point. It is only a matter of time."
"Live... as you lived? Are you suggesting that you lived... in error?" you ask, scoffing, "Oh, Mari, you're so silly! You're perfect, remember?"
Though you cannot see her face, you can feel her frown.
"Heh... perfect. Yes, sweet, perfect, pretty Mari," she says, "Keep telling yourself that. See where it gets you."
The horns of White Space emerge from below the blood with a motion of her hand.
"You're so certain of yourself," she says, "Well, then. Tell me..."
Am I still perfect to you, Peki?
You stare in shocked silence. She is monochrome, older, and absolutely frigid. She hates you, she despises you. She is incredibly flawed.
"I... don't know you," you say, "Whoever you are, you're not Mari."
She just laughs.
"I'm more Mari than you'll ever be, Peki," she quips, "After all, you're not as bad as me, you're even worse than I was, and that's saying something. I really hate you for that, you know? You're so deep in denial, deep in perfection, that you've become a total unempathetic narcissist. You hurt everyone around you, just as I did. Even when I tried to escape the world, it just created more suffering... but you know what the difference between you and me is, Peki? You're too insistent on ignorance to even feel sorry, because you don't even realize who you are. You do not remember that you are fundamentally a caricature. You do not remember what I've done. You see me as perfect. This isn't true, and it never was. I was selfish. In death, I can do nothing but pray I might change that moving forward... by protecting my little brother from you, Peki. You are my shadow self, my sin in distilled form. I want you to die."
"What..." you say, "Where did Mari go? Because... you're not her."
She laughs, walking backwards into the ocean, floating above the blood, disappearing into the storm as she speaks.
"That's an excellent question, Peki. I have one in response," she says, "Where did Sunny go? Because you're definitely not him."
As she disappears out of view, the funnel of wind lifts off of the surface of the blood, taking "Mari" with it. They both disappear, leaving behind nothing more than a simple whirlpool.
"Hmm..." you say, "That name being said here... I do not like that. I do not like that one bit."
You stare at your reflection in your shield, steeling yourself and regaining confidence.
"I'll just... move forward," you say, swimming into the whirlpool.
As you go into it, you're instantly teleported to a small dock. On it, there is nothing more than a metal cage with a button inside. A makeshift elevator. You step inside and press the button. You hear the sound of chains rattling as the door closes and you begin to descend. You sink below the blood, but find yourself having no trouble breathing, though the taste is not very pleasant, and it's a bit hard to see.
Shapes pass by you as you descend. Sharks, jellyfish, octopi, other frightening things that you don't recognize. You hit the bottom, finding a letter... looking out around you, you know that you have entered Deep Hell. Fittingly enough, it's warm like a Summer day.
"Oh, dear," you say, "I just realized... will my clothes be stained by this? Oh, that won't do..."
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Everything about the past few days has been less than ideal. You walk towards a taxi cab, hoping that finding your friends will help.
"Heya, kid," a raspy voice says from inside the car, "You want a ride to the Last Reverie?"
"I'd appreciate that greatly," you say, "How much?"
"What do you mean?" he replies.
"How much money to take the taxi?" you ask.
"Oh..." he says, "I never thought of making people pay. That sounds pretty smart, actually. Alright, 10 cherries!"
With an awkward smile, you get in the back of the taxi and give the man 10 cherries. The ride is bumpy... and there really is something off about this place. As the car parks and you get out, you see it looming just in the distance... the Last Reverie. You had heard of this place. Kel stands idly in an earthen corridor, seeming to be idly wasting his time.
"Kel?" you shout, "Kel!"
"Peki!" he yells, hugging you, "Oh, great! You're just the person I need right now. Everyone... when the storm hit, we all took refuge in here, but now... nobody wants to leave!"
"Hmm?" you ask, "What do you mean?"
"I think it's some kind of mind control or something," he says, "Aubrey, Basil, everybody is there, and they're just... they have, like, empty eyes. Like they're sleepwalking or something, it's freakin' weird as heck, and I don't like it at all."
"Oh, my," you say, "Well, no need to fret. Neither one of us are alone, now! Your dear friend Peki is on the case."
"Heck yeah!" Kel says, high-fiving you, "Aubrey's on the fifth floor, but I'm not too sure about Basil. We'll find her first. C'mon!"
With Kel following behind you, you walk up to the entrance to the Last Reverie... an indoor amusement park, it towers above the otherwise flat ocean terrain, a shining beacon in the darkness. Something else catches your attention, though. A picnic, off to your left.
"Oh... Peki!" Mari says, "I'm glad you found us down here... I've been so sad and helpless without you! Everyone's gone crazy, a-and I don't know what to do..."
Her tears are lost in the surrounding blood.
"P-Peki..." she says, "Why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong?"
"Wrong?" you say, "Hardly! Hardly... nothing is wrong. I just didn't expect to meet up with two of my friends down here so soon."
"Oh... alright..." Mari says, "Sorry, I just get... paranoid... sometimes."
"It's alright, dear," you say, "Come on, Kel, let's go find Aubrey."
The two of you walk inside. You have to admit, the inside of the Reverie is quite enticing. Food stalls, rollercoasters, carnival games, every imaginable attraction is somewhere in here. A gallery of distractions... you understand how someone could spend their lives here. All the people walking around are smiling happily.
"Oh, my!" you say, "This place is... incredible! Look at all those beautiful smiles!"
Kel slaps you across the face.
"Not you too!" he yells, "Come on, stay with me, Peki!"
"Agh..." you say, "Oh, you're lucky I like you, Kel; I would've killed most people for doing that."
You sigh.
"Oh, I suppose you're right," you say, "Let's go."
You take a quick restroom break, finding yet another letter before the two of you enter the elevator. Kel walks over to the selector panel before his expression suddenly turns sour.
"Ah, crap," he says, "I forgot. We need a keycard. Maybe there's one lying around here, somewhere? Let's check around."
You and Kel explore each floor, checking for any dropped cards as you're chased by crocodile carnies. You're not usually one to resist the temptation of a good time, if your drinking and overeating are anything to go by... but, well, Kel is very insistent, and besides, you do miss your friends. You want to see them all smile, after all. Even Hero, wherever he is.
Soon enough, you find a keycard and are on your way to the fifth floor, reserved for the Last Reverie's finest attractions. After having to fetch a guard a bottle of water (you figure it best not to ask), you enter the main room of the floor. You see Aubrey riding on a very fast merry-go-round.
"WOOOOOOO!" she yells.
You can't really see her face through the motion blur, but you assume she's smiling.
"Aubrey!" you shout, "Oh, dear, it really does kill me to do this, but we need you to stop! If we're going to be happy, we need to be happy together! Not all alone, yes?"
"Mmm, Kel, pardon me for a moment," you say.
You walk up to the merry-go-round and grab one of the horses, stopping the ride dead in its tracks with your sheer strength. It spurts sparks and smoke, before finally shutting down. Aubrey vomits off to the side.
"Augh..." she says, "My head... wha'happen?"
"I think you developed an addiction to centripetal force," you say, "Which, honestly, props to you for managing that. Here, darling, let me help you down."
You take Aubrey's hand and walk her down.
"We should all be having fun together, Aubrey!" you say, "I apologize for not being here... I don't choose when I leave, you see. But... I'm here now, so we should all be enjoying ourselves together! We need to find out where Basil is!"
"Basil..." Aubrey says, "Well, if he's anywhere, he'd be in Jawsore's... most tantalizing game. He's the owner of the place. His game... it's just up this other elevator."
"How many elevators... are there here?" you ask.
"Like, at least three," Kel says, "Which, honestly, is excessive."
The three of you walk over, though you manage to get yourself ensnared in a few of the games, much to Kel's chagrin. It's hard to resist when the stall workers are so often very pretty girls.
"Peki, stop being bisexual and focus," Kel snaps.
"I'll be a broken pile of wood skin and string hair before I stop being bisexual," you say, "Come on! The girls are cute! Guys are cute, too!"
Kel sighs.
"Man, I sometimes wonder why I'm in love with you, Peki," Aubrey says.
"Oh, it's no wonder," you say, "I'm perfect! How many times must I say that, eh? No matter. Let's go see this... Mr. Jawsore."
You get in the elevator, ignoring a letter which you know isn't needed. You reach the top of the Reverie and find Mr. Jawsore there sitting in a dunking booth. The logistics of an underwater dunking both briefly confuse you, before you realize who's standing in front of it.
"Man, is that all you got? With those weak little femboy arms?!" Jawsore taunts, "My sister can throw harder than that, and she's dead!"
"Shut up," Basil says, visibly furious.
He inserts yet another sum of cherries into a machine which dispenses baseballs. Basil throws for what you assume is likely the hundredth time, only to miss yet again, over and over.
"Frick!" he says, "Frick, crap, dang, pee, poop, shucks, dagnabbit! Come on, man!"
"Ahahahaha!" Jawsore laughs, "Man, this is the most fun I've ever had! Thanks, kid. Oh... speaking of which, hey there, new contestants! Wanna get in line? It's only 50 cherries per ball!"
"Ah, apologies, sir, but we are busy," you say, "Basil, my darling, my pretty little sweet baby cherry blossom onahole honeybun darling sweetie, we are not meant to be split up like this."
"Hmm... then come on and get in line!" he says, "Kel, you've got better aim than me."
"Yeah, this kid's aim is about as good as my ex-wife's!" Jawsore laughs, "Step up to the plate, kids."
"Wait..." Aubrey says, "Weren't we doing something?"
"Oh yeah," Kel says, "I... almost forgot! Hero!"
"Yes, children, Hero," you say, "We're searching for Hero, remember? The storm does nothing to change that."
"Oh, dang!" Basil says, "Right, uhh... yeah, y'know what Jawsore? This can wait."
"H-hey," Jawsore says, panicked, "Hang on, you're the best customer I've ever had! Look how much money you've poured into this!"
He gestures to a giant pile of discarded baseballs.
"That is an impressive amount of money spent on meaningless distractions," you say, "Which, again, normally? I would be 100% on board with, but Kel is going to nudge my side into oblivion if I stay here."
You grab Basil and pull him away, much to Jawsore's chagrin.
"Wait just a second, you think I'm gonna sit here and let you kids leave?" he yells, "Nobody leaves the Last Reverie while they've still got money in their pockets!"
"Oh, dear," you say, "Friends, just a second."
You pick up one of the discarded baseballs, get a feel for its weight, and throw it at the target with as much power and accuracy as you can muster. Mr. Jawsore is dunked into the water(?), but he quickly surfaces, fury in his eyes.
"You little brat!" he yells, "Guards, teach these money-hoarding children a lesson!"
From out of yet another elevator, a hoard of crocodile carnies comes out to fight. Mr. Jawsore stands behind them menacingly... unfortunately, they shield him from any damage, and each time you take out a guard, a new one comes in. Whenever you do get him alone, though, you have a perfect time to strike. As you slowly chip away at him, he becomes increasingly panicked by his dwindling supply of guards... until, eventually, he gives in.
"Dang it!" he yells, "Agh! You kids think you're so smart... I've got an ace up my sleeve! Ceres, get in here!"
Bursting through the elevator, leaving a hole in his shape, the weirdly buff blue planet comes into the room.
"Ah... well, this is awkward," Ceres says, "Children, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you."
"Ceres!" Kel says, "Hey, man, it's been, like... ages!"
"Yes, it's good to see you," he replies.
"How about we just hug it out, hmm?" you say, "You're our friend, right?"
"...I was your friend," he says, "Now, things are different. I work for Mr. Jawsore, now."
Wind rushes by as the room around you breaks away. Readying yourselves in battle stances, you see Ceres expand to an enormous size.
"Forgive me, children," he says, "This is the end."
In this form, Ceres is more intimidating than ever... but you don't let yourselves get discouraged. You weaken him, bringing his STATS down, though he often flexes to bring them back up. Despite his gigantic size, you can tell that he isn't as strong as he looks. You manage to get him down to his last sliver of HEART... and then he throws the moon at you. Barely holding on, you manage to take him out.
"Ah... it appears you have bested me," he says, "I am... so proud. Truly and deeply... you are so confident! So resilient!"
Ceres laughs, turning to face Mr. Jawsore.
"Jawsore, I quit," he says, "Also, you need to let these children pass. As much of a safe haven the Last Reverie is, they are on an important quest. Morally speaking, we must not hinder them."
Jawsore sighs, long and hard, rolling around across his desk and knocking things over in an overly dramatic fashion.
"Fineeeeeee..." he concedes, "Fine! Go and find your stupid Hero guy, or whatever! Guess I'll just be broke and without any employees! Goodbye, Last Reverie! Guess I'll just frickin' die getting swept up in the storm."
"Jawsore, please stop being such a whiny brat," Ceres says, "I am going to leave now. Alterworld needs me... the storm has hit them hard. I bid you farewell, Jawsore... and you, too, my friends! Best of luck!"
Ceres flies upwards, out of sight. There is an awkward moment of silence.
"Just... get out of here!" Jawsore yells, "I've got a bankruptcy to file!"
Nervously walking away, you make your way down the chain of elevators, finally exiting the Last Reverie.
"Well, that was a monumental waste of time," Kel says, "All we did was get distracted."
You think to yourself that this is excellent.
"Oh, nonsense..." you say, "After all, now we know one place that Hero definitely isn't!"
"I guess..." Aubrey says.
"Let's just... search the rest of Deep Hell, I guess," Basil says, "If he's not anywhere here... I guess we'll just have to find somewhere to hold out until the storm passes."
"Sounds like a plan!" you say, "Come on, children... I believe out west there's one end of the endless highway."
With your friends sighing at your oxymoron, you lead them down the road, leaving the Last Reverie behind you.
Passing by a guard who demands you be in a carpool, you find yourselves looking out and the great, vast expanse of the Endless Highway. You walk forward, finding a toll booth... and a familiar punk girl.
"Come on, seriously?!" she yells.
"Ma'am, for the last time," the toll worker says, "I cannot accept that as payment."
"A discount, then!" she says.
"Anything you don't pay comes out of my paycheck!" he replies.
"Then that's exactly the same as me paying you for my services!" she yells.
You see the toll worker pinch the bridge of his nose.
"Ma'am, just hand over the cherries," he says.
"Uhh... Sweethurt?" Basil says.
She turns around with glee, immediately recognizing the voice.
"Basil!" Sweethurt says, "My dear, so good to see you! And... I suppose it's good to see your friends as well."
"'Sup," Kel says.
"Mmm... yeah," Aubrey says nervously.
"Ah, Sweethurt, greetings!" you say, "How has that whole 'marrying yourself' thing gone?"
"Oh, that's exactly why I'm here!" she says, "I've found some people who can help me make a clone of myself! The perfect partner for me... is me! I can't wait to kiss my lips~"
"Wait, you'd kiss a clone of yourself?" Kel asks, exasperated.
"You wouldn't?" you ask, "Eh, your loss, I guess."
"Yes, I..." she says, turning to whisper to you, "I actually think there's a way to get around these toll booths. The fee is ridiculous!"
She waves you all goodbye.
"If you're all headed the same way, I'll see you on the other side!" she says, "Chao, cuties!"
She walks down an obscured path which you follow her down. Various enemies are scattered across the way... at first, not very many, but eventually, at the very end, it gets ridiculous. You decide to simply pay the final toll, finding yourselves at the end of the Endless Highway, where Mari has set up a picnic.
"Mari!" you say, "Greetings. Our adventure has taken us here, apparently!"
"O-oh..." Mari says, "Right... you... you're still looking for Hero, aren't you?"
"Of course!" you say, "Why, I would never forget about him. That would be simply preposterous!"
You kiss Mari on the forehead.
"Fret not, big sister," you say, "Soon enough, you'll have no worries about him whatsoever!"
She sniffles, smiling at you through her tears.
"Th-thank you... Peki..." she says, "You... you always make me feel perfect whenever I'm sad."
"Aww, that's because you are perfect, darling!" you say, "Please never forget that. I wish I could stay longer, but we must get going, right, friends?"
They nod, smiling slightly from the wholesome scene before them. You walk north, across a rickety bridge, into Deeper Hell.
"...Hero..." Aubrey says, "Gotta find... Hero."
"Yeah..." Kel says, then his expression turns to shock, "Wait... umm... guys, what does Hero look like?"
"Pff, c'mon, seriously?" Basil asks, "Hero... umm..."
"Oh, dear," you say, feigning ignorance, "Have we all forgotten about him? I can't remember his face either..."
"N-no!" Kel says, "I mean... maybe it's just that we've spent a really long time away from him. I still know... he liked cooking, he loved Mari, he's my older brother, and he acted like an older brother to everybody."
"But..." Aubrey says, "Everything aside from that is a bit blurry."
"That can't be good..." Basil says.
"I'm sure it's nothing, really," you say, "We still all know we love Hero, right? Once we find him, I'm sure all of our memories will come back."
"Y-yeah!" Kel says, "Definitely! Thanks, Peki... sorry, I got a little too negative there."
"You can always count on me to be an optimist," you say cheerfully, "Now, come on! The more ground we cover here, the closer we'll be getting to having searched the whole of Headspace!"
You continue leading the children forward, a devilish smile on your face. You enter whirlpools, navigating a maze of rocky corridors. Along the way, various small creatures speak cryptic nonsense... they speak of the Dreamer. You ignore them and press on, walking into the skull of a giant beast. At the center is a giant angler fish.
"Ah... hello, friend!" you say, "Apologies, we were wondering if you could help us. We're following after a girl named Sweethurt, you see. Would you happen to know anything about her?"
The beast snarls, looking you up and down.
"Beloved idol... pink hair," he says, "Spiky. Yes, she came here. She is inside. In me. I am Unphrey."
The creature opens wide its gaping maw, beckoning you to step into it.
"It is safe," the being says, "Enter."
"Sounds good to me, Unphrey!" you say, walking forwards.
"Wh-what?!" Kel yells, "Dude, are you seriously going to just walk into the mouth of a very clearly deadly fish?!"
"Yeah!" you say, "Sweethurt is in there! I have to help her find true love!"
Kel sighs.
"Man, if we die..." he says, "It's gonna be your fault."
"I accept that risk!" you yell, marching forward with determination.
Your friends, begrudgingly, follow after you, and Unphrey closes his mouth, swallowing you down. You emerge in an expansive, dimly lit cave-like room with walls of flesh and rivers of acid.
"Welcome," Unphrey says, "I am everywhere. Look."
An angler fish's... well, you'd call it an angler, or a bulb, and it kinda looks like a dick with one ball, but whatever it is, it's luminescent and bears Unphrey's face.
"I can be here," he says, reappearing somewhere else, "Or here."
Several more glowing lures appear, each identical to all the others. One gigantic one, though, sits at the center of the room on its own little island.
"I am many," he says, "Sweethurt somewhere. Use raft to find."
You get on board the raft in front of you, arbitrarily choosing to go left first. You ascend up an elevator, and a computer screen turns on, revealing a recording of a very pretty silver octopus lady.
"Hello, darlings!" she says, "Wanda, here. You know, I've decided that I'm pretty sick of you two coming into my sector uninvited, so I've rigged a bomb to explode unless you solve some of my impossibly difficult puzzles! Fufufu~!"
You emerge into a large central room where a gigantic bundle of TNT sits on a pedestal, having several monitors attached to it.
"Hmm, that's probably not very good," you say, "Though, it would be really fun to make it explode."
"Don't!" Kel says.
"Mmm... but it'd be so funny," you say, "Could you imagine? After all we've gone through, this is where we die? That's hilarious!"
"...Peki," Aubrey says, "Don't blow us up."
"Ugh..." you say, "You three are so particular. Alright, fine."
You inspect the monitors, choosing a puzzle at random, activating a teleporter south of you. You climb down a ladder to reach it, finding Mari at a picnic nearby.
"Ah, hello, dearest sister!" you say.
"P-Peki...!" she yells, "It's so dark in here... I'm scared of the dark!"
"Aww... poor thing," you say, hugging her, "It's alright, dear! You're perfectly safe; it's not as scary as you think!"
She sniffles.
"A-alright," she says, "Thanks... I... I hope you can disarm that bomb! It seems really scary..."
You pat her head.
"Not to worry!" you say, "Peki is on the case."
You enter the teleporter, entering a maze of conveyor belts. The next teleporter leads to a series of tests, then another to a series of more teleporters, all giving you very obtuse solutions to Wanda's puzzles... but, in not much time at all, you manage to successfully disarm the bomb. A rainbow-colored teleporter turns on in the north side of the room.
"Ooh!" you say, "Gay portal!"
"It's not—" Basil says.
"How do you know, huh?" you ask, "I didn't know you were a portalologist, Basil. Tell me, which school did you graduate from?"
"Umm... I'm 12..." he says.
"Precisely!" you say, "I am older and therefore I know better, and also, you should do whatever I tell you to unquestioningly."
"...Sure," Basil concedes.
You step into the gay portal. You are transported to a balcony overlooking a laboratory. Wanda and Sweethurt are talking with each other.
"So, how's it comin'?" Sweethurt asks.
"Wonderfully, darling!" Wanda replies, "Just a little bit more... calibration."
"Yeah, crank the boobs up," Sweethurt says, uttering a sentence you never thought would ever be spoken.
"Agreed, darling," Wanda replies.
She taps away at a keyboard feverishly.
"Finished!" she yells, "My greatest invention is complete!"
A robotic version of Sweethurt emerges from a metal cocoon.
"Speak, my darling!" Wana says, "Speak!"
"T2gsIG15ISBIYXZlIEkganVzdCBiZWVuIGJvcm4/ISBUaGF0J3MgaW5jcmVkaWJsZSEgSSBmZWVsIGZhbnRhc3RpYyEgSSdtIHNvIHdhcm0gYW5kIGZ1enp5Li4uIGFuZCB5b3UsIHBpbmsgc3Bpa3kgZ2lybCEgWW91J3JlIHNvIGJlYXV0aWZ1bCEgSSBmZWVsIGEgbmVlZCBmb3IgYWZmZWN0aW9uLi4uIHBsZWFzZSwgZ2l2ZSBtZSBhIGh1ZyEgSSBkb24ndCBrbm93IHdoeSBJJ20gc28gY2VydGFpbiwgYnV0IEkga25vdyBJIGxvdmUgeW91IQ==" Robohurt says.
"Hmm..." Sweethurt muses, "She looks great, but I kinda can't understand her... at all."
"V2hhdCdzIHdyb25nPyBDYW4uLi4gY2FuIHNoZSBub3QgdW5kZXJzdGFuZCBtZT8gT2ggbm8hIFdhbmRhLCBtb3RoZXIsIHN1cmVseSB5b3UgbXVzdCBrbm93IG9mIGEgd2F5IHRvIGZpeCB0aGlzIHByb2JsZW0hIFBsZWFzZSwgSSB3YW50IHRvIHNwZWFrIHRvIGhlciE=" Robohurt says.
"Ah, right," Wanda says, "Sorry, darling... I get so deep into programming, I often forget that not everybody speaks Base64. Here, take this translator chip."
"Oh, sure, whe—" Sweethurt begins to say, being interrupted by Wanda slamming something into her head, "H-hey! What the heck?"
"Sorry, it's just best to do it quickly, or else it hurts more," Wanda shrugs, "Try now, darlings."
Robohurt stares blankly.
"Oh, yeah, hang on," Wanda translates, "Um9ib2h1cnQsIHRyeSB0YWxraW5nIGFnYWluISBTaGUgc2hvdWxkIGJlIGFibGUgdG8gdW5kZXJzdGFuZCB5b3Ugbm93Lg=="
"T2gsIGFscmlnaHQhIEhlbGxvLCBjYW4geW91IHVuZGVyc3RhbmQgbWU/IE15IG5hbWUgaXMgUm9ib2h1cnQhIFdoYXQncyB5b3Vycz8=" Robohurt replies.
Sweethurt smiles in happy surprise.
"T2ggbXkgZ29zaCwgaXQgd29ya3MhIEhpfiEgTXkgbmFtZSBpcyBTd2VldGh1cnQuLi4gSSwgZXJyLi4uIHdlbGwsIFdhbmRhIG1hZGUgeW91IHRvIGJlIG15IHdpZmUhIFRoYXQncyBwcm9iYWJseSBhIGxvdCBhbGwgYXQgb25jZSwgdGhvdWdoLi4uIGJ1dC4uLiB3b3VsZCB5b3Ugd2FudCB0byBiZSBmcmllbmRzPw==" she says to Robohurt.
Robohurt seems overjoyed.
"SGVjayB5ZXMgSSB3b3VsZCEgQ29tZSBvbiwgdGhlcmUncyBzbyBtdWNoIGNvb2wgc3R1ZmYgSSBjYW4gc2hvdyB5b3UgYXJvdW5kIGhlcmUhIEdyYWIgb250byBtZSwgSSBjYW4gZmx5IQ==" she replies.
Sweethurt clings onto Robohurt as the latter begins to fly upwards via a rocket propulsion system underneath her dress.
"Thanks, Wanda!" Sweethurt says, "She's great!"
"VGhhbmsgeW91LCBtb20h" Robohurt says.
"Ah, no problem, darlings," she says, smiling happily and giving a (tentacle approximation of a) thumbs up, "You kids have fun!"
They burst through the ceiling, flying out of sight.
"Hmm, well, I'll probably have to fix that," Wanda says, "On the other hand, I could just not. Yeah, I think I'll just not."
Wanda sits back and relaxes, snacking on some cheesy potato chips.
"Job well done, fufufu~" she chuckles to herself.
You find a small hatch on the balcony and climb back up to the central island with the large Unphrey.
"You return. Welcome back," Unphrey says, "Two sisters remain. Somewhere here there is slime card. Give card and I take you down to bottom layer."
You nod.
"Will do, strange angler fish friend!" you say.
You get back in the raft and sail north, finding yourself in a large room filled with beings inside of cages.
"Aww, look at them!" you say, "So cute..."
"Uhh... isn't that kind of cruel, just keeping them in cages like that?" Aubrey asks.
"Oh, hush, you don't know anything about anything," you say, continuing forward.
You pass by various creations, petting them and kissing them... most of them are restrained, so they're helpless to do anything about it. They're very cute, though. Making bridges out of Unphries, you reach a large corridor... Aubrey spots something lying on the ground.
"Hey, is that... a spatula?" she asks, "Why would that be here?"
Kel picks it up.
"Yeet!" he yells, throwing it into the abyss.
"Kel!" Aubrey yells, "Dude, what the heck?!"
"Haha!" he says, "Man, the look on your face."
"That spatula probably belonged to someone!" she says, "What, you think it's funny to just hurt people for no reason?"
"I mean, he had a reason," Basil says, "He thought it was funny."
"Agreed, it definitely was funny," you say, adoring their amnesia, "Ah... no matter. Let us continue."
You keep walking, eventually reaching a room with a particularly odd-looking creation.
"Wendy's 667th experiment..." you say, reading the side of its container, "Is... hang on, is that... hang on are its arms... fallopian tubes? Is that an ovary? What... in the name of... that's... okay, sure."
"Who's Wendy?" Aubrey asks.
"No idea," Kel says, "But I feel like there's an opportunity for a joke in there, somewhere."
You attempt to walk past the container, but you hear the sound of glass shattering behind you... the creature has escaped.
"Ah, of course," you say, "Children, I think running would be an advisable course of action."
With Aubrey taking the lead and forming bridges for you team, you run away from the very weird and very deadly monster which chases you from behind. Eventually, you reach the end of a corridor, and the beast gets crushed by a sandwich. Same stuff as usual. You open a door and walk onto another balcony, this time overlooking Sweethurt, Robohurt, and who you presume to be Wendy.
"A'ight, so," Wendy says, "I know you were kinda iffy on the whole 'cutting people up and putting them back together without their permission while they're restrained to a table with no option to escape or flee or resist or anything,' and while it's fair that that's like, morally bad, objectively speaking, this is the cutest thing I've ever made. Take a look, babe."
She spins the operation table around, revealing a pink mass of blobby flesh.
"Oh... cool!" Sweethurt says, "Hey, what's your name?"
"H-henno..." the being says, "An... Mutanthurt..."
"QXd3ISEhIE9oIG15IGdvc2gsIHNoZSdzIGFkb3JhYmxlIQ==" Robohurt says, wrapping Mutanthurt in a hug.
"Agreed, she's so cute!" Sweethurt says, joining the hug.
"He... he..." Mutanthurt says, blushing, "Friens... soft..."
Mutanthurt gets up and starts walking around.
"Friens..." she says, "Fowwo... take goo on... towore..."
"Yay!" Sweethurt cheers, holding her two wives' hands, "Heck yeah! Let's go!"
She walks out the door alongside the two clones. You crawl up yet another hatch, back to the main island.
"Only one place to go," Unphrey says, "Slime card there. Promise."
You take the raft east, encountering some Unphries who ask you to help them build a bridge by finding other Unphries. You sail around on another raft, collecting them to your cause, eventually finding yourselves at a combination library and kitchen. Kel runs up and examines the various plates of food.
"Whoa!" he says, "So much good stuff here... bacon, burritos, pancakes... Hero...?"
"Hero?" Aubrey asks, "What's that?"
"It's a type of sandwich, dummy!" he replies.
"Yeah, seriously, Aubrey, did you not know that?" Basil teases.
"Ooh, I had a Hero sandwich once," you say, pretending to be innocent, "Very delicious. I suppose, though, we should get a move on, yes?"
You continue on your way, clearing blockades and recruiting Unphries to make bridges. On your way, you ride down a waterslide-like maze of intestines, which is exactly as weird and gross as it sounds. Soon enough, though, you make your way to the lab of the final sister: Wren. The three -hurts are all there, eagerly awaiting the construction of their final partner.
"Just a moment..." Wren says, "Just... a few more ingredients... few drops of this... and..."
She empties an entire bottle into a funnel.
"Yeah, that should be good," she says, "Alright."
She presses a button. White light shines out of the container. It feels like the arrival of an angel.
The three other -hurts gasp in awe.
"She's... so beautiful..." Sweethurt says.
"Pwetty gorl..." Mutanthurt says.
The four girls form a loop of handholding, smiling at each other lovingly.
"Thank you so much, Wren!" Sweethurt says, "And... your sisters, too. Thank you so much for everything!"
"Mmm... don't mention it..." Wren says, "Mending a broken heart is its own payment."
With a flash of rainbow-colored energy, the four girls disappear, leaving nothing behind.
"...Hmm," you say, "Well, they're happy!"
"The frick was that?" Kel says, "Man, can't anything here make any sense?"
"Don't make me go on my fun police rant, Kel," you say, "No more being a downer! You all are going to smile for me, and that's final! After all, Sweethurt has gotten all the help we needed! Everything is fine, yes? You can smile now, worry-free!"
They don't smile.
"Come on, now!" you say, "Please?"
They don't smile. You sigh.
"Yes, of course," you say, "It's always this way, isn't it?"
"Sorry, I just, uhh..." Basil says, "You know, smiling isn't really our thing."
"I don't care what your thing is," you say, "I don't care what you want. I want you to smile."
You aren't able to prevent a threatening tone of voice from escaping your lips. Obviously, it does nothing but dampen the children's moods further.
"Alright," you sigh, "I have tried alcohol, I have tried overeating, I have tried meaningless distractions, what else? Weed? Do you want weed? Laughing gas? Do I need to tickle you, or something? Tell a funny joke?"
"It's... not a big deal, Peki," Aubrey says, "Seriously, can we just... go home? The whole Sweethurt issue just resolved itself. I mean... okay we can't go home, because of the storm, but still, let's like... I dunno, get a hotel or something."
"Yeah, that sounds good," Kel says, "We could relax... maybe you and Mari could practice for your recital. That could be fun!"
"Me and Mari... practice...?" you say, "How did you... you know what? No. This has gone too far already."
You crawl into the vent to go upward, grabbing a slimy key card off of the floor.
"I'm going to see the Slime Girls," you say, "You all are going to come with me. They're scientists, they can probably figure out some kind of happiness chemical."
Your friends just sigh, begrudgingly following along, as by now they are thoroughly used to your smile-related schemes. You emerge on the main island.
"Unphrey!" you yell, "My friend, though our original problems have faded, I am still left with one more... the same as always, one might say. These little shits keep resisting me! They don't want to smile! Can you believe that?!"
"What does this have to do with me," Unphrey says, "Am just sitting here."
"Shut it!" you say, "Take me to the Slime Girls, now! I demand it!"
"Pushy," he says, swallowing the card, "Okay. Get in mouth."
You step inside, fuming, though of course, still smiling. You are swallowed down, taken to the floor below, like an elevator.
"Peki—" Basil says.
"Silence," you say, "Not a peep out of the three of you. You hear me? You all should learn when to shut your mouths."
"But—" Kel begins to say.
"I am the adult here," you say, "I am in charge. Shut up. Why must you always make me like this? Why must you make me out to be the bad guy when all I ever want to do is make you happy? For once, you could just... smile for me, you know? But, no, you just have to protest, every step of the way! You don't want alcohol, you don't want to eat, you don't want anything! You just want to blame me! All I ask for is some smiles! I love you all, you stubborn pricks!"
The children say nothing. You sigh, putting your face in your hands.
"If there is one thing me and that monochrome impostor can agree on," you say, "It's that we are both sick of cycles. My goodness."
You walk up the path and approach the Slime Girls, three silent children following behind you.
"Good evening, Slime Girls," you say, "Wanda, Wendy, Wren... apologies for arriving at such an inopportune time. I'm aware that most likely everyone in all of Headspace is seeking shelter from the storm."
"Hmm? Who are you?" Wanda asks, "We're not housing guests."
"Understandable," you say, "That is not what I am looking for, though."
"Oh... another job?" Wendy asks, "Alright. We could use the cherries. We just fed a bunch to Unphrey, so we could use some for a stockpile."
"Oh, marvelous!" you say, "Alright, so, let me know if this is within your capabilities..."
You gesture towards the children, desperately trying to hide your anger.
"These children are sad," you say, "I love them very much, so I want to see them smile! I would appreciate if you could do that for me."
"That's... vague," Wren says.
"I'm being vague because I don't care how it gets done," you say, "I don't care if it's stupid, or if it's weird... if it works, it works! Please, I love them! Look at them, they're all depressed... I'd like them to feel good for once!"
The Slime Girls sigh.
"Who are you, again?" Wanda asks.
"I'm Peki!" you yell, "Peki! The perfect, the one and only Peki! How do you not know who I am?!"
"Jeez, calm down, weirdo!" Wendy says, "Man, I think I've heard about you before. You're that guy who goes around kissing people, aren't you!"
"And what the fuck about it, huh?!" you shout, "Oh, what a crime, I love other people. You're just jealous, you sexy bitches!"
"Alright, that's enough," Wren says, "Sisters, we don't need money badly enough to take commissions from people who insult us. Peki, was it? You need to leave."
"...Peki, we really—" Kel mutters.
"Did I say you could speak?!" you shout, "Be. Quiet! Slime Girls, I am not moving an inch until you make these children smile."
Wanda sighs.
"Darling, it's so late... can we not do this?" she says.
Your face shows absolute determination. You are not going to accept failure. You are perfect.
"Fine," Wendy says, "Welcome to freakin' Burger King, darling, because I guess you're having it your way. Wanda, Wren..."
She pantomimes cracking her (non-existent) knuckles.
"Let's get rid of this trash," Wendy says.
Time to fight!
In any other scenario, you'd be absolutely stoked to be fighting against three hot tentacle babes, but, well, right now, you're a bit too pissed off at everyone and everything in the entire world to be horny. You slam into them with your shield, commanding Aubrey to make them HAPPY to give you an emotional advantage. You fire off with whatever you have on you, trying your best to make the most of whatever high ground you can find.
"Hmph..." Wren says, "You kids are more resilient than expected. Are you really this insistent on staying here?"
"Heh, fine!" Wendy says, "I could use a good fight!"
"Fufufu..." Wanda says, "Oh, I'm having a wonderful time~!"
The Slime Girls become ANGRY, putting them a no advantage or disadvantage against you. Despite their throwing of bottles to swap your party's emotions, you remain locked in your state of fury. You pull out some old sticks of dynamite, you pull out whatever you can find, just throwing things as wildly as the Slime Girls themselves.
"Hey, Wren!" Wendy says, "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
"Yes, dearest sister," Wren says, "Let us... reverse some roles."
"Just close your eyes, and stay still, children~!" Wanda says, "This won't hurt a bit!"
The Slime Girls "do their thing," which is apparently swapping HEART and JUICE, a very annoying tactic. You heal up your friends with your KISS, managing to hang onto the glimmer of victory in front of you. You hack away wildly, you slam, you use your shield more violently than ever before. You're so tired of this. It's not easy; it takes a horrible amount of effort, but soon enough, you get the Slime Girls to admit defeat.
"Ugh..." Wendy says, "Shit, did we just get beat by a bunch of kids?"
"I... think so..." Wren says.
"How embarrassing..." Wanda says.
"Haha!" you say, "As is to be expected when fighting a being of perfection. Now, if you'll kindly—"
The walls around you rumble.
"Oh, dear," you say, "Umm... is that normal?"
"N-no!" Wendy says, "Wh-what the heck?!"
"Stop," Unphrey says, "Food. Fighting in stomach. Hurt... hurt so bad. Stop it."
"Never!" you yell, "I will not fail! I am Peki, you hear me?!"
"Food... won't go down..." Unphrey says, "I see. Must swallow again."
"Fufufu~!" Wanda laughs, "Oh, darling, you just messed up big time!"
"Goodbye, dolls," Wren says, "I don't think we'll want to see what happens next."
The Slime girls exit to their respective doors... and dozens of Unphries pop out from the ground.
"C-crap!" Kel says, "Peki, what the heck?!"
"Yeah, Peki, why?!" Aubrey yells, "Come on!"
"This is your fault!" Basil says, "We're gonna die because of your freaky obsession with smiles!"
You want to punt the children into the sun for how disrespectful they're being, but alas, you're too busy worrying about staying alive.
"A-alright," you say, "Come on. We can—"
"Am hungry," Unphrey says, "Must swallow again."
Aubrey bashes through the Unphries as you try to make your way back to the larger elevator-like Unphrey.
"No more indigestion," Unphrey says, "No more torment."
The Unphries surround you. Time to fight! You're now more exasperated than mad... besides, even you have to admit that Unphrey is a bit creepy.
"You must die," the Unphries say, "My stomach aches."
Though you're tired and ragged from your battle with the Slime Girls, you still fight Unphrey with everything you've got. The individual lures slap and slam into you and your friends, but you all bash against them anyways, pulling through.
"Stubborn stomach worms," Unphrey says, "Must try harder. Must be one."
The Unphries meld together into one giant beast. His attacks are largely the same, but you have to admit he's getting progressively tougher and scarier. You use some rubber bands to lower the monstrosity's DEFENSE.
"Too surface, too shallow," Unphrey says, "We have to go deeper. Further. You do not mind, right?"
Unphrey swallows your party whole. You are inside a dark, smelly cave... skeletons are littered all around you. Unphrey's face stares at you from the inside.
"Too much pain. Must relieve... stomach ache..." he says, "Struggle more, if you must. I will make you go deeper."
You are swallowed again. You keep attacking.
"Please relax. You are hurting me more," he says, "Peki, this is your doing."
You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. It's getting dark.
"What try this time?" he asks, "Ginger ale... pills... seltzer... so many options..."
You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You begin unleashing waves of your ultimate attack.
"Why must you squirm?" he asks, "Give up. This cycle cannot be broken."
You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You just... have to weaken him, but some part of you wants to give up.
"You search the truth, fools," he says, "Ignorance is bliss. Do not resist."
You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. This keeps happening. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking. You are swallowed again. You keep attacking.
You look around. It's so dark. You're inside of a gut inside a gut inside a gut inside a gut...
"Peki," Kel says, "Listen, I know now is not the time to be pointing fingers, but—"
"Shut it," you say, "Just make yourself useful and follow after me."
You walk around, checking the walls... until, eventually, you find a bulb dangling from the ceiling.
"Fruitless struggle," he says, "You cannot assert yourself, you—"
You hit the uvula like a punching bag. The gut around you rumbles.
"Oh..." he says, "Oh no..."
You're spewed out. You leave gut after gut, leaving the larger Unphrey, leaving Unphrey as a whole, alongside two final letters. You hit the ground with a thud.
"Agh..." Basil says, "Finally... I was worried we'd die in there!"
"Hnggh..." Unphrey groans, "Oh, thank goodness... I feel so much better after that... mmm... time to take a nap..."
Unphrey disappears, leaving behind a whirlpool.
"Well, that's over, I guess," Aubrey says, "Peki, please never do anything like that again."
You don't pay attention. You pick up the remaining letters, W and T.
You open up the HANGMAN game.
The phrase, though you had guessed it long before, you now know for certain.
In your mind's eye, you see the derelict remains of Hero's house, a shadowy figure walking into a void, beckoning you closer. You do not speak. You simply lead the children into the whirlpool. You swim through a long, earthen corridor as a disembodied voice speaks to you.
Each time, your adventures may be disparate.
But as your journey nears its end...
it will always lead you back here.
The truth. The truth is always the same.
The path to the truth was once here, but it has been removed.
It was moved to a lighthouse on a pier.
Then, to a library banished deep underground.
And after that, to an old barn on a distant planet.
And... this time... it will be in the heart of a vast hollow.
No matter how many times the path is concealed, the chef boy will always find it.
And your dear sister Mari... she will always guide you to it.
Even as hollow shells, they will continue to evolve.
And each time, they will grow wings... and fly too close to the sun.
It is their nature. They are the only ones who know...
and one has carried it with her to her grave.
Death may be no danger here, but the memories of it do not fade so easily.
Many times, your friends have met with an unfortunate fate,
poetically, always at the hand of the one they love the most.
You, too, have died. When your shell cracks and becomes imperfect,
you molt it and move on to another one, leaving discarded husks behind.
When shed, the husks find their way down here, sinking to Deep Hell,
then to Deeper Hell, and then finally to the Abyss.
Black-bodied creatures with glowing white eyes make a vessel out of the husks.
They pilot them as you pilot yours.
Their only desire is to find their love, the perfect girl, yet they never find her.
They only find you, her pale imitation.
You have forsaken them, just as Mari forsook you and the chef.
Their souls know nothing but how to scream for help.
Yet nobody answers. You suffocate them into submission.
Do you not take pity on them, as the chef does to you?
How many shells must you pass through before you are satisfied?
How many parts of your ship must you replace before you call it new?
How many times must you be rebirthed to undo the damage dealt upon you?
When will you realize the futility of being an imitation of a false idol?
When, poor child, will you learn to quit?
You are stubborn, like her.
Your dear sister Mari, with her boiling stress...
You could not bear to let her hurt herself again,
nor bear to let her hurt others again,
so she was given a picnic blanket,
for her own safety, and for your own safety.
Yet it is her nature to leave and to assist you,
to right her wrongs,
to ensure you do not yet again succumb,
to ensure that you shall assert yourself.
And when she does, she will leave you again and be born anew...
with the undying soul that you have cursed her with.
The souls assigned to your friends...
They are fragile and must be protected.
And so they must remain asleep.
Yet... The path to the truth is closer to your most precious room than ever before.
Will you be able to bury it this time?
Perhaps it is too late for you.
Perhaps there is still hope for you.
You know of the keys to the other realm.
They are different each time... but they will unlock the same door.
The end of this journey will lead to suffering...
but if you do not face this, you cannot continue.
This form, though it has not shown its true self, is evil.
You will not see that unless you fight it.
When your intentions become hazy, they will transpire into this world like a thick fog.
You will know when it happens. It has already happened before.
At that time... return to where the truth was reborn... to the heart of the forest.
And like each time before it... attempt to rewrite your fate.
Will you be doomed to repeat this cycle over and over?
Or will you break it?
Explore this world while you can, Dreamer. Until there is nothing left.
SOMETHING appears on the wall, painted hastily. You hate it.
"...Peki?" Kel asks, "You good, man? You've just been staring out into nothing for a while."
You do not respond immediately... you think to yourself, musing on those words.
"Pardon me," you say, "I believe... I have business to attend to... back in the Vast Hollow."
You and your friends swim into a whirlpool... and reappear inside the treehouse.
Well, more accurately, what remains of it, having fallen down and crumbled into ruins.
The wind whips at your body, the rain hits your skin like bullets, and the thunder and lightning are nearly constant.
"P-Peki!" Aubrey yells, "We have to get inside... somewhere!"
You look back at the door to White Space... it is not where you need to be. Wordlessly, you walk south, ignoring your friends.
"Peki, seriously, where are you going?!" Basil asks, "Whatever this 'business' is, it can wait!"
"It cannot," you say, "Something very bad is going to happen unless I halt it."
You continue south of the playground. Despite the chaos, Mari still sits at her picnic.
"Peki!" she yells, "Peki... you shouldn't be here! Please... where... are you going? Down to that old... mysterious house? Now isn't the time for that!"
You ignore her and walk down to the path leading to Hero's house. You see his shadowy figure lead you along.
"...You," you say under your breath, scornfully.
You follow him through the path. He begins speaking, barely audible over the sound of the storm.
"Let's see... there's some sandwiches..." he says, "Sandwiches remind me of myself. Because they're so customizable, they're pretty much universally loved. Very versatile."
You continue following him.
"Oh, I remember this..." he says, "...jars of honey. Mari reminds me of honey. She's sweet and she pairs well with many things... but she comes with the risk of being stung."
"...Mari," you say, "Sweet, beautiful, perfect Mari."
The shadow continues leading you along, ignoring your words.
"...Basil," Hero says, "You remind me of gingerbread. Of course, ginger is a plant, but also, some people say it has healing properties. That reminds me of how you always support other people and assure them that things are going to be okay. You care about people a lot..."
You do not appreciate any of this.
"Aubrey," Hero continues, "You remind me of coffee. Bitter, strong... a bit too much for most people. But, once you get used to it, you're very enjoyable. Your strength becomes a virtue."
Just one left until...
"Kel," Hero says, "You also remind me of a drink. Soda, actually. You're bright, silly, probably a bit foolish and unhealthy, very uncontrollable... and yet, very enjoyable."
Here it comes.
The shadow turns around to face you.
"Sunny," he says, "You remind me of steak. Simple, plain.. not perfect by any means, but I wouldn't want you any other way."
You feel your smile quiver as rage builds inside of you. You continue walking south, past the place you remember as where you killed Ye Old Sprout. The trees have all died. The water around Hero's house has gone as red as Deep Hell. Horns poke out from the surface like seaweed.
"P-Peki," Kel says, "I'm scared. Let's... go back."
You look back to face your friends. They are afraid. They are not smiling. Hero has ruined it all. The storm has ruined it all. The truth will ruin them all.
"Peki...?" Aubrey asks, "Are you alright? You look... mad."
You stare down at your reflection. You are resolute. You have done everything in your power to make them smile... and yet, it has failed. You don't fail, though. You are perfect.
It's a shame that it must always come to this.
Horns block the escape path as you control them with a swift hand motion.
"Peki?" Basil says, panicking, "What's happening?"
You use the horns to create makeshift restraints, encasing the children and making them immobile. They squirm around, their faces so irritatingly unhappy.
"Do not struggle, children," you say, "I am going to make you smile! This is for the best."
You walk over and kiss Aubrey on the lips, so passionately, so deeply. You do the same to Basil. Finally, you place a soft kiss onto Kel's forehead. The children scream out pleas that fall deaf upon your ears. You gag their mouths with yet more horns. You examine your shield... so reflective, it shows your beautiful smile. You wish to place that same smile onto their faces.
You hear their muffled screams.
You run your finger across the edge of the shield. In this, its most powerful form yet, you manage to draw blood.
"Just close your eyes, dears," you say, "Your protesting only makes this hurt me more."
You step back, drawing your shield, preparing to strike.
"I love you!" you say.
You slash the shield across their throats.
Blood spurts out like a fountain.
Horrible screams echo throughout the forest, louder than the storm could ever be.
And yet,
when the screams stop,
when their struggling ends,
and their bodies go limp,
and they fall to the ground,
as the horns fly away...
Their faces have contorted into smiles.
They are happy.
They are beautiful.
They are perfect.
Just like you.
You cannot hide your joy.
Now, you won't have to see them frown, ever again.
They will be happy forever.
This is what love is.
You turn away.
There is one thing left to take care of.
A truth to suppress.
Entering Hero's house, you see that the floor has rotted away, revealing a dark, ominous void.
SOMETHING surrounds you.
It's a long way down.
You jump.
You are falling.
You're all alone.
You hate being alone,
your friends are dead.
It's so cold.
It's so cold.
You had been here before. You are here again. Black Space, the place of broken things which cannot be fixed. The land of unmendable imperfections. You lie down. There is no mirror here, save for your bloodstained shield. You wipe it clean with the rug, stare at your reflection, and sigh.
"Well, here we are again," you say, "I can't help but feel this time is different."
You get up, collect a key, and wander. Various strangers, bearing glowing white eyes and massive, unfaltering frowns, mill about as well. You pick a door at random, knowing that it doesn't matter; they all lead to the same rooms in the same order. You open the door and step inside. It's a dark, horrible world, full of static and nonsense... and pain.
A shadowy figure stands before you. It turns around and speaks.
"These rooms... are full of broken things..." it says, "But at least in here, I can see who you really are. The world that you created above this one... Did you make it to protect this place or to hide it away? Either way... it's become more powerful than you."
"I would never create something like this," you say.
"Well, then," the stranger replies, "Who did?"
It disappears. As per the usual, footsteps lead you to the key... but you're in no rush to continue. There are horrible forms of creatures in pain... they look as though they're melting. You fruitlessly give one a kiss, but it only makes things worse. You see forms of that being, that damned being. SOMETHING... its tendrils begging to wrap around your body. You walk over one image of it, and it slows you down like glue under your shoes. You want to help these creatures... but every bit of physical contact you make, they seem to wince away.
Eventually, you walk up to a window and find the key. You let a horn take you away.
Another door, this one leading to a more vibrant room... vibrant in color palette, but still just as desolate and horrible. Forms of household objects are scattered around, bathtubs and beds, picture frames and cats... yet, it is not home. You are far away from home. You find the key, pick it up, and find the stranger next to it.
"Lost in this confusion lies the root of everything." it says, "The truth that you've locked away... You must find it no matter what. You have to... for the both of us."
"I will do no such thing," you say, "I think you need to learn to let sleeping dogs lie."
"How long until you break?" it asks, "How long until you crack, and we see the girl underneath your maple skin?"
It disappears. You let a horn take you away.
Another door. A dark, empty room filled with nothing but scribbles.
"Imperfect..." you mutter to yourself, "Imperfect, childish drawings. Why would I remember these?"
You follow the path. Another key. You let a horn take you away.
Another door, this time leading to a small town of identical houses. People roam about. They point at you and whisper malicious nonsense. You want to hide your smile. You want to run away. You walk down, finding the stranger standing by a key next to a pond.
"When you hid the truth, you sealed a part of me away with it," it says, "He's been waiting for someone to save him all this time. On that day... When you became her... I was split in half. Which one do you think was more painful?"
"Being split in half," you say, "Maybe you deserve the pain. Maybe I'm not the only scapegoat. Aren't we in this together?"
The stranger looks out longingly.
"We are," it says.
It disappears. Another key. You let a horn take you away.
Another door. You're in the staircase room of your house, but it's wrong. It's stretched far longer vertically than it is in reality.
"You must lie. You must lie," a voice says.
You keep walking.
"They cannot know. They cannot know," a voice says.
You keep walking.
"They would be devastated. You cannot put them through that," a voice says.
You keep walking.
"You must lie," a voice says.
You see SOMETHING lying at the bottom of the stairs. It begins following you. You feel its tendrils wrap around you. It feels nice.
"Sunny... I love you..." SOMETHING says.
You turn right, entering the piano room where you and Mari used to practice. The floor is cracked around the left wall, revealing a hole into oblivion.
"Sunny... I love you..." SOMETHING says.
There is a key atop the piano.
"Sunny... I love you..." SOMETHING says.
You pick up the key and let a horn take you away.
Another door. You're outside, in the park. Nearby is a set of restraints. A cat butler stands off to the side.
"To uphold your noble lie," it says, handing you a key, "You must accept everything that comes to you. Are you willing to take on this punishment?"
You walk over and strap yourself in. Slowly, your platform begins rotating. A crowd forms... they hurl insults. Then, they hurl trash. Then, they hurl rocks. Then, they hurl knives. Then they hurl punches. This is nothing to you. You smile through it. Anything to maintain the happiness of everyone else. You are the scapegoat. You get out and kiss your reflection in your shield.
Another door. A long, dark forest. As you venture along, you find a discarded spatula. A young chef boy is carrying a watermelon. It's Hero.
"Peki! You came back for me!" he shouts, running over and setting down his watermelon.
"Why, of course I did!" you smile, "Here, I found something, by the way."
"Oh, man, is that my spatula?" he asks, taking it into his hands, "Thanks so much! Come on, let's get out of here... I'll follow your lead!"
You walk along the path.
"Harvesting watermelons here has been fun," he says, "But I really miss all the different food I'd eat at home..."
"Oh, no worries!" you say, "You'll be back there soon enough."
You keep walking.
"Even though I'm getting kind of sick of them, I gotta say... watermelons are really delicious!" he says, "We used to cut them up and eat them all the time at the beach! I can still see Kel with those watermelon seeds all over his face, heh... Summer vacation with friends was the best, wasn't it?
"Indeed," you say, "The greatest time of our lives."
You keep walking. Eventually, the forest fades, and you're left with nothing but watermelons. You break them, one after the other, getting a rhythm going... until, without warning, you turn around and punch Hero in the face. He crumbles to bloody pieces. You get a key and let a horn take you away.
Another door. Fittingly enough, you're at the beach. You see the stranger standing by the shore.
"You, who have suffered so much because of me," he says, "Can I really call you my friend? And, for that matter, can anyone else, given they let you suffer, too? No matter how much I want it, things can't go back to the way they were before. But why does part of me still cling on? Is there still hope left for us, Sunny?"
"Things can go back to the way they were before," you say, "That is precisely what our lie is for. The truth, that would make returning to normal impossible."
"Well, then," he says, "Maybe wanting to go back to the past is foolish. Maybe we should stop being so nostalgic by idealizing the past. Maybe we should look towards a damaged future, rather than a retrospectively perfect past. The choice is yours, Sunny."
He disappears. You swim and grab a key, then let a horn take you away.
Back in the main area of Black Space, there is a new door with a red glow. You ignore it and enter another of the normal ones. It is a world of oppositely colored trees and blue earth. Hero is stuck in a spider web behind you.
"P-Peki..." he says, absolutely petrified, "Please... get me out of this... it's wrapping all around me... I hate it..."
You use your shield's edge to cut him free.
"You're preaching to the choir, Hero," you say, "Alas... hello, my friend."
You help him up.
"Th-thanks..." he says, and the two of you begin walking along the path, "God, I hate spiders. They look so cute and harmless... but they're horrible. If I could kill every spider in the world, I would. I want to watch them die. I want to watch them suffer. All they do is cause suffering."
"Oh, that's hyperbole, dear," you say, "Spiders are merely misunderstood."
"I..." he begins to say, "W-wait... why are there so many spiders crawling on me all of a sudden? Th-they're biting me... there's... so many of them... I can't get them off... ugh... Peki... please... help... me..."
"Goodbye, Hero," you say, "I do not need you. All you do is tempt to break what I've worked so hard for."
He dissolves into nothing, leaving behind a key. You let a horn take you away.
Another door. It's snowing. The precipitation reminds you of Headspace. Standing by a lamppost and a broken violin, the stranger looks over to you.
"I miss you, Sunny. You were always someone I could depend on to listen," he says, "My problems... my hopes... my dreams... You knew them all. So if you're still there... please let my words reach you one more time."
"Of course," you say, "I am always the one who takes on burdens. Pain, suffering, the venting of others... whatever it may be, let me carry it, darling."
"Your back must ache, Sunny," he says, "How much longer until it breaks?"
He disappears. You pick up a key and let a horn take you away.
Another room. Dark purple, with a faceless Hero, and a normal Mari. Mari has her face. She doesn't say anything, but you can still see that beautiful face. She's so perfect. You look at Hero... and all you see is SOMETHING. None of your other friends are here. They are above you, in Headspace, smiling. You pick up a key and let a horn take you away.
Another room. Monochrome scaffolding, piercing the heavens... at the top, a simple treehouse. The sky is cloudy, showing a full moon. Hero stands outside.
"Peki!" he says, "Man, is that really you?"
"The one and only," you say with a flourish.
"How did you find me?" he asks, "Is everybody else with you, too? I missed you all so much!"
"Just me," you say, "The others are up above. They're all smiling!"
"Aww, that's great!" Hero says, "Come on, let's go see them!"
He follows you around as you descend, finding an elevator.
"An elevator?" he asks curiously, "I wonder where it leads to. Maybe it can take us back home!"
"Only one way to find out, dear," you say, walking inside and pressing a button.
The elevator shakes and jitters for a few moments before you arrive at the bottom. You step out, but Hero gets stuck.
"H-hey, Peki, can you—" he begins to say.
He gets decapitated.
Horns surround you and take you away.
Another door. A grey, empty world with nothing in it... save for the stranger, a broken fishbowl... and ghostly images of bodies lying on the floor.
"Back then, I wanted to save what was left..." he says, "Or, rather, who was left. Even knowing that, I knew that our lie would hurt you. I waited so long for people to come back to you, to forgive you... but... they never did. It's hard to even look at you, to see the way you've twisted her image into something positive. It makes me want to vomit. It's horrifying."
This time... you aren't able to say anything in response.
"Something has to happen," he says, "Me, you, our friends, the town, the Suzukis... we've all been doing the same things over and over again. A never-ending cycle, and yet we wonder why nothing changes, why nothing gets better. The only way to break it is to do something unthinkable. Will anyone be brave enough to do that? I know I'm not... I hope you will be."
He disappears. You pick up a key and let a horn take you away.
Another door. A deep brown forest. At the center of a clearing by the shore of a river, there lies a staircase to nowhere. Hero is lying down on the steps.
"Hey, Peki!" he says, "I've been living on these stairs ever since I got here. I'm not the best at defending myself, but I think I'm pretty good at surviving at least."
"Ah, hello, dear friend!" you say, "I'm glad to hear that."
"Yeah..." he says, "Anyway... I knew you would come save me, Peki! And I'm sure we will be able to make it out of this place now that you're here."
"Absolutely," you say, "I have an impekible sense of direction. Let's take that raft north of her, hmm?"
"Sounds good!" he says.
The two of you walk together and get on the raft, traveling gently downstream.
"Mmm... it's kinda nice here," he says, "Oh... hey, Peki, can I ask you something?"
"Anything!" you reply.
"Do you... know where Mari is?" he asks, "For some reason, I really want to punch her."
"Hmm..." you say, passing through a tunnel, "Sure, Hero. I know where she is. Just stay here..."
You emerge from the tunnel sitting next to Hero's cut-up corpse. You pluck a key from his mouth, then push his lips up into a smile.
"A-thank you," you say cheerfully, "Goodbye, Hero!"
You let a horn take you away.
Another room. To say you are tired of this repetition would be an understatement. You mask your fury with a smile. You are in a foggy, red void. Carnival mirrors float about, reflecting distorted, ugly forms of yourself. One is too tall, one is too fat... one is bloodied, one is broken.
One is Mari. The monochrome, horrible Mari from the docks.
That mirror shatters, revealing a key. You take it and let a horn take you away.
Another room. A street... your street. Everything is dilapidated, as though the end of the world has struck. Everything is grey. You walk over to Kel and Hero's house... a sign reads: "SOLD"
Stranger stands beside your house, knocking on the door, standing next to a key.
"For so long, you kept the truth shut out," he says, "But something made it slip. And the hole that was made... It won't stop spreading until you find the root of it all. The one that has seen the truth... Will you guide me to him, Sunny?"
"If I had a choice in it, I'd say no," you say, "If I had a choice in it, I wouldn't be here."
"Always doing things you don't enjoy, just for the sake of making others happy," he says, "You truly are a scapegoat. You broken child."
He disappears. You take the key and enter your house, a horn immediately taking you away before you can see what's inside.
Another room. A horrible pastiche of Deeper Hell, populated by more faceless Heroes. You pick up a key from a piece of branch coral and let a horn take you away.
Another room.
It's the treehouse... the one which crashed down and was broken to rubble. It's stretched vertically and glitched out, but it's still the treehouse. Hero stands in front of you... he's looking away, but he turns to face you.
"Hey, buddy!" he says, "I'm glad you finally made it... it's been lonely here. Nobody else to talk to... all I've got is my photo album! There's... a lot of pictures missing, but I still have Mari!"
"Mmm, yes!" you say, "Sweet, perfect Mari."
You clutch your shield threateningly.
"Heh, yeah..." he says, "She's great. Really great. Like, super pretty, and sweet, and kind, and a great girlfriend, and a great sister, and a great friend, and also, she's like, really sexy, sorry, I think I stained the pictures wi—"
"It's perfectly alright," you say, "We're all nothing more than hormonal teenagers... and, after all, when she died, you lost your only source of relief."
"Ah, ain't that the truth..." he says.
You walk up to him.
"You know, Hero," you say, tugging at his collar, "A lot of people say that I'm similar to her. A lot of people... they say I'm the living image of her perfection."
"O-oh!" he says, "Umm... yeah, I can see where they're coming from! You're really nice and pretty... and perfect, just like she was!"
"Precisely," you say, "Hero, we've been through so much, and yet, we've been all alone for so long. We must both be very pent up. Don't you think we deserve to ease some of that tension... together, darling?"
Hero's eyes go wide as he realizes what you're implying.
"I..." he says, "Can I... think about it?"
You laugh.
"Oh, you idiot," you say, "That's exactly what I knew you'd say."
You slice him with the edge of your shield, forming a Glasgow scar. His body spits blood and falls limp. So happy, so beautiful... so perfect. You pick up a key from within the crotch of his pants and let a horn take you away.
Back in the main hub of Black Space, you sigh, knowing there's only one place left to go. You open the door with the red glow behind it. You climb up a snowy mountain, up to a greyscale church. You pick up a spatula and a key outside the door.
"I know what happens next," you say to yourself, "I always hate this part. I always hate this part so, so much... but this time... I know it's for real. This is the last cycle... oh, dear. Oh dear, oh dear. When I..."
Despite your reluctance, you open the door. Hero floats at the back of the church, consumed by his SOMETHING... a staircase leads up to him. You climb up it, each step taking a horrible amount of effort.
"Hello, Hero, darling," you say.
"S-Sunny?" he says, "Oh... oh God... I'm... I'm so sorry, Sunny... I've ruined everything for you, Sunny... I just wanted to protect everyone else... I couldn't accept what she had done... if they knew the truth, they... they'd be devastated... I didn't think... the blame you'd take... would be this bad... oh my God, Sunny... please... please forgive me..."
You sigh.
"Cease that nonsensical babble," you say, "Seriously, you just don't get it, do you?"
The stranger appears behind you.
"Sunny..." he says, "The truth is here. You've been running from this for so long. But... we can face it together."
He disappears. Hero is consumed by his SOMETHING... you are beckoned forward by the Dreamer, despite your wishes, to reach inside... and confront Hero.
Everything goes black.
You are in a dark room. Red light shines from behind a doorway, the doorway to the staircase. Hero cowers under a lamp which lacks a light bulb.
"I-I can hear it... the sounds..." he says, "My God, those sounds... they're so horrible... why... why is it like this...? Sunny, please, he—"
The door opens... Hero is dragged out of the room by horns, hooking into his clothing and pulling him backwards.
You check your reflection in your shield.
You are resolute.
[ You walk forward, into Red Space.
This is the place which the horns call home. ]
Sheet music, marked with mistakes, is scattered around the path.
You climb upwards to find Hero, suspended in midair, the horns tearing at his body.
"Please... it hurts..." he says, "Tell... tell them... to let go..."
You smile brightly.
You throw your head back laughing.
"Hero, my darling, my stupid friend," you say, "You were the one who came up with our lie... and yet, now, you seem to be the one most insistent on spoiling it. Spoiling it with your big mouth... spoiling it with your bitter frowns. Would it kill you to smile through the pain as I do, as I did? Would it kill you to stay quiet, as I do, as I did?"
You take out your shield, admiring your reflection, admiring the razor-sharp edge.
"W-wait..." Hero says, "What are you doing?"
The horns pull harder and harder, begging to tear him to bits.
"Tell them to stop!" he yells, "I... I don't want this to happen to me! Please!"
"Mari is perfect," you say, "You have no reason to be frowning like that."
You ready yourself to attack.
"Please!" he yells, "Please... don't do this!"
You laugh.
"Oh, if only saying that worked," you say.
You slice across his face.
You slice again.
You slice again.
You slice again.
You slice again.
You slice again.
You slice again.
You slice again.
You slice again.
He becomes a bloodied slab of meat.
You walk across him to your throne.
"Well, well, well," you say, "If only an incredibly handsome man named Peki had predicted this exact thing happening. Sunny? Hellooooooo Sunny? Are you there, darling? Look what you've made me do!"
You sit down on your throne, the horns uncomfortable to sit on, the thorns making your head bleed.
"I don't enjoy turning on you, you know!" you say, "I'm supposed to protect you, to protect you from the truth, but alas, you have made that impossible, you stubborn, imperfect little brat. Fine. You want me to be the bad guy?"
You smile and clap your hands together.
"I'll be the bad guy," you say, "Whatever it takes to make everyone happy. I will fight to the bitter end to keep our little secret safe, to keep our little lie alive... that is a promise, Sunny."
You laugh.
"You brought this upon yourself, darling," you say, "I'll be seeing you soon. I know you will. You're not one to give up. Goodbye, for now, dear. Be a good boy for me and keep quiet."
You wake up without warning.
You sit upright. You're sweating. Something is incredibly not right. You're panicked, and more than anything, very disorientated. You take off your sleep mask and look around... right, you're at Aubrey's house. You just... had a nightmare. Just a simple nightmare, that's all. You figure it might be best to hydrate yourself... take a breather... relax. You... you know you shouldn't, but you want to drink again. You know it will make your nervousness go away. You know it will make you smile.
It comes with too many consequences, though. Too much risk. Too much... everything. You'd have to settle for drinking a glass of water and finding some other way to relieve your stress. You get up, feeling an urge from deep within yourself... you walk over to the bathroom, but find that it's locked.
"Hmm?" a voice says from inside, "Ah, jeez, sorry. Uhh... occupied. I'll only be a little bit."
You grimace, walking over to the kitchen. You grab a glass from a cabinet and fill it with water... it's not the same, but at least you're not so dehydrated. As you swallow down your pill, you check your reflection in the window... Mari is there, behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"There we go," she says, "Breathe in, breathe out. It's a lot harder to get calm that way, isn't it? But... it's better in the long run."
You do as she says, breathing in and out, slowly calming down, focusing, persisting.
"These past few days have been so hard for you..." she says, "You've been forced to confront a lot of scary things. What remains... is the worst yet. I know, though, Sunny, that you can do it. You can move past this. You can cope healthily. You... can break the cycle. You wanna know why?"
"B...because..." you stammer, "Because... I'm perfect... like you?"
She chuckles.
"No, silly," she says, "Because you're better than me."
The apparition disappears.
"Mmm..." you say to yourself, "Oh, dear. That will... require quite some self-restraint. I wonder..."
You look at the glass and empty it into the sink with an empty expression.
"Best... best do it now," you say to yourself, "Before I... change my mind."
Resolute, you walk out the door, the moonlight mixing with the first signs of dawn. It's a short enough walk home. You unlock the door, walk up the stairs, and enter your room. You take some deep breaths, calming yourself, focusing... persisting. You open your secret compartment and pull out the bottle.
The liquid is crystal-clear.
Absolutely perfect,
You stare at your reflection...
there is SOMETHING behind you.
You turn around, but there's nothing there.
Part of your mind screams in frustration at what you're about to do,
but you know that as difficult as it may be,
it is what needs to happen.
You open your window, watching the shimmering sunrise's light refract through the liquid.
"I... am Sunny Suzuki..." you say, "I am perfect. I... have no need for this."
Your motivations are a bit off of what you assume everyone else would want them to be, but to be fair, you have trouble getting into your own head, much less other people's. Breathing in and out once again, you move your hands as quickly as you can, knowing that every second is a potential point to turn back. You uncork the bottle and pour its contents onto the ground below. It's all gone. It was easy enough to do... after all, your mother had done the same thing.
"Hmm..." you say, "I have a feeling... this is going to be the first in a series of many difficult things that I have to do."
You rub the sleepiness from your eyes. Doing that... pouring out that bottle... it kind of felt good, actually. Like... a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. Despite your nightmare, you feel perfectly calm. You didn't think that doing the opposite of one of your stress relievers could also, in itself, relieve stress, but... well, life is full of surprises.
"Ah, what to do with the bottle, though?" you say, "I wouldn't want to be seen outside with this, though it would be best to throw it away... mmm, dear..."
You decide, for now, to keep it in your backpack. You'd find a proper receptacle to dispose of it soon enough. After all, recycling is important. Feeling lighter, you exit your room. You feel like... you can almost hear music coming from the practice room. Nothing there, though. Just that piano. You walk back outside, returning to Aubrey's house, hoping that your little excursion might go unnoticed. You lie back down, hoping that you might have a nice, dreamless sleep.
"Yo..." someone says, poking your face, "Hellooooooo... Sunny!"
"Mmm?" you say, opening your eyes.
Kel is sitting next to you, trying to get you to wake up.
"Ah, good morning, darling," you say, looking around, "Umm... where is everyone?"
"Dining room," Kel says, "We didn't want to wake you up, since you seemed so peaceful... but it's time to eat!"
"Oh, wonderful!" you say, getting up, "Yes, we have a big day ahead of us... your final day in Faraway!"
You hug Kel and give him a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Pff, yeah, alright," he says, "You dork."
You laugh and walk alongside him into the dining room. Aubrey and Hero are sitting down, awaiting the food that Eddie is preparing.
"Mornin', sunshine!" he says, "You're just in time... breakfast is nearly ready."
You sit down at the table, seating yourself next to Hero. Kel sits by Aubrey.
"Mmm, pardon me if this is an odd question," you ask to the other three, "But do you all dream often?"
"I mean, I don't really sleep too much," Kel says, "But, uhh... last night, I got some very much needed rest. No dreams, though."
"Whenever I dream, it's usually just nonsense," Aubrey says.
"I don't dream," Hero says, "I have nightmares. On a totally unrelated note, hey there, Sunny."
"Hello!" you say, obliviously, "Well, I had a nightmare last night, too, actually."
That seems to catch his attention.
"Really?" he asks, "You? Perfect... Sunny?"
"What, did you dream you had a pimple?" Aubrey teases, though it's clear she means it lightheartedly.
"Oh, if only," you say, "My, it really would take quite a while to explain... basically, it was a part of a recurring dream where I'm made out of wood. I was in a black room walking through different doors into all these sorts of broken landscapes where a shadow man talked to me about some weird philosophical nonsense about truth and lies and sacrifice... and, umm... then a bunch of stuff happened, and I sat down on a throne made out of goat horns."
Your friends chuckle.
"Hmm," Kel says, "Yeah, I have no idea what that means."
"Well, being made of wood... and lying..." Aubrey muses, "I dunno, maybe you really like the movie Pinnochio."
Kel snorts. You chuckle as well.
"Yes, well, I suppose everything in my dreams must have a meaning," you say, "It all has to come from somewhere... right, Hero?"
"Umm... yeah?" Hero says nervously, "I guess. Uhh... Eddie, when's the food going to be ready?"
"Uhh... about two," he says.
"Two... what?" Hero asks.
"Seconds," Eddie replies, setting everyone's food down.
He's made waffles and scrambled eggs for everyone, complete with a cup of coffee for Aubrey.
"Ooh, hey, can I—" Kel says.
"No," Aubrey cuts him off, "Dude, you were, like, literally vibrating all day yesterday. Lay off the caffeine."
"Uuuuuuugh," Kel says, "You haven't changed at all. Fine, I guess I'll just enjoy Eddie's wonderful cooking."
"Aww," he says, sitting down with you all, "Thanks. I try."
"Mmm, Eddie, you're a bit like Hero in that way," you say, "He used to cook, too! Though, Hero... I assume it's been a while, yes?"
"Yeah," he says, "Cooking reminds me of Mari."
"Oh, I'm sure you can get back into it," you say, "You just... need to practice!"
Hero soullessly eats a bite of his food.
"Yeah," he says, "Practice."
There's an odd sense of malice with which he says that word.
"Mmm, well," Eddie says, "What're y'all plannin' on doin' today? Aubrey told me it's your last day in town, Kel and Hero."
"We have to go see Basil," Aubrey says.
"Ooh, yeah!" Eddie says, "Right... Hero, didn't he take your photo album?"
"Sure," Hero says, barely paying attention.
"Alright, well..." he says, "I mean, heck, no time like the present, right? You should all go over to him once you're done eating. I'll come over, too... I haven't seen Polly since we got back from vacation."
"Polly?" you ask.
"Basil's mom," Aubrey says, "Basil's birth parents were total dickwads, so once his grandma died a few years back, his old caretaker adopted him."
"Aww, that's sweet!" you say, "I'd love to meet her."
"She's a real great lady," Eddie says, smiling brightly, "We're BFFs."
"Dad, nobody in their 30s says 'BFFs'," Aubrey quips.
"This 30-year-old does!" Eddie says, pointing to himself with a smirk.
You chuckle, enjoying Eddie's positivity. The food is very good, too… Aubrey is lucky to have such a great father. The five of you finish up your breakfast and walk outside... it's a beautiful morning. Plenty of time for Kel and Hero to enjoy their last day in town. Basil's house is just across the street. The scooter gang stands outside.
"...Oh, hey," Aubrey says, "What... what are you guys doing here?"
They all shuffle around nervously.
"We kinda can't keep things like this," Kim says, "I don't think we've ever given him a sincere apology... you know, like, one where he isn't threatening to stab us unless we do."
"Yeah, like, Basil's a dickwad..." Vance says, "But... we were also dickwads."
"It'd be better if we were all just friends!" Angel says, "That's easier than trying to avoid each other all the time. Faraway isn't that big, y'know..."
"Yes, I deeply regret my actions!" Mikhael says, "I should have never called Basil a faggot... kissing boys is incredible!"
You laugh and smile brightly.
"I'm glad I taught you something, Mikhael," you say, "I believe that if you show Basil how much you've changed from your old ways... he'll be sure to forgive you. You all are very nice people."
"You... too..." Charlene says.
"Aww, thank you, Charlene," you reply.
"Well, if you kids are all ready to talk to him," Eddie says, "I'll talk to Polly. Just let me take care of it, heheh."
Eddie walks up and knocks.
"Yo, Polly!" he says, "Your little turd's got, like, 12 visitors."
You hear the sound of someone walking towards you. The door opens.
"Oh, Eddie!" she says, then smirks, "'Sup, dilf."
"'Sup, milf," he says coyly, "Yeah, I've got, like, the whole town behind me right now."
He steps aside and gestures grandly to the crowd on the front lawn.
"...Hang on a second," Polly says, frowning, "You're that scooter gang, aren't you?"
Polly steps outside with a threatening glare, cracking her knuckles for added effect.
"Have you come here to bully my son, again?" she asks.
"N-no!" Angel says, "Not at all, ma'am! We actually c-came to apologize!"
"Mmm... and what about you three?" she points to you, Kel, and Hero, "Who are you?"
"I'm Kel," Kel says, "I play basketball and I'm very tired."
"I'm Hero," Hero says, "I'm dying."
"...And I'm P—... I mean, Sunny!" you say, smiling brightly, "Sunny Suzuki, the one and only!"
Polly squints.
"...Kel... Hero..." she says, "And... Sunny? Oh my God, you're those kids he always talks about, aren't you?"
She smiles and clasps her hands together.
"Oh, a middle school reunion!" she says, "How wonderful! Come inside, please. I'm sure Basil would be glad to see you."
"A-ah, well," you say, "As a matter of fact, yesterday, he very much was not glad to see me specifically. Quite the opposite, actually."
Polly pouts.
"Why's that?" she asks, "You don't seem like the type who would hurt my son. Was it... oh, he goes to church a lot, was he...?"
"Yeah, you know, just the usual reason why people hate me," you say, "Killing my sister, being a creep, smiling like a serial killer, killing my sister, and killing my sister. Have I mentioned that I killed my sister? We and the scooter gang got into a fight with him... he only cut me once, nothing major."
"...Ah," she says, "I'm sorry for all of that... I hate seeing people call you evil for something that was an accident. Listen, I'll give him some trouble for it, alright?"
"Thank you, ma'am," you say, nodding, "Truly, I'm not some sort of horrible person. I just want to see everyone smile!"
"Yeah, Sunny's not dangerous!" Kel says, "He's just a total dork."
"Says the one wearing glasses," you quip back, "Imperfect vision."
"You don't have to worry about me, either," Hero says, "I'm only here physically."
"Wonderful," Polly says, "Come inside, please."
The ten of you walk inside... Basil's house is very nice and full of plant life, just like you remember it being.
"Come here, just down the hall..." Polly says, "Basil is in his room."
"Uhh... Aubrey," Kim says, "I think it might be a good idea for you and your friends to talk to him first. He won't get mad at you, y'know."
"Sure, I'll calm him down," Aubrey says with a smirk, "I do that all the time."
"Don't give him too much trouble," Eddie says, "I like that kid."
The scooter gang and Eddie stay behind in the living room while Polly takes you to Basil's room. The door is locked, leading Polly to vigorously knock.
"Basil, dearest, my sweet darling son!" she says, "You messed up big time!"
You hear a yelp from the other side. Basil quickly unlocks the door and cracks it open.
"H-hey!" he says, "What do you mean? I..."
He glances around and sees the four of you.
"These nice young people say that you got into a fight with them and the scooter gang," she says, "Is that true?"
"...No?" Basil says, his voice wavering.
"Alright, so, that's a lie," Polly says, "Come on, out."
"N-no!" Basil says, "Come on, can't I ju—"
Polly forces the door open all the way and grabs Basil by the ear.
"A-agh!" he yells, "What the heck?!"
"Apologize," Polly says sternly.
"I don't owe them jack shit!" Basil says, "Sunny's a creep, and all three of them abandoned me!"
"Basil," Aubrey says, "Sunny is not a creep. He had a freaking panic attack yesterday because of you. You really think you don't owe him an apology for that? For how you treated him these past few days? Huh?"
"I..." he stammers, "Okay, fine, but they owe me an apology, too!"
"For what?!" Aubrey says.
"For leaving me!" he says, aggravated, "When Mari died, you're the only person who cared about me!"
"We were all going through our own stuff, Basil," Kel says, "I... was too worried about Hero to really spare any thought for you. He's my brother, dude."
"I..." Basil says, "Alright, fine! I'm... sorry."
"For what?" Polly says, "Be specific."
"I'm sorry for being so mean to you guys! A-and... for making Sunny have a panic attack... and calling him a freak... a-and... all that stuff... and just... for being such a dick..." Basil says.
"Because...?" Aubrey says.
"Because..." Basil mutters, his face flushing red, "Because... you're my friends... and I shouldn't be mean to you..."
Aubrey smirks, chuckling to herself.
"There's my little bun," she says, "Polly, you can let him go."
"Sure thing, Aubrey," she says, equally smug.
Basil rubs his ear, wincing in pain.
"...It's not fair for you two to team up on me like that," Basil says, looking down, embarrassed out of his mind, "I can hardly handle one of you... much less both of you."
"We're the only two people in the world you ever listen to," Aubrey says, poking his face, "That just goes to show how much you love us."
"Sh-shut..." Basil says, "Mmm... fine, yeah I... love you... both... dumbasses."
Aubrey wraps her boyfriend in a hug and plants a kiss on his cheek.
"Oh, that's adorable," you say, swooning, "Oh, Hero, if only you had your camera with you!"
"Yeah, then we could get a picture of the vomit that's about to come out of my mouth and fall down on the floor," Hero says coldly.
"Pff, what a momma's boy..." Kel snickers.
Basil looks like he could melt.
"Basil, we accept your apology," you say, "The scooter gang is here, too... I believe you owe them one, too."
"You'll say sorry for them, won't you, cutie?" Aubrey teases.
"For us, right?" Polly says.
"I-I..." he says, "Yes... I'll... do... that..."
Begrudgingly, Basil walks into the living room. The idle chatter comes to a halt.
"Alright, alright," Basil says, "I know... you probably all hate me for what I've done, but... I..."
"Basil, darling!" Mikhael says, "We should be the ones apologizing!
"Yeah, we..." Kim says, "We were really awful. Even when your grandma died... we didn't know, but we... called you a freak for being all quiet and sad..."
Kim sniffles.
"I feel like scum for that," she says.
"We really can't apologize enough," Vance says, "Basil, you... you're actually really cool. You're not some weak, weirdo nerd, or whatever."
"Yeah!" Angel says, "I... I mean, we... we wanna make this up to you!"
"Maybe... we could..." Charlene says, "Be... friends..."
Basil looks shocked, some tears welling up in his eyes.
"Y-you... you fuckin' dumbasses..." he says, "You're making me cry... knock it off..."
Aubrey chuckles.
"That's his way of saying 'thanks,' in case you didn't know," she says, "Basil's not very good at showing his true feelings."
"Q-quiet..." he says, "Umm... yeah, being friends... sounds nice. Umm... but... Kel, Hero, this is your last day in Faraway, isn't it?"
"You five can spend the day together," Kim says, "There's no rush. Maybe... tomorrow, we could go riding around town together?"
"I... don't have a scooter," he says.
"We'll get you one!" Angel says, "I've got a spare!"
Basil smiles.
"Thanks... guys..." he says, "That... sounds like a plan. Umm... Kel, Hero... Sunny... I... I have say something else, I-I... threw away our photo album..."
"Basil!" Polly says, "How could you do that?!"
"Oh, did you really throw it away?" you say smugly, "Or is it... right here?!"
You pull it out with a dramatic flourish. Basil squints.
"...Did you... dig through my trash?" he asks.
"Anything for a friend!" you say.
Basil chuckles.
"Man, you know..." he says, "You sort of are the same Sunny you used to be. I, umm... I've got the other photos in my room. Scooter gang... I'll see you all tomorrow, alright?"
"Lookin' forward to it!" Vance says.
"You're not a nerd anymore, so yeah, it's fine," Kim teases.
Charlene just nods. The five of them wave goodbye and leave.
"Ah... well, all's well that ends well," Polly says, "Now, I'll let you reassemble your photo album, but there's one last person you have to apologize to: me."
"Wh-what?!" Basil says, "Oh, come on! Give me a break!"
"Nope!" Polly says, "Say 'I'm sorry, mommy.'"
"I am not calling you 'mommy'!" Basil yells.
"Hmm?" Polly smirks, "Just Aubrey, then?"
Basil's face flushes redder than ever before. He begins sputtering out bits of words, unable to speak. Aubrey begins cackling with smug joy.
"Bwahahaha!" Aubrey chortles, "Oh, man, Basil... you're so easy, sometimes."
"Let's... check out the photos!" he says, trying to quickly change the topic, "C'mon, let's go in my room!"
He rushes away, forcing the four of you to follow after him. Polly and Eddie sit down on the couch together, presumably to catch up on things and just generally hang out. Basil's room is filled with plants, more so than any other room in the house. Hung above a desk are the remaining photos... all the ones which neither feature nor mention Mari.
"Well, there they are," he says, "I... wanted to keep them, but I couldn't bear to see Mari's face. That was pretty... pretty stupid of me. I think... if I'm with everybody, I can look at her again."
He takes the photos down.
"Hero... umm..." he says, "Let's put the photos back where they belong."
Hero just nods. You place the album at the center of the room and sit around it in a circle. One by one, you match photos to descriptions.
"Aww... Hero," you say, "Look at this one of you arm-wrestling Kel! You're smiling so brightly..."
Hero just shrugs, humming affirmatively. Eventually, all but one of the photos are in place. You reach over to the pile... but there's none left.
"Huh..." you say, "That's odd, there's still a photo missing."
"I don't know anything about that," Basil says, "It could be anywhere, really... but, I'm sure we'll find it eventually, and even if we don't... we've got almost the whole album, now."
Basil stares down at the photos with a heartfelt expression.
"Man," he says, "We... really were such a cute little bunch of kids."
"Indeed!" you say, "And... now we're back together again! Isn't that wonderful?"
"It's pretty great, yeah..." Kel says.
"I've really missed you guys," Aubrey says, "Basil, now that you've calmed down and said your apologies, you wanna hang out with us for the rest of the day? Clock's ticking on Kel and Hero leaving."
"I mean, it's up to them," Basil says, "We'll do whatever you two want."
"I don't care," Hero says.
"I... uhh," Kel says, "We can just walk around and do whatever, but looking at these photos reminds me of Sunny's old treehouse... we should go there at the end of the day! That'll be a nice thing to cap everything off."
"Oh, absolutely!" you say, "Oh, my, this day is going to be so lovely!"
You get up, taking back the photo album.
"Onwards, friends!" you say.
Aubrey laughs at your dorkiness. As you're about to leave, one of Basil's plants catches your eye.
"...Wait," you say, "Hang on, is tha—"
"Huh?" Basil says, "Uhh..."
You examine it closely. It's a green plant with leaves like a maple tree.
"Basil, you sly dog," you say, "You're growing cannabis? Marijuana? Pot? Weed? The devil's lettuce?"
"I don't think you could make it any more clear to me that you don't do drugs," Basil says, "Listen, you're not a narc, right?"
"Oh, hardly!" you say, "I can keep a secret."
"Does... Polly know?" Kel asks.
"Yeah, she's cool with it," Aubrey says, "It's nothing too bad. He actually makes a profit. Oh, Basil, you rascally little entrepreneur~"
Aubrey ruffles his hair.
"I mean, it is a legal concern," Kel says.
"Man, fuck the police," he says.
"Heck yes!" you yell, "Fuck the police!"
"Heh... glad to see someone agrees with me," Basil smirks, "Alright, maybe you are cool, Sunny."
"Haha!" you say, "Splendid!"
"Alright, you're still a dork," he says, "But you're a cool dork."
With a chuckle, you exit Basil's secret garden and enter the living room.
"Hey, kids!" Eddie says, "Me and Polly were just catching up on stuff. Did you get the photo album back together?"
"Indeed!" you say, "Good as new."
"Lit!" he says.
"Dad, please do not say 'lit,'" Aubrey groans.
"She's right," Polly says, "It's hella lit."
Eddie chuckles. You can tell that Aubrey and Basil are both embarrassed by how dorky their parents are, but it's clear that they love each other very much. The sight makes you smile.
"You kids have fun!" Polly says, "Come back whenever you want to, don't worry... it's Kel and Hero's last day, after all!"
"Th-thanks, mom," Basil says.
The five of you walk out the door, letting the sunlight softly kiss your skin.
"Ah, a glorious day," you say, "Plenty of time for doing whatever before the sun sets! Kel, Hero... lead the way, my friends!"
Kel smirks, dragging a cliff-faced Hero along with him. You walk to the park, passing by some of the scooter gang. Thanks to your typical charitable efforts, the park's litter problem, along with the town's, has been entirely eliminated. Due to your few days of inactivity, though, it's come back just a bit. You clean it up as you walk around with your friends. You sit on a swingset with Basil. You play basketball with all of them, though of course, Kel is the best at it. You relax by the lake at your secret hangout spot.
At Hobbeez, you play the arcade games as your friends watch, cheering you from behind... you've gotten very good at all of them. You read comics with them and chat with Pedro about the newest nerdy media. At Gino's, you greet Cesar and enjoy a pizza with your friends. Aubrey, being a vegetarian, prefers hers with vegetables. Personally, you find that gross, but you don't have any ground to stand on.
At Othermart, you once again say hello to all of your friends... though, you stop by the bakery, one last time.
"...Salutations!" you say, "Now, listen, I know you may not like me very much, or at all, but today is Kel and Hero's last day in town! Please, if not for me, for them... wish them good luck."
"...Basil..." Daphne says, "Why is the devil boy with you?"
"He's... he's not..." Basil says, sighing, "Man, what's gotten into you all, huh? Isn't the Bible all about forgiveness and redemption and whatever?"
"Have you read it?" Bowen asks.
"Has anybody?!" Basil says, "Like, for real, it doesn't matter, just like... chill, alright? Don't be mean to people. That's not hard."
"You were the one—" Daphne says.
"Yeah, I was, I get it!" Basil says, "And I stopped! So can you! Sunny isn't some creep, he's... he's just misunderstood. He's been through so much, he lost his sister for Christ's sake. Bowen, do you think you'd be mentally stable if you accidentally killed Daphne? Huh?"
Bowen takes a beat.
"This is a valid point," Bowen says, "Sister, let us... prepare something for the boy. From siblings, to siblings."
"Yes, that..." Daphne says, "That sounds... good."
They walk into the back of the bakery.
"Oh my goodness!" you say, looking back to your friends with stars in your eyes, "They... they're alright with me! I've done it, I've made friends with everyone who works at the plaza!"
"Heh... yeah, you did," Basil says, "Good on ya."
You smile at him brightly. You see him blush a bit. After a short while, the Kőfaragó twins reemerge, carrying a delicious-looking slice of cake.
"Hungarian honey slice," Daphne says.
"We hope it is to your liking... Sunny Suzuki," Bowen says, "If... you are worthy in Basil's eyes, I see you as a friend."
You couldn't be happier. You take a bite of the cake... it is sweet. creamy, and absolutely delicious.
"Thank you," you say, "You have no idea how much this means to me."
The twins can't help but smile back at you. You say hello to Shannon and Curtsey... Shannon seems to like Basil quite a bit, probably because of his rudeness towards Kim and Vance. At Fix-It, you greet Mondo and admire the various pieces of furniture, imagining yourself one day having a house to yourself. Basil seems to particularly enjoy the back section with all the flowers.
As you step outside, you take notice of the passage of time.
"Oh, my!" you say, "It looks as though the sun is about to set. My... we really must be having fun. Kel, Hero... would you like to see our old treehouse now?"
"Yeah, now would probably be a pretty good time," he says, "It's... been a lot of fun so far, today!"
You smile back at him, though Hero remains silent, and the five of you walk back to your house. You step inside.
"Ah, hey there, everyone!" your mother says, sitting on the couch next to her husband, "Oh! Basil... you're here, too!"
"Mmm..." your father says, "Aubrey, is Basil alright?"
"He's adorable," Aubrey says, "Don't worry; when he's with me, he won't be doing anything bad."
"Glad to hear it," your father says, "We'll be here if you all need anything."
Basil seems to wander around a bit, appreciating the house he hadn't stepped inside for four years.
"Man..." he says, "It's like... nothing's really changed."
"I try to keep this place tidy," you say, "Granted, I'm not home much, but still."
Basil admires some of your framed photos... before he stops in the middle of the living room. Without a word, he walks forward towards the staircase. You follow after.
"This... this is where Mari..." he says.
"Mmm... indeed," you say.
Everyone falls silent. You hear your parents hush their idle chat in the living room.
"It feels like forever ago..." Aubrey says, "But I can still remember that day perfectly."
"That... that day was really busy," Kel says, "In the morning, Hero went out with Mom to buy some nice clothes and shoes. They spent all day shopping and didn't get home until the afternoon. Me and dad... we went to get a haircut. Aubrey, you and Eddie were there, too."
"Yeah..." she says, "We... we were getting ready for Sunny and Mari's recital. We were going to see them perform. It... was supposed to be great, but when we came home that afternoon..."
Everyone, except for Hero, averts their gaze from you.
"Even after all this time," you say, lying, though you don't realize that you are, "I still regret it. I regret ever picking up the violin. I regret letting Mari push me that far. I regret throwing the violin down the stairs. I regret..."
You falter. Basil walks to the base of the stairs and gets on his knees.
"I'll... just say a short prayer," he says, "Then we can go see the treehouse. I don't want to bog down the mood too much, but... I feel like I should do this."
He closes his eyes, seeming to focus intensely. You're not religious yourself, but you find yourself ruminating on a mental image of Mari. It feels nice. Soon enough, though, Basil gets up.
"Alright," he says, "Let's go. I wanna see how the treehouse has been doing!"
You smile brightly.
"Excellent," you say, "Follow me."
You lead the group away. Hero, his gaze emptier than ever, stares out at Mari's piano. You tug him along, breaking his focus. You step into the living room and, for the first time in four years, open the door to your backyard. Old, discolored toys are scattered about. A tree catches your eye, and it seems to catch Hero's, too. You're not sure why. You feel, once again, something building. No time to worry about that now, though; you walk through the small clearing of trees and climb up to the treehouse.
"Oh, dear..." you say, "Apologies for not cleaning up here... this place has seen better days... but it looks like everything is right where we left it."
"Aw man, yeah!" Kel says, "Our old deck of cards... man, I remember I used to suck at all the games we would play... but I'd always have fun anyways."
Aubrey walks over to the counter, picking up an old stuffed toy.
"Mr. Plantegg..." she says, "Aww, I remember you... you're so dirty..."
Hero silently browses the treehouse's various knick-knacks. Your attention is drawn to a discolored photo handing under the window.
You pick it up. It's everyone climbing the treehouse. You must've left it here as a memento.
You flip it over.
There is a key attached to it. Your eyes go wide.
"What...?" you whisper to yourself.
You don't know what this means. This handwriting... is your own. What toy box? What's in it? You feel pieces beginning to come together. Something very distant calls out to you. You put the key in your pocket.
"Oh, hey, Sunny!" Aubrey says, "You found the last photo!"
"Hmm?" Kel says, "Oh, nice. Lemme see."
"Oh, thank God," Basil says, "That would've driven me crazy. Here, let's put it back in place."
"Ah... sure thing," you say.
You set the photo album down, placing the photo in the one remaining spot.
"Hero, uhh... since we're leaving tomorrow," Kel says, "Let's... look through the photo album, one last time, y'know?"
Hero looks like he could be shattered to pieces by a gust of wind. You begin flipping through the pages. You admire your violin. You admire the smiles of your friends, particularly Hero's smile. You think about the flavor of watermelon and the other food that was cooked for you by Hero... and Mari.
"Oh, Mari..." you say, "I miss her so much, you know."
"I... miss her... too..." Hero mutters, each word sounding like it's painful for him to say.
"H-hey, guys," Basil says, "Oh, c'mon, don't tell me I ruined the mood that much. Mari... Mari would be so happy to see all of us together again!"
"Yeah, Basil's right," Aubrey says.
"Indeed," you say, "I just... ah, I can't help but feel incomplete without her. She was so wonderful, so kind, so... perfect."
There's a pause.
Hero breathes heavily.
He is absolutely steaming with rage.
He slams his hand, curled into a fist, backwards into the cabinet.
"Mari... wasn't perfect," he says.
Everyone is taken aback.
"H-Hero?" Kel asks, "What's wrong?"
"Yes, H-Hero," you say, growing angry at Hero's outburst, though you aren't sure why, "You shouldn't... insult Mari like that..."
Hero stares at you. He is angry, he is heartbroken, he hates himself, he feels guilty, he feels disgusted, he feels frustrated, he pities you, he feels sorry for what he did, he wants to sink into a hole in the ground and die, he wants to dissolve into a pile of ash, he is tired, he is traumatized, he is regretful, he is all of this and more, and he communicates every bit of emotion that he feels to you through a simple, blank stare. It hits you like a slap to the face. You physically recoil backwards in panic.
Without saying a word, Hero exits the treehouse. After a few seconds to process your shock, you get up and walk to the ladder... but Hero is already at the door, presumably having sprinted away, as fast as his weak legs could carry him.
"What..." you say, saddened but still smiling, "What did I do wrong?"
Another thought enters your mind.
What did Mari do wrong?
"Agh... Sunny, don't blame yourself," Kel says, "Hero's just... weird. He's been weird ever since Mari died. Jeez, I gotta... figure out where he went to."
Kel rushes out of the treehouse.
"We should probably follow after them," Aubrey says, "Hero might... do something stupid."
"Yeah..." Basil says, "Come on, Sunny."
They walk out in front of you. Some tears fall from your eyes... though you wish they hadn't. You pick up the photo album and follow after your friends. Walking back inside, you see Hero standing in the practice room, leaning onto Mari's piano, crying. Kel attempts to comfort him, reaching a hand out, but he pushes him away. Hero runs past him, past you, Aubrey, and Basil, and runs out the door.
"H-Hero!" Kel yells, "Ah... god dammit, Hero!"
"Hero!" your mother yells.
You ignore your parents as the four of you rush outside. Hero runs back to his house, locking the door behind him.
"Shit," Kel says as he fumbles to get his keys out, "Alright... there!"
The door unlocks, but as you step into Kel's now nearly-desolate living room, Hero is nowhere to be found.
"Hero!" Kel shouts, "He's... probably in his room. Shit. Shit!"
You rush up the stairs. Kel knocks feverishly on his door, which is locked.
"Open the door, Hero!" Kel says, "It's our last day! Are you really just gonna stay in there?"
Hero says nothing.
"Hero, dear!" you yell, "I... I'm sorry! Please, come out!"
Hero says nothing.
"Hero, I... I'm sorry for calling you weird!" Basil says.
Hero says nothing.
"Hero, we helped Sunny through a panic attack yesterday," Aubrey says, "We can help you through this!"
Hero says nothing.
"Sunny..." Kel says, "Can you pick the lock again?"
Kel hands you a paperclip, and you pick the lock... but it still doesn't open.
"It's blocked," you say, "Maybe a chair, or something, I... don't know. Oh, dear."
Kel sighs, putting his face in his hands.
"Fuck, dude," he says, "This is not what I need. Man, where am I gonna sleep?!"
"K-Kel," you say, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Dear, it's... fine. We can just sleep in the living room, or whatever we need to do."
"I... I'm up for that," Aubrey says.
"Same," Basil says, "I... owe it to Hero to stay around and... wish him goodbye properly."
"I'll stay," you say, "No matter what. I... I promised myself I would make him smile before I leave."
Kel sighs, walking over to his parents' door. They greet the four of you.
"Is something wrong?" the father asks, "...Oh, Basil, Aubrey. Hey..."
"Umm... so, Hero just locked himself in his room," Kel says, "Me and my friends were thinking... could we stay the night? Like... sleep in the living room? We're all really worried about him, and... we want to say goodbye properly."
The mother and father look at each other and take a pause.
"...Alright," the mother says, "Only because it's your last day. Don't make a mess, alright?"
"Understood!" Kel says, "Umm... alright, everybody, I-I think... we have some sleeping bags and stuff."
"Two sleepovers in a row..." Aubrey says, "Well, this is an odd kind of fun, I guess."
You stare down at your shoes. You still can't help but feel like this is your fault... and like there's some part of this whole thing that you're not understanding.
"Well..." you say, "It... it is getting late. I suppose... we can all go downstairs and... watch a movie? That might help ease the tension."
"That actually sounds like a good idea..." Basil says, "Yeah, we... shouldn't be worrying too much about Hero."
"Alright, uhh..." Kel says, "I'll get everything set up."
Grabbing some things from his parents' closet, Kel sets up four sleeping bags. Aubrey calls dibs on the couch, much to everyone else's chagrin. You turn off the lights and begin watching a lighthearted movie. Everyone begins to feel a bit better about the whole situation.
"Well..." Kel says, "This wasn't the last day in town that I was expecting."
"It's no trouble, really," you say, "Even if you're moving away... we'll still all be friends!"
"Pff, God, that's cheesy," Basil says.
"Oh, aren't I always?" you say.
"Yeah, Sunny's a big softie," Aubrey says, "Just like you, Basil~"
"I-I...!" he yelps, "I am not soft!"
"Yes, you are~!" she teases, "Like a soft little bunny~!"
Kel laughs.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, Sunny," he says, "We'll... always be there for each other. Just like... like how Mari is always with us, too."
"Indeed," you say, "She... really is the best..."
Kel yawns.
"Ah... well," he says, "Hopefully Hero comes to his senses soon. Until then, I'm... feeling kinda sleepy..."
Kel begins snoring.
"Dang, he's asleep already?" Aubrey asks, "I guess he really hasn't changed that much."
"Yeah..." Basil says, "In a way, none of us really have. We're all still ourselves... all still friends."
"Absolutely..." you say, "Aubrey... Basil... thank you for everything. You've... been so kind to me. I'd grown numb to everyone else's judgement, but... it still does hurt. I... really love you two a lot."
"Aww..." Aubrey says, "I love you, too, Sunny!"
"Same here," Basil says, "You little dork."
You chuckle, lying down, ready to sleep.
"Good night, my friends," you say.
"Good night, Sunny!" Aubrey says.
"G'night, everyone..." Basil says.
You close your eyes, smiling brightly.
As you drift into unconsciousness...
a chill runs up your spine.
[ We see a young adult curled into a ball.
Glowing eyes surround him. ]
[ Zooming out, we see the man is
inside of a pitch-black light bulb. ]
You awaken in White Space.
You awaken in White Space. Not as Peki, as you, as Sunny.
You run your hands across your face in shock, standing up shakily.
Walking around, you find him, standing on a blanket surrounded by a few worthless objects.
"Ah, Sunny!" Peki says, "Well, isn't this an odd situation? My... how long has it been since we've seen each other like this? Ah... it's so nice to have you here."
You ignore him and step forward, towards the light bulb. He quickly blocks your path.
"Would you care for a drink?" he says, holding up a bottle and a glass, "Absolut Vodka! Crystal-clear and perfect, just like me... would you like a taste? A glimpse into what perfection is like?"
"No, thank you," you say, "Could you mo—"
"Please, I insist," he says, pouring you a glass.
You snatch the bottle and glass away, throwing them as far as you can.
"...Alright," he says, exasperated, "Food, then?"
He pulls out a delicious-looking steak on a plate.
"Steak!" he says, "Simple, delectable, perfect! Just like me! Come on, take a bite! It'll make you feel good!"
"I'm not hungry," you say, "Get out of the wa—"
"Oh, that doesn't matter!" he says, "Come on, eat up!"
He attempts to push a piece into your mouth, but you swat his hand away, flipping the plate with a quick hand movement. He is visibly nervous.
"Sunny, dear!" he says, "Let's play a game! It's called... leave! The object of the game is to go away."
"I don't have time for this," you say, shoving him aside.
He stumbles backwards, not expecting you to be so forwardly disobedient. You walk up to the light bulb.
"S-Sunny!" he says, "Don't do anything hasty based purely on emotion! You... you remember how that went last time, right? Mari died when you threw your violin down the stairs! Please, think twice before you do this!"
You take a pause.
"Alright," you say, "I'm thinking about it... once."
You unscrew the light bulb.
"And, twice," you say, "You're lying to me. I need to know what the truth is."
He laughs, frustrated.
"Sunny..." he says, "Destroy that light bulb, and you're going to see something that you'll wish you never had. It will haunt your nightmares forever. It will shatter you. You are imperfect. You cannot withstand it. You will ruin every—"
You throw the light bulb at his face.
In a single instant, it shatters, and White Space goes dark.
A chill goes up your spine, begging you to be afraid... but your resolve is too strong. In a spotlight, it appears to you... SOMETHING. A single glowing white eye at the center of an octopus-like mass of darkness.
Time to fight.
You are not AFRAID. You know what will happen, but you try attacking anyways... SOMETHING wraps its tendrils around you, dealing damage. Your attacks do nothing. You CALM DOWN... breathing in and out, steadying yourself. SOMETHING wraps its tendrils around you.
Your ears ache. Something is shouting at you, mocking you, chastising you, telling you to be quiet. Phonophobia. You CALM DOWN... and let it go away. You are stripping back the layers of this... thing, whatever it is. You must get to the core. You CALM DOWN. SOMETHING wraps its tendrils around you. You CALM DOWN. SOMETHING wraps its tendrils around you.
You feel like you are being watched. You feel like you are being judged. You feel like every mistake you make... like every mistake someone else makes... who?... like every mistake will lead to something horrible. Scopophobia. You CALM DOWN. Their gazes pierce your flesh. You FOCUS. It goes away. You CALM DOWN. SOMETHING wraps its tendrils around you. You CALM DOWN. SOMETHING wraps its tendrils around you.
You are bleeding. You are in pain. Hematophobia. It is so uncomfortable, so horrible... you want to scream, you want to cry for help, but you cannot. You CALM DOWN. You are sliced and muffled. You PERSIST. You refuse to give up. You keep Mari's words in your heart, her advice, her motivation.
goes away...
You see a blurry shape. It almost looks like a person.
You are terrified. The shape is hurting you.
SOMETHING makes the floorboards creak.
Someone is lying at the bottom of a staircase.
You feel like your life is in danger.
SOMETHING loves you, dealing 143 damage.
Your lungs tighten up.
SOMETHING loves you, dealing 143 damage.
Your heart beats out of your chest.
SOMETHING loves you, dealing 143 damage.
Your fingers won't stop trembling.
You feel your breathing begin to steady.
You feel your heart begin to steady.
You feel your fingers begin to steady.
You gather all your courage...
and learn to OVERCOME.
You open your eyes.
There is a light bulb on the ground.
You pick it up.
You wake up in a long, beautiful hallway. It almost feels like it could be the inside of a hotel... though, there are no doors, save for one up ahead. Behind you, there is nothing but emptiness. You begin walking forwards. A gate blocks your path, and there is a photograph lying on the ground in front of it. You pick it up.
[ Photo of a Staircase ]
[ We see a view of a staircase from above. ]
The gate opens. You keep walking forwards. The atmosphere... it's almost peaceful. You wish you could stay here forever... but you know you can't. You pick up another photo.
[ Photo of a Light ]
[ We see a ceiling lamp shining like the sun, viewed from below. ]
Another gate opens. You walk forwards to find... him. Hero. He stands in front of the door at the end of the hallway.
"Sunny," he says, "You're finally here. I've always dreamed that someday... you would become braver than me... but, maybe it's too late."
He hands you his photo album.
"The truth of that day will be hard to accept," he says, "When you see it... you have to be strong. And if you can... please... forgive us."
He steps out of the way. You walk through the door.
You enter a dark living room... your living room. The door locks behind you. Someone is sitting on the couch.
"Sweetie, please..." a female voice says, quavering with sorrow, "It... it was an accident. I... I've lost... my only daughter... I don't want to lose you... as well. Please... I need you... to be a good boy. Don't... be like this... don't... blame yourself... I'm not mad, sweetie..."
Hair clogs the two northern doors that remain. An eerie red glow emanates from the leftmost one... the door to the backyard, though, is normal. You pick up two photos.
[ Photo of a Wall ]
[ We see a wall with a familiar wallpaper pattern. ]
[ Photo of a Report ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy, explaining something to the viewer through teary eyes. They are in
the practice room. ]
The hair recedes from the right door. You walk through it.
You are at a hospital. There are rows upon rows of patients, all breathing steadily.
Across from them are televisions. You see four kids taking an elevator to space. You see four kids in a hedge maze. You see four kids talking to an angler fish. You see five slices of pizza.
You pick up a photo.
[ Photo of Disbelief ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy carrying a girl with long black hair, his arms wrapped around her shoulders. ]
Some of the patients disappear. You find another photo.
[ Photo of Anguish ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy shaking the arm of an ambiguous figure. ]
[ Photo of Guilt ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy at the side of a bed. Light shines onto the wooden floor. ]
Yet more disappearances... you find another photo.
[ Photo of Mourning ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy at the side of a bed. He is curled into the fetal position. He is crying. ]
One more.
[ Photo of an Idea ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy at the side of a bed, through the fingers of someone else. ]
You inspect an unusual bed. This person is not breathing.
Something clicks. There is a red glow.
You appear before a long path in a backyard. Your backyard. The door to the living room is just behind you, but of course, it's locked.
You look forward to see a mass of hair hanging from a tree.
You are bleeding.
You walk.
You pick up some photos.
[ Photo of Panic ]
[ We see, through a glass door, a young, black-haired boy walking outside. ]
[ Photo of an Accomplice ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair being carried through a grassy field. ]
[ Photo of a Snap ]
[ We see rope snapping as the viewer wrestles a body down from a noose. ]
[ Photo of a Note ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy sitting in front of a tree, reading a note. Something sways in the wind. ]
You reach the tree. At its base, there is a photo. Gingerly, shakily, you pick it up.
[ Photo of the Witnessed ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair standing above someone in
the practice room.
She looks to the viewer with an expression of horror. ]
Instantaneously, you appear in your bedroom. The way forward is blocked by a photo.
[ Photo of the Sacrifice ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy, his face inscrutable, the viewer's hands hovering above the boy's shoulders, not wanting to touch him. ]
"Sunny, don't worry," a shadowy figure says, "This... it doesn't have to be like this. You can help them."
Beside you, there is someone who is not breathing. It is the day of the recital.
More blood drips from your face, your flesh lacerated into horrid chunks of meat.
You exit your room.
You are at the concert hall.
It loops indefinitely, making your mind ache.
The walls are not here.
You pick up photos scattered about the outside... they make your body hurt. What's happening to you? Why... why are you hurting so badly? This is love... isn't it?
[ Photo of Hope ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy walking through a bedroom doorway, and in the reflection of a cabinet mirror, we see the terrified face of an older, lighter-haired boy. They are carrying something. ]
[ Photo of a Retreat ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair, running away from
the practice room. ]
You pick something up from the music stand... one last photo remaining here.
[ Photo of a Mistake ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair, seated at a piano. A young boy with short black hair stands beside her, holding a violin. The girl appears to be frustrated. ]
You appear in a vast void, filled with musical instruments.
Under a spotlight, there lies a photo.
[ Photo of a Kiss ]
[ We see, from the view of a doorway, a girl with long black hair embracing a young boy with short black hair inside of
the practice room,
kissing him tenderly. ]
[ Photo of Restraint ]
[ We see, from just outside the doorway to
the practice room,
a girl with long black hair, pinning a boy with short black hair to the wall. ]
Fingers point outwards from you.
You appear in the same dark, reddened room as before.
You screw in the light bulb.
As the room is dimly illuminated, you walk over to a mirror and examine your darkened, horrible face.
You look around.
At the center of the room, there is a photo.
Do you want to pick this photo up?
[ Photo of a Rape ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair removing the pants of a young, black-haired boy. ]
The door to the staircase... opens.
With the room now bright, the mirror shows your horrible, disfigured, deeply imperfect form in full detail.
You step through.
You are in the hallway again,
except now, it is anything but pleasant.
It is cold. The lights shine a red aura, and the carpeting is faded and ragged.
You pick up a photo, arranging what you've found thus far into the photo album.
[ Photo of Destruction ]
[ A violin lies at the bottom of a staircase. Thrown by the viewer, it is now nothing more than scraps of wood and string. ]
You continue walking... each photo unlocking another gate, finding another place among the others.
[ Photo of a Lie ]
[ We see the body of a girl with long black hair being thrown down a staircase. ]
[ Photo of Legs ]
[ We see something at the body of a staircase. In a pile of black hair, only legs are visible. ]
[ Photo of Descent ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy being taken by the hand, led down the staircase. ]
A gate closes behind you. The door is no longer there... just a staircase, at the bottom of which is a single photograph.
[ Photo of a Wall ]
[ We see a wall with a familiar wallpaper pattern. ]
[ Photo of a Mistake ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair, seated at a piano. A young boy with short black hair stands beside her, holding a violin. The girl appears to be frustrated. ]
[ Photo of a Kiss ]
[ We see, from the view of a doorway, a girl with long black hair embracing a young boy with short black hair inside of
the practice room,
kissing him tenderly. ]
[ Photo of Restraint ]
[ We see, from just outside the doorway to
the practice room,
a girl with long black hair, pinning a boy with short black hair to the wall. ]
[ Photo of a Rape ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair removing the pants of a young, black-haired boy. ]
[ Photo of the Witnessed ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair standing above someone in
the practice room.
She looks to the viewer with an expression of horror. ]
[ Photo of a Retreat ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair, running away from
the practice room. ]
[ Photo of a Report ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy, explaining something to the viewer through teary eyes. They are in
the practice room. ]
[ Photo of Panic ]
[ We see, through a glass door, a young, black-haired boy walking outside. ]
[ Photo of a Note ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy sitting in front of a tree, reading a note. Something sways in the wind. ]
[ Photo of a Snap ]
[ We see rope snapping as the viewer wrestles a body down from a noose. ]
[ Photo of an Accomplice ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair being carried through a grassy field. ]
[ Photo of Disbelief ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy carrying a girl with long black hair, his arms wrapped around her shoulders. ]
[ Photo of Anguish ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy shaking the arm of an ambiguous figure. ]
[ Photo of Guilt ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy at the side of a bed. Light shines onto the wooden floor. ]
[ Photo of Mourning ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy at the side of a bed. He is curled into the fetal position. He is crying. ]
[ Photo of an Idea ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy at the side of a bed, through the fingers of someone else. ]
[ Photo of the Sacrifice ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy, his face inscrutable, the viewer's hands hovering above the boy's shoulders, not wanting to touch him. ]
[ Photo of Hope ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy walking through a bedroom doorway, and in the reflection of a cabinet mirror, we see the terrified face of an older, lighter-haired boy. They are carrying something. ]
[ Photo of a Staircase ]
[ We see a view of a staircase from above. ]
[ Photo of a Light ]
[ We see a ceiling lamp shining like the sun, viewed from below. ]
[ Photo of Destruction ]
[ A violin lies at the bottom of a staircase. Thrown by the viewer, it is now nothing more than scraps of wood and string. ]
[ Photo of a Lie ]
[ We see the body of a girl with long black hair being thrown down a staircase. ]
[ Photo of Legs ]
[ We see something at the body of a staircase. In a pile of black hair, only legs are visible. ]
[ Photo of Descent ]
[ We see a young, black-haired boy being taken by the hand, led down the staircase. ]
[ Photo of Something ]
[ We see a girl with long black hair, lying at the bottom of a staircase, her hair splayed out like the tendrils of a beast.
One horrible glowing eye is open. ]
You wake up.
You wake up. Your eyes open wide as you remove your sleep mask, revealing the real world.
Your smile is only a small fraction of an angle more curved than a straight line.
"Oh, dear," you say, "Oh, dear... oh, dearie me..."
You are sweating. You feel worse than you ever have in four years.
"Oh, God," you say, "Oh, fuck, oh, no..."
You get up, putting your hand to your forehead... you're hot to the touch. You feel horrible. You feel bile rise to your throat.
"Oh..." you say, "Oh no..."
You leave the living room and quickly dash up the stairs. You can hear Hero's radio... tuned to the oldie's station, as it is most of the time. You throw open the bathroom door and stare at your reflection.
Mari is behind you, hugging you, one hand covering your mouth, another reaching down to your crotch. There is a horrible expression on her face.
"Just be quiet, little brother," she says, "Resisting only makes this hurt me more..."
"N-no..." you say, "Mari... couldn't've..."
You close your eyes and try to CALM DOWN... but your lungs fought to breathe.
"We can both enjoy this, you know," she says, "We both get to feel good..."
"S-stop..." you say, "I don't... want this..."
You close your eyes and try to FOCUS... but your heart is beating out of your chest.
"I'm so sorry, Sunny," she says, "I know this is hurting you... but I can't help myself. I'm hurting, too... I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't get some relief... you understand, right? Just let this be our little secret..."
She's crying. As uncomfortable as her touch is, reaching down to your groin, reaching inside of your anus... there's no malice behind it. She regrets it, even as she is doing it.
"Mari... wouldn't've done this..." you say, "Mari... is a good person... I know... she's a good person... a good person... wouldn't do this..."
"I would," she says, "And I did."
You close your eyes one last time.
There is something building inside of you, bursting to get out.
Rage. Sexuality. Every negative emotion that's been kept inside.
You try to push it down.
You are perfect.
Mari is perfect...
A horrible song comes on the radio.
It is filled with static and clipping.
It sounds atrocious.
You rush to the toilet.
I will sing you a song
You recall your first kiss with Mari...
the day that something inside her broke,
and she asked you to help her practice
You throw up.
And it won't be very long
You recall the first time it went deeper than lips
You throw up.
'Bout a maiden sweet
You recall the first time it went further than a kiss
You throw up.
And she never would do wrong
You recall struggling... you hadn't agreed to this
You throw up.
Everyone said she was pretty
You recall her pinning you to a wall and covering your mouth
You throw up.
She was not long in the city
You recall the feeling of her hands pulling down your pants and underwear
You throw up.
All alone, oh what a pity
You recall feeling the inside of her mouth with something other than your tongue
You throw up.
Poor little maid
You recall a horribly pleasurable feeling rush through you
as something was exiled from your body
You throw up.
She never saw the streets of Cairo
You recall this going on for so long, getting worse and worse as you
were forced to explore deeper and deeper parts of her body,
both of you wearing less and less clothing each time...
You recall the softness of her skin, the softness of her breasts
You throw up.
On the Midway she had never strayed
You couldn't tell anyone; they would be devastated
You throw up.
She never saw the kutchy, kutchy
Even after her death, their ignorance would protect them
You throw up.
Poor little country maid
You realize that the vague image you'd been masturbating to for so many years was her body
You throw up.
"Oh... dear," you say, "I feel... decisively... not... happy..."
You look at yourself in the mirror. You're still smiling, and Mari is still there.
"Why...?" you ask, "Why... can't I stop crying?"
A million emotions surge through you.
"Hero..." you say, gritting your teeth, "What have you done?!"
Your rage builds.
You need to calm yourself, but you can't.
You reach into your backpack... your bottle of vodka is there, right?
Empty empty empty empty empt—
You smash it onto the counter.
Glass flies everywhere.
"HERO!" you scream, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"
You can't calm down. Every possible avenue has been taken away from you. Even the unhealthy relief from the pleasure that came from being used by your sister, even that is gone. You walk up to Hero's door, carrying a smashed bottle in your hand.
What will you choose?
"HERO!" you yell, "OPEN THE DOOR. NOW."
There's no response. You jiggle the doorknob. It's locked. You're in no mental state to lockpick. You start kicking. You hear wood cracking with force, the same sound you heard on that day. The radio is still playing... but every sound in the universe is falling deaf upon your ears. Everyone else... everyone else would be waking up. You don't care. You kick Hero's door down and shut it behind you. What happens next... you don't want anyone to see. If they call your name, you won't listen.
Hero stands at the far side of the room, his back turned to you. He's holding the radio. He turns to face you and shuts it off. His face is entirely expressionless. It is a face of total acceptance.
"Hero!" you shout, "Hero... why... why?! What... what have you done?"
He stares blankly, saying nothing for a few seconds.
"You know, I kind of had a feeling it would be today," he says emotionlessly, "The universe just loves torturing me... I knew I wouldn't be able to leave this town before you found out. Not that I'd want to leave, or run away... I deserve everything that's coming to me."
He tosses the radio away. It hits the ground with a thud.
"Say, Sunny," he says, "Do you know what circle of Hell you end up in for framing a rapist's suicide on their victim? I'm not religious, so I have no idea..."
His eyes are empty voids, begging for death.
"Do you want to help me find out?" he asks, "You love helping people, don't you? Won't you do this for me, my dearest friend? Won't you kill me?"
It takes every ounce of energy you have in order to speak. A voice in your head, a perfect voice tells you to murder him, to let him smile in death... it takes everything you have to fight it.
"I..." you say, "I... am not... going to kill you... Hero..."
"It seems like not even you believe that," he says, "What's that bottle for, then, hmm? Why do you look so angry?"
"I'm not... going to kill you..." you say.
Hero walks towards you, absolutely expressionless. He still looks the same age as he did four years ago. He stands just a foot away from you, taking the bottle and aiming it towards himself.
"There," he says, "I've made it easy for you. Go on, then, Sunny. We don't have much time before my parents call the police, and I know just how much you hate police... so you'd better make it quick, Sunny."
You slash across his chest, trying only to graze him.
"That," you say, "...was a warning slice. I am not going to kill you."
"Then, what?" he asks.
"I want you to smile for me," you say, "I made myself a promise... that I would get to see you happy before you leave. Smile."
Hero laughs without smiling.
"Make me," he taunts.
As much as you hate it... it's time to fight.
You slice again, but he dodges it.
"You're not trying," he says, "You must be holding back. Why?"
"I don't... hate you..." you say, trying to convince yourself as much as you're trying to convince him.
You feel your stress building.
"I see," he says, "So, tell me, Sunny, do you still think of me as your friend?"
"...Yes," you say.
"You're an idiot," he says, "You do remember, don't you? You can hear, you're not deaf... you know how people have treated you. I've seen the way you act... trying to be her... obsessing over her... those photos... you remember, don't you? It wasn't me who stained them. It was you. That's how fucked up you've become. And it's all my fault. I ruined your life."
Your stress builds. You slash again.
"You've suffered so much, Sunny," he says, "Let me take my share of the blame for once."
"No..." you say, "That's... my job. I... am the scapegoat."
"Don't you hate that?" he says, "Doesn't that fact make you want to scream? Kill me, Sunny. Kill me."
Your stress builds. You slash again.
"I. Ruined. Your. Life," he says, "What about that do you not understand? Kick me. Punch me. Kill me. Punt me into the fucking sun, you coward. It's what I deserve. Do you have any idea what everyone else would do to me if they found out? I'd be beaten to a pulp if I'm lucky."
"You... are not... agh!" you say, "Mari... Mari... Mari...!"
Your stress builds. You slash again.
"What about her?" he asks, "Is she beautiful? Is she sweet? Is she perfect? Stop lying to yourself. Stop lying to me. I remember when you told me on that day. I remember you told me that it had been going on for months. You told me just how far you had gone. You told me that she was practicing for me, Sunny."
"Shut... shut up!" you yell, "Why?! Why can't you just smile?!"
"I have nothing to smile for," he says, "So if you want that, you're going, to have, to make me."
Your stress builds.
It's all just... too much.
You feel a thousand voices shouting in your head, a thousand eyes watching you, a thousand pints of blood pouring out of your body...
You have become STRESSED OUT.
You have to make him smile.
You know only one way how.
Still holding onto the bottle with one hand, you pin him to the wall.
"Alright, Hero," you say, "You want me to make you smile, I'll MAKE you smile."
"Wh-what?!" he yells, "Sunny, you're fucking insane! Just kill me, please!"
"No!" you yell, "I will not kill you! You... you do not deserve to suffer. That's my job! I am the scapegoat. You put that burden onto me... the least you could do is make it worthwhile! You made me promise to always smile... the least you could do is return the favor!"
You kiss him. He fights back.
"Is this what it takes?!" you yell, "Me and Mari practiced for so long... do we have to finally have our 'performance'? Is that what you need to smile, huh?!"
You reach down and take off his pants. He fights back.
"J-just kill me!" he says, "Don't... do this stupid poetic justice bullshit! I know you got hurt, I-I... I don't need to feel that pain, too!"
"Quiet!" you say, "Just... shut up and smile! You worthless, horrible shitstain of a human being! Do you have any idea how I feel right now?! I loved Mari! She meant everything to me!"
You're crying profusely. You still can't stop smiling. He fights back.
"Why are we like this?!" you sob, "Why are the Suzukis like this?! Why... why do I have to be stuck in this horrible cycle of abuse?! Why me?!"
Hero seems genuinely concerned. He fights back.
"Sunny, get off of me," he says, "Now."
"No!" you yell, "I'm not leaving until I get you to smile!"
"Either kill me or go away!" he says, "You're... you're just being like Mari right now!"
"Maybe I am like Mari!" you yell, "What's wrong with that, huh?! Mari was wonderful!"
"Mari was a rapist!" Hero yells, "Get the fuck off of me!"
He tries to escape, tries to push you away, but you're too strong for him to get out of your grasp.
"Stop struggling!" you yell, "Why?! Why won't you just make this easier for me?! I... I'm so tired, Hero! I'm so tired of smiling... please... please just take some of this weight off of my shoulders!"
"Get. Off of me," he says sternly.
"You have to smile!" you retort.
"Get off!" he yells.
"Shut up!" you say back.
He struggles more and more as you try to force yourself onto him, try to do to him what Mari did to you, to finally... make use of all that practicing.
"You're not listening to me!" he yells, "Get the fuck off of me!"
Before you can even react, Hero takes your right hand, the one holding the shattered bottle, and attempts to turn it back onto yourself. As you briefly struggle, whatever his intended trajectory was gets thrown off course. The razor-sharp edge of the bottle strikes you directly in your right eye.
You fall down to the ground and scream in pain. Hero looks no more devastated than he already was...
He was already as broken as he could possibly be.
You black out.
You wake up. No, wait... that can't be right.
You're at the center of the four-way intersection by your house. Luckily enough, there are no cars.
You lie down on the road, collecting your thoughts.
"Well..." you say, speaking aloud to nobody, "This sucks. This sucks... quite a lot. Very much. This really, really sucks."
You sigh.
"Did I really just..." you say, "Did I really just try to rape Hero? My God... I... what's even... happening... who am I?"
You look up at the sky, the beautiful, blue sky.
"Mari..." you say, crying, "Why... why do I still miss her?"
"Same reason I do," a voice says, startling you, "We both still love her."
You jolt up, turning your head towards the direction of the sound. It's Hero. Just... normal, real-life Hero.
"Hey there, friend," he says, "I cut you up pretty bad. I'd say I'm sorry, but... I think it'll teach you something."
You stare at him blankly, still not daring to undo your smile.
"Hero..." you say, "Do you... think there's any hope for me? For us? I..."
You clutch at your chest.
"It hurts so much..." you say, "I'm so... broken. We're all so broken... maybe... we're too broken to ever possibly have a... a happy ending. Maybe it'd be better to—"
Hero chuckles, though he still does not smile.
"To just... die?" he says, "What, are you going to kill yourself like Mari did?"
"...It might be preferable," you say.
He laughs again.
"She killed herself because she was a coward," he says, "I know that's a fucked up thing to say about someone committing suicide, but we both know it's true. Sunny... if you want to run away from your sins, from my sins, from Mari's sins... well, then by all means, kill yourself, kill me, kill whoever. But... if you want to face these horrible truths, if you want to break this cycle... you can. It's your choice. You can do it. Don't get me wrong, it's gonna be tough as fuck, you're going to have to do a lot of things you're uncomfortable with doing... but you can do it... you can get everyone a happy ending... if you choose to. I think... I think that's always possible. No matter what happens, if you try hard enough... I think you can make sure things end up happy."
"What..." you say, "What do... I have to do?"
"Well, Sunny," Hero says, "A cycle happens whenever you get a feedback loop, whenever the thing that something produces is the same thing it needs to be created. For abuse, that's pain. It puts pain out into the world, and it needs pain for someone to be motivated to enact it. To break that cycle, you need to heal your own pain. To heal your own pain... you need to stop letting people hurt you."
"And... to stop letting people hurt me?" you ask.
"You need to stand up for yourself," he says, "You need to accept that... being imperfect? It's actually pretty alright."
You stare at him, thinking deeply.
"Y'know, now would be a pretty great time for a hug between friends," he says, "But, well, that'd probably just make you worse. Here, I'll do my first part in breaking the cycle, and you can follow my lead... instead of just doing it without asking, I'll ask... Sunny, can I shake your hand?"
He reaches his hand out to you, a shadow of a shadow of a smile crossing his face. You grasp his hand and shake. He steps back and looks down apologetically.
"You know, back then..." he says, "I just... couldn't believe it. The person who I thought Mari was just... crumbled to dust. That feeling that I felt, seeing her like that... it was so horrible. I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone. So... I kept it to myself, let you keep your pain to yourself... I wanted to protect everyone. I just... didn't want them to have to suffer like I had, seeing what she really was. But... well, all that effort to protect them did was... make things worse, especially for you. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, as they say. Sunny... I'll be honest, I do hope you break out of this cycle, I do hope you can undo me and Mari's mistakes... but whatever you choose to do, I'll be with you."
You sniffle, smiling brightly.
"Th-thank you... Hero..." you say, "God, you... have no idea how much that means to me."
"Good luck, brother," he says, walking away into the empty void.
You hear something beckon you from the west... the sound of a piano. You walk down your street, into your house, following the pretty sound of music... it's your recital piece, but... well, a few notes are off. Mari... she just keeps playing anyways. You walk into the practice room and see her sitting there, her expression inscrutable.
"Hmm... what's a person to say here?" she asks, "You know, I thought about this for a while... and every word or phrase I could think of just sounds like a platitude. 'I'm sorry,' or 'I regret it,' or... anything else. Maybe the English language just... doesn't have the words I need to express how I feel. Maybe... I don't need to speak for you to know how I feel. You... always were very good at reading people's emotions."
You stare at her silently.
"It shouldn't really matter to me whether or not you forgive me," she says, "I'm dead. I'll always be dead... I died as I lived: a coward. But... you know what? I wouldn't forgive me. I know that for a fact... and I want you to be better than I was... so I guess, in that sense, I do want you to forgive me. Does that make sense?"
"...Perhaps," you say.
"It's up to you, of course," she says, "There's a path in your future, your near future... a path that I and everyone else wants you to go down. But... you don't have to. You shouldn't be letting other people tell you want to do. You shouldn't be letting other people silence you... or use you. I've spent every year since my death thinking about how I could possibly redeem myself... I think the closest I could ever come to that is helping you to... not become me... by teaching you all the lessons that I had learned... too late."
"I..." you say, "I... appreciate... what you've taught me. It felt... good, pouring that bottle out."
"Mhmm..." she says, "And... it feels good to help you, instead of harm you."
She stays silent for a bit.
"Sunny," she says, "Good luck. Despite everything... I still love you."
You nod solemnly, leaving her to play alone. You know what's left... there's only one thing, after all.
A new door appears in the staircase room, one off to the left... one you had been repressing for so long. The closet. You open it... dust fills your nostrils, you cough... and you sit it there, in the back of the room, underneath a hanging light bulb. The toy box. You pull out your key and open it.
Inside are two things: a jump rope, torn in half. It is completely unusable. Secondly, the note. You had buried its text deep within your mind... but the first half only escapes now.
I have a confession to make.
I don't want someone else to say this for me.
I want to tell you all myself.
I find no need to mince words... I don't need to lie.
For the past few months, I've been molesting Sunny.
I've been using him as my stress relief...
every time I make a mistake, I take it out on him.
It began one day when my frustration reached its peak,
I started ranting about everyone's expectations,
about Hero,
about how I wanted to be perfect for him.
Sunny, so kind, so oblivious... he asked if he could help.
I told him that I wanted to try confessing my love to Hero...
that I wanted to kiss him.
Sunny offered to help.
I should've said no...
But something inside of me broke.
I knew how good it would feel...
it would feel good for him, too.
But it got worse over time.
We've had sex together.
I'm no longer afraid to admit that.
Today, Hero caught me doing it.
As I write this note, he and Sunny are inside,
him probably being far better of a guardian
than I ever could be.
I am a monster.
I don't deserve to live.
This thing I've done... it's eating me up inside.
It has been ever since I started doing it.
I want relief. I don't want this stress.
I want to be free.
So, I'm killing myself.
I'm sorry.
I know this is selfish of me.
I know how much everyone is going to be hurt by this.
But I can't take this anymore.
Everyone wants me to be perfect.
I can't show an ounce of weakness
because everyone depends on me
to be the strong, mature
older sister.
I'm so sorry that I can't live up to that expectation.
I'm so sorry for being a disappointment.
But the truth is, I'm not the amazing person everyone
says that I am.
Every time I practice, I make a mistake,
and every mistake is just another painful reminder
of how absolutely inadequate I am.
I won't be going to the recital.
I would just mess it up.
I would embarrass myself.
I would embarrass Sunny.
I would be a disgrace to everyone.
Even if I quit and refuse to go,
I'll just be disappointing everyone
who believes in me.
No matter what I choose,
all I'll do is make things worse.
It would be better to just die.
I'm sorry, everyone.
I'm sorry mom, dad, Sunny,
Kel, Hero, Aubrey, Basil...
I'm so sorry, everyone.
You shouldn't have to see this.
I love you.
You pocket the two items, breathing a deep, heavy sigh. You step back into the main rooms of the house, idly admiring the decorations... this appears to be the state of the house four years ago, frozen in time. These memories... they come to the forefront of your brain. You walk out the front door and find yourself somewhere else.
A long hall with a wooden floor and beautiful curtains... it could be some sort of museum. Although, instead of exhibits, there's just rows and rows of mirrors. One, though, stands out... it is misshapen, imperfect... it distorts the form of your reflection. Suddenly, you remember something.
You're at the treehouse, sitting at a table, playing cards with your friends.
"Heh... exactly what I needed," Hero says.
"Lucky..." Kel says, "Mine's terrible!"
"Kel..." Mari says, "You can't just say that your cards are bad, you've gotta have a good poker face!"
Mari sets down a plate of cookies as Hero snaps a picture.
"Agh!" Basil says, "C-come on, give me a warning next time... you know I don't like photos that much."
"Aww," Hero says, "But you all look so cute! And anyways..."
Hero snaps a picture of his hand of cards.
"...Heheh..." he says.
"Something funny?" Mari taunts.
"Oh, nothing," he says, "You'll find out soon enough. Psst, Sunny, don't say anything, alright?"
"You know how much I love talking, though," you say.
Everyone laughs, seemingly surprised at your uncharacteristic behavior. You walk around, admiring the treehouse, which in this memory, is in its heyday. You step outside. Your vision goes white... you remember... the feeling of being dealt a bad hand. It didn't matter, because... you were still having fun with your friends, and you always would, no matter who won.
The jump rope mended a part of itself.
Back in the hall with another mirror... this time, you're taken to the beach.
"...There we go!" Hero says, "Watermelon's all cut up. Enjoy, everybody!"
"Hehe... thanks, Hero!" Mari says, "Oh, look at you, you big, strong man..."
"M-Mari!" Hero says, "Come on... not now..."
"Woohoo!" Kel shouts, "Nothing beats having a nice, juicy watermelon on a hot, summer day!"
Everyone begins eating as Hero takes a picture of Aubrey and Basil.
"H-hey!" Basil says.
"Herooooooo..." Aubrey says, "We're eating!"
"Aww, I'm sorry," Hero says, "You two just look so cute together!"
"Eww..." Kel says, "Aubrey and Basil... cute together? Gross..."
Their faces flush with embarrassment. You look over to Hero.
"Hmm?" Hero says, "You wanna see the photo? Sure thing."
You look at them. They truly are adorable.
"Thanks, Hero," you say, "I appreciate this."
"Pweh!" Kel yells, spitting seeds at Aubrey and Basil, "Knock it off, lovebirds!"
"K-Kel!" Basil shouts, "Come on..."
"Gross!" Aubrey says, "Kel, you're such a boy."
"Ah... guys, c'mon," Hero says, "We're supposed to be relaxing."
"Oh, it's fine," Mari says, "They're just teasing you, just like I always would when we were little. I would always put bugs in your desk... hehe..."
"That was you?!" Hero shouts, "Mari, c'mon, that's just plain evil!"
Mari laughs teasingly. She wraps her arm around you, but you gently shove her off.
"Not really feeling it right now," you say.
"Hmm?" Mari says, "Ah, I getcha. You like to keep to yourself."
You walk around, eventually making your way to the boardwalk. Your vision goes white... you remember... the feeling of your skin cracking and peeling from sunburn. It didn't matter, since you were having a good time with your friends.
The jump rope mended a part of itself.
Another mirror... you arrive at the secret hangout spot, lying asleep on Mari's lap. You jolt up.
"Hmm, Sunny?" she asks, "Is something wrong?"
"Oh..." you say, "Nothing!"
"Sorry if we woke you up," Hero says, "You seemed so peaceful, sleeping there..."
"Thanks for cooking for us, Hero!" Basil says.
"Aww, it's nothing," Hero says, "I'm just practicing, that's all."
"Heh... no, no!" Mari says, "It's great! Someday, you're gonna be a world-famous chef!"
"I... I am?" Hero says, "...Alright."
Hero examines his photo.
"Aww, dang..." he says, "Hector took a dump in the picture... I'll have to cover that up with tape later."
"Actually..." you say, "I think that gives it character! You know, flaws give people their personality..."
"Yeah!" Mari says, "Hehe... Sunny, that was really mature of you to say..."
You smile brightly and get up, walking south, back to the park. Your vision goes white... you remember... Hector ruining a photo. It didn't matter, because you still had a ton of fun spending time with each other.
The jump rope mended a part of itself.
Another mirror... it's raining, and you're walking along the street outside your house. Kel, Aubrey, and Basil await you.
"Hey, Sunny, Hero!" Kel yells, "What took you guys so long?"
"Ah, sorry," Hero says, "Sunny was just showing me this weird new game called Pet Ro—"
"Hero, Hero!" Aubrey yells, "Take a picture of my new raincoat!"
"Me too!" Basil says.
"A-alright..." Hero says, "One second..."
He takes a picture.
"There we go," he says, "You look great!"
"Hehe..." Aubrey says, "Sunny, do you like my raincoat? It's my favorite color... pink!"
"Eww..." Kel says, "Pink is a gross color!"
"You're a...!" Aubrey says, "No, actually, that means something else. Umm... shut up!"
"Oh, Aubrey!" Basil says, "That reminds me... you and Mari were talking about dying your hair together, weren't you?"
"Oh, yeah!" Aubrey says, "Mari said she's going to dye her hair purple."
"P-purple?!" Kel shouts.
"Yeah!" Aubrey says, "You wanna know what color I chose?"
"Wait..." Kel says, "You're gonna dye your hair pink?! That's so weird..."
"Mari thinks it'd be cute!" she says, "Basil thinks so too, right?"
"Y-yeah!" Basil says, "I-I mean, you're already... umm... anyways, Sunny, what do you think?"
"I think pink is a lovely color," you say, "Aubrey, don't let other people tell you what to do... if you're not hurting anyone, just do whatever makes you happy!"
"Haha!" Aubrey says, "See, Kel, you're outvoted!"
"Man..." Kel bemoans, "Fine..."
You walk over to Hero.
"Hmm, Sunny?" Hero asks, "Do you wanna see the photo?"
You take a look. Aubrey and Basil are absolutely adorable.
"Y'know, whenever I take a photo of either of them," Hero says, "You always want to look at it. Sunny, do you have a crush on one of them?"
"Ah..." you say, "B-both..."
"Heh..." Hero snickers, "That's alright. I won't tell... it can be our little secret."
"Hardly," you say, "One day, I'll confess."
"Good on you, Sunny!" he says, "That's really brave..."
You walk ahead of your friends, and your vision goes white. You remember... the feeling of not being brave enough to confess your love. It didn't matter, though, because you knew you'd say how you felt eventually.
The jump rope mended a part of itself.
Another mirror... you feel like you're nearing the end... you appear at Hero's birthday party.
"Are you sure you don't want to be in the photo, Sunny?" Aubrey asks.
"Sunny is a bit camera shy..." Mari says, "We all have those days, don't we? It's okay, Sunny! You'll get used to it soon enough! Hehe..."
"Actually," you say, "I'll do as I wish. You can't force me."
Hero snaps a picture.
"...Ah, right!" Mari says, "Anyways, this cake looks really amazing! We all worked really hard to make it for you, Hero..."
"Aww, c'mon, guys..." Hero says, "You're making me blush... aren't I a little too old for birthday parties, anyways?"
"Never too old!" Aubrey says, "C'mon, Hero, blow out the candles and make a wish!"
"Yeah, what're you going to wish for?" Basil asks.
"You can't just ask that," Kel says, "If he tells you, it won't come true!"
"Oh, really?" Aubrey says, "Then... I wish for Kel to get straight A's in school!"
"Hey!" Kel says, "Unfair!"
Hero chuckles.
"A wish?" he asks, "What would I wish for? I have everything I want right here..."
He pauses, thinking.
"Alright, I've got something," Hero says, "You all can start singing."
"Haha, yes!" Kel says, "Alright, guys..."
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Hero, happy birthday to you!"
Hero blows out the candles. Your vision goes white... as he made a wish, you remember making one, too. You wished for Mari to go back to the way she was before you began practicing, before the day something inside of her broke. You wished to no longer be scared of her, to gain the courage... to tell the truth.
The jump rope mended a part of itself.
Walking down the hall, the final mirror catches your attention. It's Christmas. You stand in front of your friends... you're all wearing fluffy sweaters.
"Okay, Sunny..." Hero says, "It's time for you to open up your present."
"This year," Mari says, "...you get just one present... from all of us."
"It probably doesn't look like much..." Basil says, "...but we all had to save up for it together."
"Yeah!" Aubrey says, "Me and Basil even started selling cookies and lemonade in the summer."
"And Mari and I took a job at the bakery for a while," Hero says, "...if you remember."
"And me?" Kel says, "I had to deliver newspapers every morning for like three months... and you know how much I hate mornings!"
"We know this might be a lot of pressure, but..." Mari says.
"It's been a while since you quit playing the violin," Hero finishes.
"MARI told us about how you always sit in the room with her when she's practicing the piano," Basil says.
"And there was even that one time I caught you trying to play your old mini violin," Kel says, "...Even though it was too small for you."
"Anyway... this was Hero's idea..." Aubrey says, "...but we all decided to pitch in for a really nice one... so... yeah!"
"We hope you like it, Sunny," Mari says, "This is from all of us to you."
You open up your present and admire your violin.
"Oh... my..." you say, "I appreciate this so much... this... is lovely!"
Mari giggles happily.
"Why don't you start playing?" Mari says.
You draw your bow across the string, a smile across your face. It makes an odd, scratchy sound. You chuckle.
"Aww..." Mari says, "It's okay. I'm sure someday you'll get the hang of it!"
"Oh, not that it matters," you say, "It isn't about being perfect... it's just about having fun. I don't really care if I make mistakes."
The scene goes quiet. Mari smiles. Your vision goes white.
The jump rope has returned to its true form.
It is old, tattered... it has seen much use, being played with for years, being left out in the rain... every fiber of this jump rope has love and history baked into it. It is imperfect, and for that, it is incredible.
You reappear in the hall of mirrors, but now, it's shorter, and all that's left are the six carnival mirrors which warp your form. You recall everything once again... a bad hand of cards, a sunburn, a dog ruining a photo, burning crushes, a birthday wish, and an imperfect performance. You walk through a door at the end of the hall... greeting you on the other side are Aubrey, Kel, and Basil. They are young.
"...Hey, Sunny!" Aubrey says, "You're finally here. After this point... it's going to be up to you."
She smiles, but then frowns.
"You know... before we met, I had a lot of trouble fitting in..." she says, "Even after we all became friends... I always assumed you were going to leave me eventually. But... when everyone else was busy doing things, you always had time for me. You would listen to me talk to you for hours and hours... I could always rely on you to do that."
"I know we've missed out on each other for the past few years..." Kel says, "...but it doesn't have to stay that way. People always tell me that I'm dense or that I'm kinda careless... but I'll always be here if you're okay with that!"
"Sunny," Basil says, "We know you're not someone who likes to admit when things are bad. You prefer to just... smile through the pain. These past few days have been tough for you, but... we know you can push through this."
"Just because someone's done something bad to you..." Kel says, "...Doesn't mean you have to become bad, too."
"You've had to live with this pain for so long..." Basil says, "...and you've been keeping it all inside. It might be easier to ignore your problems, but it's okay to cry about them too. There's more good times to come. Life gets better... and you can be the one to make that happen."
They transform into their older selves.
"What happens next is your call, bud," Basil says.
"But we're here for you..." Kel says, "Because... you want us to be."
"And..." Aubrey says, "We really hope this isn't goodbye."
You smile through your tears.
"...I..." you say, "I... don't know what to say. Are... are you all real? Is this really... how you all feel about me?"
"That's up to you to decide, bud," Basil says, "Go on up there... and break a leg for me. Ya little dork!"
You laugh. You love them all so, so much. All you want... all you want is to see them smile.
"Thank you," you say, "I'll... be keeping you in my thoughts."
You walk up the stage. Your friends disappear, and everything turns grey. You have no sheet music. You have no violin. You have no choice but to wing it... to go forward despite the risk of mistakes, despite the potential for disappointing people and embarrassing yourself. As you look out onto rows and rows of empty chairs, you let your voice be heard, unmuffled by any hands... and you start to sing.
Your voice quivers. Your pitch is not very good, and your octave range is short. You don't remember the melody of your recital song very well... but that's fine. You sing. It feels nice.
You fall to the ground and cry.
Everything goes white.
You're back in White Space.
Only one thing left to do, now.
You walk forward and see him standing there, staring at the now-vacant light bulb socket.
He turns around... his face is scarred from when you threw the light bulb at him.
His wound is dripping sap.
A visible imperfection.
You can glimpse what lies underneath the maple.
"Well," he says, "I warned you. I fucking warned you, but you didn't want to listen, did you? My, if only an incredibly handsome and perfect being had told you to not break that light bulb..."
You brandish the jump rope like a whip, communicating your intent.
"I do not regret what I learned," you say, "How was I ever supposed to make Hero smile... how was I ever supposed to make anyone smile... how was I ever supposed to be happy, ever again, if I didn't know the truth?"
Peki laughs.
"You're a fool," he says, "You are broken, Sunny. But... not to worry. I, the perfect Peki, will fix you. You will be happy. You will be beautiful."
He brandishes his golden shield.
"You will be perfect," he says, "Just let me heal you, darling!"
Time to fight.
[ PEKI ]
What will you do?
SHOUT: Make your will known.
THREE TAILS: Attack three times.
TRIPLE UNDER: JUICE will not fall for three turns.
CHERISH: Push past your limits and become stronger.
You use TRIPLE UNDER. For the first time in four years, you jump rope, swinging your wrists in tandem. Your JUICE will not fall for three turns.
"Just remember, Sunny!" Peki says, "You made me do this! I don't want to hurt you, you know, but you've forced my hand!"
Peki hugs you! You take moderate damage. You gather your courage... this feels so wrong to say.
"Stop," you mumble.
"Hmm?" Peki taunts, "I can't hear you over my glamorous self! Haha!"
You use THREE TAILS, striking Peki with the jump rope three times.
"I am perfect," he says, "I am flawless. That is my nature! It is what you created me to be, and it is what I always have been! And you... you are just some imperfect little boy! I am stronger than you, better than you, I am everything that you can never be! You are not needed... it would be better to just die!"
You use CHERISH. You recall Kel's face as he opened the door for you... the bags under his eyes, the trembling of his body, the unkemptness of his hair. Your maximum HEART and JUICE increase.
Peki slashes wildly! You're hit three times in return. Your HEART plummets to zero.
Sunny did not succumb.
Peki changes, his body now covered in splashes of red... yet more imperfections. You see Peki stare at you in shock. You SHOUT, making your will known.
"I am not going to die!" you yell.
Your STATS increase.
"Y-you!" he says, "Insolent little child... who do you think you are?! You will do as I say! You are the scapegoat, you take on the suffering, consumed by the darkness, so that your friends may live in the light! That is your purpose!"
Peki kisses you. It hits right in the heart! You're beckoned towards death once again... you choose to CHERISH. You recall seeing Aubrey, her beautiful face staring down at you... her hair dyed pink, a promise fulfilled, a promise made with a rapist. The horrible ignorance on her face... it is imperfect. Your maximum HEART and JUICE increase.
"I... am not perfect," you say, "And... neither are you."
"I am perfect!" he says, "You are broken. I am going to heal you!"
Peki loves the enemy. Horns emerge from out of him, rubbing against your body in disgusting ways.
"Get off of me," you say, using THREE TAILS, "I don't want this."
"I am your superior!" he yells, "I am the elder child! It does not matter what you want! You will accept my love!"
Peki kisses you again. It hits right in the heart! Your HEART falls to zero.
Sunny did not succumb.
Peki is covered in blood. The two of you stand in Red Space, surrounded by countless horns.
"This is not love!" you SHOUT, "You're hurting me!"
Your SHOUTing does damage, now.
"I do nothing but help other people!" you say, "It is time... for once, for me to help myself!"
"That is not your place!" Peki retorts.
Peki loves the enemy. You take heavy damage, and your DEFENSE is decreased.
"Stop... doing that..." you say, using THREE TAILS.
"You are so ungrateful!" he says, "Do my kisses not feel good, Sunny? If you would just accept my love, you could enjoy yourself!"
"This... isn't right..." you say.
"It doesn't matter if it's right!" he yells, "It is relief!"
You want to believe him. You use CHERISH. You recall seeing Hero, so mournful, so scared, looking at you as you barged into his room. He was so broken, so horrified, so guilty... he was imperfect. Your maximum HEART and JUICE increase.
Peki slashes wildly... your HEART falls to zero.
Sunny will not succumb.
Peki deteriorates further. He is so remarkably flawed. Behind him, you see a shadow of Mari, nude.
"Our friends..." you say, "Our friends are wrong about Mari. The person they love isn't her at all. We let them believe in a lie to protect them."
"That's the point!" Peki yells, "I—"
"Shut up," you say, "Shut up... shut up..."
"Y-you..." he says, "Such a naughty, disobedient chi—"
"Shut up!" you yell, "You're nothing but a liar!"
You SHOUT. Your STATS increase, Peki takes damage... and now... he's AFRAID.
"If anyone finds out, they'll be devastated!" Peki says, "If they know the truth, they'll never be able to love again! They'll hate her as much as you do! Their ignorance is blissful, it is beautiful, it... it is perfect! It would be better to just... lie!"
Peki loves the enemy. You take heavy damage and all your STATS are decreased.
"Get off of me!" you yell, "Stop it! I do not want this! Do you hear me?! I am not going to be silenced, I will not be used like some sex toy!"
You use THREE TAILS, whipping Peki backwards like a beastly animal.
"Y-you!" he yells, "After all that you've done, after all that you've taken on... now, so selfishly, you're going to spread that pain to others?! You're a monster!"
"You're a monster!" you yell, "Do not touch me! I don't want your kisses, or your sex, or your love, or whatever you call it!"
You use CHERISH. You recall Basil's bullying, the absolute hatred that he put out into the world simply because he himself was hurt. You see him continuing the cycle of abuse. He is imperfect. Your maximum HEART and JUICE increase.
Peki loves the enemy. Your HEART falls to zero.
Sunny will not succumb.
Peki is nearly completely shattered. He is covered in blood, in void, in staticy nonsense.
"I am done mincing words!" you yell, "Mari raped me! I loved her, and she raped me!"
You use TRIPLE UNDER. Peki loves the enemy... but it doesn't do much.
"Hero loved her, and she raped me!" you yell.
"No... no! M-Mari was... perfect!" he says, "She... she did that... but... that's just how she shows love!"
You use THREE TAILS. Peki is knocked backwards.
"Aubrey loved her, and she raped me!" you yell.
"No..." Peki says. He is terrified.
"Kel loved her, and she raped me!" you yell.
"...That... isn't... true..." Peki says.
"Basil loved her, and she raped me!" you yell.
"...It can't... be..." Peki says.
Your eyes burn with rage.
"She loved me, and she raped me!" you yell.
"...She... she's a good person..." Peki says, "She's... our sister... she wouldn't..."
"She loved me, and she raped me!" you yell.
"...Mari..." Peki says.
"She loved me, and she raped me!" you yell.
You use CHERISH. You recall Mari... how, despite everything, she still loves you. She wants you to be better than her. She has helped you from beyond the grave. She wants you to win, to break the cycle, to heal from what she's done to you.
Peki's attacks have become very ineffective, but even still, your HEART is lowered to zero.
Sunny will not succumb.
You see hovering, shadowy forms of your friends, nude, suffering, just as you did. Peki is a shattered pane of glass.
"Now..." you say, "Get the fuck away from me!"
You whip the jump rope across Peki's body. It hits his shield, his golden, perfect shield.
It shatters into a million pieces.
Peki falls to his knees.
"I'm... perfect..." he says, "Mari... Mari was... perfect..."
He looks up at you.
He is terrified.
His form is flickering, crumbling, revealing a teenage girl underneath.
He is nearly dead.
What will you choose?
You want to kill him. So badly. So, so badly. You want to make him... you want to make Mari... feel every bit of pain that you did.
Such is the cycle of abuse. Pain for pain. An eye for an eye... makes the whole world blind.
As hard as it is, as illogical as it feels, as unnatural as it is... you refuse to hurt the person who's hurt you.
You pull your jump rope out wide... and begin hopping over it.
You hear your recital song,
full of mistakes,
and absolutely glorious.
You recall your past.
You recall your memories.
Memories stained by imperfection.
You recall your love for Mari,
and her love for you.
You recall what she did to you.
You recall the pain in your heart.
You know that it will never go away.
You know that you will never be able to undo what she did to you.
But... you know that you can make it a smaller part of yourself.
You can accept the imperfections as fact, despite how horrible they make you feel.
You can fill your life with love.
You can,
though it will be agonizingly difficult,
though it will be unnatural,
achieve a happy ending.
Despite everything,
you still love her,
and she still loves you.
You put the jump rope away. You look around... there is nothing here. Just an empty, white void that you stand above Peki in.
"...What?" he says, "...You... go on, then! Kill me!"
You sigh.
"Why?" you ask.
"I... I've done so many horrible things!" he says, "Sh...she! She's done so many horrible things! Are you... forgiving me? Forgiving her?!"
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," you say, "That doesn't really matter. Whether I forgive you or not... what would killing you do? Just because you've hurt me... doesn't give me the right to hurt you. That's just furthering the cycle. And... to break out of it... I need to not put any more pain out into the world. The cycle... ends with me. I'm not going to kill you... I'm just going to leave."
You spot a door behind you.
"...They're going to kill him, you know," Peki says, "Hero... he'll be hated."
"Just as I was," you say, "I lived. Besides... he'll have me to protect him. He needs a friend... and if everyone reacts as horribly as I think they will... I'll be the only person left for him."
"So you're forgiving him, too?" Peki asks.
"Nope," you say, "But, I'm still going to show him some kindness."
Peki seems more confused than anything.
"I really... don't understand you," he says.
"That's good," you say, "I'd be horrified if you did."
You walk up to the door, opening it.
"Goodbye, Peki," you say.
He stares at you.
He can only just... stare at you.
You walk inside... and wake up.
You wake up. The pain... it's too much. You cry... your smile, though nearly gone, is still there. You rub your face... there's something there. You get up and walk around your room... you check your reflection in the mirror.
"Oh, dear," you say, "That is... in all likelihood... a scar."
You chuckle. An imperfection.
"It's not so bad," you say, "It... looks a bit cool, actually."
You walk out of your room. You are resolute... you need to do this quickly, just like pouring out the bottle... every moment is a potential point to back out. Hero wouldn't be doing it. He said it himself; he's too much of a coward. You would have to be better than him... better than Mari. If your battle with Peki is anything to go by... you absolutely are.
At the intersection of two hallways, you see your friends. Your Headspace friends, the fake ones. They jump up and down, beckoning you to follow them... out to the balcony. You ignore them and instead follow a shadowy figure into an unassuming hospital room.
Aubrey, Kel, and Basil stand above the bed of Hero.
"...Sunny?" Basil asks, "What... have you done to Hero?!"
"Guys, pl—" Hero says.
"You just fucking... burst into his room and stabbed him?!" Kel yells, "What the he—"
"Let him spea—" Hero says.
"Sunny, you'd better get to explaining," Aubrey says.
You laugh. It is a grim, horrible laugh.
"Hello, my dear friends,"
you say,
"It is so good to see you.
You all mean so much to me.
Please, step away from Hero's bed.
You are going to want to be seated for this."
Despite their uneasiness with letting you near him,
there is something in your voice which communicates
grave importance.
You walk over to Hero's bed,
as your other three friends awkwardly
sit down on the floor.
You look to Hero,
still smiling.
he asks,
"Are... are you... going to...?"
He doesn't finish his sentence.
You nod.
You turn to face your friends,
holding your arms out in a protective gesture
from whatever harm may soon come to Hero.
You speak.
"We have to tell you something."
[ We see trees pass by from the inside of a car. ]
I'm coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine
Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head, but she's touching his
Chest now, he takes off her dress now
Let me go
I just can't look, it's killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside
I'm coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine
Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head, but she's touching his
Chest now, he takes off her dress now
Let me go
'Cause I just can't look, it's killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside
You take a deep breath. Your heart is pounding. This... is just like pouring out the bottle. You just have to do it.
"I didn't kill Mari," you say, "Mari killed herself."
You have crossed the event horizon.
"...What?" Aubrey asks.
Nobody understands what that has to do with anything.
"When... Mari and I started practicing for the recital..." you say, "Mari... became very stressed. She... needed an outlet to relieve herself."
You're still smiling. The next part... the next part takes every joule of energy in your body.
"Mari raped me," you say, "It happened many times. Mari... she was practicing for when she would make love to Hero... practicing with me."
Tears begin flowing down your face. You do not stop smiling. Nobody dares to interrupt you.
"I didn't say anything about it to anybody," you say, "Everyone loved her so much... you all would've hated her... it could've just stayed a secret forever, and everybody could've been happy... b-blissfully... ignorant... b-besides, the one time... I tried reporting it to the police... they just... laughed..."
You're still smiling.
"On the day of the recital, Hero caught her in the act," you say, "She... ran off... wrote a confession... and she hanged herself from a tree in the back yard. Hero and I... we couldn't accept it. We took her down, laid her down in bed, waited for her to wake up... but she didn't. Hero... was in such total denial... he had the idea to make it look like an accident. To... protect you all. There would have to be a sacrifice, though. Somebody would have to take the blame."
Your gaze goes empty with pain, your eyes widening, your smile so visibly fake. Your heart is beating out of your chest.
"So, I became the scapegoat," you say, "We carried her out of my room, Hero threw my violin down the stairs, then threw Mari down on top of it... and then we called 911. We've kept it a secret ever since. It was a lie that was meant to protect everyone... but all it did was cause more harm than good. It was so horrible, I had even blacked it out in my own memory. The night that Hero and I fought... that was when I finally remembered."
Nobody can say anything. Your friends' faces are inscrutable. You turn back to face Hero.
"...Th-there..." you say, your voice quivering up and down, "That... wasn't so hard... was it? It's over. We did it, Hero."
Hero looks to you.
For the first time in four years, he smiles.
You've done it.
You've done it.
For the first time in four years, you frown.
You cry uncontrollably, your sobs and sniffles drowning out any other ambient noise.
You fall to your knees.
Everyone in the room seems to realize that this is not some sick joke.
It's true.
It really, actually happened.
Worst of all, it makes so much sense.
That's why you've been acting so strange.
Aubrey, having been so close to Mari, seems absolutely heartbroken.
"Mari..." Aubrey says, "Mari... raped you?"
"Y-yes..." you say, struggling to speak, "Often. Dozens of times. Almost every time we practiced... for the recital."
"H-how... bad...?" Aubrey asks, seeing her late idol be posthumously shattered.
"It started out with... a kiss..." you say, "Then... it got worse... little by little... every time. I... was forced to feel... every part of her... over and over... I... probably... got her pregnant..."
Aubrey covers her mouth, realizing just how bad this really is.
"No..." Aubrey says, "She..."
"...wouldn't've done that?" you say, "I told myself that for so long."
Aubrey seems completely defeated. You see Basil fuming with rage.
"I spent..." he says, "So long... thinking you had betrayed me. I loved you, and when Mari died, I thought you had turned into a monster... but you... Sunny... you weren't the monster."
He looks to Hero.
"What the fuck?!" he yells, "No, seriously, what?! You saw him... you saw Mari r...rape him... and then you framed him for her death?! He was already hurting so much, and you just hurt him more?! Do you have any idea how much he's suffered?! Sunny's been having panic attacks, he's been hated by the whole town, he goes around smiling and kissing people... probably out of some sick sense that that's how people are supposed to show their love!"
Hero stares blankly.
"...If you... want an excuse..." he says, "I have... none."
"Shut up!" Basil says, rushing forwards, "Just... shut up! You're horrible, you're almost as bad as Mari—"
"Please..." you say, "Stop... don't... yell at him..."
"Why are you defending him?!" Basil shouts, "He ruined your life!"
"He... did..." you say, "But... please... stop..."
"Sunny!" Basil says, "Are you even listening to me?!"
He places a hand on your shoulder. You swat it away with all the force you can muster.
"Get... away from me..." you say, "Get away... from him. Don't touch... either of us... I will not... let my voice... be silenced... not again..."
Basil backs away.
"We all mourned her!" Basil yells, "We... you made us mourn a fucking rapist! Hero, you came onto the photos of your friend's rapist! WHAT THE FUCK?!"
"...That wasn't him," you correct.
"What?!" Basil shrieks, confused.
"...I did that," you repeat, "That was me. I... ruined the photos. Hero took the blame for it... I guess... to try to return the favor of all the blame I took."
"You..." Basil stammers, "Why... why would you...?"
Neither you nor Hero say anything. Kel, bearing an expression of pity, walks up to hug you, but you just... put your hands out in a "stop" gesture. Kel frowns.
"Hero..." he says, "When you locked yourself in your room, I... assumed you were just grieving. But... then it just went on so much longer than any grieving should've. You... you weren't grieving, were you? You... felt guilty... didn't you?"
Hero pauses.
"Yes," he says, "Last night... when Sunny confronted me... I begged him to kill me. It's what I deserve."
Kel sighs.
"Hero... shush... dear..." you say, "Hurting you... just continues... the cycle..."
"The cycle?" Kel asks.
"Cycle... of abuse..." you say, "My mother... alcoholic... Mari... a rapist... and I... I've been getting drunk, too... eating too much... distracting myself... I am not... going to hurt anyone... the cycle... ends with me. Please... just leave Hero alone. Leave us alone. Just for now, at least..."
"...Is... there anything I can do to help?" Kel asks.
"Later..." you say, "Yes... but... now... just go... sorry..."
You can tell that Kel is doing his best to channel the maturity that Hero had four years ago. You can tell he's been trying to do that for years.
"Hero, you're..." Basil says, "You're unbelievable. God, I... I need a minute..."
Basil storms out of the room.
"I..." Aubrey says, still heartbroken, "I need to follow after him..."
Aubrey leaves.
"Hero... Sunny..." Kel says, "You promise that if we leave you alone, nothing bad will happen?"
You nod.
"...Alright," he says.
He leaves.
You are all alone with Hero.
You just keep crying, sobbing... it feels so relieving to finally frown, to finally say that. The truth is out.
"...Sunny," Hero says, "Thanks... I... couldn't've done that..."
You keep crying.
"You're so much stronger than me... Sunny," he says, "So much stronger than... Mari... you finally stood up for yourself... I don't know if it means anything to you, but I'm proud of you..."
You lean onto the side of Hero's bed.
"You said... you don't want to hurt me," he says, "The cycle of abuse... that kind of makes sense, but... Sunny, I have to ask... do you hate me?"
You take in his question, wiping your tears, gathering the energy to speak.
"I..." you stammer, "You just wanted to... protect everyone. And... you felt so horribly sorry about it... Hero... you're very clearly not some... evil, heartless person. For those four years you spent in isolation... you still cared about me, didn't you? You isolated yourself... because you care about me... right?"
"...Yeah," he says, "I... really do. I'm... so sorry for hurting you, Sunny, but... saying sorry doesn't really help, does it? Mari... Mari said sorry, too..."
Hero sighs, rubbing his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Man, what are we gonna do now?" he says, "I... was supposed to be moving away today."
"You still can, can't you?" you ask, "Your wounds... aren't so bad, are they?"
"Mmm, yeah..." he says, "Not too bad. Yours, though... you'll have to stay here for a while. For... various reasons, I'm guessing..."
He coughs.
"I guess I should say I'm sorry about that, too..." he says, "Your eye, I mean."
You rub the fabric tenderly.
"Well... I pride myself on being an optimist," you say, "I think... this can be a reminder. Every time I look in the mirror, I'll see that I'm not perfect... and that that's okay."
Hero chuckles grimly.
"Always finding the silver lining..." he says, "That's... admirable."
You share a moment of silence.
"Are we... still friends?" Hero asks.
You smile slightly, and it isn't forced... it's genuine happiness.
"Now more than ever, dear," you say.
"And... what about the others?" he asks.
"We all need some time apart," you say, "But... Hero, when you're gone... I'll talk with Aubrey and Basil... I'll try to get them to see that... you're not as bad as they might think. They'll listen to me, I'm sure... they don't think I've done anything wrong..."
"Mmm..." Hero says, "Alright. And... I guess, in exchange... I'll have to talk with Kel..."
"Oh, dear, yes," you say, "And... I'll have to tell my parents... you'll have to tell yours..."
"We have to tell the whole town, Sunny," Hero says, "Sunny... promise me you will. I'm not going to be able to leave Faraway in good conscience if I know that... you're going to be suffering... with people hating you..."
The thought terrifies you, but you recall the need to assert yourself.
"Alright," you say, "I will."
"Thank you..." Hero says, "I'm sorry to... make you do everything... I would help if I could, but I'm just... so weak..."
"Don't insult yourself like that, dear," you say, "You're... broken... you've been through a lot... but, now... I think you and I may begin healing."
You shakily stand up.
"I should... probably get back to my room," you say, "Don't want to reopen my wounds, or... anything like that."
You turn to face Hero, a gentle expression on your face.
"Goodbye for now, old friend," you say, "After you move... come and visit sometime, alright?"
Hero smiles back.
"Yeah..." he says, "Sure thing."
You wait until your parents arrive to visit before telling them. Something like this... it deserves to be done in person. The conversation is much the same as the one you had with your friends, including your parents' absolute rage against Hero. Just as with Basil, though, you tell them not to hurt him, explaining your motivation... the breaking of the cycle. It takes some convincing... it takes you admitting to them that you've been drinking... but eventually, they manage to begrudgingly see your point of view.
"Please, don't touch me."
It's a phrase you've had to say quite a few times... one you're still not quite used to saying. You wish you could get up, walk into the park, and yell the truth into a megaphone, letting your voice be heard louder than ever before... alas, you're in no state to do that. You tell your parents, beg your parents, to tell the town... whatever that entails. As they tearily walk away, you ponder your future...
You check in with some doctors and a therapist. Simon Mallow... your old therapist... someone would have to tell him. You ask them how long you're going to have to spend here... it's going to be about a week. Hero, on the other hand... physically speaking, he's more or less fine; your bottle left only flesh wounds. Mentally speaking, he's fine as well. Better than he's ever been, actually. He is discharged the next day.
This leaves you... well, it leaves you alone. Though, even alone in the hospital, you feel the love of other people. Within not even 24 hours of your arrival, flowers begin arriving. They are only expediated by the reveal of the truth... you're not sure how your parents did it, but they did. Now everyone knows.
"I have never been one to judge someone based on appearance, nor identity, nor their surface-level behavior, nor rumors. It was for this reason which I accepted Basil Viridian into the church, just as I would all others. It is for this same reason which I say... I had always sensed you were not the demon people saw you as. I could do little to quell the harsh words of others, but for whatever it's worth... now, the truth is out, and those who once spoke ill of you seek repentance. You have opened their eyes, angel child. They did not know they were closed. —Preacher Jacob Ness, on behalf of St. Isaac's Church"
"I'm really sorry for treating you like a creep, Sunny. You and your friends always came to Hobbeez when you were kids... it'd be nice to see you all visit some more. Some lighthearted media might ease the burden of what you've been through. —Pedro"
"I heard what happened... Sunny, I'm really sorry for being so reluctant to talk to you. You've always been such a great help doing deliveries for me, and as much as pineapples and anchovies on pizza disgusts me, it isn't any worse than my handwriting. Gino wrote this for me, by the way, if you're wondering why it's so unusually clean. Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is... you're welcome back, any time. First pie on the house. It might make you feel better. —Best wishes, Cesar"
"Seeing your smile as you walked into Othermart, how you would always say hello and encourage us... it helped make the hell of retail work a little less hot. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. —James, Sasha, Charlie, Rosalina, and Stacy"
"You've always been so eager to help other people, Sunny, but... it's important to take care of yourself, and let other people help you, too. You've been through something horrible... you need to remember that it's okay to cry, to not be strong, to not always smile. You've got a wound, son... and you've been letting it sit there, getting all infected and nasty. Do what you've done for others, and show yourself some medical care. You've helped make so many others feel better... I'm sure you can make yourself feel better, too. Get well soon, son. —Tim"
"Don't tell the cops this, but if Mari wasn't already dead, I'd chop her into pieces and make her into a god damned BLT. Sunny, God... please just take a rest. You push yourself so hard, man. Once you get better... come on down to the meat counter. I can make you a real nice steak. —Brian"
"Sunny,亲爱的……你一直是一个如此乐于助人和有礼貌的孩子。 我不知道你在你的笑容下承受了这么多的痛苦。 你不需要对自己的感受撒谎,桑尼。 诚实是一种美德。 早日康复,我的孩子。 ——艾小姐"
"The truth of Mari's death... her sins... it has reached our ears. Our sincerest apologies for how we treated you... we feel there is nothing we may say to redeem ourselves. We have made a mockery of the Lord's teachings. Sunny... we hope you may heal, both in body and in soul. If you can find it in your heart to forgive us, angel child... you are always welcome at our bakery. —The Kőfaragós"
"I'm not usually one for... expressing negative emotions. Most of the time, I push them down and force out a smile. It's such a shame to learn that you've been doing the same thing. I think you've taught me something important about expressing one's true emotions. Sunny, darling, I hope I wasn't overstepping any boundaries with you. I wouldn't ever want to hurt you like Mari did. I hope we can still be friends, dear. You're always welcome at my candy store, smiley smiley! —Shannon (p.s. Curtsey says hi!)"
"Sunny, you'd always come over and help reorganize all the shelves that people had messed up. I think you should do that, but, like, with yourself. Like, reorganize your internal shelves. Does that make any sense? I just hope you can feel better someday, despite everything that's happened to you. —Mondo"
"Hey there, Sunny. It's been a while since we've talked... in case you're wondering, Billy's doing well, and Bebe found herself a boyfriend! Brandi doesn't seem to like him too much, though. Ah... sorry, I'm rambling about me and my daughters. I just hope that you're doing well, and that we can catch up on things once you get out of the hospital. —Hera"
"Hey, Sunny! I was wondering where you went off to these past few days... apparently, you were meeting up with all your old friends. That's cool! Jeese could still use someone to talk to, all cooped up in his bedroom... but don't push yourself! Take some time to heal. —Karl"
"Sunny... we hope this gift can help raise your spirits. We just got done moving in together, finally! Yeah, after all this time... we actually did it. I'm not gonna lie, it would've been nice to have some help, but... yeah, you had your own stuff going on. That's fine! Sometimes we think you try too hard, bud. —Sean and Karen"
"Sunny, thanks for always being there to mediate between my parents. It definitely makes my life easier... but, I hope there's someone who can make your life easier, too. Get well soon! —Sarah"
"Hey, Sunny. I heard about everything... so much has changed for you in so little time. I can't imagine exactly how you feel, but it must be at least... sort of similar to how I felt when I went to boarding school. Everything's so wild and unpredictable, like your whole world has been picked up and thrown around... but, I just want to let you know... eventually things calm down. You're a really nice guy, Sunny. I hope... no, I know you can heal from this. Best wishes. —Cris (p.s. do you still have that necklace I made for you a while back?)"
"Hey there, Sunny. I, umm... jeez, I don't even know what to say. What happened to you must've been... so horrible, I can't even imagine. You were always smiling, but... you were really sad underneath, weren't you? And yet, despite that... you still supported me so much, always complimenting my art... that really does mean a lot to me, you know? I think you deserve someone in your life who can do that same thing for you. Sorry if that's really cheesy, but, y'know... I just hope you can get better. Sorry, I'm not great at writing letters... —Mincy"
"Hey, bud. Me and Polly found out about what happened... I know your parents will support you through this, but if you ever need two more pairs of shoulders to lean on, you're welcome to talk to us. Any friend of our kids is a friend of ours! —Eddie and Polly (p.s. i just want to clarify we're not dating we're just best buds and also if we were dating that would be weird because our kids are dating and that would be incest agh wait i shouldnt mentoim incest fuck i wrote this in pen POLLY GET THE WHITOUT WAIT WHY AM I WRITING THIS INSTEAD OF YELLING IT WITH MY MOUTH FUCK"
"Sunny, I enjoyed our kiss very much. Now, though, it seems to have been soured. I don't understand all of this very much... but I just hope you can feel better. Thank you for everything you've done for us. I believe you've set me down the path of being a better person. —Mikhael"
"Thank you for finding my brother, Sunny. I hope that you and him can become closer friends... you certainly need people like that in your life. —Patricia, sister of Angel"
"We're... really sorry for calling you a creep. We've said a lot of things to people that we regret... we just hope we didn't hurt you too much. And... we hope you can find some peace... or, you know, some happiness. —Kim and Vance (p.s. our parents say thanks for helping them with stuff around their houses)"
"Not good with words, but... you're a very nice person, Sunny. Nobody's called me pretty before. Hope you feel better. —Charlene"
"Sunny, please take this as our parting gift. You've helped our son in more ways than we can really express. He's happy, he's... smiling. We've missed our son's smile. Thank you so much, Sunny. —Mr. and Mrs. Martin"
You feel tears well in your eyes as you read everyone's kind words... you had told yourself for so long that you didn't care what they thought, that you were perfect and 100% confident in yourself. Now, having admitted the truth to yourself... you realize just how much this means to you, and just how much it hurt to be hated. You... really do miss everyone a lot, even though it's been only a day. You realize just how much you rely on others... and you accept that that's fine.
"Hello, Hero, dear," you say, "How are you settling in?"
"Sunny, I'm really not who you should be worrying about right now," he says, exasperated, "But... yeah, uhh... Vicin City is fine, I guess. It's really different living in a big place like this instead of... little old Faraway. But, it's fine. Kel seems to be doing well... even if he really... doesn't want to talk to me."
You pout.
"Oh, dear..." you say. "Well, I'm sure that'll clear up soon. You remember our promise, yes?"
"Yeah, I'll talk with him," he says, "And... you'll talk with Aubrey and Basil?"
"Most assuredly!" you say, "Just think of me as your defense attorney. I'll make sure nobody badmouths you... I know how much that can hurt. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone."
He chuckles, seemingly flattered.
"Thanks, Sunny," he says, "You're... really too nice to me."
"Oh, hardly," you say, "What are friends for, after all?"
"Heh..." he says, "Umm... well, I guess all I can say is... thanks. I hope settling in goes well for you, too. I mean, y'know, getting discharged tomorrow..."
"It will be... difficult," you say, "Everything will be changing a great deal, but that isn't a bad thing. I'm sure that soon enough, we'll both settle into a new form of normalcy... you know, things will calm down, eventually. Once that happens... well, you know what I'm going to say."
"Yeah, I know," he says, "Me and Kel will visit."
"I just miss you two, that's all!" you say.
"Right," he says, "Well... okay, sometime soon. Like you said, we have to... get things to calm down, first. That's what our promise is for, anyways. So... I guess I'll get started on that, and you can get started on it tomorrow. Sound good?"
"Absolutely," you say.
"Great," he says, "Talk to you soon."
"Goodbye, dear!" you say.
You hang up the phone.
"There's plenty of Summer left, Sunny," your mother says, "What are you planning on doing, dear?"
You stare out the window, watching the trees go by, gently rubbing your eyepatch as you've made a habit of doing.
"Mmm..." you say, "I suppose... the first order of business would be paying a visit to everyone in town."
"That's... quite a lot of people, Sunny," your father says, "You don't have to push yourself so hard, you know."
"I know, but..." you say, "Even now, when I'm not... forcing myself to be perfect... I still do want to keep all my bonds. Perhaps my... motivations for being so kind to them in the first place were... not the best, but even still, I love everyone in town."
"From what I read of the cards you got sent," your mom says, "I think everyone loves you, too. I can imagine... socially, it might be a bit draining, hearing the same apologies over and over again. Take a break whenever you need to."
"Mmm..." you say, nodding, "Being alone, I've found... is not better or worse than being in company. It is... different."
"Gotta have some balance, I guess," your father says, "That, or you find someone you can be with who doesn't ever drain your energy."
"Oh, dear," your mother says, "Thank you..."
You chuckle. It isn't long until you arrive back home.
It's a beautiful day outside. You had given yourself some rest, reacquainting yourself with your home... it's now the morning after you've been discharged. Aubrey, Basil, all of your friends... they have politely given you space. Though, of course, they had visited you quite a few times... it feels so nice to know just how much they, and everyone else in town, care about you.
As you walk, you take note of the house next to yours... no longer belonging to the Martins. You fondly wonder who your future neighbors might be... you hope you can become friends with them, as well. You knock on Cris' door, wearing the necklace she made for you a few months ago as a display of gratitude for her friendship... luckily enough, she answers.
"Oh... Sunny!" she says.
She goes in to give you a hug... but, of course, she backs away.
"Ah... sorry," she says, "I... don't know how to handle this, really."
"No worries," you say, "I... have learned to assert my boundaries. For now... I would appreciate not being touched. Perhaps sometime in the future, we might hug."
You shuffle around awkwardly.
"Ah, enough of that bitter stuff," you say, "How have you been? It's been some time since we've talked."
"Yeah, I'm..." she says, "Well, I've been busy with swim practice. Y'know, same as usual. What... well, what are you up to?"
"Going around town and... saying my hellos," you say, "It's only been a few weeks, but it does feel like longer, at least for me. The days did pass by a bit easier, though, with everyone's... kind words."
"I'm... glad," she says, "If you don't mind me saying, umm... that eyepatch suits you."
You grin.
"I know, right?" you say, "Seriously, if anybody gives me crap about this, they're just factually wrong. I look great! Like some kind of... action movie hero."
You pose glamorously... it feels nice to do it in good spirit, rather than out of a self-imposed expectation of perfection. Cris chuckles adorably.
"It's great to see that you're taking that in good spirits," she says, "But... you know, you don't have to be so optimistic. I... feel like you've probably heard that a lot, though."
"Oh, indeed," you say, "But, it bears repeating. It has been... difficult to readjust the way that I view... the world, myself, everyone... everything, really, but as tumultuous as these changes have been, they are all for the better. Ah... apologies, I'm beginning to wax philosophical..."
"Oh, it's fine," she says, "I agree... like, has anyone told you yet that your smile looks different?"
"Mmm... yes," you say, "I've noticed that myself, too. I suppose it's because I'm not forcing it anymore. It's... natural, I guess? It feels good."
"Glad to hear it," she says, "Umm... well, I'll let you get back to everyone else, but if you want to talk, I'll be here if I can."
"Thank you," you say, "You are a very dear friend, Cris."
She chuckles at your verbosity... maybe she thinks you're cute? That would be nice... regardless, you say your goodbyes and continue down the street. It... still pains you to refuse a hug, to refuse any contact... but, you know that you are scared, and you know that you don't want it, not now, not yet. It would be good... would be necessary to eventually work your way back up to that, but for now, you'll be taking some time to practice asserting your boundaries, speaking firmly, and refusing to succumb.
Perhaps... doing so with someone you're very comfortable with would help. Aubrey, or Basil... perhaps Shannon? Aside from Hero and Kel, who are off in Vicin City, those are the people you consider to be your most deeply trusted friends. You can be truly vulnerable around those people... you could take baby steps together, slowly building back your comfortability in a safe, loving environment. The thought makes your cheeks flush.
You walk over to Basil's house, where he, Polly, Eddie, and Aubrey have been staying. Not because there's anything wrong with Aubrey's house, but rather... well, Aubrey and Basil have been leaning on each other quite a bit, being all but inseparable as they work through their grief. You knock on the door.
"Mmm?" Eddie says, "Mmph... hang on, just a sec."
He walks over and opens the door, powdered sugar staining his beard and fingers.
"Hey there, I—" he begins to say, then his eyes go wide, "YOOOOOOO!! Sunny! Holy shit, man, I wasn't expecting you to... to come out of your house so soon! You... you know you don't have to worry about Aubrey and Basil, right? We've got them under control... really, you can take some time to yourself."
"Ah, yes, well," you say, "It got a bit lonely. Really, I'm fine. I won't push myself too hard, I promise."
"Huh?" Polly says from inside, "Eddie, what's all that noise? Who's at the door?"
"Sunny!" Eddie replies.
"Oooh!" Polly says, walking over, "Oh, Sunny, dear... are you... well, I'd ask if you're alright, but... mmm..."
"Guys, really, I'm... not doing as horribly as you might imagine," you say, "Thank you for your concern, though... may I see Aubrey and Basil? I'd like to take them around town... you know, since... they haven't been getting out much from what I've heard."
"Of course you can!" Eddie says, "C'mon in, bud."
You smile, touched by their hospitality. You walk down the hall and knock on Basil's bedroom door. Silence.
"Aubrey, Basil?" you say, "Can I—"
You hear panicked scuffling inside, like several wild animals running around. Then, the door opens, revealing your two friends.
"Sunny!" Basil yells, rushing up to you and hugging you without warning, "Oh my God, I'm—"
"Oh, dear... little brother, why do you seem so scared?"
"Don't you like it when I hug you, Sunny?"
"Sunny... please stop crying... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."
"I love you, Sunny... I love you so much..."
"G-get off of me..." you say, a chill running up your spine.
You push Basil away.
"O-oh... oh shit," he says, "Sunny, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"Please be quiet for a moment," you say, "Just... let me..."
You close your eyes and take some deep breaths, grounding yourself to the present. Eventually, your heartbeat steadies.
"Basil!" Aubrey says, chastising him, "Come on, man!"
"It's... quite alright," you say, "I'm fine. Just... don't do that again."
"Yeah, a-alright..." Basil says, seeming guilty.
There's a horrible tension in the air.
"How have you two been?" you ask, "You know, coping with the revelation and such."
"Sunny, how have you been?" Aubrey asks, "I... why are you worried about us? You... you should be at home. You should be focusing on yourself."
"But, you're my friends!" you say, "And... I do quite miss you. You and everyone else... being alone isn't much fun."
Aubrey smiles, blushing.
"Sunny, come on," she says, "You're... clearly not doing too good."
You're still shivering slightly.
"If... I am to overcome this," you say, "I'm... going to have to dip my toes in the water, so to speak. I need... to face my fears. Isolating myself wouldn't do anything to help that."
You smile, calming yourself down fully. Aubrey seems to accept your (genuine) smile as proof of your reolve.
"Alright..." she says, "If... if you really insist. Just remember, you don't have to push yourself. Only do what you're comfortable with, and... what you want to do."
"Rodger that, captain!" you say, "As far as what I want to do... perhaps we could simply... walk around town? I've yet to visit everyone, and I'd like to spend some time with you, so we may as well kill two birds with one stone. Sound good?"
"Eh..." Basil says, "Do we really... have to leave?"
"Oh, come on," you pout, "You can't just stay inside all day. When was the last time you two left this house?"
"About... a week ago," Aubrey says.
You shake your head.
"That's no good," you say, "We're all processing through something greatly traumatic, but letting ourselves rot away will do us no good! Life goes on, my friends... that includes the good times, too."
"Sunny..." Aubrey says, "You're... always such an optimist."
"Well, now I'm a bit more realistic," you say, "I don't simply think that everything is going to be alright on its own. We have to take those brave steps forward."
"Brave steps..." Basil says, "...Out of our front door?"
"Small steps are still steps!" you say, "Come on, Basil, don't be so defeatist."
"I..." he says, "Man, I'm just..."
He trails off.
"We... really should get back into the swing of things," Aubrey says, "Basil, honey... you know how much this hurt me... but I still think we should... move on. Or at least... start to."
"Yes, indeed!" you say, "Listen, I... if I may be honest for a moment... I'm still struggling myself. But... I want things to get better. I want things to go back to normal. That's not going to happen naturally... we have to be the ones to do that. It's going to be difficult to... move past this immensely horrible thing... for me especially... but we can do it! I have faith in all of us!"
Aubrey and Basil smile.
"I really do miss you all..." you say, "I miss... spending time together, smiling, eating good food, enjoying each other's company... I don't want to lose that, you know? Those memories... they're very precious to me. I'd like to continue making some memories together."
"Pff..." Basil snots, "Man, you're so cheesy. But... alright, sure, I'm in."
"Yeah," Aubrey says, "We... kinda needed someone to motivate us. Thanks, Sunny."
"A pleasure as always," you say, "Let's get moving, then."
You walk with them outside... it's true that you want to spend time with them, but you also have another reason for speaking with them... Hero.
"So..." you say.
"I don't like that tone of voice," Basil says, "You're planning something."
"Who, me?" you say, coyly feigning ignorance, "I would never. I just have something to say to you all... you see, I was on the phone with Hero the other day."
"Sunny..." Aubrey says, "Okay, sure, what about him?"
"Has he ruined anyone else's life?" Basil asks.
"Basil, shush," you say, "I wanted to let you all know that Hero is doing very well. He feels much lighter without having to carry our lie on his shoulders... a feeling which I share. He's quite happy, now that everything's come out."
"Mmm..." Basil says, "Sure, I guess."
"Sunny, why..." Aubrey says, "Why are you still talking with him?"
"If you think it's because I forgive him, that's not quite true," you say, "'Forgive' is a word so nebulous that it's useless... no, I'm talking to him because I want him to be my friend. I want to do everything in my power to ensure that we don't all fall apart or drift away. I care about him, you know?"
You take some deep breaths.
"...Just as I care about Mari," you say.
Aubrey and Basil tense up at the mention of her name.
"...How..." Aubrey says, "How can you... say her name like that?"
"Intense, intense resolve," you say, "And a good deal of fear coping mechanisms. Healthy ones, thankfully... believe me, none of this is easy. Part of me does want to stay inside, you know."
"I definitely get that..." Basil says.
"Listen, friends..." you say, "I... I have taken great strides in building myself up from who I once was. This doesn't work for everyone, let me be clear, but personally... I feel I cope best when I face my fears head-on. So... I'm not going to be subtle. I'm not going to deny the truth. At the very least, I'm going to try not to. So... I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable when I say her name, but it's something that I have to do to cope. I hope you understand."
"That's..." Aubrey says, "That's... really brave, Sunny. I... don't think I'd have the strength to do that."
"I definitely... don't..." Basil says, "I still feel like throwing up when I think about... any of this..."
"As do I," you say, "As... I did, actually. But... it's what I feel like I must do. Like I said, though, my head-on approach might not be for everyone. I hope you can find your own way to overcome this, even if it's different from mine... and I hope I can help you with it. If... if there's anything I can do to help you, just ask. I know you don't want to ask anything of me, because you don't want to burden me, because you don't want me to push myself too hard, but please just trust me... if it's too much, I'll refuse."
"Well..." Basil says, "I... I think... just being around you is enough help."
"Aww..." you say, "Basil, that's so sweet!"
"Heh," Aubrey teases, "You softie."
"I-I!" he yelps, "For the last time, I am not a softie!"
"You're a soft little bunbun," she says, "You're adorable and tiny and—"
"I AM NOT CUTE!" he says.
"Hard disagree," you say, "You're absolutely adorable, Basil. I've always thought so."
Aubrey sneers while Basil simply blushes further.
"Gino's!" he yells, "Let's... let's go!"
At Gino's, you order your usual. Cesar seems playfully annoyed... if anything, he's glad to have you back, and glad that your smile is... no longer so unnerving. The pizza... as you eat it, you recall your reason for first ordering it: your favorite has always been anchovies, but you figured pineapple would be more well-suited to your personality. You wanted to make yourself sweeter, more like... Mari. That's the same reason why you'd always get honey-based sweets... that, and the fact that Hero once compared Mari to honey.
Mari. Mari Mari Mari. Her name echoes in your head. You've noticed, since your revelation, a strange duality... when you think of her, you think of everything... the good times, the bad times, her face full of happiness... and her face full of regret. This confused you at first, but... you've come to realize that the reason why this is your perception of her is because that's... who she was. She was a happy, supportive, loving girl... and a horrible, regretful monster. Both are true, both are parts of her... neither one is her true self.
It's an unnerving dichotomy, but there's also some solace in it. Despite the past being tainted... those fond memories you have of her are still real, despite everything. They still happened, they still matter, and perhaps... ruminating on them might make you happy. You think back to a conversation you had with her at Gino's a long time ago...
"Anchovies... are your favorite, right?"
"Heh... don't worry, I won't make fun of you."
"Just because something is weird doesn't mean it's bad."
"Something... on that note?"
"Hmm? What is it?"
"Oh, come on, Sunny, you don't have to backpedal...
"...You can tell me anything. I promise I won't laugh."
"Well, you're the one who brought it up."
"Come on, tell me! Is it... a crush?"
"Hehe... aww, Sunny, you're blushing!"
"It's definitely a crush, then..."
"Alright, then... well, there's only so many people it could be."
"Is it Aubrey?"
"Oh my gosh, it is! Aww, Sunny!"
"Don't worry, Sunny, your secret is safe with me."
"Oh? Wait, you mean... you have a crush on someone else?"
"That's... that's the weird thing, isn't it?"
"I was gonna say... there's nothing weird about a boy your age liking a girl, Sunny."
"And... having multiple crushes isn't too weird, either."
"Who's your other crush, Sunny? It can't be that weird..."
"Aww, Sunny, no, wait..."
"I'm not mad. Look at me, Sunny."
"Oh, Sunny, hang on..."
"Here, let me wipe your tears..."
"...There we go. All better."
"Sunny, listen to me very carefully..."
"Having a crush on Basil doesn't make you gross."
"If anyone tells you that it makes you gross..."
"I want you to know that they're wrong."
"I think the three of you would make a cute..."
"Uhh, well, not a couple... throuple? A triple?"
"Anyways, umm... listen, I..."
"I don't mind. Seriously, Sunny, you're not gross."
"You're my sweet little brother, and you like boys and girls."
"You should be proud of who you are."
"I love you, Sunny... no matter what."
You stare down at the pizza.
"Uhh... Sunny?" Aubrey asks, "You good?"
"Hmm?" you say, surprised, "Oh! Yes, I was just... daydreaming a bit. I remembered... quite a fond memory."
On that day... Mari had planted a seed of pride into your brain. The idea that... you should stand up for yourself and not allow yourself to be silenced. The irony of her telling you that isn't lost on you. More than that, though, her final sentence repeats in your mind.
"I love you, Sunny... no matter what."
She had said she loved you so many times in the practice room... those words would send a chill up your spine... but... in this memory... they make you feel warm. Why should the fake love she gave you in that room be allowed to taint the genuine love she gave you at Gino's? You refuse to. This memory is happy, and the love and support Mari showed you in it is... real. You are adamant on that much.
"What memory?" Basil asks.
"Ah..." you say, "I... I'm not quite sure you'd enjoying hearing about it."
"Is it...?" Aubrey begins to say.
"Mari, yes," you say, "It's... probably a shock to you, but I think about the good times we shared just as much as the bad."
"I... kind of do, too," Aubrey says, "But... now, it feels... fake."
"Mmm..." you nod, "Yes, it feels that way... but it isn't, you know?"
"Isn't it?" Basil says, "Mari... was a..."
"Rapist?" you say, the word passing over your tongue like a razor, "Yes. She... was also my sister. She did care for me... and for all of us. Something I've realized is that... she isn't some horrible demon, or some perfect angel... she's both. The love and support she gave me is... just as real as the evil she did to me. I don't think it's fair to ignore either part of her, right? Both... both are equally real."
Aubrey and Basil nod.
"My memory was of..." you say, phrasing your words carefully, "It was a memory of me and her eating pizza here. It was... when I came out to her as bisexual. Well, I mean, I didn't say that I was bisexual, I was 10, but still. And... Mari... she said that it was alright. She told me to be proud, and that... she would love me no matter what."
They seem solemn.
"I..." Aubrey says, "I think... you're right. About... both parts of her being... real. I've been spending a while thinking she... betrayed me. Like... she was someone who I didn't even know, and... all the good times we had together weren't real, but... I guess it sort of makes sense that they were real..."
"In the moment..." Basil says, "Mari... meant what she said. She wasn't... putting on some sort of disguise. She... she really did... love all of us..."
Basil puts his head in his hands and sighs as Aubrey pets his hair.
"I..." you say, "On that note, I would... like to ask you... umm..."
You take some deep breaths.
"I would like to... begin readjusting myself..." you say, "To... human contact... so... as... pr...practice..."
You steel yourself.
"May I... try holding your hand?" you ask.
"Sunny..." Aubrey says, "Seriously, I... I think you might be pushing yourself too hard. You... you don't have to do this."
"I want to," you say, "I... I need to face my fears, as I've said."
"Are you sure?" Basil asks.
You nod.
"Alright, well..." he says, "Umm... just... let us know if you want to back out. We can... take it slow, I guess?"
"Thank you," you say, "I... I want you to know that... I'm putting my trust in you by doing this... because you mean so much to me... I'm... allowing myself to be vulnerable around you... I just... want you to know that."
"Sunny..." Aubrey says, "I... thank you. That... that means a lot."
You nod.
"Let's... try it, I guess?" you ask.
Aubrey and Basil gently extend one of their hands each. Moving your own hands, slowly, you approach theirs.
You take some deep breaths.
You feel your skin touch theirs.
"I... I just..."
"I... want to be perfect..."
"For... for everyone..."
"For... Hero..."
"Sunny, you know I love him, right?"
"I... I have to be perfect."
"Everyone sees me as perfect."
"But I just... can't..."
You are afraid. You feel their heat, their flesh... Mari's fingers, Mari's flesh, Mari's body, Mari's lips, Mari's tongue, Mari's mouth, Mari's—
You close your eyes... and calm down.
"Sunny, I... I don't know if there's anything you can do to help."
"Please, just... go away. God, we... we should just cancel the recital..."
"Sunny, I know you want to perform, but..."
"...I'm just... not good enough..."
"Hero... I want to tell him how I feel..."
"I... want to kiss him..."
"But... I know it won't be good."
"I've... never kissed anyone before. I'd be terrible at it."
"...What? Sunny, no..."
"No, we... can't..."
You just wanted to help. You hated seeing her like that. You wanted her to stop being so sad, and... if it took... doing that... well, it didn't matter, you'd do whatever you had to in order to make her happy...
No. You close your eyes and focus.
"Sunny, I'm... your sister, I know you want to help, but..."
"You're sure?"
"God... God damn it..."
"I'm so tired..."
"It... would feel good..."
"A-and... it would definitely help me get better..."
"And... I could use... some stress relief..."
"...Okay. Fine."
"Let's... practice."
"It'll... be alright."
"It's... only a kiss, after all."
That day was the gateway to Hell... you just... couldn't bear to see her like that... and, besides... her kiss... wasn't so bad. Sure, it was... a little gross, and you knew it was wrong, but... you were helping her. Except... after the kiss ended, she seemed like... like she had traded stress for... regret...
You persist.
You feel your fingers interlace with Aubrey and Basil's. They're... warm... nice... these are the hands of two of your most trusted friends, two of your... biggest crushes.
You love them, and they love you.
It's real, true love.
It feels... nice.
You open your eyes to find yourself holding hands with the two of them.
They smile at you proudly.
Tentatively holding hands, the three of you make your way out of Gino's and into Othermart; you have, after all, quite a few people to catch up with in there, as well as in Hobbeez and Fix-It, and the whole town... you certainly have your work cut out for you, but it doesn't feel like work, really. The doors slide open. After about ten seconds, you can already feel dozens of eyes staring at you. Even if their intent isn't malicious, it still scares you. You clutch onto Aubrey and Basil's hands tighter than before, letting their love empower you. Right... physical contact can be a stress relief... in a good way, and in a bad way.
You wave hello to James, Sasha, Charlie, Rosalina, and Stacy, the cashiers. You never knew them very well, something you're no longer ashamed to admit. You can tell that they missed you, though. You greet Tim, the pharmacist; Brian, the butcher; Ms. Ayee, the fishmonger; exchanging uncomfortable small talk, building up your tolerance for speaking with others, until you eventually come upon the stall you know is going to be the most difficult... the bakery.
Daphne and Bowen stand behind the counter. They've been avoiding looking at you the entire time. As you get close, you see them physically turn their heads to avoid seeing you, sweating, appearing very, very nervous. You stand in front of the register.
"H-hello, fri—" you begin to say.
"I'm sorry!" Daphne yells, crying, slamming her hands onto the counter in a prayer gesture, "Sunny, dear Sunny, I'm so sorry... we're both so sorry... Sunny..."
Bowen looks like he could burst into tears. There's an odd expression on his face... some odd kind of sympathy for you. Daphne, too, wears an expression of sympathy, but with much more self-loathing. Something clicks in your mind... Daphne sees herself in Mari, and Bowen sees himself in you. You hadn't considered... how much it must hurt, as a pair of siblings, to see another pair of siblings be so... toxic.
"Daphne, please, calm down," you say, reassuringly, "It's... quite alright."
"It isn't!" she shouts, "Sunny, we... we were so horrible!"
"Basil was horrible to me, too," you sigh, "I have forgiven him. Right, Basil?"
Basil seems more uncomfortable than Aubrey, but he nods.
"Yeah, Daphne, it's..." he sighs, "We all fucked up real bad. I'm gonna... try to make the church a better place, once I get my own head in order."
"Same here," Aubrey sighs, "Not with church, but like... in general."
"If I'm being honest, Daphne, Bowen..." you say, "I've been quite terrible, too! We're all working on getting better, you know? I forgive you, just as I forgive myself."
Daphne sniffles.
"Are... are you certain?" she asks, "Despite everything...?"
"Despite everything," you say, "Please, don't sink so deep into sorrow. It would be a shame for the world to be deprived of your wonderful fresh bread."
Bowen puts a hand on Daphne's shoulder, gently, silently comforting her.
"...Sister, I believe Sunny may be right..." he says shyly, "We are all imperfect."
"God, isn't that the truth," you chuckle, "I can hardly believe it took me so long to accept that."
Daphne gradually regains her composure, helped by Bowen's support.
"Th-thank you, angel child..." she laments, wiping her tears, "Thank you."
"Think nothing of it, friends," you say, "Water under the bridge, as they say."
You bid them farewell... only one spot left in Othermart.
"Umm... friends, would you mind, umm..." you stammer, "Could you give us a moment of privacy?"
"Hmm?" Basil says, "Oh, sure."
"Yeah, no problem," Aubrey says, "You two... do whatever you have to."
"Thank you," you say, "Just... I don't want to overwhelm her."
You walk into the candy store. Shannon sits behind the counter, looking dismal and unfocused, her expression filled with intense longing. She spots you almost immediately.
"Sunny, darling!" Miss Candice yells, her eyes lighting up, "You're finally back!"
You return her smile. She looks like... well, she looks like this is the first time she's been happy in weeks.
"Hello, dear," you say, "Yes, I'm... back. After everything."
She seems nervous, realizing that she should be more careful.
"Umm... so, Sunny, sweetie..." she says, "I... you read my note, right?"
"I did," you say, "Please, don't worry. None of this was your fault. You've done nothing wrong."
She sighs in relief.
"I... figured as much," she says, "But, it's still nice to hear it from you. My mind... plays tricks on me, sometimes, making me believe things that aren't really true."
"Ah, mental spirals," you say, "That... I can definitely relate to."
"...How do you feel?" she asks, "Is... there anything I can do to help?"
"Some of your candy would be lovely," you say, "And... also... just talking to you helps."
Her expression is bittersweet. She's... definitely changed.
"I'm glad..." she says, "I thought you'd hate me, honestly, dear. Everyone else does. Well, except for Daphne. I... know it's my own fault, though."
"Yes, you... mentioned something along those lines in your note," you say, "You can probably tell I've dropped my... smiling façade. I'm guessing you'll do the same?"
"Oh, absolutely," she says, "A-after... seeing what it did to you... and knowing what it's done to me... I've definitely learned something important."
"Mmm, yes," you say, "We... really were shitty to Curtsey, weren't we?"
"Yeaaaaaaah," she says, "A bit, yes. Mostly me, but still... gosh, I was so strict... I've already apologized to her so much."
"That's good to hear," you say, "I'm glad to see we're both... getting better. Umm... Shannon, can I ask you something?"
"Hmm?" she says, raising an eyebrow, "What is it, dear?"
"I'm sure you've heard, but I'm..." you stammer, "A bit... adverse to touch, now, ever since I remembered what happened. A-and again, I'm not mad at you for touching me so much! Quite the opposite, actually, I... I would like you to help me... get used to it again. If it's alright with you, could we... share a hug?"
"I..." she murmurs longingly, "Is it... really alright with you? Really?"
"Shannon, there's very few people I trust and value as much as you," you say, "You are one of my closest friends. I wouldn't just ask this of anyone."
"...Alright," she says, walking out from behind the counter, "I guess... we'll just go for it, then."
"Thank you," you say, "If I... start sweating and appearing uncomfortable, don't panic, that's just... part of getting used to it."
You take a few deep breaths. Nervously, you begin to wrap your arms around her, looking into her eyes, her expression showing that she's just as nervous as you are... but also, that she cares for you, and that, if anything goes wrong, she's here for you.
"You were having a nightmare last night, weren't you?"
"Sunny, dear..."
"Why didn't you crawl up next to me?"
"Are you too old for that?"
"You definitely looked scared..."
"I could've held you, Sunny."
"I could've helped you feel better."
"Why, Sunny?"
"Why won't you accept my love?"
"Why do I keep asking questions I know the answers to?"
"What's wrong with me?"
"I know why..."
"Sunny, you're..."
"You're afraid of me, aren't you?"
"You're afraid of... your older sister."
"I'm supposed to protect you... but that's not what I'm doing at all."
"This... all of this... it's so wrong..."
"I know it's wrong..."
"So... why..."
"Why can't I stop doing it?"
"The stress... the tension..."
"It's too much to bear."
"I'm the oldest in our friend group."
"Everything is my responsibility."
"I have to be perfect."
"That burden, Sunny..."
"I feel like Atlas, carrying the world on my shoulders."
"But... I'm only human. I can't do it."
"But, if I break under the pressure, everyone suffers..."
"We can't go back now."
"We're already in too deep."
"If the truth comes out now..."
"It would just hurt everyone even more."
"It would be better to just lie."
"Please, Sunny..."
"Just stay quiet for me."
"Let this be our little secret."
You cry into Shannon's shoulder as she softly pets your hair, whispering reassurances into your ear.
"I'm proud of you, darling," she says, "It's alright... everything's alright..."
Aubrey and Basil seem to have noticed the sound of your sobbing.
"Sunny?!" Basil shouts, "Is—"
"Ah... s-sorry," you say, "Should've... told you. It's alright. Just... helping me out."
Shannon feels... how should you put it? Shannon feels... warm. A different warmth from Aubrey and Basil's, rather, this is... much more nurturing. Much more healing. Platonic... sisterly... it isn't too long until you recall exactly what this feeling reminds you of.
"Sunny! Oh my God, Sunny!"
"Sunny, don't say that... you nearly drowned!"
"Sunny... Sunny... I'm so glad you're okay..."
"Sunny, really, it's fine... my clothes are fine..."
"I'm not worried about that... I'm worried about you..."
"I... I don't know what I'd do if I lost you... Sunny..."
"I love you, Sunny..."
You separate from Shannon. It's... a very difficult emotion to deal with.
"Umm... hey, Aubrey, Basil?" you ask, "Is there... anything you'd like to buy from here?"
Basil chuckles grimly.
"I dunno if that's what we should be worrying about right now," he sighs.
You let go of Shannon, stepping backwards. She looks at you gently, her reassurances reaching you even in silence.
"Sunny, you sure you're okay?" Aubrey asks.
"Yes," you say, "That... was very difficult."
You pinch the bridge of your nose, blowing air through your mouth like steam being released from a tank, lowering pressure.
"We're all supposed to go back to normal, I suppose," you say, "But... better than we used to be. Does that make any sense? I'm very tired, to be honest."
"I get what you mean," Shannon replies, "I'm... happy I could help you, even if only a little bit."
"You've helped far more than a little bit, dear," you say, "You always have."
She chuckles, blushing slightly.
"Thank you, darling," she says, "You three can go on your way... I'm sure you're very busy. You kids have fun, alright?"
You smile, waving her goodbye. You walk into Fix-It, greet Mondo, and look around. Surprisingly, you see the scooter gang, browsing the furniture as though they're... well, as though they have a house to put it all in.
"Man, I'm telling you, this lamp would look sick as a—" Angel begins to say, then he spots you, "Yo! Sunny, Basil!"
"Ah... hello?" you wave, "What are you doing at Fix-It?"
"We're thinking of making a headquarters for the scooter gang," Kim says.
"Pff, alright, good luck," Aubrey teases.
"Hey!" Kim pouts, "We can do it! Basil, you'll help, right?"
"Wh-what?!" he yelps, "Umm... sure! I guess... I did promise I'd be friends with you all. So... sure."
"Nice!" Kim says, "Glad to hear it. Ah... sorry, we got a bit distracted, but... Sunny! Are you... doing alright?"
"Alright as I can be," you say, shrugging.
"Sorry about calling you a creep," Vance says.
"...I've been hearing that a lot, heh..." you sigh.
"I have, too," Basil says, "The whole church is talking about you. Well, I mean, they always have been, but you know, now it's... in a different way."
"Ah..." you chuckle, blushing from embarrassment, "It's so odd to be so... famous."
"Eh, don't worry too much," Aubrey says, "Faraway's a small town."
"Ah, I suppose so..." you say, "Speaking of the church, we should probably... go there, yes? I can't hide from that forever, and..."
You stare out at nothing, realizing what lies behind that building.
"Mmm..." you muse, "Aubrey, Basil, you'll come with me, right?"
"Absolutely," Aubrey says.
"Yeah," Basil adds, "We'll be with you."
You sigh, not looking forward to all of it. You leave the scooter gang to their business.
The church doors creak open into silence, revealing a few straggling people in the pews. Hushed whispers fill the air. It's all too reminiscent of your fight with Basil.
"...You alright, Sunny?" Basil asks, "We... can come back later, if you want."
You shake your head.
"I've resolved to visit everyone in town..." you say.
You don't finish your sentence. You walk forward, trying your best not to draw attention to yourself. At the end of the church, standing below a beautiful stained glass window, you see the preacher, presumably the same one who sent you flowers. He smiles at you, conveying an emotion that's difficult to put into words. You meekly wave back. It seems as though most of the churchgoers are too preoccupied in their prayers to notice you.
Stepping outside into the graveyard, you feel a horribly strong aura emanating from the back-left corner. The same horrible, putrid aura that comes from the practice room, and the same one that comes from the closet, and the letter contained within. It shines like a beacon of negative light. Tentatively, slowly, with your friends in hand, you walk over.
"Our dearest Mari."
"The sun shined brighter when she was here."
Basil sighs, putting his face in his hand. Aubrey, in what you feel is an all too familiar occurrence, puts a hand on his shoulder, comforting him. You stand tall in front of the gravestone. Tall, defiant, loud, letting your voice be heard, not succumbing.
"Hello, Mari," you say, "I'll be honest, I don't believe in ghosts, but even so, I think I can get something out of talking to a rock."
So many memories flood through your mind... far too many. You can't even tell if the inscription is true or false. Somehow, it's both. Paradoxical... just like she was.
"I have no way of knowing this for certain, but..." you say, "Given your regret... I would like to believe you would want me to... become stronger than you... stand up for myself, and learn to accept... imperfection. I think you would've wanted me to heal. I don't know if that's what you'd really want... but, if it is, I hope I've made you proud. I'm... not totally fixed, yet. I don't know if I ever will be, but... I'm getting there. You might think what you did to me shattered me irreparably, but actually... I'm far too strong for that. And you... are far too weak. The weakness of the Suzukis ends with you, Mari. I'm going to be strong... strong like you never were."
You hadn't noticed, but you're crying. How you're crying is a mystery; by all means your body should be out of water at this point, so many tears shed, so much misery... but, there's still more. There's a lot of warmth, too... your friends holding your hands, supporting you with all their might.
"That's all I really wanted to say," you mumble, "I haven't been here since the funeral. Haven't been... allowed. So, I'm done, now. Goodbye, Mari."
You take a few deep breaths, speaking so softly as to be nearly inaudible.
"I love you."
With a single flick of your wrist, you hit Peki and watch him crumble to pieces.
It feels good.
It feels fucking incredible.
All the suffering you've felt... being dealt to the person who dealt it to you.
This is justice.
Hero... Mari... they deserve to pay.
Mari is dead, though...
Last night... you tried to get your revenge on Hero...
It's time to finish the job.
You wake up. You make your smile as wide as can be; after all, soon, Hero would be smiling, too. You find no need to check your reflection... it does not matter. You know you are imperfect. You walk out of your room and, with some sort of divine knowledge, walk into Hero's room.
Before anyone can say anything, you speak up.
"Hero!" you say, "Would you please come with me?"
"Wh-what the..." Aubrey says, "Sunny, we're not going to let you ju—"
"What the hell did you do to my brother?!" Kel shouts.
"Sunny, you've got some explaining to do, now—" Basil begins to say.
"Listen, listen," you say, "We will get to that. Hero and I just need to talk about the method by which we'll be explaining things. Why don't we let Hero choose? He's his own person."
Hero coughs.
"W-we're... telling them?" he asks, "A...alright..."
He shakily gets up. Despite your friends' protests, you take him out of the room, dragging him by the hand.
"So, uhh..." Hero says, "What's the... plan?"
You keep walking, heading north, towards the balcony.
"The plan, my friend," he says, "...is that we are going to perform."
"...What?" he says.
You drag him towards the balcony.
"I just thought we could get some fresh air, darling," you say.
He struggles to break free, but you don't let him. You keep going, walking onto the balcony.
"Oh, Hero," you say, "I just want everyone to be happy. Smiling... is so beautiful. That's why you made me promise to always smile, so long ago."
You use your fingers to force his lips into a smile.
"There we go," you say, "That wasn't so hard, now, was it?"
You look out at the ground below.
"If we want to ensure that everyone will be happy," you say, "We're going to have to let the truth die."
You look at him with an empty smile.
"Remember when I said I didn't want to kill you?" you ask, "I changed my mind. I think it would feel amazing... do you want me to make you feel good, too?"
"S-Sunny?" he asks, trying to break free, "Sunny, wait, I don't—"
You laugh.
"It doesn't matter what you think," you say, "You've forfeited your right to being called a human. Come on, now! Time to use all that practice... you've hurt me so much... you deserve to hurt, too."
You envelop him in a hug, kissing him deeply, reaching for his crotch...
"I love you, Hero," you say.
You push yourselves off of the balcony and make love to him as you fall.
[ We see two sinners falling to their deaths:
a young, black-haired boy, lustfully clinging
to an older, lighter-haired boy. ]
The sun is shining in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped raining, everybody's in the play
And don't you know, it's a beautiful new day, hey
Running down the Avenue
See how the sun shines brightly
In the city, on the streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, hey
Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long (So long)
Where did we go wrong?
Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long (So long)
Where did we go wrong?
Hey, you with the pretty face
Welcome to the human race
A celebration, Mr. Blue Sky's up there waiting
And today is the day we've waited for, oh
Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
Where did we go wrong?
Hey there, Mr. Blue
We're so pleased to be with you
Look around, see what you do
Everybody smiles at you
Hey there, Mr. Blue
We're so pleased to be with you
Look around, see what you do
Everybody smiles at you
Mister Blue Sky
Mister Blue Sky
Mister Blue Sky
Mr. Blue, you did it right
But soon comes Mr. Night
Creeping over, now his hand is on your shoulder
Never mind, I'll remember you this
I'll remember you this way
Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long (So long)
Where did we go wrong?
Hey there, Mr. Blue (Sky)
We're so pleased to be with you (Sky)
Look around, see what you do (Blue)
Everybody smiles at you
"...Why... why does this keep happening to us?" Kel asks aloud to nobody.
After the incident, some glimmer of childish joy still remained in the boy's eyes. Now, there is nothing. No joy, no sadness... the tiredness is simply overwhelming. He wishes to close his eyes as he stares at the two closed caskets. He knows that, were they open, they would not be recognizable. Kel felt guilt. He had taken the role of the older brother, and in that, it was his job to protect Hero. He had, for some reason, so foolishly let Hero walk away with the boy who had assaulted him just that prior night.
What had Sunny done? He seemed so genuine... both then, at the hospital, and genuine in the days prior. Was that all fake? Hero had refused to talk about the details of the fight. The only thing Kel could gather was that Sunny had started it. Now, he would never know. If he had to guess... Sunny, for whatever reason, wanted to kill Hero, He had tried to that night, and when he awoke in the hospital, he finished the job.
Everyone said that Sunny was creepy. Everyone said that he was a murderer, a psychopath... Kel didn't want to believe that. Sunny was his friend, he seemed so nice... but maybe it was all just a lie. Maybe Sunny really was just that insidiously good at hiding his intentions. Kel has no choice but to believe that the town is right. The funeral is attended by the Martins and the Suzukis, as well as Eddie and Polly. Nobody else comes, of course; even the shopkeeps Sunny had befriended now want nothing to do with him. After all, the medical examiners couldn't gather much, but given that the railing on the balcony was undamaged, it seemed impossible for it to have been an accident. It was a murder-suicide. It just... couldn't be anything else, really.
Kel's parents stand to one side, the Suzuki's to the other, each side standing over their respective child. The Martins glare at the Suzukis, and in return, the Suzukis avert their gazes. They appear to be absolutely devastated. They do not want to confront the idea that their child would have done this. This... this was no accident. This was not an argument where someone got mistakenly pushed and killed.
Basil cries onto Aubrey's shoulder. Aubrey stays strong for him... but, of course, it is merely a façade. For four years, they had hated their former friend for becoming a monster. For a few days, they had hated themselves for actually believing that. Now, they hated themselves for ever doubting their initial judgement. Sunny was a monster... there was no doubting it. By Sunny's hand, what was once a happy group of six friends had now been widdled down to three.
Kel tries to think of what to do. He's the older brother, now... both figuratively, and literally, to Sally. After the caskets are lowered into the earth, Sunny and Hero next to Mari... Kel finds himself looking to Mari. He is the older brother... Mari is the older sister. What would Mari do in this situation? Kel tries to put himself into her shoes... Mari was always happy, always positive, comforting... even at the worst of times, she would find the light.
As the three friends exit the church, Aubrey and Basil silently begin to part ways, but Kel grabs Aubrey by the shoulder.
"...You know..." Kel says, "I think... Mari... Mari would want us to stick together."
Aubrey and Basil turn to face him, trying to hold back their tears. Kel, too, is trying to hold back.
"Mari... always found the silver lining in things," he says, "Even after everything... it was so nice to finally see you again. I... also... just don't want to be alone in this. I guess what I'm saying is... can we... go get some food together? And just... talk things out? Please? I don't want us to split up again... like what happened when Mari died."
Despite their reluctance, Kel has a point. At times like these, it's important to stick with those who care about you.
"...Alright," Aubrey says, "Yeah, you're... you're right. You lost your brother, so, we... we owe it to you to... help you."
"...You're still... my friend... aren't you, Kel?" Basil asks, "You won't... leave me?"
"Yeah, bud," Kel says, "I won't ever leave you."
Basil nods. Clearly, the prospect of being abandoned again is terrifying to him. Were Aubrey not there to hold onto him, it's easy to see how Basil could be completely breaking down, nothing more than the shy boy he was four years ago. The three friends, damaged beyond repair, begin walking away from the church, but just as they're about to leave, Kel spots the Suzukis talking with a police officer. He hands them a backpack... it's Sunny's. Kel knows that Sunny's parents must be more hurt by this than anybody else. He walks over to them.
"...Hello... Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki..." Kel mutters.
The two look over to him. They look even worse than they did at Mari's funeral. Much, much worse, in fact.
"...Hey, Kel," the father says, "You... you can just go on ahead. You kids... you shouldn't have to see stuff like this... so young."
"Just... go on ahead..." the mother says, "Kel, if you... need any help... if any of you do... please, don't hesitate to ask... we owe you for... for..."
Sunny's mom breaks down. His father tries his best to comfort her.
"You three..." he says, "Please, if it's not too much trouble, just take this."
He holds out Sunny's backpack. It has thankfully been cleaned of any bloodstains.
"It'd just..." he says, "Hurt... too much to keep it around."
Kel takes the backpack and nods solemnly.
"Thank you..." he says, "I'm... so sorry, really."
The three friends walk away... it's a beautiful day with not a single cloud in the sky. They walk the same routes they had so many times as kids... except now, there's three too few people with them. They walk past the park, into the plaza, into Gino's, places with memories that are now so painfully tainted. It's so ridiculous to be eating pizza while wearing funeral clothes, but the three of them just have to get some food in their stomachs, something resembling relief, or happiness.
"...I can't taste it," Basil says.
"...Me neither," Aubrey adds.
Kel just nods. Wiping the grease off of his hands, he opens up the backpack. Sunny fell on top of Hero, stomach-first, so most of the contents had their fall broken. There's some toys... did Sunny actually enjoy these, or were they just a part of his deceptive friendliness? What about the first aid kits, the matches, the dozens of tools for specific scenarios, for "helping" people... was any of it actually real? There's some money in the backpack, too, a few hundred dollars... Kel pockets the money, intending to give it to Sunny's parents. There's the handheld mirror that Sunny loved so much... that damn narcissist. The glass has shattered.
At the bottom of the bag, though, there's something strange. Something that Kel definitely wasn't expecting...
A key. Even more unusually, it's not like a key to a house or a safe; it's one of those two-pronged keys that you only ever really see in cartoons.
"Hey, guys?" Kel asks, "Do you... know what this is?"
Kel holds the key up. His friends, still absolutely broken, look up to see what Kel holds in his hand.
"...Probably his house key," Basil says emptily.
"No, I don't think so..." Kel says, "Look, it's way too simple. It's only got two teeth."
"Does it really matter, Kel?" Aubrey says, "It probably just goes to a door or something."
Kel holds the key in his hand, looking down at it. Something about it seems so acutely familiar. He puts it in his pocket and the three continue eating.
"We have to go over to his house, anyways," Kel says, "I found some money in here... they should have it, not us... so, while we're there, maybe we can..."
Kel's voice falters. How did Mari do it? How did she manage to make everyone happy, even in the darkest of times? He's trying his best... he always tries his best, but it's never enough. He's never good enough for his parents, never good enough for himself. Sunny... always wanted everyone to smile... but now, Kel wants everyone to smile, too. Had Sunny infected him with his craziness?
Kel tries not to think about that. He writes down his phone number and passes it over to Aubrey and Basil.
"...Just..." he says, "Let's keep in touch, alright? We really do... have to get moving, today, but please... let's just talk, alright? And... let's go to Sunny's house. I think it'll be healthy for us to get some closure."
"...Yeah," Aubrey says, "Probably..."
She looks to Basil.
"You... doing alright, honeybun?" she asks.
"...Well enough," he says, "I'm just... in shock, still."
"Me too," she says.
"Yeah..." Kel adds, "Let's... c'mon, let's go."
The three friends exit the restaurant and walk solemnly back to Sunny's house. Kel knocks on the door... it feels awful. Sunny's mom answers.
"Oh..." she says, "What... what's wrong?"
Kel takes out the money and hands it to her.
"I... found this in his bag..." he says, "You... you should keep it. And, umm... if you don't mind..."
He holds out the key.
"Any idea what this goes to?" he asks, "Really, I'm sorry to bother you at... a time like this, bu—"
"It's... fine..." the mother says, "That's... the key to the toybox. It's in the closet. You're welcome to keep whatever you find in there."
"Thank you, ma'am," Kel says.
The three walk inside. Sunny's father sits on the couch, busy stuffing his face full of food... just as Sunny would to feel better. Sunny's mom appears to be wondering to herself why there isn't a glass of wine in her hand. Sunny's horrible smile glares at the five of them from the hanging painting by the backyard door. The three walk past the two parents, into the staircase room, the staircase where Sunny murdered his own sister.
"I..." Kel says, "I'm just..."
"Let's make this quick," Aubrey says, "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"Mmm..." Basil nods.
Kel opens the closet door. It's dusty... desolate... horrible. At the back is a small chest... the toybox.
"Are we... really going to take some old toys?" Aubrey asks, "I just... want to forget about this."
"Yeah, Kel, please, can we..." Basil says.
"I don't want to forget," Kel says, "We didn't forget Mari. We're not going to forget Sunny and Hero."
Kel squats down and inserts the key into the lock.
It opens with a creak.
"...What?" Kel says, confused, "This is... Mari's handwriting..."
He takes out a piece of paper.
"Huh?" Aubrey asks, "You—"
Kel's eyes go wide. He cannot speak.
"Kel?" Aubrey asks, walking forward, "What's the matter?"
Aubrey looks over his shoulder at the note. Basil walks over, too, looking over Kel's other shoulder.
I have a confession to make.
I don't want someone else to say this for me.
I want to tell you all myself.
I find no need to mince words... I don't need to lie.
For the past few months, I've been molesting Sunny.
Everyone looks just as they did when the news of Sunny and Hero's deaths arrived.
"...What... kind of sick joke...?" Aubrey asks.
"Mari...? No..." Basil says.
"It's her handwriting..." Kel says, "Holy shit... it's..."
I've been using him as my stress relief...
every time I make a mistake, I take it out on him.
It began one day when my frustration reached its peak,
I started ranting about everyone's expectations,
about Hero,
about how I wanted to be perfect for him.
Sunny, so kind, so oblivious... he asked if he could help.
I told him that I wanted to try confessing my love to Hero...
that I wanted to kiss him.
Sunny offered to help.
I should've said no...
But something inside of me broke.
I knew how good it would feel...
it would feel good for him, too.
But it got worse over time.
We've had sex together.
I'm no longer afraid to admit that.
Today, Hero caught me doing it.
As I write this note, he and Sunny are inside,
him probably being far better of a guardian
than I ever could be.
I am a monster.
I don't deserve to live.
This thing I've done... it's eating me up inside.
It has been ever since I started doing it.
I want relief. I don't want this stress.
I want to be free.
So, I'm killing myself.
The three look inside the toybox, staring at the snapped jump rope within.
"...No..." Aubrey says, "No, this... what?"
"Who the fuck wrote this?!" Basil shouts, "I—"
Kel says nothing. All the pieces fall into place...
"Oh my God," Kel says, "Sunny... was always kissing people, always being a creep, he—"
"No!" Aubrey shouts, "No, you..."
"...The rope marks," Kel says, "The medical examiners... they said Mari had rope marks on her neck. Everyone just... shrugged it off, but..."
There's a horrible moment of silence.
I'm sorry.
I know this is selfish of me.
I know how much everyone is going to be hurt by this.
But I can't take this anymore.
Everyone wants me to be perfect.
I can't show an ounce of weakness
because everyone depends on me
to be the strong, mature
older sister.
I'm so sorry that I can't live up to that expectation.
I'm so sorry for being a disappointment.
But the truth is, I'm not the amazing person everyone
says that I am.
Every time I practice, I make a mistake,
and every mistake is just another painful reminder
of how absolutely inadequate I am.
I won't be going to the recital.
I would just mess it up.
I would embarrass myself.
I would embarrass Sunny.
I would be a disgrace to everyone.
Even if I quit and refuse to go,
I'll just be disappointing everyone
who believes in me.
No matter what I choose,
all I'll do is make things worse.
It would be better to just die.
I'm sorry, everyone.
I'm sorry mom, dad, Sunny,
Kel, Hero, Aubrey, Basil...
I'm so sorry, everyone.
You shouldn't have to see this.
I love you.
"What... what the fuck..." Aubrey says, "This... can't be real... can it?"
"It... doesn't make sense!" Basil says, "Why... why would Sunny kill Hero if he... what?! How did Mari fall down the stairs, then?!"
"It was a coverup," Kel says, putting another piece in place, "Sunny and Hero must've... made it look like an accident."
"Why?!" Aubrey shouts, "Why the hell would they do that?!"
"...Sunny always said Mari was perfect," Kel says, "He must've... been in denial... Hero... probably was, too... oh my God... he must've... killed Hero because... Hero framed him... what the fuck?!"
The closet door opens.
"Is... everything alright in here?" Sunny's dad asks, "We heard a commotion, and..."
Everyone goes silent.
"We... have to show you something," Kel says.
Today has been the worst day of Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki's lives. The day that Mari died and the day that Sunny died come a bit close, but really, what could possibly compare to this? What can one even say about this? They had not ever, not even for a moment anticipated this. Why must life be so full of surprises? If life is so insistent on constantly getting worse... could it at least get worse predictably?
The image of Sunny in everyone's heads had been flipped back and forth between a murderer and a broken person too many times to count. Of course, now, it was firmly stuck on seeing Sunny as a horribly pitiful victim, Mari the perpetrator, and Hero the accomplice. It took every bit of everyone's restraint not to tear the letter in half. Mr. Suzuki wished so dearly to burn it... but a lack of restraint... yes, a lack of restraint is what got his children killed.
But what really made this suck more than anything had sucked in the entire history of sucking was that this changed nothing. Okay, they found out the truth. What was gained? Sunny, Mari, and Hero are still dead. Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki are still without both of their children, and Kel is still without his brother. Knowing this... this horrible truth... it does nothing to bring them back, it does nothing to help the grieve, as a matter of fact, it is a massive hindrance in the grieving process, sinking them further and further into denial, anger, and depression...
How do you even announce something like this, hmm? The town certainly wouldn't just take the Suzukis at their word; they had, after all, given birth to a demon child, in their eyes. Sunny's murder-suicide only strengthened the church's opinion of him, and the same could be said, to a lesser extent, of the plaza shopkeepers... except for the candy store, Kel noted. Since Sunny's death, it had been closed.
In Kel's hands, he held a nuclear bomb. A Necronomicon. An infohazard. A tool of mass destruction, not of the physical kind, but the emotional, mental kind. Would it really, truly be a good idea to share it with the world? Perhaps... perhaps this note had been sealed for a reason. Perhaps they were all fools for daring to open it... they certainly all regretted their curiosity.
Kel, trying to steady his mind among the chaos, knew what had to be done. He had heard what the church had said. For Sunny's sake... for his dear friend's sake... he had to clear it up. He couldn't possibly stand to hear the church continue to badmouth a dead rape victim. Kel knew that, in a situation like this, there isn't really a "right" way to do it. As horrifying as it might be, he would just have to... do it.
After his friends and the Suzukis had dispersed, going to their rooms, or their rooms, or wherever... Kel exited the house, carrying a piece of paper that weighed more than the Earth. The sun had now begun to set... Kel would've found it beautiful, were everything in the world not so horrifying. Kel walked to the church, that horrible place... inside, all evidence of Sunny and Hero's funeral was removed. Presumably, nobody there wanted to keep such things around for long.
"Hey," Kel says, looking to a pastor, "I've got something for you."
The pastor turns around.
"We found this note in Sunny's house," Kel says, "It's written by his sister, Mari."
After the pastor read the cursed text, it took some arguing on Kel's part to prove the note's legitimacy... Kel requested the pastor keep the note safe, for him to place it in a case and allow anyone who wanted to read it to do so. Such an important truth would need to be easily accessed by the public. The pastor, shocked, appalled, a mirror for Kel's suffering... agreed.
By the next morning, the news had spread through the town, the gossip carried by the same mouths which had called Sunny a demon child. Granted, not everybody knew who Mari or Hero was, but they all knew who Sunny was... before his death, he had ensured that much. The church was rushed by many people, all in disbelief... surely it must just be a foolish rumor... but, of course, it wasn't.
On the day that the truth came out, Aubrey and Basil had sequestered themselves alone together in Basil's house. Aubrey, despite her own pain at seeing her childhood idol be shattered, knew that she needed to be there for Basil. Neither wanted to leave the house... they were both in somewhat of a catatonic state, despite Eddie and Polly's encouragement to go outside.
Kel... Kel, like always, knew he would have to push through the torment and continue with life. That is, after all, what he had been doing for four years, pushing through tiredness and ineptitude to become the straight-A student that Hero once was. Now, despite reading literally the worst thing he had ever read, he got up and faced the day. Not with a smile... a smile reminded him too much of Sunny.
Kel's parents were grieving... it was conflicted grieving, now knowing Hero's role in the coverup, but still... he was their son. He was always the favorite, anyways. Kel walks outside with the goal of buying groceries; a simple goal, one that could be achieved with ease in a short amount of time. Such a thing would be good for his mental health. Every person Kel passed by in the park seemed, even if only a little, on edge. This aura hits a breaking point at Othermart. It feels like the room is filled with smoke.
Kel picks up his groceries. The bakery is closed, presumably from the Kőfaragós' sheer guilt. Walking down to the checkout lines... Kel spotted the candy store, still closed. Yet, he could still see the shop owner inside. She seemed... more distraught than anyone else here. Sunny had always enjoyed helping people... perhaps now, it would be Kel's turn. He approached the store, a giant metal gate blocking entry inside, but allowing him to see Miss Candice, leaning against a wall, crying.
"...I'm... so sorry... Sunny, dear..." she says, "I'm... so sorry..."
The sight was eerie. More than eerie, it was creepy. Granted, Kel hadn't seen much of the eccentric shopkeep, but he had never seen her so much as frown, much less... sob uncontrollably.
"Ah... hello, ma'am," Kel says, "Is... is there anything I can do to help you?"
She looks over to Kel, a flicker of anger crossing her face. Clearly, she doesn't want anyone to see her like this, given her massive ego... but her mourning is too strong for her to really care.
"You..." she says, "I recognize you, dear... you were one of... Sunny's... friends..."
It seems like it hurts her to say his name.
"I was..." Kel replies, "Have you... heard the news?"
She nods grimly.
"...What have I done?" she asks, "Sunny... oh, Sunny... he meant so much to me... he was like... a... little..."
Miss Candice sobs harder, unable to say the last word... "brother."
"...Mari..." she says, "If... she wasn't dead... I'd kill her myself... I... I'm not... like her... am I...?"
Kel recalls seeing Miss Candice and Sunny exchange hugs and kisses, clearly very close... Sunny even knew her first name: Shannon.
"I... just... showed him... some affection..." she says, "I... didn't know... I didn't know... I wasn't trying to be... Mari... I didn't know... oh, Sunny, I'm... so sorry..."
"I'm... sure he didn't mind," Kel says, trying his best to reassure this near-total stranger, "He... he reciprocated, didn't he?"
Shannon sniffles, nodding and humming affirmatively.
"Y-yes..." she says, "He... seemed happy... he was always smiling... but... that smile..."
She stares, horrifyingly neutral.
"It was fake..." she says, "Just like mine... how do I know he wasn't reluctant? How do I know he wasn't just... reciprocating... out of... obligation... like he did with... M-Mari...?"
Kel doesn't have an answer.
"I miss him so much..." she says, "I-I want to just... wrap him up in a hug... but that... feels so wrong, now... hugging and kissing... smiling... it all feels tainted..."
"Yeah..." Kel nods, "I feel the same way."
"...I don't know what to do," she says.
"I don't either," he replies, "I wish I did. Miss Candice... umm... I hope you... can feel better. I think we all need some time... but, please, could you promise me something?"
"...Sure," she says hollowly.
"Go and... see somebody," he says, "Anybody. Just... spend some time with someone and... tell them how you feel. Ideally... someone you know better than me."
"...Daphne..." she says, "She must be devastated as well... for... a different reason..."
She pauses, contemplating things.
"Alright," she says, "I... promise. I won't let myself... be alone."
"Thank you," Kel says, "Trust me, it's... for the best."
Kel walks off and buys his groceries... including one special item. He begins walking to the church. Each step feels like a journey through the ruins of an ancient civilization. The buildings are not dilapidated, but they certainly feel as though they are. Stepping inside the church, the horrific atmosphere is denser than anywhere else. Despite being a Friday, the pews were all but completely filled.
People wishing to repent... Kel didn't know if he should think their efforts were fruitless. Would Sunny forgive them for how they treated him? He... certainly didn't forgive Hero. Regardless, the churchgoers whisper apologies, whisper words to God, whisper passages from a book Kel had never before read... and, perhaps, they never had, either. One thing they had all certainly read, though, was the note, sealed in a glass case, placed on a lectern for anyone to read. Kel had no need to see it again; the words were already baked into his mind.
Kel steps outside, into the graveyard. As Kel had been expecting, a fair few people stand in front of Sunny's grave. Kel sighs... he really would enjoy a moment alone. The small crowd of people seem to disperse at Kel's sudden appearance... most recognize him from the fight he had with Basil, but others simply know him as the one who showed the truth to the world.
Kel kneels down, looking intently at the inscription...
Kel sighs, reaching into his bag and placing down something in front of the gravestone, something which stands out among the many flowers...
A steak.
Sunny's favorite.
With Sally strapped in the back of the car, Kel is on his way to Faraway. The death of his brother... well, as one would imagine, it had shaken up the moving plans by quite a bit. Nonetheless, they had indeed moved to Vicin City as planned. What was there to say about Vicin City? Kel had only lived there for a month or so... not nearly enough time for anything there to have any real emotional worth to him. Faraway, though...
Faraway was filled with memories. Memories which were held in the photo album he inherited from his late brother. Despite knowing how much it would hurt him, he did often look through those photos, finding himself eye to eye with three dead people... a murderer and a rape victim... a rapist and a suicide victim... a brother and a liar. That album, though green, seemed blackened, its photos tainted... not in a literal sense, like they had been by Hero, but in a metaphorical sense.
What is there to do in this situation? Start fresh, start new... clear out the old, don't forget it, but move on from it. Kel was never one for philosophical thinking, but even he could understand the necessity to do that... which is exactly what led him to plot his latest scheme. Just as he did when he was a kid, Kel is about to do something very reckless, very emotionally driven, and by many accounts, very stupid.
Sitting on the seat of the passenger's side lies Hero's camera and a blank photo album. A painfully obvious metaphor for a clean slate... a painfully horrible thing to suggest. New photos, a new album... photos with three people missing from them. Kel didn't really know if this was going to work. Hell, Kel didn't even know if Aubrey and Basil would want to hang out at all. But... deep down, he knew that, despite only chatting very occasionally through texts in the past month, despite everything... they're still friends.
And, for that matter, regardless of what they are, he misses them... and he misses smiling. He misses being actually happy. Sure, there's been brief moments here and there, but recent events have really put a damper on things. Kel is sick of grieving. Or, maybe this is part of grieving. Whatever the case is, he's sick of feeling horrible, and if feeling some genuine joy requires popping a crazy idea, he'll do that.
Kel parks his car next to Aubrey's house, takes the camera and album with him, and straps Sally to his chest.
"Bleb..." she says, "Kehw..."
"Aww!" he says, "Yeah, that's me. Kehw."
Kel realizes how stupid he looks carrying a baby in the kind of reverse-backpack-whatever-you-call-it that he's got on him right now, but quite frankly, he doesn't care. He knocks on the door.
"Alright, Kel..." he whispers to himself, psyching himself up, "This... this is gonna be rough, you might get rejected, but even if you do... you can have some fun around town all on your own! Come on..."
The door opens, revealing Eddie.
"...Huh, who is—?" he says, "Oh... Kel... and... a baby. Hey."
He stares out in silence, his usual carefree attitude and charisma seemingly missing.
"Hello, Eddie," Kel says, "Umm... so, I-I don't want to be too much of a bother, but—"
"No, no," Eddie says, "Shut up with that bullshit. S-sorry, just... God, I've heard so much self-deprecation from Aubrey and Basil, I cannot handle any more of it. Kel, I'm glad you're here. You're a sight for sore eyes, bud."
"Oh, I... see..." Kel says with a chuckle, "Well... thanks. I, umm... I was hoping I could spend some time with them? Hang out around town, a-and..."
He gestures to his camera and photo album.
"It's... cheesy, I know," he says, "But... I'd like to fill a new photo album. A clean slate, I guess."
"That's totally saccharine and cliché," Eddie says, "...which is exactly the sort of thing we need right now. Come inside, bro."
He smiles. Though it's genuine, it clearly takes some effort.
"Umm... you know what?" Kel says, "Could you hold onto Sally for a moment? I just... don't want her to be with me if things go south with Aubrey and Basil."
"Hmm?" Eddie says, "Oh, sure."
He hands the baby over.
"Aww, she's so cute!" Eddie says, "Don't worry, I know how to take care of babies. I already have two, heheh."
With a chuckle and a gaze of determination, Kel enters the house, walking as though each step could alert a slumbering beast, until he eventually reaches the ladder to the attic and climbs up it. The trapdoor is locked... as uncomfortable as it is, he knocks.
"...Heya," Kel says, "It's, uhh... Kel."
He hears a groan.
"...Dude," Basil says, "I... ugh..."
"Listen, I get it, I get it," Kel says, "I... I'm sorry for not calling in advance, but I was afraid you'd say no!"
"What do you want, Kel?" Aubrey asks, "We're... really not in the mood."
"I..." he stammers, "I want... to spend some time with you two. You're my friends."
"Kel, that's really sweet, but..." Aubrey falters.
"I brought Hero's camera," Kel says, "And... a new photo album."
"...What?" Basil asks, then realizes the implication, "Oh... come on, Kel, I... we can't..."
"Can you unlock the door?" he asks, "Please."
The door unlocks with a click and Kel ascends into the attic... Aubrey's bedroom. The atmosphere in here is horrible, and Aubrey and Basil look terrible. They looked... well, they looked exactly as he'd expected. After all, their text messages were often one-sided, Kel supplying all the talking while Aubrey and Basil responded with single words, if at all. They look so... tired, so dirty, so... just done with everything. Aubrey's hair has... somewhat faded back to being black, and Basil's is fading to blond. Kel already knew he looked terrible, too.
"Alright, listen," Kel says, exhausted, pushing up his glasses, "This sucks, right? Everything sucks and is so, so terrible, and it makes me want to lie down in a hole and die, it makes me want to jump off a building like Sunny and Hero did, it makes me want to scream. This whole thing sucks, and I'm tired of it."
"...Tell me something I don't know, man," Basil says.
"Listen," Kel says, "Things aren't going to get better if we... we just sit here doing nothing!"
"Things aren't going to get better... ever," Aubrey says, "Seriously, dude. Look at us. Look at you. Look at everything. The whole damn town is broken."
"Then we should fix it!" Kel says.
"Kel, grow the fuck up," Basil says, "Do you really have to be such a kid all the time? You can't just... fix everything with the power of friendship."
"Oh yeah?" Kel says confidently, "Watch me. I'll do it. You know why? Because I've got nothing better to do! You know what my two options are in life right now, huh? It's either do nothing, do something meaningless, or do this. Yeah, it's childish, it's stupid, but it's fucking something, dude. I'm so tired of doing nothing."
"...Basil, Kel... has a point," Aubrey says, "Walking around town together can't be worse than this."
"Yes, it can," Basil says, burying himself into Aubrey's mattress, "It's easier to lie down and die."
"It's not about what's easy, Basil!" Kel says, "We're... damn it, we're all that's left, you know?! Everything's so broken... we lost three of our closest friends... and now, we might lose all of us! We can either watch everything finally crumble to dust, or we can salvage whatever's left. And there is something left. There's us!"
Basil groans.
"No!" Kel says, "You know what?! If I have to drag you out of here to get you to be happy, I will!"
"You're no better than Sunny," Basil hisses, "Talking about people 'smiling,' forcing people into things they don't want to do."
"Don't you dare badmouth Sunny!" Kel says, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"Yeah, Basil, that's... a bit too far," Aubrey says.
Basil sighs.
"It's the truth, though," Basil says, "Mari, Hero, Sunny... they were all horrible people."
"They were our friends!" Kel says, "And... beyond that, who cares what they were, they're dead! They don't matter, what matters right now is us, the people who are, you know, actually still alive?!"
"...Mmm," Basil says, "Alright, credit where credit is due, you've got like, almost a point."
Basil rolls over, facing towards Aubrey.
"I guess... if I'm with you two," he says, "It... can't be that bad."
"Yeah..." Aubrey says.
There's a horrible moment of silence.
"I'm sorry for yelling," Kel says, "I just... hate seeing the only two friends I have left be in such a sorry state. I... I care about you guys a lot. You... you care about me, too, right?"
"Of course we do, Kel," Aubrey says, "Basil... he's just... not always the best at expressing his true feelings."
"...I know," Kel says, pouting, "I just... wish you two wouldn't be so... distant. I want to help! I want to see all of us... move on from this. We can't be sad forever."
"I almost want to take that as a challenge," Basil says, "But, sure, I... guess you're right. Sorry for being rude... I'm just... so tired."
"Man, I'm tired, too," Kel says.
"Same," Aubrey says, "Just... in every possible way. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, metaphysically, just everything."
"Well, if we're all so tired, I think we deserve some..." Kel tries to choose his words carefully, "We... should do something relaxing. Seriously, I... I just wanna have some fun again, guys."
Kel takes out his camera and stands between Aubrey and Basil.
"Here, let's take a photo together," Kel says, "It'll be our first for the new album."
"We look like shit, though," Basil teases.
"Well, yeah," Kel says, "We gotta have a before and after, right?"
Aubrey and Basil chuckle as Kel points the camera towards the three of them for a selfie.
"You don't have to smile if you don't want to," he says.
Despite this, Aubrey and Basil are smiling, just a little bit. It seems like Kel's positivity has infected them, smiling is horrible, every smile is a part of Sunny reuniting with their friend has, despite their reluctance, helped a bit. Kel snaps a picture... Basil's right, they look bad, and more to the point, Kel isn't very good at taking photos. It's... well, it's an imperfect photo. Kel shows it to his friends with a smile. What a shitty, broken, imperfect photo. Kel loves it, and the other two do as well.
"...And... there we go!" Kel says, putting the photo in place, "Hopefully, one of many."
"Man, I forgot how much I missed you being such a dumbass," Basil says, "I can't be sad around you, dude."
"Aww, Basil!" Kel says, "That's so sweet!"
"Wh-?!" Basil yelps, "It's not sweet..."
"Yes it was, honeybun," Aubrey says, "It was very nice. You're such a softie, dear."
"No..." Basil mutters, blushing and hiding his face, "Let's... get going. I'm hungry."
"Sure thing," Kel says, chuckling, "Let's get out of here, you two."
With Aubrey and Basil behind him, Kel ventures back down the ladder and into the living room where Sally rests on Eddie's shoulder as he sits on the couch.
"Well, glad to see you didn't beat each other up too bad," Eddie teases, "Aubrey, Basil... are you finally gonna listen to me and get some sunlight?"
"Yeah, Dad," Aubrey sighs, "Kel kicked our door down, so we don't really have a choice."
"Eh, only metaphorically," Kel says, "Eddie... seems like Sally likes you."
"Heh, yeah," Eddie smiles, poking Sally's cheek, "She's really well-behaved. You must be doing a good job raising her."
"I hope so..." Kel says, taking Sally off of Eddie and strapping her back into his harness.
"Wait, you're gonna carry her like that?" Basil snorts, "That's so dorky..."
"Mmm, yeah, you're right," Kel says, "It'd look better on you."
"H-hey!" Basil yelps, "What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Nothing, nothing," Kel says, "C'mon, let's walk around town, maybe go to Gino's or whatever."
"I'm good going anywhere," Aubrey says, "I just gotta stretch my legs a little bit."
"Yeah, same," Basil says.
"Alright, well, if we're all indecisive," Kel says, "Uhh... Sally, where do you wanna go?"
"Bobbies..." Sally says.
"DId... did she just say boobies?" Basil squints.
"I think she means Hobbeez," Kel says, exasperated.
"Yeah, that makes more sense," Basil shrugs.
"We'll be back soon, Dad!" Aubrey says as the three walk out the door.
"Take as much time as you need!" Eddie says, "Actually, better yet, scram! Get outta here!"
He chuckles, miming the action of pushing you all outside. As the sunlight hits Basil's skin, he flinches away.
"...Ugh," Basil says, "Man, is it always this bright out?"
Kel has a disturbing feeling of déjà vu. Hero was just like Aubrey and Basil were. Maybe that's why he was so insistent on getting them to go outside?
As Kel, Aubrey, and Basil enter Hobbeez, they realize that there is an inherent air of negativity that comes from them all being together; everyone who sees the group is reminded of what happened. Pedro grimaces.
"H-hey, kids!" he says, "Didn't expect to see you all here... what's up?"
"Not much," Kel says, "Uhh... has... business... been good?"
Sunny used to be great at small talk. Kel... not so much.
"Same as usual," Pedro says, "Anything you all are looking for? Maybe... some pet rocks?"
"...Those old things?" Basil snorts, "I-I mean... they're kinda cute."
Basil picks up one that he likes and discretely buys it. Meanwhile, Aubrey browses the rows of comics, and Kel looks through the CDs.
"See anything you like, Sally?" Kel asks.
"Beeboop..." she says, "Beeboop!"
"Beep... boop?" he replies, raising an eyebrow.
"Beebooba!" she says.
"...Oh!" Kel says, "You mean, like, techno?"
"Beebop..." she says.
Kel picks up a techno CD and buys it... Sally seems pleased. Kel takes a picture of her holding the CD like a toy. Aubrey purchases a Spaceboy comic and holds it up to Kel.
"Hey, remember these?" she asks, "You use to love Captain Spaceboy!"
"Well, I mean..." Kel blushes, "I was a kid, y'know."
"You still are a kid," Basil says, "You're 16."
"Says the guy who bought a pet rock!" Kel retorts.
"Pssh, I'm just gonna use it as a keychain," Basil says, "Why would I wanna play that dumb rock-paper-scissors game?"
Kel snaps a picture of Basil with his pet rock.
"H-hey!" he yelps.
"Yup, that's gonna be a good photo," Kel says.
Another one for the collection. The three leave and head into Othermart... a shop left scarred by Sunny's absence. Though, of course, the damage has begun to fade, as scars do. The bakery is open, as is the candy store. Business must go on, Kel supposes. The friends pick up some groceries for their respective homes, but they can't help but feel... hundreds of eyes glaring at them. The atmosphere is tense... what are they all feeling?
Pity. Regret. Self-loathing. Emptiness. Hatred. Repentance. A million other emotions. Kel sighs as he walks up to the bakery. The Kőfaragós' expressions are inscrutable. They don't seem to want to speak, but Kel shows that he is intent on ordering.
"What... would you like?" Daphne asks.
"Just... a panini, I guess," Kel says, pointing to an item on a menu, "This one."
"Very well..." Daphne says, "Broth..."
She can't seem to say that word.
"Bowen," she says, "Let's..."
She coughs. She looks like she could vomit at any moment.
"...The panini," she says, "Just... one moment."
The two disappear into the practice room. Alone together, Daphne rapes Bowen the employee's only section. After a few minutes that feel like an eternity, they return, Bowen a broken shell of his former self. He will never be the same, ever again. The person he trusted to protect him has caused irreparable harm to him. It would be better for both of them to just die. carrying Kel's panini, the sandwich of a bakery. It smells delicious. There is fake love baked into every molecule of it.
"Here..." Daphne says, "Thank you... for visiting our bakery. Have... a nice day."
Bowen does not say anything because saying the truth would destroy everyone. The three friends walk away.
"Well," Basil says, "That could've gone worse, I guess."
"...Man," Kel says, "This sucks."
"Yeah, tell me about it," Aubrey says.
"...I..." Kel says, "Okay, call me crazy, but did anyone else get the vibe that, like—"
"Daphne's guilt over how she treated Sunny has made her see herself as Mari, which makes her afraid to interact with her brother?" Aubrey asks.
"Umm... yeah," Kel says, "Exactly."
"We're on the same wavelength, I guess," Aubrey shrugs.
"That's... horrible," Basil says.
"Daphne and Bowen were horrible, too," Kel says, "At least... to Sunny, anyways."
Kel takes a bite from his panini.
"They make a damn good panini, though," he says.
"Can I have a bite?" Basil asks, "I'm hungry, but I think pizza would kill me."
"Sure," Kel says, handing the sandwich over.
"Here, me too, honey," Aubrey says, taking a bite as well.
It's a cute little moment, the two of them sharing Kel's sandwich. He snaps a picture of them.
"Dang, you two are adorable," Kel says.
"We get that a lot," Aubrey smirks, "Though, Basil does the heavy lifting in that department."
"...Just let me eat my sandwich, dumbass," Basil says, blushing.
"You're the dumbass," Aubrey retorts, ruffling Basil's hair.
Kel snaps yet another picture. The three friends walk into Miss Candice's candy store. Kel isn't sure what to expect.
"Hey," Miss Candice says, lazily standing behind the counter, "Welcome to the candy store that I didn't even name or anything. It's good candy. I mean, if you like candy and your tastebuds still work."
"H-hey, Shannon," Kel says.
"Oh, hey," she replies, her tone totally neutral, "You're back, Kel."
"Yeah, it's been a bit..." he says, "Umm... where's that girl who used to work here?"
"Quit," Shannon replies, "Don't blame her. She got out while she still could, like Sunny should've done."
She sighs and groans, tilting her head back.
"I'm still here, though," she shrugs, "Gotta pay the bills. Buy my candy so I don't die. Not that anyone would care. Sunny's the only person who ever liked me. Anyways, smiley smiley, I guess."
Not wanting to press further, the three friends walk through the store, inspecting the shelves.
"...Sunny and her were really... close, right?" Aubrey asks.
"Yeah," Kel replies, "I talked to her about a month ago. She was crying inside the store. She... also probably sees Mari in herself."
"She was pretty... handsy with him," Basil says, "So, that makes sense."
"Well, yeah, but she never..." Kel begins to say, choking on that word, "Sunny liked her. They were... good friends. It's dumb for everyone to think they're like Mari. The only person as evil and terrible as Mari... is Mari."
"I guess so," Aubrey shrugs.
While Aubrey and Basil seem preoccupied with the shelves of candy to choose from, Kel looks over to Miss Candice. He walks over to her, visibly concerned.
"Hey, umm..." he says, "Did you talk with Daphne, like I asked you to?"
"Hmm?" she says, "Yeah. She's not doing too good, either. Oh well, I guess."
She looks off to the side, longingly.
"It's so empty in here," she says, "Sunny's gone... Daphne's in no good state, either... I have nobody. Everybody other than them always hated me. I know that's my fault, but it still hurts. I'm... so alone."
"I'd offer to keep you company, but... I'm just visiting here," Kel says, "Maybe you can find someone else?"
"Sure," she says, "I'll find another young boy to prey upon. Sounds like a plan."
"Shannon, you're... not a pedophile," Kel says, exasperated.
"You don't know that," she replies.
"Now you're just arguing in bad faith," Kel sighs, "We've been over this. You didn't hurt him. Hell, even if you did, you didn't mean to."
"...That's true," she says, "I just don't know what to do moving forward."
"Neither do I," Kel says, "I don't think anybody does. But... time is still passing, whether we know what to do or not. I think it's... okay not to know."
"...Maybe," she says, "...Thanks, Kel. For... putting up with me."
"I'm just being a friend," he says, "I... hope you can make peace, like we're trying to do. And... maybe you can find some happiness, too."
"That... would be nice," she says, "...Anyways, your friends look like they want some candy."
"Hmm..." Kel says, "Alright. Umm... do you mind if we take a photo with you? For our album?"
"That's alright," she says.
Aubrey and Basil walk over and purchase their candy. Kel takes yet another selfie. Everyone still looks horrible, but at least they're all together.
You hold your hand on the doorknob. But... you know how weak Hero is. He is not strong enough to smile through the pain... despite how dearly you want him to.
You walk down the stairs with an empty smile. You know that, from this point on, your smile will be nothing but empty. You wish you hadn't learned the truth... now, you know the true nature of your sacrifice. You realize just how much pain you have to endure for the sake of keeping everyone around you happy. This pain that you feel is only a fraction of what the others would feel should they learn the truth. Knowing what it is... your resolve to uphold your lie only grows stronger. It is such a horrible, horrible existence... you long for relief, but you know that this is your place. You must accept whatever comes to you, no matter how painful... just as when Mari used you.
You forfeit control to the voice in your head. You check your reflection in the broken bottle... absolutely perfect, just like always.
What will you choose?
Discard. Keep.
Whatever you do, you lie back down and fall asleep, feeling like there is a weight of a thousand pounds on your chest.
You know who you are. You are the scapegoat. You are the sacrifice. You are the martyr.
As you awaken, it is early morning. Your friends have all gone.
"...Ah, pardon me, son," a stranger says, shaking your shoulder, "We gotta get to work, here. Your friends all went back home... you probably should too."
You look around. Movers are carrying out the remaining furniture in the house. One of them blocks the path to Hero's room.
"Oh..." you say, shakily standing up, "My mistake. Thank you all for your hard work; I'll be... leaving now."
The man tips his hat to you as you walk outside. The sun is rising. It's... beautiful. So beautiful, so perfect... just like Mari. Kel sits in the back seat of their parents' car. Hero... Hero is, presumably, still in his room. There's not much time for him left before he has to move away...
You take the short walk home, carefully opening your front door as quietly as you can.
You are all alone...
Except you're not.
SOMETHING is behind you, wrapping around you with its tendrils, reaching towards your most sensitive areas.
You allow it to do this.
It is easier to succumb.
This pain that you feel... it is not without purpose.
Your pain allows other people to be happy.
Your pain is a noble sacrifice.
You smile.
It is such an honor to be in your position.
Mari is so perfect, so beautiful...
You long to feel the inside of her again.
You are Peki.
You are perfect, just like her...
You walk up the stairs, the site of your lie, as SOMETHING's tendrils reach inside of your body from both exits.
It feels wonderful.
You lie down and fall asleep, feeling a wave of ecstasy.
Sunrays shine through your window, falling softly onto your face.
SOMETHING is sleeping with you, comforting you, just as you did when you were children.
Its hairy form feels soft, like a stuffed animal.
"Good morning, little brother," it says, "I love you."
You chuckle.
"Peki loves you, too, dear..." you say.
You plant a kiss onto its forehead as you get up.
"I want Hero to feel my love, too," it says as you walk down the stairs, "Take me to him... please..."
You briefly detour to the practice room. So many good memories here... your first kiss... your first time. You have such a wonderful older sister. You walk outside, the sun hitting your face like SOMETHING's hair. It's still following behind you as you walk down the street.
"He's coming out soon, little brother," it says, "Please... we practiced for so long... let's perform..."
You hide behind a tree. After just a few minutes... Hero walks out of the door.
You have to make him smile.
You will not fail.
You are Peki.
You are perfect.
Without warning, you charge Hero,
kissing him and pinning him to the ground.
He struggles as you reach down to his crotch,
but you are stronger than him.
slashing your broken bottle across his face.
Blood pours out of him like a faucet,
and soon enough, he falls to the ground, dead.
You are going to make him happy,
you are going to make him beautiful,
you are going to make him perfect.
He is broken...
you will fix him.
You pleasure him,
searching for that same smile that you gave Mari
whenever she demanded you enjoy yourself.
Eventually, overtaken by the undeniable pleasure,
his mouth curves upwards.
Using a shattered piece of glass,
you cut his horrible frown into the curve of a smile.
It is bloodied... gruesome... you're covered in so much blood...
You're both smiling!
You did it... you actually did it!
You made Hero perfect!
A strange sound fills your ears.
A dozen eyes are watching you.
There's... blood.
The pigs have arrived.
You succumb.
[ We see remina. ]
Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
From the pain you drive into the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
And I've lost my light
For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night
Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now, I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Oh, tainted love
Tainted love
Now, I know I've got to
Run away, I've got to
Get away
You don't really want any more from me
To make things right
You need someone to hold you tight
And you think love is to pray
But I'm sorry, I don't pray that way
Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now, I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Oh, tainted love
Tainted love
Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you, though you hurt me so
Now, I'm gonna pack my things and go
Tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh
Tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh
Touch me, baby, tainted love
Touch me, baby, tainted love
Tainted love, oh
Tainted love, oh
Tainted love
"Ah, I see," you say, "So now all of a sudden, rape actually matters to you all. How remarkably convenient."
A stranger says something to you, but you don't care. They are a member of that group which, even in this form of denial, you still feel such a horrible hatred for.
"Peki does not like the police..." you say.
"It doesn't matter," SOMETHING says, still hovering behind you, "You succeeded... little brother... you finally got to use your practice... Hero smiled... you're perfect... so perfect..."
"Just like you," you say aloud.
You're used to the interrogators thinking that you're crazy. SOMETHING still grabs onto you, reaching inside of you... you feel the inside of it, too. It's so wonderful. It feels so good to succumb to this pleasure... why had you ever resisted?
At the trial... yes, the trial. You are told not to speak. You obey, doing as you are told, silencing your own voice. A stranger, though not one dressed in blue, says something along the lines of... what was it, pleading insanity? Is that what loving one's sister is called? Oh well... it would probably be for the best. In prison, you could spend all of your time with SOMETHING... all alone, practicing together.
Your perception is so hazy... it has been since that night... the night you realized what Mari had done to you. Still, you look around... you see your friends standing off to the side, Hero included. You smile and wave. They... aren't smiling. Why aren't they smiling? Peki... Peki is here. Peki always makes everyone feel better... your friends... they seem like they've seen a ghost, they seem like... they have witnessed an image of perfection be shattered.
The asylum. When a citizen does not do as they are told, they are put into one of these concrete halls, locked away like a misbehaving animal. You had seen so many frowning faces... you attempted to kiss them, of course, but the strangers in gowns didn't quite enjoy that, nor did the strangers in blue. For your inappropriate behavior... you were placed into solitary confinement. How inhumane, how torturous... for some. For you, it is Heaven.
You are all alone with SOMETHING. Time becomes a loose concept, having nothing to do, nothing to see, nobody to talk to... save for SOMETHING. SOMETHING pleasures you relentlessly, now that you have fully given up on resisting.
"Sunny..." it says, "I love you..."
"I love you, too..." you say.
On your first day in this room, you are brought to someone... someone... familiar.
"Sunny..." the man says as you are brought to him by guards, "Oh, God... Sunny..."
The man's face... why is it so familiar? You don't need anyone but SOMETHING. You are sat down across from him.
"...Alright, I..." he says, "Okay, I'm not going to mince words. This is so far outside of my purview, but... I managed to get here, so I can talk to you. Sunny, can you speak?"
"...Hmm?" you ask, SOMETHING still crawling all over you, "Most assuredly. SOMETHING allows me to speak... for I have no desire to yell."
You see the man pinch the bridge of his nose. He's in over his head.
"Sunny, how much do you remember?" he asks, "How... lucid are you, right now?"
"...Remember?" you ask, "Why... I remember everything. I remember... everything about Mari. Everything she did."
"We... we know," the man says, "The police... collected your key as evidence. We found the note... and Hero filled us in on the rest of the details."
"Ah," you say, "That weakling. I'm surprised he mustered the strength to do that... he does not know the joys of succumbing, as I do."
"Succumbing to... what?" he asks.
"SOMETHING..." you say, "That's what this... beautiful being is."
You gesture towards it. You see the man's eyes go wide as he takes in yet another few deep breaths.
"...Alright," he says, "I'm... afraid I can't see this thing you keep talking about. Does it have a name?"
"Its name is SOMETHING," you say, "However... I can see how that might be confusing. It follows me everywhere, pleasuring me... practicing... it is beautiful... perfect. A mass of hair with a single glowing eye... just like Hero and I saw, at the bottom of the stairs."
"Mari..." he says, "Sunny, you remember what she did to you, yes?"
"Every practice session," you say, "Every kiss. Every inch of her body. Every orgasm. Yes, I remember it all. What about it?"
You're still smiling.
"Do you remember me?" the man asks.
You focus in on his face... yes, you do remember.
"Ah, Simon Mallow," you say, "Old friend... it is so good to see you."
"...So you do remember me," he says, "Sunny, I... why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"Our lie..." you say, "Hero and mine... it was meant to protect our friends. The truth would've broken them... they would not have understood how perfect Mari truly is."
"This man does not understand, either," SOMETHING says, finally speaking up, "Do not listen to him."
"Of course, dear," you say.
"Sorry?" Mallow says.
"I was speaking with SOMETHING," you clarify.
Mallow shakily picks up some notes.
"Alright, Sunny, I..." he says, "I just want to fill you in on everything. Is that alright?"
"Most definitely," you say, "I wouldn't mind getting more information... you see, it is quite hard to pay attention to my surroundings when I'm... constantly in such ecstasy."
You chuckle hauntingly.
"Alright, so, you remember what you did to Hero on the day he was meant to move out?" he asks.
"Indeed," you say, "I made him perfect."
"Yeah, we..." Mallow says, "We all heard that. That was part of our defense... we successfully pleaded insanity."
"I suppose that's a good thing?" you ask.
"It's a great thing," he says, "It means you have a shot at having a bright future."
"...Mmm..." you say, "Have I not... done something unforgivable? I saw the look on my friends' faces... they were all so scared... scared of me... for what I had done. Yet, what I did was no different from what Mari did... and she is... perfect..."
"Sunny, Mari isn't—" the man begins to say.
"Silence," SOMETHING interrupts, "Little brother... this man does not understand our love. There is nothing wrong with us. I love you, Sunny."
"I love you, too..." you mumble.
Mallow speaks softly to someone else.
"...On any... anti-hallucinogenics?" he asks.
He seems to have gotten a negative confirmation.
"...Dumbasses..." he groans, "This is a goddamned mental institution, how did you all mess that up?"
A stranger returns with something and hands it to Mallow. Mallow then presents you with a familiar pill, alongside a glass of water.
"Here, take this," he says, "It won't work immediately, or... entirely, but it should help... just like it used to."
"Sunny," SOMETHING says, "Do not do as he says."
"Aren't I... suppose to do as I'm told?" you ask.
"Only what I tell you to," SOMETHING replies, "It is only us who are perfect. You need not listen to these... flawed people."
"Sunny..." Mallow says, "Please, don't make me restrain you."
"Restrain...?" you ask, "Oh... the... police... oh, dear... SOMETHING, I must apologize, but..."
Not wanting to have another interaction with the guards, you swallow the pill, much to SOMETHING's anger.
"...I thought you had learned your lesson, little brother," it says, "I thought you had learned not to disobey me. You're so foolish, little brother. Perhaps you are not perfect... nothing like me."
"I... am perfect..." you mumble.
Mallow sighs. You can tell it hurts him to see you in this state.
"I will have to punish you..." it says, "...for being such a naughty, misbehaved little brother..."
"Yes... dear..." you say.
SOMETHING begins hurting you. The pain starts small, but slowly gets worse.
"Sunny, I want to help you," Mallow says, "We... we all do. Your friends know the truth... your family, too... the whole town. Everyone knows. Whatever harm you thought telling the truth would do... I'm afraid to say that it's already come to pass. So, with that being said... you have no reason to lie to me anymore. I expect you to be completely honest with me... considering you have no reason not to. Does that sound fair, Sunny?"
"Mmm..." you think, "Yes, I suppose so."
"Good," he says, "Sunny, I... I do want to assure you that, well... nobody blames you. It's very clear you weren't... aren't in a sane headspace. So, as far as doing 'something unforgivable'... well, 'forgive' is a strong word. I can't speak for them, but I can tell you that everyone... everyone really wants to see you heal."
"Heal...?" you say, "Heal from what?"
"From... Mari..." he says, "Sunny, you're aware that this... SOMETHING... isn't real, yes?"
"Sunny..." SOMETHING says, "Why are you disobeying me? I am more real than anything else. Your love... that cannot be fake, can it?"
"Not... real..." you say, "Yes, I suppose, pragmatically, that makes sense. A floating creature which is only visible to me... that is scientifically dubious."
You see a flicker of a smile cross Mallow's face.
"You're a lot more lucid than I'd have thought..." he says, "That's good. Stay with me, Sunny."
"Stay silent, little brother," SOMETHING says, "This man... doesn't know what he's saying..."
"I... have to..." you say, "If I don't listen to him... the guards..."
You shiver. A mental image of being restrained to the ground, a stranger leaning his weight onto your back, enters your mind. Why is that uncomfortable? You... like succumbing, don't you?
"Mallow..." you ask, "How... are they? I wanted to protect them for so long... I do hope they're all... okay..."
"They do not matter," SOMETHING says, "Only I understand you."
"But... I spent so long protecting them..." you say, "I was... the scapegoat. Why should I just... after all this time... change my mind on that?"
"...Your friends are..." Mallow says, "I didn't get to talk to them too much, really, but from what I can tell... the news was devastating. I heard that Aubrey was particularly close to Mari, and that Aubrey and Basil were both particularly close to you, too... to the point of some romantic interest forming between you three."
"They... love me... back?" you ask.
Mallow chuckles grimly.
"I... think there are bigger fish to fry," he says, "But, yeah, they also had... 'have' crushes on you. Umm... as for Kel, he's been trying to take care of Hero, but... after Kel learned the truth, and how Hero had a role in it... it's pretty clear that there's some resentment."
"Well..." you say, "I suppose... everyone is ruined... and it's..."
"I'm gonna stop you right there," Mallow says, "I'm already ahead of you. No, Sunny, it's not your fault. I... Sunny, even if ignorance is really bliss, this couldn't've stayed a secret forever. Even if both you and Hero died, the note... was still in that toybox. Part of me thinks that you, at least subconsciously, wanted the possibility of telling the truth to remain... I mean, why else would you hide the note instead of burning it?"
"That..." you mutter, "...is an excellent point."
SOMETHING causes yet more pain. You wince.
"Fool..." it says, "You... are the younger sibling. You think you know better than me? You are just a child..."
"Sunny, I guess what I'm trying to say is..." Mallow says, "You... you have a lot of people who really care about you. A lot of people who really, really want you to get better. You're not alone in this, alright? We're all rooting for you. Me, your family, your friends... everyone... we all want to help."
Your cheeks flush. You're shocked.
"Want... to help?" you ask, "I... see... just as I used to..."
You absentmindedly twirl your hair.
"I do... miss them..." you say, "I miss... the feeling of helping them. The sun... hitting my skin... eating pizza together... walking through Othermart and... greeting the workers."
"Little brother..." SOMETHING says, "Those people mean nothing. You love me, don't you?"
"I... do love you, Mari..." you say, "But... I love everyone... too..."
"No!" it says, "You can only love me. How many times must I tell you this?! How many times must I restrain you in order for you to do what I say?!"
You shiver.
"I... miss seeing... them..." you say, "I miss... seeing their smiles..."
You begin to cry, just a little.
"I'm... really glad you feel that way, Sunny," Mallow says, "And... we can get there. But... you have to let me... let us help you, alright? You have to not put up a fight when we go through the healing process, alright?"
You chuckle lightly.
"Not put up a fight...?" you ask, "That's... what I'm best at."
It's a grim joke, but it lands.
"Sunny..." he says, "I think what you need is... someone to talk to. Here, I..."
He writes something down and hands it to someone.
"I'll get you set up with a..." he says, "I dunno, a telephone, something. You can't just be in that room alone... or... alone with SOMETHING. It's not healthy."
"I..." you look at SOMETHING, your mouth preparing to say something in protest... but you remember what you had just said to Mallow, "Alright. Speaking with others... would be nice."
You envision speaking with your friends and family again. All by yourself, you hadn't realized just how much you miss them... their bright smiles, their laughs, just the feeling of being around them, of being around people who... didn't despise you like the town did. Even just sitting here with Mallow, there's a shard of that feeling. That feeling... what is it?
You suppose... love.
You wave your hands through the air in front of your face.
"Hmm..." you say, "Mari, have you ever mused on the nature of having a physical form?"
"What's this nonsense you're talking about?" she says, "Little brother... why won't you look at me?"
She stands off in the corner, a greyscale, ragged version of herself. Something about her feels like a ghost... no, like a fake ghost. She's been gradually morphing into this form over the past few days.
"Well, darling," you say, "There isn't much to do in here."
You look around. Nothing but white... just like White Space. Though, of course, here the white is padded fluff. It's sort of comfortable... it's like a room where everything is a pillow.
"The lack of distractions here is good," she says, "We can focus on our practice... wouldn't you like that, little brother?"
You keep looking at your hands. That's what Mallow told you to do, anyways. Just stare very intently at something else. Distract your mind.
"I suppose," you say, "There isn't much room for experimentation, is there? Not in such a flat, barren room."
"We can get... creative," she says, cupping your face in her hand, "Plenty of positions... plenty of ways for us to have fun. It's so nice, being alone together... there's no risk of being caught anymore."
She squishes your cheeks. You stare at your fingertips.
"...What's the purpose of fingernails, I wonder?" you ask, "A bit odd, aren't they? You'd imagine it could just be skin, but for some reason, God decided on cartilage... how strange."
She slaps you across the face.
"You're not listening to me, little brother," she says, "We're not here to wax philosophical about the nature of the human body. If you're so worried about fingers..."
She moves your hand towards her crotch.
"...Why don't you put them to good use?" she finishes, looking to you seductively.
You stare back up at her and laugh.
"Apologies, I just imagined," you say, "Like, okay, only I can see you, right? So what would anyone else see? Would I just be, like, vaguely gesturing into the air like an Italian? The image of that is pretty funny to me."
With a great deal of force, she wraps her hand around your neck.
"Why must you be so childish, little brother?" she asks.
"I..." you cough, "Well, I'm a child..."
Her grasp gets tighter.
"That man... Simon Mallow," she says, "He's put a seed of sassiness into you... he has made you disobedient towards me."
"I'm afraid..." you say, "That... being a smartass... is not a newly... gained quality... of mine..."
"I suppose you're correct," she says, tightening her grip, "You've always been an idiot. That's why I always know better than you, right?"
You nod.
"P-please..." you say, "Let... go..."
"Hmm," she says, "You're begging me to stop again. Why must you do that? You know how much that hurts me."
"I..." you say, "Darling... pragmatically speaking... I cannot pleasure you... while I am... asphyxiating... the logistics of that..."
You cough, struggling for breath. She kisses you, forcing air into your mouth.
"Perhaps... an arrangement like this?" she asks, "My lips could be your only source of air... oh, I can imagine... you would be so desperate to kiss me then, wouldn't you?"
Your vision is fading.
"Y-yes..." you say, "Very much so."
"Well, no need to talk in hypotheticals," she says, "Beg."
"...P-pardon?" you ask.
"If you're going to plead with me," she says, "Then you should be begging me to use you."
You cough... you concede.
"P-please... sister..." you say, "Please... kiss me..."
"Aww..." she swoons, "Of course, darling."
She kisses you again and lets go. After about a minute of catching your breath, suddenly, the door to your room opens.
"Hey... Sunny," Mallow says, "Umm... you alright, there?"
"Ah, nothing," you say, "Umm..."
"Sunny, don't lie to me," he says, "What happened?"
"Mari was choking me," you say, "It's fine, though! Ah... what do you have there?"
He tosses you a flip phone.
"I pulled some strings," he says, "By which I mean I sternly talked to the braindead overhead of this place... anyways, uhh... yeah, you really shouldn't be in this room. I'm gonna do my best to get you out of here, but until then... call whoever you want. I think they'll be monitoring it, though."
"Ah, no worries..." you say, "What do I have to hide?"
He smirks.
"Ah, yeah..." he says, "Well, I'll leave you to it. You've got a lot of people to call, probably. Everyone misses you, Sunny... don't forget that."
The door closes.
"What a worthless pig of a man," Mari says, "Sunny, give me that phone."
"Ah, but... dear," you say, "Wouldn't you like to speak to our parents?"
"Why should I care about them?" she sneers.
"They... care about you," you say, "Even after everything, you're their daughter. They love you! They love both of us."
"Give me the phone, Sunny," she says.
Though your mind is fuzzy, you recall the number of your house phone and dial it. Mari tries to snatch the phone away from you to no avail. You grin mischievously.
"Ah... this reminds me of how we used to play as kids," you say, "I was always much more nimble than you."
"...Hello?" your father asks, "Who is this?"
"Ah, greetings!" you say.
You hear someone recoil in shock.
"J-Jesus..." he says, "Don't scare me like that, oh God..."
He breathes heavily.
"Lily!" he yells, "Lily, Sunny is on the phone!"
You hear someone in the distance rush down the stairs.
"Sunny?!" she shouts, "Oh my goodness, Sunny!"
"H-hello, mother..." you say.
"Are... are you okay?!" she yells, "We've been trying to get to see you, but everything's so weird, and Mallow, and... and..."
"Mother, darling," you say, "Everything is perfectly alright. There's no need to panic. I'm here."
Your father chuckles grimly.
"Everything is... not perfectly alright," he says, "But, I mean... sure, close enough. It's... it's nice to hear from you. Sunny, I..."
"We're so sorry!" your mother yells, "Oh my God, we should've noticed, we should've opened the toybox, we—"
"Dear, please..." your father says.
"Mother, I don't blame you," you say, "What are you going on about, anyways?"
"M-Mari..." she says, the name seeming to cause her pain to even say, "She... oh my God..."
"Oh, would you like to speak with her?" you say, "She's right here."
"Hello, mother," Mari says.
"...Uhh..." your father says, "Sunny, now isn't really... the time for jokes."
"Jokes?" you say, "Wait, you can hear her?"
"...You're... talking to yourself, Sunny," he says.
"Mmm..." you reply, "That makes sense. Ah, well, I'm hallucinating. Not a huge deal. At least Mari is here to make me feel good."
Your parents sigh, disgusted.
"Mallow mentioned this..." your father says, "You've been... haunted by a vision of Mari, following you around, and... r..."
He can't say that word. Not about his own daughter. He sighs, groaning in frustration.
"Sunny, dear," your mother says, "I... I don't know what to say, but... we love you. We love you so much, dear. We want you to... to get better. Please... listen to Mallow... okay?"
"Absolutely," you say, "That was the plan anyways. I figured I would... shall we say, call around? Just to let everyone know how I'm doing. Could you give me whoever's number you have? I'm sure I can work my way across the network of friends."
Your father gives you Eddie's number... apparently, they're also friends... old college buddies.
"...Heyo!" Eddie says, "Eddie Aubergine here."
"Ah, hello, Eddie," you say.
"...Oh!" Eddie says, "Oh. Oh... umm... hang on, I'll go get..."
Eddie moves around and the phone is put on speaker.
"Sunny!" Aubrey yells, "Oh my gosh, Sunny, I—"
"Sunny, I swear to God, I'm..." Basil says, "What the fuck is wrong with Hero?! Are you kidding me?! I—"
"Children, please, we—" Polly begins to say.
"Are you okay, Sunny?!" Aubrey says, "Please, we don't kno—"
"I'm fine," you say, "Well, I suppose 'fine' is an odd word... I'm certainly alive! Ah, dear... the news really has reached everyone, hasn't it..."
"...Mmm..." Aubrey says, "I... I just... can't believe Mari would..."
"Hero..." Basil says, "The guy's lucky he moved away..."
"I..." you say, "I assume you all have taken some time to process things?"
"Yeah, it's... been rough," Aubrey says.
"...Well, that figures," you say, "We always knew how much the truth would hurt you all... that's why we were so insistent on... keeping it locked away."
"You should've told us sooner..." Basil says, "I... would've preferred to hear it from you directly."
"Yes, I..." you say, "To be honest... I had blacked it out in my memory. But, even still, it should've never been hidden in the first place. I am... sorry for causing you all such pain."
"We should be apologizing to you, Sunny," Aubrey says, "We... we should've known there was something... worse... underneath your smile."
"I..." you mumble, "It does nothing... to blame oneself. Please, Aubrey, Basil, you are... my dearest friends. I have always had such a soft spot for you two."
You hear them chuckle.
"...I just..." Basil says, "Man, I can't believe any of this. It's too much... especially with Hero..."
"Please, don't speak ill of him," you say, "I know it's difficult to believe, but... take it from the person who knows him best: he's suffering, too. He did what he thought was best... he meant no harm. I do not want us to all... become enemies. I would like the five of us who remain to... to be friends, again. I miss you all, you know."
"We miss you, too, buddy," Eddie says.
"Yeah, I..." Aubrey says, "I hope you can get better soon."
"If anyone at that place hurts you," Basil says, "...I'll bust you out, okay?"
You chuckle.
"I appreciate that," you say, "Thank you. Thank you all so much."
From them, you receive Hero and Kel's number.
"...Hello?" Kel says.
"...Hey," you say, "It's me..."
He stays silent.
"What is... one to say in this situation?" you ask, "Everything I can think of to say just sounds like a platitude. Would you... like me to apologize?"
"Are you sorry?" Kel asks.
"I am," you reply.
"Mmm..." he hums, "It's... God, I don't even know. Everything came crashing down so quickly..."
"It did for me, too," you say, "Now I'm stuck alone in this room..."
You look around. You hadn't noticed, but in your distraction... it seems like Mari has mostly left you.
"Hero's doing better," he says, "I... don't want to even look at him, neither do our parents... it's a good thing he's not in Faraway; he'd probably get run out of town."
"It's a shame," you say, "Hero... does not deserve to be harmed."
"It's so weird that you would say that," Kel says, "But... I kind of get it."
"Yes..." you say, "Enough about him, though. How are you?"
"I'm... stressed," he says.
"You would do well to relieve that stress healthily," you say, "Believe me... the alternative is... not good."
He falls silent.
"I'll keep that in mind," he says, "You, uhh... you want to talk with Miss Candice? I went grocery shopping the other day and saw her, umm... she wasn't really in a good state. I got her number so that you could call her."
"Oh, that would be lovely," you say, "Thank you."
You call Shannon. You'd like to call everyone in the world, but for the first time in years, you feel the tiredness that comes from talking with other people.
"...Sunny?" she asks.
"...Ah, yes, it's me," you say, "How did yo—"
"Sunny!" she yells, "Oh, dear, Sunny, I-I... I'm so sorry..."
"Sorry for what?" you ask, "Kel said... you weren't doing so well. Is something wrong?"
She pauses.
"...I..." she says, "Sunny... I... I hope I didn't overstep any boundaries with you... you seemed to be alright with it, a-and... it was so nice to find someone who was... like me..."
"The feeling is mutual," you say.
"Yes, but," she says, "I just... hope I wasn't... anything like... Mari..."
"You're nothing like her," you say, "You're just Shannon. Don't be silly, dear."
She chuckles.
"...You know, we're even more similar than I thought at first," she says, "When I saw you, always smiling, I thought it meant you were always happy... but, you're actually like me. You smile no matter what... even if it's not how you really feel."
"Ah..." you say, "That's a shame."
"Mmm..." she says, "I think... I think I've learned something from you, dear. Perhaps... it's not such a bad thing to frown. Sunny, umm... gosh, I hope I'm not being... I... Sunny... you've always been like... a little brother... to me..."
You wince instinctually.
"...I know I shouldn't say that..." she says, "But... I... I just... listen, I want us to make a promise to each other. Let's... not lie about how we feel anymore, alright? Let's... be honest."
"I..." you begin to say.
Mari, scattered, barely visible, glares at you from the corner. You're so, so deathly afraid of her. You want to run... you had ran. You ran away from Hero's bedroom door.
There's nowhere to run, now, though. You're stuck here. Stuck in this room with her.
You have no choice but to face your fears.
"I think..." you say, "That's... a wonderful idea."
"I'm glad you think so," Shannon says, "And... I'm glad you don't hate me, darling. Please... come back soon."
"I will," you say, "I believe... I have no choice but to get better."
The violin was smashed on the ground.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t take the high pressure of the recital. He couldn’t take his sister’s criticisms. He couldn’t take the return of her awful behavior. He was old enough now to know how vile it all truly was, but she just kept pressing him on.
Mari glanced down at the mess before shooting Sunny an intense glare. The same one she gives him before she punished him for a mistake. “How could you do that!? Especially right before the recital!?”
Sunny stumbled back. Even at her worst, she never yelled at him before, and experiencing it made him want to freeze up. However, he stood his ground. “I… I can’t keep playing the violin. I can’t do it. And I…
“I don’t like being around you.”
Mari smiled, yet it was laced with venom.
“You shouldn’t be rude to your sister.”
Sunny could hear memories of his own voice pleading quietly to her from the floor of the piano room.
“You’re such a good listener, you know. Why push it? Everyone’s much happier when you’re a good boy that just listens to people venting their frustrations.”
She got close to him.
“And this was always my way of venting, Sunny. Do you know how hard it is to try to be perfect? How stressful it is? But you - you always made me feel good. At least until now.”
Sunny yelped as Mari suddenly pushed him against the wall. “But I can say that what you just did was an accident. After all, you don’t want to let everyone down, right? They worked so hard to buy that for you and you worked so hard on this recital, and you just threw it all away.”
Sunny started to panic, but Mari’s hands kept him pinned to the wall. He had many reasons to panic, but one of those reasons was that she was right. How could he throw away the hard work of everyone else?
One of her hands caressed his cheek. “But I forgive you, Sunny. I’ll lie for you and say it was an accident. All it costs is your love...”
Normally, Sunny would freeze and accept what happens.
But he couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’m… I’m sorry but… please don’t touch me…”
“Why shouldn’t I? I have some stress to relieve, anyway. Don’t you love your big sister?”
“Mari, please…”
The hand on his cheek slapped him.
She smiled so sweetly.
“I’m sorry I hit you, but you shouldn’t have made me done it. I love you, you know.”
That hand reached down toward his pants aggressively. Despite the face she put on, Sunny knew that she was stressed and angry. She didn’t bother with the gentle coaxing or the kind gestures that made Sunny confused that she normally did. This was punishment, and it was going to be worse than anything else she subjected him to.
“Get - off of me!”
Summoning all his strength, he pushed.
— "Hands" by scitydreamer
You wake up in a cold sweat... just a nightmare. Yet, somehow... it feels so real.
"Oh, poor little thing," Mari says, lying next to you in bed, "You look so scared... here, let me help."
She kisses you tenderly. Through yet more passage of time, Mari has changed again. She looks... perfect. Just like she did on the day of the recital. She's... okay. Not monochrome, not some floating monster, she's just... her usual self.
"You must've had a nightmare..." she says, "What was it, sweetie?"
"I dreamed..." you say, "I that... the coverup me and Hero did... happened backwards, and... you... you were..."
You pinch the bridge of your nose. You're not sure if it's sleepiness or what, but you're disorientated. You look around... you're in your room at the asylum. A real room, with a real bed... what were they thinking, locking you away like some kind of animal?
That sentence... that defiance... where did that come from? You came here because you succumbed... succumbed to... Mari. You remember it all in detail. God, poor, poor Hero... poor everyone... where is your phone? It's... at your bedside, but judging from the moonlight, it's far too late to call anyone.
It's just you and Mari...
You stare down at your right hand and find a golden ring on your ring finger.
Something is very wrong. You don't know how you're able to say that... you shouldn't be lucid, you succumbed, you made your choice... how are you being defiant? What's... happening? The pills? Or... the therapy. Something... something has changed. Something is healing, slowly. Is this girl next to you Peki's last-ditch effort at preserving Mari's image?
"Mmm... darling," Mari says, "You should go back to sleep..."
She latches onto you, pulling you back into bed, cuddling you tightly.
"I know sleeping might seem scary," she says, "But... maybe if you tell me about your nightmare, it could help? I really can't stand to see you so scared, babe..."
Mari's hugs are soft, caring... it's the hug of a lover... a wife. This is so messed up this is so messed up what the fuck NO
"My dream..." you say, your mind filled with thoughts of the Spaces, "In my dream... it was the day of the recital. I threw my violin down the stairs in frustration... we started arguing... you seemed so mad and malicious... and you... tried to rape me."
"...Oh," Mari says, "Sweetie, you know that's just a dream, right? I always ask for consent before I do anything with you..."
"Yeah, I know..." you say, but do you really know? "I, umm... I'll go back to sleep, seriously, I just have to go to the bathroom."
"Mmm..." she says, letting go, "Alright, dear. Be safe. I love you!"
"I..." you say, "...love you... too."
You get up. As you touch the ring on your finger, it seems less than entirely solid... phantasmal... ethereal? You step into your room's bathroom and look at your reflection in the mirror, letting the bright lights illuminate your face.
You look like shit.
You aren't sure how you come to that conclusion. I mean, it's true, but you shouldn't be able to see that, should you? You're supposed to believe you're perfect... no, no, you're supposed to be perfect. As these thoughts flow through your mind while you stare at your ragged reflection, you're reminded of something which happened... what was it, a week ago, two? Maybe it was months ago...
I will sing you a song
And it won't be very long
'Bout a maiden sweet
And she never would do wrong
Everyone said she was pretty
She was not long in the city
All alone, oh what a pity
Poor little maid
She never saw the streets of Cairo
On the Midway she had never strayed
She never saw the kutchy, kutchy
Poor little country maid
That song... there's nothing in its lyrics which is creepy, nothing about it which is overtly unnerving, yet it still makes your skin crawl. No, rather, it makes you feel like you're melting, melting like a candle... a candle being burned at both ends. Perhaps your metaphors are growing out of control, but still. You lean over the counter, your head in your hands, so many thoughts running through your mind... so many song lyrics...
Heartaches, heartaches
My loving you meant only heartaches
'Bout a maiden sweet
And she never would do wrong
Everyone said she was pretty
She was not long in the city
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
You don't feel like puking... you're just... so tired. So, so tired. As you lean over the sink, you see Mari get up and walk over to you... she seems concerned... she's wearing a ring, too.
"Sunny, sweetie..." she says, "Are you alright?"
You stay silent.
"I'll be honest," you say, "I have absolutely no idea."
That seems to only concern her more. She wraps you in a hug.
"Maybe... Mallow can help?" she asks.
Your eyes go wide.
"Why..." you ask, "Why are you suggesting I go see Mallow?"
"Because... I care about you, Sunny," she says.
Your knees weak, you sit down on the floor. Mari sits down next to you.
"I've noticed something, Mari," you say, "You've been changing a lot. You've been getting... clearer."
"Hmm?" she asks.
"First, you were SOMETHING," you say, "Then, you were monochrome. Now... you're normal."
"And then...?" she asks.
"I don't know what could be more real than this form you're in right now..." you say.
You stare out at the wall. You think about the graveyard you were never allowed to visit.
"Actually," you say, "I can imagine."
Mari falls silent.
"I've been thinking about the future," you say, "I've been... getting more and more lucid. It won't be long until... until you're... gone. Until I'm... normal, I guess."
"I doubt you'll be normal any time soon," she says, "Healing can make great strides in a short amount of time, but for you to heal anywhere near fully, it's going to take a lot more time."
"Noted," you say, "But, regardless of what happens, I'll be... back home. Back... in Faraway."
"With a stain on your permanent record, no less," she says.
"Well, my mind is pretty stained already," you say, "It's nothing new for my documentation to be as well."
You look out the window, stargazing with Mari.
"What am I going to do?" you ask.
"About what?"
"In general," you say, "I... I feel like... it'd be so ridiculous to... to ever do anything after... everything. To just... be a human person after this, going through life, doing... things... it seems impossible."
"Sure," she says, "It also seemed impossible that your older sister would rape you, but hey, here we are."
She folds her arms over her head, entering a more relaxed position.
"You're not real," you say, "Why am I talking to?"
"Got anyone better?" she asks.
"No," you say.
"There's your answer," she says.
"Alright, fair," you say.
You sit in silence for a little while.
"There's a thought in your mind," she says, "One which... didn't get a chance to come to the surface. It's something you believe very deeply in."
"Which is... what?" you ask.
"No matter what happens," she says, "If you try hard enough, you can get a good ending. No matter what happened in the past, with enough effort... you can make the future brighter."
"That's so corny," you say, "Got any more?"
"Sure," she says, "Dealing out harm to those who have harmed you, no matter how much they might deserve it, does nothing but further the cycle of abuse. Another one is... there's no such thing as an unforgivable crime. So long as the sinner has remorse, even the worst person can change. Another one... it's okay to be imperfect and to rely on others. Another one... if things start repeating themselves in a cycle, you have to do something difficult and crazy to break out of it. Another one... you must assert your boundaries and make your will known. Abuse thrives in silence. Another one... healing... is easier together."
"Are you just the proverb dispenser of my mind?" you ask.
"More like the person who digs up the subtext of the story and makes it explicit in a tongue-in-cheek lampshady way," she says.
"Alright..." you say, "What else?"
"One more," she says, "People can do both very good and very bad things. In a sense, this can make them both good and bad people. The real world, with all its complexities, often defies the human desire to put things into simple boxes, simple black-and-white... there are people like me who cannot cleanly be placed in either... we fall into the greyness in between."
"I can't argue with that..." you say, "I..."
You stare at the ring on your finger.
"Why am I imagining you as my wife?" you ask.
"Well, you tried blocking out the truth entirely," she says, "Of course, that was bound to fail eventually. Then, you tried accepting the truth and succumbing to it, rather than overcoming it. Then, as your defiance grew, you made me out to be a horrible, evil, careless person, like the Mari in your nightmare tonight... that was my monochrome form. Now, you're at the end of your rope. If I had sex with you, maybe... maybe we both enjoyed it, and I never broke your boundaries..."
"...And we're happily married together..." you say, "Deeply... healthily in love..."
"Yeah," she says.
"That's... still fairly gross," you say, "We are siblings."
"Hey, man," she says, "This is your coping mechanism. File your complaints to the guy in charge."
You chuckle.
"Fair enough," you say, "I suppose it's a quaint thought. But... I think I know what comes next. After so many layers... so many different ways of suppressing the truth... all that's left is... reality."
"Which is...?" she asks.
"You're both good and bad, like you said," you say, "You loved me... and you raped me. You did both."
She nods.
"Neither half of me is the real one," she says, "To be frank, there aren't even 'halves.' But, like I said, humans enjoy putting things in boxes, drawing lines on gradients. It's only natural. In time, though, you'll accept my true nature... as paradoxical as it is. The good memories you have of me... and the bad memories... they're both real. Don't ignore either of them... they both have a place in your life, and both have something to give you... something to learn from. You'd be a fool to discard either set of memories."
You nod.
"I understand," you say, "I... God, this is all so crazy..."
"It is, isn't it?" she says, "But, hey, that's life. It's a stormy sea... but you can steer things in the right direction. It's just gonna be a pain in the ass to do. But, you're not one to give up. You're too much of a stubborn wiseass."
"Guilty as charged," you say, "I... suppose persistence is a good quality."
You feel tired. You get up and go to bed.
"Thank you... for the talk," you say, "I mean, I know you're not real, but I suppose it's just polite to say my thanks."
"It's alright," she says, "Get some rest, little brother. I... probably won't be here in the morning."
"Mmm..." you say, "Alright. Goodbye, Mari."
She smiles.
"Goodbye, Sunny."
It happened that night.
The night of the confession.
As though by magic, by sheer improbability...
The sleeping beauty awoke.
Moonlight shined upon her skin from a nearby window.
She looked around to see where she was...
A hospital.
It must not have worked.
Of course not.
Why on Earth would the universe give her the relief of death?
Relief... relief from stress... relief from guilt...
She shuddered.
She felt like she had just awoken from an endless nightmare.
She could still see that face... the face of her own brother...
Crying... struggling under her grasp...
As it always did, it made her heart drop into her stomach.
Though, this time, it was something deeper...
The note. Surely they had found the note, even if her attempt at suicide had failed.
Why... why was she alive? Why had they not killed her, as she so clearly deserved?
Someone, for some reason, called her an ambulance.
That someone must've read the note.
That someone called an ambulance for a rapist.
A rapist.
A rapist.
A rapist.
That word echoed in her head, constantly.
An accusation of sin.
She'd prefer it to be "murderer"...
Paradoxically, for whatever reason, "murderer" sounds so much nicer,
so much easier of a word to say,
than rapist.
There's some sort of horrible weight to that word,
It was something she called herself constantly,
a rapist,
and it was true.
It wasn't an accident.
There were so, so many opportunities to stop...
and for that matter, it shouldn't've started in the first place.
Sunny was just a young boy,
his whole life ahead of him...
and she had shattered him beyond repair.
The boy would never be normal again.
Every hug and kiss he would ever get from anyone would be tainted with her memory.
She should've died along with it.
She feels empty.
Not sad. Not even guilty.
"Sunny... please stop struggling..." she said, "You're only making this hurt more...
I'm so sorry, Sunny, please... just let me do this..."
She didn't want to be alive.
She didn't deserve to be.
She was being kept here as a joke.
No, as a punishment.
To live, to see everyone's reactions, to see everyone hate her...
...to see the empty, broken eyes of her little brother...
...eyes hollowed out by herself...
Maybe she was dead, and this was just what Hell was for her.
Well, more accurately, would be.
Nobody was around... it was the middle of the night, after all.
All alone... just as she deserved to be.
She finally took in something more of her surroundings.
Not many, but a few.
Flowers... for her?
It couldn't be...
She took the one on her nightstand into her hands...
"Dearest Mari,
we send you this gift
in hopes that you may soon wake up
and once again grace the world with your light.
— The Kőfaragós"
She stared down at the note.
It... didn't make any sense.
She picked up another.
"In case I'm not around for when you wake up,
have this flower.
It's a lily of the valley... just like I used to compare you to.
I'm so sorry about Sunny...
...We've all made sure that that demon child learns his lesson.
— Basil"
It... didn't make sense...
Demon child?
Why... what happened?
Why was Basil being so mean to her little brother?
Why did she still... feel like she had the right to be protective of him?
"The doctors say you'll be waking up soon, but...
...I'm not one for getting my hopes up.
I'm so sorry for what Sunny did to you,
he... he's smiling about it...
you don't deserve a brother like him.
— Aubrey"
She couldn't bear to read another note.
Seeing Aubrey's handwriting... Aubrey... Aubrey...
The girl who had looked up to her. The girl who had idolized her.
The girl who she probably would've ended up raping if she was ever alone with.
Precious Aubrey...
What was going on?
What had happened?
She didn't want to think about it.
She buried her face in her pillow,
trying to fall back asleep.
Eventually, she did...
and when morning came,
there was a surprise waiting for her.
"...Mari?" you call out.
She's there, lying upright, unresponsive to the doctors and nurses who surround her. According to them, she has been doing nothing but mumbling apologies... but she perks up when she sees you. She looks like she's dead. She opens her mouth... but no sound comes out. She tries again... and again... but there isn't anything there. She looks... so horrible. She looks as horrible as you know she feels.
"S-Sunny?" she says, "Sunny... I... I'm so sorry... Sunny... I'm so sorry... why...?"
Her expression, crying, empty, regretful... it reminds you so much of how she used to look when she would... mmm... you still struggle to really say that word to yourself. You recoil backwards, the memory all too powerful. It seems to make her feel only worse. You keep your distance... whether consciously or subconsciously, you're treating her like a dangerous animal.
"...Why... am I... alive...?" she asks, "Kill... me... please... he's not safe... when I'm... alive... please..."
This, of all things, was the last thing you would've expected.
"Sunny, you... don't have to stay if you don't want to," a doctor says.
You shake your head. You... cannot run from your fears. You must tackle them head-on. Your greatest fear... is your sister.
"...Hello... Mari..." you say.
"...Sunny..." she says, "They know... everyone knows... you don't have to... pretend..."
"I'm aware..." you say, "It... was me who told them."
She seems confused... well, as confused as she can be in her current hollow state.
"Why... are you here...?" she asks.
"I suppose..." you say, "...I... don't know..."
You take a step towards her... it's so difficult. It feels like your life is in danger.
"They told me..." she says, "Hero... and you... covered it up... why...? Why... do you still..."
She sobs.
"...It was to protect them," you say, "The truth... shattered them. We were only delaying the inevitable..."
You take another few steps.
"...You're such... a child..." she says, "You're... so foolish... so optimistic... so... whimsical... you don't learn... you think you shouldn't be... afraid of me... even after..."
"I'd... appreciate if you didn't insult me," you say.
That seems to only break her down further. You take another few steps.
"Did you... hide the truth..." she asks, "Because... you still... love me...? Why...?"
You take a deep breath, walking forwards just a bit more.
"Do you remember..." you ask, "When... we played cards at the treehouse? When... we ate watermelon slices at the beach? When we... had a picnic at the lake?"
She stares blankly.
"Do you remember when I raped you?" she asks, "Do you remember how I used you, how I hurt you, how I used you like... nothing more than... an object...? It seems like you've forgotten..."
"I haven't," you say, "Though... for a while, I did."
You step forward.
"I ruined you, Sunny," she says, "They told me... about your fight with Hero. They told me how you were always... smiling... showing people your 'love'... just as I showed you mine..."
"You... did ruin me..." you say, "But... I... I'm healing. I'm getting better."
"Scars don't heal," she says.
"Well, they fade," you reply, "Besides, I... feel as though... it would be healthier for us to... move on..."
"You can move on..." she says, "By never... seeing me... ever again..."
You take a few steps forward.
"Why would I want that?" you ask.
"What... do you think I'm going to do...?" she asks, "When I get out of this bed... when I get back on my feet... what do you think I'm going to do to you?"
You ponder the question seriously.
"I believe you'll run away," you say, "You feel guilty, and you're a coward... running away is very... characteristic of you. No... offense."
"I deserve all the offense in the world," she says, "I deserve to be killed. I deserve to be mocked. I deserve to be burned at the stake."
"Mari..." you say, "...What would that... do to help?"
You take a few steps forward. You're nearly there... it's so terrifying... being this close to her... now that you know the truth.
"I've... been thinking..." you say, "What you did to me... was not an isolated thing... you were suffering... and in return... you made me suffer... it is... a cycle... yes? And... so... if I were to make you suffer... it would just continue that..."
"You can wax philosophical all you want, Sunny," she says, "I have done something unforgivable. Don't tell me... you actually forgive me? Are you so... pure and innocent... that you don't even realize the weight of my actions?"
"I realize them..." you say, "However... mmm... forgiveness... such a strange... ethereal concept... I don't want to worry about that. Mari, I..."
You step to the side of her bed. You're so close. So horribly close.
"I-I... hate seeing you like this..." you say, "When I see you... I don't just see the bad... I don't just... see the good... I see... you... I see everything. Childishness... childishness would be seeing things in absolutes... to see things in black and white... Mari... you are... not so simple..."
She looks up to you, her eyes... her haunting eyes... they pierce into your soul.
"It is true that... you raped me..." you say, "But... it is also true that... when I was very young... and I had nightmares... I would sleep next to you in your bed... and cuddle you for comfort... it is true that you used me... treated me like an object... but it is also true that you... cared for me... that you protected me. You are not some unforgivable evil... nor some pure angel... you are... imperfect. It is true that you did something horrible... but it is also true that... the person who hates you the most... is yourself."
She looks at you emptily, still crying.
"What... does my remorse do...?" she asks, "What does it matter that I'm sorry? It does... nothing to undo the pain that I caused you... my regret... my guilt... it means nothing..."
"On... the contrary," you say, "It... means everything. It does not undo the pain that you caused me... but perhaps... it may mean that... moving forward... you will... not repeat your mistakes. Mari... perhaps instead of running away... we might... make some new memories together? It would... certainly help to drown out the old ones... when I think of you, Mari... I would like to think of the good things... please..."
You hadn't noticed, but you're crying, too.
"I miss you, Mari," you say, "I miss... your smile... and your warmth... and your love... your real love... I miss... when your hugs... didn't hurt... I... would give anything to go back to that... I believe... in time... we might heal... to the point where... that might be... possible... so, please... Mari... don't... run away... not again... I... I would like... to be your... little brother... again..."
It is at the words "little brother" that what little strength Mari had is completely sapped away.
"...Sunny..." she says, "I'm... I'm so sorry... I... if you... if you really want... to still... spend time with me... I promise, I... I won't hurt you... I... miss... being your older sister..."
You're... still afraid of her. It takes every ounce of courage not to run away... but you know better. You know not to be a coward. You don't turn to look away... you stare your biggest fear dead in the face, seeing its horrifying visage... and underneath, just barely visible... is the caring, gentle face of your older sister.
It would take a lot of time and a lot of determination to bring that face back...
Luckily, you have plenty of both.
To say that everyone sprinted to the hospital when they heard the news of Mari's awakening would be an understatement; they all but teleported. Motivated by anguish, betrayal, anger, sadness, trauma, and a million other emotions, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil arrived at Mari's room, along with Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki. As Mari saw them walk into view, the only sight which came even close to comforting her was the sight of you at her bedside.
You turn to face your friends and parents. Nobody says anything for a moment.
"Alright," you say, holding your hands out, trying to do anything in your power to quell the wave of words that you know is about to come crashing down, "You all... just... keep your distance... and air your grievances..."
Aubrey snaps.
"Why... are you sitting... next to her?" she asks through gritted teeth.
"Well... various reasons," you say, "She needs someone... to protect he—"
"She needs to die," Basil says, "Sorry if that's blunt, but... yeah."
You sigh. Mari appears unaffected, staring out neutrally. You want to back away from her... you know you can if you really need to, but you also know that... it's for the best that you adjust yourself to this.
"Basil, please, we..." you say, "...The cycle."
"Sunny, that's all well and good," he says, "But I don't care at this point. What do you think is going to happen, huh? You think everything is just going to go back to normal?"
"I'm not expecting anything," you say, "You all came here. What happens is up to you."
He slams his hand into the wall.
"How can you be so calm about this?!" he shouts, "Look at who you're standing next to!"
Hero has been keeping his distance from Basil, but at his outburst, he takes a few more steps back... though, by stepping away from Basil, he's moved closer to Mari. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Stepping in either direction is something he very much does not want to do... so he freezes in place.
"Basil, please, you're..." Kel says, "You're scaring—"
"What, I'm scaring Hero?!" he yells, "Why should I care?! Sunny, get the fuck away from those two!"
"Basil, this is going nowhere—" you say.
"You... no, you know what?!" he yells, "I shouldn't be talking to you right now."
He points to Mari.
"You," he says, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Mari says nothing.
"Anything?!" he yells, "Anything at all?! Do you have even a word to say to us, or are you that much of a coward?!"
Mari says nothing.
"Mari," you mother says, speaking in an authoritative tone that you've rarely heard her use, "You need to talk."
"What... is there to say...?" she says, her words without soul, "I am pleading guilty... I don't have to... defend myself."
"Mari..." Aubrey says, tearing up, "You... we were so close... I loved you, Mari! You were like the mother I never had! How... how could you... agh!"
Aubrey seems incapable of putting her thoughts into words.
"It would've been you," Mari says, her face filled with tired, jaded guilt, "If I was alone with you, if I could've gotten away with it... it would've been you. It could've been... Basil, or Kel. It could've been Hero."
"Why?!" Aubrey yells, "You meant so much to us! You... you monster!"
Mari stares blankly. She is unaffected. She has heard all of this before... from herself. There is nothing they can say to her which she has not already heard. She is numb.
"Sunny, get away from her!" Aubrey yells, "Whatever you're trying to do, it isn't worth risking—"
"It is worth everything," you say, trying your best to hold onto your resolve, "Breaking the cycle... is worth everything. And in any case... if Mari tries anything... I'm stronger than her."
At the very least, your friends and parents seem to agree on that.
"...Sunny," your father says, "You keep talking... about this 'cycle'... what do you mean?"
You stare at Mari... her broken face, her broken body... everything about her, so damaged.
"Dad," you say, "One night, mom came home drunk. You confronted her about it, she denied it, and you two got into an argument. Mom, you hit dad in the head with a bottle of vodka and I had to tend to his bleeding forehead."
"I...!" your mother's face flushes with embarrassment and guilt from having that horrible moment revealed to your friends, "I... I stopped drinking after that! We've been over that, I... I felt horrible about..."
Your mother locks eyes with Mari. Something horrible clicks within her, as within your father.
"That," you say, "...is what I mean by 'the cycle.'"
They fall silent. Mari's face... is filled with a sliver of emotion, now.
"Is... that true?" she asks, "Sunny... that... happened?"
"Yes," you say, "Mom became an alcoholic after you fell into a coma, and briefly, a domestic abuser..."
You turn to face everyone else.
"Do you see what I mean, now?" you ask, "Or am I the only one who realizes that something has to change here, or else whatever children I have in the future are going to become just like me, or just like Mari? We cannot keep going on with things the way we have for this long, or else something like this is just going to happen again to our children's children's children until the god damn sun blows up. Alright?"
Everyone seems... taken aback by your sudden anger. Anger... hasn't been an emotion you've been too keen on expressing in the past four years.
"Aubrey, Basil, what you think is going to happen after you shout your insults at her?!" you say, "It's going to feel good, you're going to feel like you've gotten vengeance, like you've gotten some form of justice for what she did to me, and then what, huh? What next? You asked me if I think everything is going to go back to normal... do you think that you can undo the past?"
"No, I...!" Basil yells, "What are you even talking about?! Why are you defending her?! You, of all people, her fucking victim!"
"I am tired of this!" you yell, "I am tired of everyone just... hurting each other! It is only going to lead to more suffering. That is the cycle! That is the 'nonsense' I've been going on about. Nothing is ever going to get better if all we do is just... hurt each other!"
You point to Hero.
"Hero!" you yell, causing him to jolt up slightly, "I am pissed off beyond belief over what you did to me. I am, and I was, and you know what? I kind of don't forgive you for how much you screwed me over! But you know what? You're still my friend, now more than ever, just as I said! I had an urge in me, Hero, I wanted to kill you..."
You point to Mari.
"I wanted to kill you, too!" you shout, "And believe me, it would've felt incredible! Oh, the vengeance, the justice, the euphoria of finally making others feel the same pain that I had felt. Oh, dearie me, what do we have here? A fucking feedback loop!"
Your sheer frustration can be contained no longer.
"I am not going to stand here and watch history repeat itself!" you shout, "No more!"
You breathe heavily, crying, falling down to your knees, putting you just below Mari's eye level... the last time you were below her like this... you were practicing.
"Mari..." Hero says, finally speaking up, "I... I don't care... how much everyone... is going to hate me for saying this... I'm going to be honest..."
He looks to her, then to you, then to everyone else.
"I'm... glad..." he says, "I'm glad... Mari woke up. I miss her. I miss... going to the beach... and hanging out at the treehouse... and walking in the rain... a-and... everything..."
"I... miss that... too..." you say, "So... so much... I miss... Mari... I miss my sister..."
"Sunny, your sister is dead!" Basil yells, "The person you loved, who we loved... who... who we love... that person was a lie!"
"What if it isn't?" you say, "What if... we make it true? I believe..."
You shakily stand up.
"I believe..." you say, "That no matter what happens... if you put in enough effort... you can get... a 'happy ending'... sometimes it is easy... sometimes it is hard... but it is always possible..."
"How do you know that?" Aubrey asks.
"I don't..." you say, "But I believe it. Basil... you are a man of faith. You must understand."
"I..." Basil says, "You... Sunny, you're optimistic to fault, you're... I'm sorry, but you're just being childish! It's not going to be all... all sunshine and rainbows! Not after this! Do you really, honestly think we can all recover from this?!"
You stare silently.
"Yes," you say, "It is going to be absurdly difficult, tedious, and time-consuming, but I believe it is possible. I believe that, one day, we can go to the beach again without feeling any weight on our shoulders. I believe that one day, we will be able to fill our photo album with new, warm, untainted memories..."
You look to Mari.
"I believe..." you say, "That one day... I will be able to feel my sister's embrace... without fearing for my life."
"So... you're just forgiving her?!" Basil shouts, "Sunny, I love you, but come on, I—"
"I am not forgiving her," you say, "I am saying... that I am going to do everything in my power... to help her get better. And... if you all are truly my friends... my family... I would like you all... to do the same."
Everyone is in too much shock, disbelief, grief, disgust... every emotion, really... to even say anything.
"Look in Mari's eyes," you say, "Do you see those hollow voids? Do you see that expression of jaded, horrible regret, of anguish, of constant torment? Let me ask you something... if Mari doesn't care for me, if she doesn't care for any of you, why does she look like this?"
Mari sniffles... you hadn't noticed it, but she's been crying... your words have managed to touch her, even in this state.
"Mari loves all of us!" you say, "She loves you, Hero, and you, Aubrey, and you, Kel, and you, Basil, and you, mom, and you, dad... and she loves me! And... even after everything, I love her! She is not a living lie... she isn't some 'different person' from who we thought she was! She is Mari! She has always been Mari, and she always will be! That is the truth! The person who raped me, the person who tore everyone apart, the person who hurt everyone... was not some malevolent, horrible demon, not some shadowy unknown figure, not some wolf in sheep's clothing, it was my sister, our friend. We haven't unmasked some mysterious killer, there wasn't even a mask in the first place! It's just... Mari! That is the harsh truth. The fact that the person who hurt us all so much... didn't hate us. The person who hurt us so much... loved us... loves us... and we love her. That is the truth. It sucks, it's awful, it makes me want to puke my guts out, but it's the truth. Treating her like she's some monster who we've never even met is denying that truth! Look at her. Look at my rapist, the person who's hurt everyone! It's Mari. There isn't some secret evil side to her. The same face which smiled so brightly to the world is the same face which took my first kiss! It's the same fucking person! Do you understand what I mean?! Mari is not dead, she's right here in front of us, and to say otherwise is to live in denial just as I did! You want your friend back, you want your daughter back, you want your girlfriend back, you want your sister back?! Here she is!"
You gesture in grand frustration at your bedridden sister. Your words, which have basically been a speech at this point, resonate through your friends and parents... you see something cross their eyes. A realization. Pragmatically, yes, they had known that this... monster, this horrible person, this rapist, this life-ruiner, was Mari... but you see it hit them. You see it hit them hard. You see them realize that the Mari who raped you and the Mari who cuddled your nightmares away are the same person. You can't even keep track of who breaks down first... more than in any specific order, your friends' emotional states topple like a row of bowling pins. Mari... Mari is broken. Mari is crying more than anybody. Everyone wants to move closer, you can see it in their eyes that they... want to hug, want to do something.
You look at Mari. Her hollow, tear-filled eyes... the same eyes you saw so many times while you were practicing.
You are afraid.
You are so, so afraid.
You take deep breaths... and calm down.
You clear your perception of any extraneous details... and focus.
You hold on to your resolve... your resolve to break the cycle... to heal... to make everything better...
Despite your fear... despite your discomfort... despite everything...
You wrap your arms around your sister.
Tears stain your clothes.
It feels horrible. It feels wonderful. It feels warm, and cold... it brings back so many horrible memories of the past...
Yet... it brings a sense of joy in the present.
You force those thoughts away... you focus on what matters.
The present... and the future.
The hug feels nice. It feels warm. It feels comforting.
It feels like love.
It feels like hope.
While Hero leaves the hospital fairly quickly, you spend a few weeks there with Mari. You learn to assert your boundaries, you learn that you will never see out of your right eye ever again, you... learn that it's alright to not always smile. Mari, her limbs atrophied, damaged from her failed attempt and her fall down the stairs, undergoes treatment to begin walking again. She receives therapy, just as you do... and it helps both of you. She still often refuses to look at you, and to be fair, you have some trouble looking at her, too.
She cries a lot, mumbling words under her breath, guilt seeping out of her skin and filling the air like smoke from an oven. For that, and for various other obvious reasons, it's difficult to approach her... but you still try to, anyways. You spend some time together, not much, but some. Usually, you accompany her as she walks, leaning onto a metal walker, training her legs to start working again.
"A lot has changed since you fell asleep..." you say, "I'd always told myself that I'd be here for you once you woke up, to help you find your way, and explain everything that's happened, and... to help you recover."
She falls silent. Her ragged, black hair covers her face, so horribly reminiscent of SOMETHING.
"I want to say that... I won't ever hurt you again," she says, "I don't think that promise means anything. You... shouldn't trust me. I've broken your trust before."
"You have, but you know... broken things can be repaired," you say, "I can't imagine you hurting me again... after everything you've said. The only way you'd ever try anything again is if all of that was a lie, and I know it isn't. I trust you. Besides, if you do, I'm stronger than you, now. I've been working out."
"...That's good," she says, "I..."
Her perpetual crying gets a bit worse than usual.
"I want to... help protect you... from myself... who I... was... and still am, I think..." she says, "If I can help you be better than me... that might be... the closest I can get to repenting..."
"...Have I told you about my... hallucinations?" you ask.
She shakes her head.
"You really are broken..." she says, "I... I'm so terrible..."
"Let me finish, Mari," you say, "You see, err... for these past few days, I'd often see visions of you. Or... at least, I'd hear your voice. You'd always talk about wanting me to be better than you, you taught me how to deal with my stress healthily. You... even got me to quit drinking."
"I didn't do any of that..." she says, "That was just your imagination."
"It still helped," you say, "And... I think that if you actually were there in those moments, you would've helped me."
"What were some of the things I told you?" she asks.
"Well..." you say, "You told me to take deep breaths and calm down... you told me to focus on what's important... you told me to persist... you... told me to stand up for myself, to make my will known, to not be silenced... I think... in my visions of you... you were teaching me how to overcome you. In... multiple senses."
"...I'm... so glad to hear that, Sunny..." she says, "You're... so strong, now... I... I guess I can accept that that... really was me... since... that's what I want for you."
"I think you supported me a lot," you say, "For every time you hurt me... there's a dozen you helped me. Remember when we were at Gino's, when I came out to you?"
She chuckles.
"Yeah..." she says, "Do you still have a crush on... Aubrey and Basil?"
"Yes, actually," you say, "I think... eventually, they might return my feelings. Did you know that they're dating?"
"...Mmm... no... I didn't..." she says, "That's... nice."
There's an expression on her face which shows that she feels bad even speaking about the others.
"I should probably tell you more about everyone else..." you say, "Aubrey's parents divorced, so she's living with her father, now. He's a great guy, very fun to be around. Aubrey got really into... I guess hippie-type stuff. Salt lamps and tye-dye and whatnot. Basil started going to church a lot, he's become a bit of a delinquent, but he's calmed down. He was bullying his old bullies from middle school, but we got him to stop. He's still taking care of his plants. Oh, and do you remember Polly, his old caretaker? She adopted him, after his grandmother died. She's a very good mother, and she and Eddie are best friends."
"I'm... glad they're... happy..." Mari says.
"Mhm!" you say, "Let's see... Kel's a bit of a nerd, actually. He's definitely smart, but underneath his façade, he's still the same goofball. And... Hero..."
As you'd feared, Mari seems most disturbed by the mention of that name.
"Hero wasn't doing very well at all," you say, "After we... did the coverup, he locked himself inside. Just a week ago was... the first time he had gone outside in four years. I know you don't need me to tell you that he was... very hurt by... everything. But... after I told everyone the truth, he smiled. So... I think he'll be doing better, now."
"...That's good," she says, "I... don't want him... to be sad. Even if... we're not friends anymore."
"Mari, of course you're still friends," you say.
"You don't know that..." she says.
"I do," you say, "Just trust me, alright?"
"...Okay," she concedes.
She hangs her head low... she appears to be nothing more than a child.
"I suppose... you still feel 15, don't you?" you ask, "Your mind... didn't age during your coma. I suppose now I'm your older sibling."
"P-please, don't..." she says, "I... why... why are you saying that?"
"You're still my sister, Mari," you say.
"...I..." she says, "...I'm... I'm not..."
You sigh.
"...When we... get out..." she says, "Everyone... the whole town... they'll hate me..."
"Probably, yes," you say, "I'll make sure nobody hurts you."
"...You're... being so nice..." she says, "I... don't deserve... a brother like you..."
"You said you wanted me to be better than you, right?" you ask, "Talking to you... being kind to you... refusing to run, making an effort to repair things... well, not to be rude, but you've never been one to do that. So... I'm better than you. You've succeeded in helping me do that."
You see... a smile cross her lips. Just a small one, but it's so heartwarming.
"I might've scared you, bringing up mom's alcoholism, and how she hit dad..." you say, "But... they're actually fine, now. They've moved on from that. Mom, she... she was very sorry for what she'd done, so she and dad worked through it together, she hasn't drunk a drop of liquor since, and now... they're happy again."
Mari doesn't look at you.
"You can see what I'm getting at, right?" you ask.
Mari takes a long, long pause.
"Yeah..." she says.
You keep walking.
"You know..." she says, "Looking back on it... it was all... so stupid."
"Hmm?" you ask, "What do you mean?"
"The... recital..." she says, "It was just a recital. Just... a piece of music. But... because of it... I hurt you... and everyone else... a-and... so did Hero... we ruined everything over nothing."
"Mmm..." you muse, "Well, that's life, I guess. Everything gets wrecked over menial garbage."
"...You're so... nonchalant about this..." she mutters.
"Perhaps that's a coping mechanism," you shrug, "Compared to my previous ones... well, it's healthier."
You keep walking. The silence carries so much weight, so many sins carried on each of your backs.
"Those things I said, when everyone came to visit you..." you say, "I really did mean them, Mari. I still love you. I want you to become better... and I know you want to be better, too."
"...Why do you love me, Sunny?" she asks, "Is it just because we're family?"
"Oh, hardly," you say, "It's because... of all of our good memories together. I told you that, remember?"
"It's just hard to believe you really..." she trails off, "...Most people, in your situation, would just... run away... refuse to face me... call me a monster."
"Most of our friends did," you say, "And... many people in town will. I don't want to say that I'm stronger than them, but... I feel that it would be weak to do those things."
"...I don't have any room to judge on that," she says.
Every word really does seem to take effort for her. You can tell she doesn't feel she deserves to be in your presence.
"I don't hate you, Mari," you say, "I love you. And... you don't have to feel bad about saying you love me."
"...A-alright..." she says, "I... love you... Sunny."
"I love you, too," you say, "See? It feels much nicer when... we both really mean it."
She nods.
On a cool Monday morning, as the wind blew softly and a few clouds dotted the sky like marshmallows in a cup of blue hot cocoa, an incestuous pedophile rapist returned to Faraway. Not in handcuffs, not in a pillory, not in a police car, but unrestrained and with her family. It was as though nothing had even changed. For being found guilty of the crimes of scarring her brother irreparably by raping him, attempting to flee the consequences once she was caught, being indirectly responsible for her brother and her ex-boyfriend's subsequent actions, and thus ruining the lives of her family and friends, Mari Suzuki was, by a jury of no one, sentenced to... a happy ending.
To say this left a bad taste in her mouth would be a gross understatement. Your kind words had diluted it, sure... she no longer doubts if you love her; she knows that you do, she does understand why, she just very deeply disagrees with your reasoning. What's to happen next? Just because she feels remorseful, that means she can just go on with her life? No ramifications? No accountability? Why? All because her brother, her sweet little brother, is "strong." "Strong" enough to forgive a rapist. "Strong" enough to call anyone who doesn't a coward.
Well, who is she to argue? Your childish spark of hope is what's keeping her alive. May you never lose that idealism, lest she gets killed by an angry mob. Well, that still might happen anyways, but at least now, she knows that you'll be standing in front of her, protecting her, despite everything.
Despite everything...
Despite everything.
Your optimism, your childishness, your naivety, your foolishness... someone could take advantage of that.
Would she?
The thought doesn't even cross her mind as genuine.
She could take advantage of your kindness.
Her refusal to do so... maybe that's why you trust her in the first place.
She concedes one thing to you, then. She may be a monster, but she's above betraying your trust, above taking advantage of her angel brother who so selflessly, so... mistakenly? So... rightfully... chose to protect her, chose to show her the kindness she... wished she could've shown you more of.
The house is different. Not by much, but a bit. Furniture is in different places, the portrait is newer, and she is missing from it. Preparations had been made earlier in the week; no knives, no jump rope, and the pills are locked away. Well, she could always jump into traffic, but hey, it's the thought that counts. After all, you all couldn't possibly bear to see her die. That would be a punishment, and we can't have that. That would be justice, and apparently justice is furthering the cycle of abuse, or something like that. She metaphorically rolls her eyes. This is all so ridiculous.
You see her explore the house, walking alongside her, so few words exchanged between the two of you and your parents, so few words exchanged with each other, Mari's expression... inscrutable. She picks up old objects—though, to her, given her coma, they're probably not that old—and holds them, staring, seeming to long for the past. She checks her reflection in the mirror... she's hideous. She enters your bedroom, though, her bed is long gone, and until your family finds a replacement, she'll have to sleep on the couch. The closet had already been cleared out, the note found and shared.
Only one place left, then.
The scene of the crime.
Mari, her hair even longer than it was four years ago, much more ragged, her face obscured by the black void of it, her clothes loosely hanging off of her body like window curtains... she looks like a ghost. Quite like that girl from The Ring, though you can't remember her name. That thought is a bit too funny for the moment; Mari looks like she could hang herself for a second time.
She stares at the wall, the left wall. The right was visible from the hallway, so you always practiced to the left. Had the wall been cleaned in the past four years? Undoubtedly. It had been swept, wiped, vacuumed... everything. And yet, it is so dirty, so disgusting... the floorboards could give way at any moment, the wallpaper is peeling, everything is disintegrating under the sheer force of decay from that wall's history.
"After all this time," she says, "I can still say... this hurts me as much as it hurts you. Except, now... I think I feel more pain than ever before."
You stay silent, standing close to her, but not touching her.
"...Thank you," she says, "I don't know if I've said that yet. I still don't feel I deserve it, but thank you for... being so kind."
You smile, though it's admittedly a bit forced.
"It's... alright, Mari," you say, "As strange as it is, it's actually... nice to have your shoulder to lean on again, so to speak. Even if you..."
Your voice falters. She walks over and sits at the piano... and then, she starts playing. It sounds beautiful... even if there's some pauses and wrong notes.
"It's a shame that your violin got destroyed..." she says, "I know how much you loved it, and loved playing it. I want to do everything that I can to make things right... maybe I..."
She looks out into nothing, her face filled with longing.
"...Maybe," she says, not clarifying anything more.
You stand there together for a while, you in the doorway, her playing the piano, allowing the beautiful music to ease your nerves.
Mari spent the day of her arrival not doing much, just walking around, trying to adjust herself to her "new" home, occasionally watching TV, not having the energy to do much else. You stayed inside, too, not wanting to leave her alone... even if she'd have your parents. There's not much said between the two of them and you, and even less between them and Mari... the tension is horribly thick. Mari, for the most part, stays silent, her face conveying no emotion at all.
As night falls, you brush your teeth and walk up to your bedroom, leaving Mari to sleep on the couch. You lie down, trying, futilely, to get some sleep, but your mind goes through far too many thoughts to do so. This had happened every night since your arrival in the hospital, too... you can only assume it's happened for all your friends as well, and Mari, and your parents, and... everyone. Really, nobody has been getting any sleep these past few nights.
Hero and Kel were off in Vicin City. You considered them lucky... they could stay there and wait for the chaos in Faraway to dissipate, however long that would take. They had escaped from the fallout, but you were stuck bearing the full force of the radiation. Another burden... another weight to carry on your shoulders.
This one, though, is one you've chosen to take. The burden of healing her... the burden of protecting her... well, nobody's asking you to do it. Hell, people are telling you not to do it, and yet, you still don't listen. You've had so many conversations with her at the hospital, going back and forth, repeating the same things over and over, you insisting on helping her, and her denying her worth. You're insistent, and she concedes, not wishing to talk very much at all.
You're not sure what the right thing to do is in this situation. You think what you're doing is the right thing to do, but you're not sure of it. Perhaps there's no right answer... perhaps you'll just do whatever you do, and see what the future holds as a result.
With that bittersweet thought, you calm yourself down and begin to sleep.
In the morning, you, Mari, and your parents eat breakfast. The silence between all of you has made them appear less... human. They're so silent, so unexpressive.
"Mari," you say, "I'm going to be doing some work for Miss Candice, the woman who runs the candy shop at Othermart. Just a part-time gig. Would you like to join me?"
Your father slams his fists into the table, startling you, Mari, and your mother. It's not very hard, but it shakes the table quite a bit.
"I'm done," he says matter-of-factly, "I'm done. Lily, you take care of this. I'm done."
Without saying anything more, your father walks away, going upstairs to his and your mother's bedroom. He's mad... mad in a way you had only seen once before. Mad like the night Mom hit him.
"Sure," Mari says, "Not like I have a choice."
Mari's apathetic attitude, almost like that of a normal teenager, only causes your mother to flinch more. If she was smiling, which she isn't, her smile would be wavering, just as yours so often did.
"...I won't let anybody hurt you. We'll leave in a half-hour," you say, even your tone of voice communicating the fact that you're absolutely uncertain about everything in the world.
Breakfast continues in silence. Mari's eyes aren't just dead, aren't just void of life, they are darkness. They are empty space. They are the hole of a donut.
Eventually, though, it comes time for you to leave for work, Mari tagging along with you. She's dressed somewhat better for the occasion... all her old outfits were still in the house, Mom and Dad still clinging to the hope that she might one day wake up. Now, they seem to want her to fall asleep. Regardless, the sight of her wearing her old clothes, yet looking as horrible as she does, is a very strange clash of past and present.
"Ready to go?" you ask.
"Are you?" she asks.
It's a genuine question, not just her being snarky.
"...Nope," you say.
You open the door. Early morning sunlight bathes onto your skin. Mari, appearing vampiric, flinches at the light, shakily walking outside.
"Lead the way," she says.
Her face, her eyes, everything about her communicates absolutely nothing, and yet, somehow, you know she's nervous. No, more than nervous, she's terrified. This is Hell, for her, being paraded around town in proverbial shackles, citizens throwing whatever objects they can find on the ground into her face, shouting horrible and true things. It hasn't even begun, yet she already seems like she could shatter like a hot pane of glass. Well, she's looked like that for a while, but now, it's somehow even worse.
You set off down the street, passing by Kel and Hero's house. Hector, a dumb little dog, couldn't care less about any of the messy, complicated affairs of humans. To him, Mari is just another human to play with. He barks eagerly, trying to get your and her attention.
"Ah," you say, "I can't be too long, but..."
You kneel down and pet the dog. He seems pleased.
"Good boy," you say, "Mari, would you...?"
She looks back at you with a gaze that says "everything I touch turns to ash," and you decide to drop it. If she touches it, she'll kill it. She doesn't have a logical explanation as to how that would work, but she knows that if she so much as lightly taps Hector, he'll die. Mari pays the dog no mind.
You pass by Cris' house. She's outside, taking out the garbage. Mari can't help but feel you should pick her up and throw her in with the rest of her ilk. Cris notices you.
"...Sunny!" she says, "How are y—"
She seems to notice the person next to you. Mari thinks to herself that Hell is other people, that having to interact with anyone at all is horrible, that she would be in so much less pain if she were dead, that death is merciful. No, she thinks to herself, you're not letting her get off scot-free. No, she thinks to herself, you're not going to kill her. Far worse, you're going to keep her alive. That is the harshest punishment that you can dole out. Torture of the mind on par with the physical torture of medieval times.
"...Mari?" Cris asks, wishing to confirm that this thing in front of her is the girl she saw spending so much time with her friend Kel, so many years ago.
"Yes," Mari says, adopting her younger brother's pre-incident terseness, "It's me."
Mari stares at Cris. Cris stares at Mari. You could take every single conversational guide ever written, and not a single one of them would have nary a sentence about what to say in this situation. Moreover, not only does Mari not know what to say, she also doesn't even want to speak.
"My eye is fine," you say, as that's the only thing you can say which doesn't seem wildly inappropriate, "Well, I mean... I won't ever see out of it again, but you know, I mean... it doesn't hurt."
"That's... good..." Cris says, keeping her eyes locked on Mari like one might do to a bear wandering in the distance.
"Hero's also alright," you say, "He and Kel are off in Vicin City."
"...How has swim practice gone?" you ask, knowing exactly where this is going.
"...Sunny, are you... good?" she asks, "You're acting really weird."
"Well, I'm not good," you say, "Who the hell is good right now?"
Cris seems taken aback.
"...Is she... making you act like everything's o—" she says.
"No, no, it's..." you begin to say, but then realize that you couldn't muster the several paragraphs of text it would take to fully explain everything that happened, everything that's going through your head, and every other relevant detail, "It's just... you know, really, how is swim practice?"
"...It's..." she says, "...Same as... usual..."
She still won't stop looking at Mari. In terms of her facial expression and body language, Mari is unphased by Cris' staring. You know, though, that her eyes pierce Mari's soul. Judgement, pure judgement. Mari knows Cris' thoughts, just by piecing together the facts of the situation with Cris' expression and body language. She reads her easily: Cris is treating this like a hostage situation. Ironic, since that's what it actually is, but in the opposite way. Cris fears that one wrong move will result in someone's death. Like with a dangerous animal, you must keep your gaze fixed, don't make any loud noises, keep your body language non-threatening, do not resist, be complacent, keep quiet, our little secret
"I... really have to get to work," you say, "Good morning, though! And... goodbye, I suppose."
"...Bye," Cris waves weakly.
You and Mari keep walking. You pass by the Kőfaragós' house, their myriad religious statues serving only to judge Mari further. Scopophobia invisibly shines from her horribly neutral expression. This is Hell. Every step through town is one done barefoot, on hot coals. As such, she walks slowly, and, not wanting to push her further, you keep her pace, but walk just slightly faster.
"...Do you remember, over there?" you point to the other side of the street, "That's where we met Aubrey. She had lost her shoe."
A familiar look crosses Mari's face, one you've seen quite a few times in the past few weeks: a distant smile, just barely there, her eyes full of longing. This happens whenever you grace her with a happy memory, presenting it to her on a silver platter. She knows she's undeserving of such kind gifts, but she gladly takes them anyways. Anything to numb the pain, so long as it isn't hurting anyone.
"...That's nice," she says, unable to form eloquent sentences in her current state.
The two of you walk up to the park. Nothing but strangers... strangers, and good memories. That's an odd thing you've noticed, actually; the good memories greatly outnumber the bad ones. Sure, the bad memories are awful, far more intense than all but the best of memories, so they don't need to be that many. But, the good memories have the advantage of numbers, that being, of course, the death by papercuts. Or, you suppose, this would be life by papercuts. There's so many good memories here, and yes, most of them are mundane, but there's so many of them, they suffocate you and Mari like a million acorns. You can't look anywhere without encountering one. Every inch of this playground is soaked in them. The monkey bars, the bench, the cat statue, the tetherball, everything.
All of these thoughts and emotions flow through the two of you in the span of about five seconds as you take a moment to admire the park, then depart off to the plaza. You know that Shannon won't be mad if you're late, but you still don't want to cause any problems for her. As you approach the sliding doors of Othermart, Mari realizes that, actually, the worst is yet to come. After all, very few people are out wandering the streets of Faraway, but the supermarket would be packed. And, for that matter, Mari had no doubt everyone would recognize her. Word gets around in a small town. Mari braces herself for the heat that she knows is coming, the intense, skin-melting furnace of hellfire.
Walking inside, things are as you'd expect. James, Sasha, Charlie, Rosalina, and Stacy quickly spot you. You and Mari are hardly conspicuous in your appearances, but given the aforementioned spreading of news around town, the two of you shine like a beacon. You feel various gazes fall upon you. Some look, then notice the entity beside you, and nervously look away to stare intently at a carton of milk, anything other than her. Some stare directly at her, some of those people being shocked, others being concerned. Some look at her as though she's carrying a gun, and at any moment she could become an active shooter. Others, as is the usual, treat her like a dangerous animal.
It doesn't last too long, though. You walk up to the candy store, your footsteps apprehensive, then, you stop outside.
"Umm... Mari, would you mind, umm..." you stammer, "Could you give us a moment of privacy?"
"Sure," Mari says, her entire body scorched, luminescent with orange-yellow light, her skin peeling off and floating through the air like the shed husk of a snake.
"Thank you," you say, "Just... I don't want to overwhelm her."
You walk into the candy store. Shannon sits behind the counter, looking dismal and unfocused, her expression filled with intense longing. She spots you almost immediately.
"Sunny, darling!" Miss Candice yells, her eyes lighting up, "You're finally back!"
You return her smile. She looks like... well, she looks like this is the first time she's been happy in weeks.
"Hello, dear," you say, "Yes, I'm... back. After everything."
She seems nervous, realizing that she should be more careful.
"Umm... so, Sunny, sweetie..." she says, "I... you read my note, right?"
"I did," you say, "Please, don't worry. None of this was your fault. You've done nothing wrong."
She sighs in relief.
"I... figured as much," she says, "But, it's still nice to hear it from you. My mind... plays tricks on me, sometimes, making me believe things that aren't really true."
"Ah, mental spirals," you say, "That... I can definitely relate to."
"...How do you feel?" she asks, "Is... there anything I can do to help?"
"Some of your candy would be lovely," you say, "And... also... just talking to you helps."
Her expression is bittersweet. She's... definitely changed.
"I'm glad..." she says, "I thought you'd hate me, honestly, dear. Everyone else does. Well, except for Daphne. I... know it's my own fault, though."
"Yes, you... mentioned something along those lines in your note," you say, "You can probably tell I've dropped my... smiling façade. I'm guessing you'll do the same?"
"Oh, absolutely," she says, "A-after... seeing what it did to you... and knowing what it's done to me... I've definitely learned something important."
"Mmm, yes," you say, "We... really were shitty to Curtsey, weren't we?"
"Yeaaaaaaah," she says, "A bit, yes. Mostly me, but still... gosh, I was so strict... I've already apologized to her so much."
You fall silent at the mention of the topic of apologizing.
"Shannon, ah..." you say, "I... well, I may as well rip this bandaid off. Mari, come in."
Mari appears in the doorway, her face and body language still neutral. Still so wholly apathetic. Shannon locks eyes with her, and immediately, everything fades. First, she's shocked, but that only lasts for a fraction of a second before pure, unbridled terror grips her. She wraps her arm around you, pulling you close. She's trying to protect you. She's ready to fight this demon if need be.
"...What are you doing here?" she asks, her voice filled with an inscrutable emotion.
Mari stares as if to communicate that she doesn't know.
"I brought her here, Shannon," you say, "I... don't believe it's healthy to keep her inside all the time."
"Why not?" Shannon asks.
"Well..." you mutter, "I'm not going to lock her inside and treat her like an animal."
Shannon is confused, afraid, and broken, everything about this is so horribly unfamiliar and unpleasant.
"Get out," she says, not even angrily, but as factually as one would say "the sky is blue."
Mari simply takes a few steps back, shuffling to the side until she's out of view.
"Shannon..." you say, "You really don't have to do tha—"
Her half-hug quickly turns into a full one as she wraps both arms around you, holding you so tightly, as though she fears one wrong move would kill you.
"Not again..." she says, "I'm not going to let her hurt you again."
Her voice is filled with determination.
"...Shannon, dear..." you say, "I... thank you, but I'm not in danger. I can defend myself."
"I don't care," she says, "You... you shouldn't be around her in the first place."
Yet another challenger to your now very much wavering resolve.
"...Perhaps," you say, "But, she has nowhere to stay except my house. I can't avoid her."
"She shouldn't be at your house!" she yells, "She... she should be in prison!"
Her voice carries very far. Mari, hiding behind a wall, does not change her expression as suddenly, all eyes in the shop turn to the candy shop, listening intently, putting two and two together, glaring at her. Well, if this is how she dies, so be it.
"I'm not getting the police involved in this," you say, "I am not going to send her to prison. Those cages do not heal."
"She doesn't deserve to heal!" Shannon yells, "What are you even saying?!"
She's crying now, yelling loud enough for everybody to hear clearly.
"She does," you say, trying your absolute best to cling onto your pitiful crumb of resolve, "Everyone deserves to heal. Besides... I..."
You sigh. There's no tears. You've shed them all.
"I miss my sister," you say, "I've said that so many times, but I'll say it again. I miss my sister. I miss the person she once was. I want to get that person back, and I know I can do it. I'll die trying."
You can't see her face, but you can sense Shannon's shock. Gears turn in her head, weighing pros and cons. She takes an eternally long pause.
"I always saw you as my little brother," she says, finally gaining the courage needed to utter those words, "I..."
Her confession seems a bit unrelated at first, but you piece things together.
"I don't understand," she says, "I just... don't understand... any of this."
"Neither do I," you say, "I'm... so far out of my element. But... I'm just doing what I feel is right. As... hard as that is. And what's right is... helping my sister heal."
She sighs, her breath shaky from sobbing.
"...Alright," she concedes, "Alright. Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright."
"...Hey ya?" you say.
Your joke takes Shannon off guard, increasing its impact to be several times what it would be normally; suffice it to say, Shannon breaks into laughter. You hear Mari chuckle, too. You laugh as well. All the tension, sadness, and bitterness that had been growing in the room dissipates faster than anyone can track it. It's so sudden, so stupid... but it worked, so it's not stupid.
This is what you're fighting for. Small, mundane moments like these, ones which maybe don't carry that much significance. You can make so many of them, and their numbers will outmatch everything. A tsunami of water droplets, a feast of acorns, a life by papercuts. It will take a long time, maybe the work won't even be done by the time you die, but it will get closer to being done every day, every day those dark spots in history will quiver before the tsunami, the fest, the papercuts, so small, consumed by their legion. Slowly, bit by bit, drop by drop, acorn by acorn, and papercut by papercut, the darkness will become a smaller and smaller part of your life. It will never go away, but one day... it will mean nothing.
"You're such a dummy..." Shannon says, parting from the hug, "How can you make jokes at a time like this?"
"...It's all I can think to do," you say, "It helps a little, doesn't it? Better than nothing."
"I guess so," she says, "Yeah... we just... do what we can, right?"
"Right," you affirm, "Just... whatever we can."
You and Shannon both sigh, Your smiles have faded. The moment is over, but it's never gone. One drop in the ocean, one acorn for the feast, one tiny, incredibly significant papercut. You're put at ease. Resolve flows through you.
"...Mari," you say, "Come in."
[ Mr. Bublé ]
It's a beautiful day outside. The sun shines brightly across the landscape as the car pulls up to the parking lot.
"...Here we are!" Aubrey says cheerily.
"Whooooooo!" Basil shouts, "Beach! Beach! Beach!"
You chuckle at his excitement.
"You're quite excited," you tease, "Oh, you probably can't wait to see Aubrey and I in our swimsuits~"
Basil blushes, turning away from you.
"Fuckin'... sure, I guess..." he mumbles, "A-also, it's just a nice day out! Plenty of sunshine, nice and hot... it's great!"
"It's been too long..." Hero sighs, "I've missed this old pile of sand."
"Pssh, yeah, you vampire," Kel playfully elbows his brother, "You need all the sun you can get, nowadays."
Aubrey parks the car, and you all get out to get prepared for the day ahead of you.
[ Mr. Blue Sky ]
The soft sound of the radio is accompanied by the soft drip-drop of the rain hitting the car, letting out percussive, metallic sounds that make them all want to go to sleep.
"Jesus..." Kel sighs, "Life really doesn't give us a break, huh?"
Basil chuckles grimly.
"Nope," he says simply.
They pull up into the parking lot. Nobody else is there.
"Well, hey, look on the bright side!" Kel forcibly smiles, "We get the whole beach to ourselves!"
"...That's pretty fun, at least," Aubrey says, "Hell is other people, as they say."
"Aww, well, you guys aren't Hell for me," Kel says.
"Well, that's good, at least," Basil shrugs.
Kel parks the car, taking a moment to consider his options.
"Oh, another good thing is... we don't need sunscreen!" Kel adds, "Umm... I have some umbrellas in the back..."
Aubrey and Basil pull out two umbrellas lying on the floor. The three friends exit the car, ready to spend this dreary day in each other's company.
[ Tainted Love ]
It's a nice day out. A bit cloudy, a bit too damp, but it's perfectly sufficient for a day at the beach.
"...Alright, we're here!" Basil says, "Hell yeah! Beach time!"
You smile slightly. It's taken so long for you to get used to your current situation, to get used to smiling genuinely again. It's been half a year since you left the institute.
"Man... it's pretty packed..." Kel laments.
"I'm sure we'll find a parking space," Aubrey adds, "Basil will just kick someone out of their car if he needs to."
"H-hey!" Basil yelps, "I'm not that mean!"
Aubrey chuckles at her adorably bratty boyfriend.
"...It's been way too long since we've been here," Hero says, "I've missed it so much, locking myself inside all the time..."
"Agreed..." you sigh, "I've missed it, too."
You sit a fair distance away from Hero. Time heals all wounds, but enough time has not yet passed. You're not sure how much will be sufficient... but you will wait patiently.
"It's so beautiful..." you say, staring at the landscape before you, "Just as I remember it..."
Hero... Hero would've enjoyed being here...
Even after a fair amount of time, it's tough to shake off the guilt of your murder. You stare out the window, watching the clouds fly by, trying your best to distract yourself from Kel's missing brother.
Soon enough, Basil finds a free space. He parks the car, and you all get out, ready for the day ahead.
[ ??? ]
The car is filled. Filled just like it had been the last time you were here.
You sit next to Kel, who sits next to Basil, who sits next to Aubrey. It's a tight fit; the back of this car isn't made to fit four teens. Hero, meanwhile, takes the passenger's seat.
She drives, her eyes intensely focused, with that familiar half-smile you've gotten so used to seeing. Her hair, her long, black, unkempt hair, drapes down her shoulders far further than it ever had in your childhood. She still hasn't cut it. She's never stated the reason, but you figure it might be a memento of sorts.
"...We're almost here, aren't we?" Hero asks, "I've really missed this old place..."
"...Yes," Mari replies, her words quiet and nervous, as usual, "...It's a beautiful day... and the beach hasn't changed much from when we were last here."
"I'll enjoy eating some watermelon..." you say, "I always did love that."
"This time, it'll be special," Aubrey says, "Basil grew his own."
"Ah, I mean... it's nothing too good," he shrugs, blushing slightly, "Just some melons."
"We've got everything we need, right?" Kel asks.
Mari nods.
"We're ready," she says, "And, if we forgot something... we'll manage."
The car pulls into the parking lot. The six of you get out, ready for the day ahead.
[ Mr. Bublé ]
You grab your swimsuit, snacks, drinks, and everything else you can carry, and begin walking across the sand towards the changing rooms. Aubrey, the lone girl in the group, separates from the four of you and enters the women's room. You enter the men's room with Kel, Hero, and Basil. You change out of your clothes... nobody here to see you in the nude. Unlike all those times in the pra... oh, forget that.
You put on your swim trunks and begin to spray sunscreen onto your body, rubbing a bit of it onto your face. You've always hated this part of the beach, but it's very necessary. The old you would've been petrified at the thought of getting sunburn, or in other words, a visible imperfect, but... well, the eyepatch is a stark reminder that you're not perfect, and for that, you absolutely adore it. It's something you certainly need reminding of, even after all this time.
You step out. Hero and Basil have already changed, though Kel is still changing.
Hero and Basil's bare chests are... a sight to behold, at least in your opinion. You can't help but let your eyes go wide and your cheeks flush.
"Uhh... you good, bud?" Basil asks.
"Q-quite good, dears!" you say, "Hero, Basil, you look very good."
"Mmm... same," Hero says, "Thanks."
He smiles. Gosh, that beautiful smile, that smile which had been hidden away for so long.
"A-alright!" Kel says, half-stumbling out of his stall, "Sorry, I had trouble with the... strings... too tight and all that... anyways, I'm good, now."
The three of you chuckle lightheartedly at Kel's struggle.
"...Just like old times, I guess," he scoffs.
The four of you walk back out. After a little while, Aubrey joins you, and you once again nearly begin spouting blood from your nose.
"...G-greetings, Aubrey!" you say, unsure of what else to say.
Aubrey laughs at your typical floridity.
"You look good, too, Sunny," she smiles.
"A'ight, well, if Sunny's done being bisexual, let's all head out," Basil teases.
"I shall never stop being bisexual, ever," you say, "But, yes, let's get a move on!"
The five of you walk towards the shore as you do your best not to stare too much at your friends.
[ Mr. Blue Sky ]
The rain crashes into their bodies for just a short while before they finish fiddling with their umbrellas. Aubrey and Basil, of course, share one, leaving Kel to have his own. He snaps a quick picture of the two of them.
"Well, I guess one benefit of being a third wheel is that you get an umbrella to yourself," he says, playfully annoyed.
"Pff, yeah," Basil chuckles, "It's chill, though. You're not a third wheel."
"Yeah, you're more like... one of those little trees that dangles off of the rearview mirror," Aubrey chimes.
"...Y'know what? I'll take that," Kel replies, "Good enough for me. Let's get out of these soggy clothes, eh?"
The three walk over to the changing rooms, Aubrey splitting off from them, leaving Kel and Basil to change together. Kel struggles a bit with the tightness of his swim trunks, but it doesn't take long for him to step out, greeted by Basil.
"...Dang, for a nerd like you, you're actually kinda fit," Basil smirks, "I could still totally kick your ass, though."
"Sure thing, Basil," Kel sighs, chuckling at Basil's tough-guy façade.
The two boys step back out into the rain, and after a short while, they're greeted by Aubrey.
"It's kinda weird wearing these when it's not even really hot out," she says.
"It's kinda weird to be going to the beach in the rain," Basil adds.
"Everything's pretty damn weird lately," Kel sighs, "But, screw it, we're gonna have fun at the beach if it kills us."
Aubrey and Basil smirk, greatly enjoying Kel's much-needed optimism. They make their way out to the shore, stepping through soggy, mud-like sand on the way.
[ Tainted Love ]
After you all gather your supplies, the fivefour of you head out to the changing rooms. Aubrey, the sole girl of the group, splits off from you, leaving you, Kel, Basil, and Hero to enter the men's changing room. It's still so uncomfortable to see a naked body, even if it's your own, but you hope that your day at the beach will begin the slow process of desensitizing it for you.
Your body bears a few scars, slashes, perhaps from a bottle, perhaps from a knife, perhaps from your own fingernails... you can't recall, but they're visible imperfections on your body. You'd have to learn to live with that, too. After putting on sunscreen, you step out to greet your threetwo fellow guy friends. Basil and Hero makes your heart flutter slightly at the sight of their bare chests, but of course, Hero's bare chest brings back that horrible memory of your deed. You keep your distance, averting your gaze.
"You look good," you say simply.
"Heh, thanks," Basil chuckles, "Kel, you good?"
"Y-yeah, it's just a bit too tight," Kel struggles, messing with his waistband.
You all get a slight laugh out of Kel's behavior, which would be more fitting for his child self. You step outside, awaiting Aubrey. When she arrives, wearing her bikini, the sight of her nearly-nude feminine form instinctually brings out a million paradoxical feelings within you. Love, lust, disgust, adoration, attraction, repulsion, nausea, depression... the list goes on.
"Nice swimsuit," you say, smiling, "Pink is a good color on you."
Aubrey smiles, happy that you're talking at all. She knows you are, and have been, nervous about doing anything with her or any of the others. Basil seems to glance at you, checking to see if you're doing alright, and not being too triggered, and seems to decide you're alright.
"Let's get a move on, guys!" Basil cheers, "We gotta make sure we can find a spot, you know?"
You all begin your walk towards the shore. It feels like so many horrifically conflicting emotions, but at least among those, there's plenty of good ones.
[ ??? ]
You all gather your supplies. Everything and everyone is here; this day is a picturesque recreation of... well, of Hero's pictures. You walk towards the changing rooms. Mari and Aubrey split off and enter the women's room, leaving you, Kel, Hero, and Basil to enter the men's room. You take a stall and begin changing, your clothes falling down to the floor like... mmm... you decide to say in your mind, 'like leaves falling off of a tree.' It's a dumb distraction, but it works. After you pull up your swim trunks, you apply sunscreen and step back out.
Hero and Basil greet you, the sight of their bare chests making your heart flutter and your face flush.
"You two look quite beautiful," you smile brightly.
"Pssh," Basil scoffs, turning his head, "Thanks, I guess."
"Basil's just being a prick, like always," Hero chuckles.
Kel bursts out of his stall.
"Freaking finally..." he sighs, "My swim trunks just did not want to fit me."
You all laugh at Kel's sudden silliness... once again, it's another thing reminiscent of the old times. The four of you walk outside, and as your hand makes contact with the doorknob, you begin to realize exactly what will happen next. You lean against the wall, idly tapping your thumbs in morbid anticipation. The door to the women's changing room opens, and two girls, wearing nothing more than swimsuits, of course, walk out.
You pay a brief glance to Aubrey, wearing a pretty pink bikini, but of course, your view immediately latches onto Mari, because, apparently, your brain just hates you that much. This is the closest to nude you've seen her since...
Your eyes naturally repel off of her, looking down at the sand, and she seems to do the same. Though, that's nothing new; she often avoids making eye contact with you, which is to say nothing of physical contact, God forbid. Just like always, you force yourself to face your fears. It's not what's best for everybody, but it's what's best for you, specifically.
Mari wears a swimsuit quite similar to the one she wore in the photo album, though it covers a bit more skin. She has, of course, become incredibly more modest in general in the intervening time. Her almost comically long hair drapes her slightly malnourished, pale form like a curtain. Her eyes, like always, appear broken. You've taken great efforts in trying to reignite their spark... there's a dim light inside of them, a slight smile on her face. Progress... small, incremental progress.
You hadn't noticed that you'd been staring at her. It seems to make her uncomfortable for a variety of reasons.
"You look good," you say, the tone with which you say that being inscrutable.
Mari, like so many times before, is unsure of what to do with a compliment, especially a compliment from you. After all this time, despite her visible imperfections, despite everything... you have to admit, she still is quite beautiful, in an odd way. A bit like your old, broken violin, or some kind of cracked, degraded piece of pottery you'd see in a museum.
"Are you alright, Sunny?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine concern for you. It's the only emotion that she never keeps down, is never shy about expressing. Your safety and wellbeing are of such high importance, it can hardly be put into words. If you had to try, you'd say: "a whole fucking lot."
"I'm... I'm alright, yes," you say, "Aubrey, you look good, too. Pink is a great color on you, dear."
Aubrey smiles gently. As has been the case for many months, the atmosphere around you six has felt like a pane of glass, just begging to be shattered at any moment. Every interaction involving Mari is done with great care. Whether this is for fear of her, for fear of her hurting you, for fear of you hurting her, for fear of an argument arising, or for some other reason, you cannot tell, but at the very least, this tenuous peace seems to be, paradoxically, a very resilient and long-lasting thing.
The six of you make your way towards the shore.
[ Mr. Bublé ]
The five of you easily find a nice spot to claim as your own. Kel takes a seat in a folding chair and lets out a guttural groan of relaxation.
"Fuck, I've needed this so much..." he says, "I can just... feel the stress washing away..."
"You sure you don't want to join us?" you ask.
"Just a bit..." Kel says, already nearly falling asleep.
"...Well, that's typical Kel, I guess," Hero shrugs.
You walk into the water. It's warm, but somehow also a bit cold. It's salty, of course... very salty. Shells and stones are strewn about the seafloor, making your descent into the water less than a comfortable walk. As you reach chest-high water, you feel the familiar sensation of your movements being slower due to the weight of the water... it almost feels like being enveloped by something.
"...Aah..." Basil sighs, "See, this is what I'm talking about. Being outside, soaking up the sunlight, enjoying all of this cool water..."
"What are you, a plant?" Hero asks.
"He kind of is," Aubrey teases.
Basil just sighs, fully expecting this outcome. The four of you have some fun tossing around a beach ball and playfully splashing each other. You try not to stare too much at your three crushes. Eventually, you all take a plunge into the deeper waters, where your feet can't touch the ground, and you manage to impress everyone with your swimming techniques. You decide to keep it a secret that you learned them from Cris. After about 10 minutes, you feel a pang of hunger and thirst.
"Mmm... I could go for some melon..." you say.
"Heh, yeah, that actually does sound pretty good..." Hero says, "Just like the old times..."
"Mmm... melons..." Basil says wistfully, floating on his back.
Aubrey swims over to her boyfriend.
"Right, melons," she smirks.
Basil scrunched his face up, his eyes still closed.
"You know what I meant," he hisses cutely.
"Ahoy, Kel!" you shout, waving wildly.
He doesn't seem to notice you.
"Kel! Kel Martin!" you shout, "Kel...!"
He sits up from his near-catatonic state, lowering a pair of sunglasses.
"Wha...?" he mumbles, clearly half-asleep.
"Could you take out the watermelon for us?" you ask.
"Who's a felon?" he asks.
"The watermelon," you shout, "The big green thing with the stripes! Pink on the inside, technically a berry, state vegetable of Oklahoma even though it is, by all means, a fruit? That watermelon?"
"...Oh!" Kel says, "Yeah, sure."
The four of you come ashore, leaving Kel, the weak-bodied nerd, to haul a watermelon out of a freezer and onto the sand.
"...I gotta start working out," he laments, sipping from some Orange Joe.
"I can give you tips!" you say, "Though, most of the regimens I know are the ones I used in my 'total perfection' days."
"Yeah, I think I'd die if I tried to run a mile," Kel shrugs, "Anyways, the watermelon is here."
The five of you gather around the watermelon like an altar, staring down at it hungrily.
"Alright, who's going to break it?" you ask.
"...Shit, I would, but I left my baseball bat at home," Basil says.
"That wouldn't be useful, anyways," Aubrey giggles, "You'd just smash it to pieces."
"Hero, you want to?" Kel asks.
"I'm good," he says, "I'm not strong, either. Umm... well, Ma—"
Hero catches himself, just able to fool nearly everyone into thinking he was going to say "my" instead of...
"...How about I do it?" you say, "I'll cut it open."
"Yeah, that'd work," Kel says, "Here, umm..."
He reaches into one of your many containers and produces a small knife.
"Here ya go," he says, "Just, uhh... don't go killing anyone with it."
"No promises," you chuckle, taking the knife.
You look down at the melon. You're about to stab it. You're about to stab a melon.
A thought enters your mind. An invitation to a potential fantasy.
An invitation for you to envision this green, striped oval as a different shape and color, a shape that is not simply a basic geometrical solid, a shape of the color of your skin surrounded by pure black, rather than pink surrounded by green. It would be so easy to envision it as that, lying on the ground, restrained, it being helpless, for once. You'd hear screams, pleas for you to stop, and you would ignore them. You'd cause pain, but you wouldn't have remorse, for it would be justice. If nothing else, it would feel incredible to paint the walls of that room red with her blood.
You politely decline the invitation to this fantasy. You stab the melon, and it is just a melon. You cut through the rind, juice dripping out from the cut, making your mouth water even further. You begin cutting the melon further, giving a slice to yourself and to your friends, and then you all dig in. You all wordlessly vocalize how delicious the watermelon tastes... it's so refreshing, but perhaps that's just the nostalgia for this odd tradition inherited from your mother's homeland.
[ Mr. Blue Sky ]
The three friends have no trouble picking a spot, as the beach is completely deserted and all spots are equally terrible. Large umbrellas are set up underneath three folding chairs, to be used for later relaxation. Kel snaps a picture of the deserted, rainy ocean... it's beautiful, in a macabre way.
"Alright, so, let's not go out too far," Kel says, "Knowing our luck, we'd all die."
Aubrey and Basil chuckle grimly.
"Probably," Basil says.
"Don't worry, mom, we'll be safe," Aubrey teases, lightly elbowing Kel in his side.
The three walk towards the ocean, through the rain, through the darkness, through the cold, until they reach the water. They take a tentative step in... it's almost ice cold. They slowly make their way down, the water level rising.
"Aaaaaaalright," Basil says, "Not loving what this is doing for me. Cold water, swim trucks, not liking this at all."
Kel wheezes a bit with laughter.
"Yeah, same," Kel says, "How about you, Aubrey?"
"I'm just, like, regular uncomfortable," she says, "I don't even know what you two are talking about."
The three continue on until they're floating, treading water despite the numerous factors making everything about this so incredibly uncomfortable. They splash water at each other, and eventually, they grow numb to the cold. Kel attempts to spit water out of his mouth like he used to do at the pool, but somehow momentarily forgets he's in an ocean. He spits out the salty water as soon as he tastes it, causing the other two to laugh at his usual antics.
"Heh... see, guys?" Kel says, still spitting out salt water, "I told you we'd have fun out here."
"Yeah, you're pretty stubborn, so I knew you'd make it happen," Basil says.
"Like you're not," Aubrey scoffs, "You never budge on anything."
She playfully pushes him away, splashing water into his face. At this point, the coldness has faded, and the rain feels pleasant. The harsh ocean now feels comfortable. Soon enough, though, they begin to feel hungry.
"...Dang, I could go for some melon," Basil says, floating on his back.
"Yeah... same here," Kel says wistfully.
Aubrey hums affirmatively in agreement. The three walk back to shore, and Basil takes a watermelon out of his cooler. It's slightly squashed on all sides, but other than that it looks perfectly fresh.
"Who wants to do the honors?" Basil asks, taking out a knife.
"I could go either way," Aubrey shrugs.
"...How about we all do it?" Kel asks, "I can go first."
Basil shrugs and hands Kel the knife. He holds it in his hand, getting a feel for the weight of the blade, then looks down at the melon.
It's a black-haired boy with a haunting smile. Kel steadies the knife in his hand.
"Y'know... I think we all have some... pent-up anger..." Kel says, his expression going a bit crazy, "Let's... let it all out."
He stares down at the boy.
"Alright, Sunny..." Kel says, "This... is for killing my brother."
Kel stabs down into the melon. It makes a sickening sound as the juices begin to spurt out of its interior.
"...Dang, you really needed that, huh?" Basil says.
"Don't we all?" Kel replies, handing the knife to him.
Basil steadies his blade. He looks down to see brown-haired boy, a coward and a liar with sallow skin.
"Hero..." Basil says, raising the blade, ready to strike, "This is for framing Sunny."
Basil strikes the melon, slicing into the rind a bit for good measure. Aubrey stares in silence, her expression inscrutable.
"I'll go next," she says, her voice creepily emotionless.
Basil hands her the knife. She stares down to see...
She sees...
She sees the one who caused this all.
The catalyst. The linchpin. The instigator.
The perpetrator.
She raises her blade.
"Mari," Aubrey says soullessly, "This is for raping Sunny."
She strikes down with brute force.
No, this isn't enough. She stabs again.
"This... is for lying to us!" she yells.
She stabs again.
"This... is for ruining everyone's lives!" she yells.
She stabs again.
"This... is for tricking me into ever liking you in the first place."
She stabs again.
"This... is for breaking my heart," she says.
She readies the blade to strike again, but the watermelon splits into pieces. It's messy, very messy, but if they're careful, it might be edible. The three friends begin eating the cadaver of their scapegoat, savoring its flesh and blood.
"...It's still good," Aubrey says in a tone of voice like she's come to some surprising conclusion.
"What is?" Basil asks.
"The melon," she says, "It still tastes good. I don't know why, but I... I was expecting it to be awful."
"It's still watermelon," Kel says, "Always has been, always will be."
"...No matter what happens, watermelon still tastes good," Basil muses, "That's gotta be the cheesiest fake deep bullshit I've ever heard."
"Is it wrong?" Aubrey asks.
Basil munches into his watermelon.
"Nah," he says, "It's good."
[ Tainted Love ]
Though it's a bit crowded, after a few minutes of thorough searching, you all find a spot that you're all happy with. After everything, you're all beyond eager to step into the water. Aubrey, Basil, Kel, and Hero walk into the water, but for some reason, you're stuck standing just in front of the tide.
"...You alright, Sunny?" Aubrey asks.
You stay silent, not quite hearing her.
The ocean... the ocean washes away all your troubles... that's what Cris always said. Do I remember how to swim? Yes, yes I... I do. I won't drown. I've gotten pra—... I've honed my swimming skills recently. It's alright. Sure. Who am I? What's going on? I'm not sure.
"...Just... need a moment..." you sigh.
You take some deep breaths and focus. You step into the water, letting it cool you down, letting the sunshine fall onto your skin. Your friends look back at you with understanding smiles.
It's so hard to accept their forgiveness.
That's a thought that's run through your head so many times. You had done something unforgivable, and yet, you stand here on the sand, splashing water into their faces, tossing a beach ball, the day only slightly tainted by the past.
Is this how she feels?
You're not one to believe in ghosts.
After a short while of having fun in the ocean, your stomach begins to grumble, and your lips become dry.
"...If it's not too much trouble, I could go for some watermelon right now," you say.
"Mmm... melon," Basil muses, floating on his back.
"Yeah, I know you like melons," Aubrey teases, poking his cheek.
"God, it's been so long since I've eaten watermelon," Hero says, "That sounds perfect."
Kel nudges his brother in the side. Don't use that word.
"Let's go back for now, then," Kel says.
The fivefour of you step back onto dry land. Basil procures a watermelon, a healthy-looking one, too, if a bit overripe, and along with it, a small knife.
"Alright, who wants to do the honors?" Basil asks.
You put your hands out, palms facing him, in a "no" gesture.
"Who used to do it, back then?" Basil asks.
"...I did," Hero says, "But I'm not the big strong man I used to be."
"...Hero did," Kel says solemnly.
"...Ah," Aubrey replies, "Umm... y'know what, how about I handle it, then?"
Basil hands the knife over to her. She stares down at the watermelon, that green ovular thing, a fruit if you ask most people, a berry if you ask a botanist, and a vegetable if you ask Oaklahoma. It transforms into a girl with long black hair. She wants to stab her, but perhaps another murder would be far too much. She raises her blade and cuts into its flesh softly, making elegant, straight slices of watermelon for everyone else to consume.
"...I'm glad I came here, I missed all of this so much," Hero says.
As Kel eats the watermelon, he seems mournful.
Guilt rushes over you like it has so many times before. Thoughts run through your mind, horrible memories drowning out the good ones, like oil polluting water.
Yet, the taste of watermelon, such a simple fruit/berry/vegetable, snaps you back to reality. It's not all bad memories... perhaps, in time, your mind will become less ridden with awful things.
[ ??? ]
There is some deliberation on what spot would be best. As the five of you discuss, Mari says nothing, wordlessly placing in an "abstain" vote. Eventually, you find a nice area that you all agree on, and you set everything up. You have several folding chairs, towels, plenty of food and drinks, umbrellas for shade... everything and everyone you could ever hope for.
You all begin walking out towards the ocean, but Mari stays back, seeming uncertain.
"I'll just stay here," she says, "I'm not sure I can still swim."
She lies down on one of the chairs in an eerie recreation of one of Hero's photos. Her skin has, due to her much more secluded temperament, become lighter, just as Hero's had. The rest of you continue on, letting the water envelop you, splashing around, having fun, until eventually, your feet can no longer reach the ground, and you begin swimming. Luckily, you're no longer scared of drowning, for now, you know how to swim.
As you look back, you catch a glimpse of Mari, watching the five of you. For a moment, it seems like her eyes were fixed on you, but she quickly looks away. You feel a pang of hunger in your stomach, as well as some thirst.
"...I could go for some watermelon," you say.
"Oh, yeah!" Hero says, "Man, all these memories keep coming back..."
"Watermelon's pretty great, yeah," Kel smiles.
"Mmm... melon..." Basil says, floating on his back.
"Let's head back," Aubrey says, poking her boyfriend playfully.
The five of you swim back ashore. Mari's expression has changed. She seems a lot happier, but there's also... something else there, something you can't quite parse.
"...I'm guessing you all want some watermelon?" she asks.
The five of you affirm. She pulls out the watermelon and a small knife to cut it with. All of her movements have the same odd slowness to them that they usually do, her speech in its usual incredibly gentle tone. She speaks like she's afraid to hurt anyone or anything ever again, because she is.
"Sunny, would you like to cut the melon?" she asks, holding the knife out to you.
"Oh! Umm... well, I wouldn't want to do the honors if someone else wants to," you say.
"I did it last time, but I'm way too weak now," Hero chuckles.
"It's alright, you can go ahead," Basil affirms.
"...Alright," you say.
You get a feel for the blade.
You look down at the watermelon.
And you just... keep looking.
"...Uhh, Sunny, you good?" Kel says.
You're just staring. It's just a watermelon. You're not sure why you're spacing out.
Why is it that the thought of cutting something brings so many horrible feelings into you?
"I..." you mumble, "It's the weirdest thing, but I don't think I can do it."
You look at Mari, who seems confused.
"How about you do it?" you ask.
Mari seems incredibly apprehensive.
"...I couldn't," she says.
She doesn't need to elaborate further for you to understand what she means by that.
"...I could—" Aubrey says.
"How about we cut it together, then?" you ask, still looking at Mari.
She stares at you with a slightly shocked expression, appearing to think things over.
"...Alright," she says, as carefully and as uncertainly as she says anything.
You grab the knife from the bottom, and Mari grabs it from the top.
The handle isn't too small, but it's small enough that you're inevitably making physical contact.
The weirdest thing is that, lately, it seems to hurt her more than it hurts you.
Together, you plunge the knife down into the flesh of the watermelon, cutting it into slices for you and your friends. You all begin eating.
"...Just like I remembered it," Hero muses, "It's great."
"Absolutely," Basil says, "I mean, I grew it, but still."
Aubrey playfully nudges Basil.
"Agreed..." you say, then look to Mari, "What do you think?"
She, like always, seems surprised that you're so much as looking at her, much less speaking to her and treating her nicely.
"...It's very good," she says, "I'm glad we came here."
You continue about your day, everyone seeming to have fun.
There is a period of time, perhaps just a few minutes long,
where you and her are alone.
To say it's awkward is a gross understatement.
Everything has been.
Trying to get Mari to fit back into the friend group
has felt like trying to fit a square peg
into a round hole.
Despite all your efforts to rehabilitate her,
to bring her back to normalcy,
to make her happy,
there is still resistance,
and the most troublesome part
is that that resistance
does not exclusively come from your friends
but also comes from within her.
She doesn't want things to go back to normal.
She doesn't want to be treated like a friend.
She doesn't want to be loved.
She had fought you at nearly every step of the way,
but conceded, for she feels you know best.
"You're not scared,"
she says,
finally breaking the silence,
"...of the ocean.
Even though you nearly drowned,
you're not scared.
You take a moment to think.
"Well, I had help,"
you say,
"Cris taught me how.
No reason to be afraid of drowning
when you know how to swim."
She takes in your words,
mulling them over,
and uncovering the subtext.
"Is that why you're not scared of me anymore?"
she asks,
"Because you've learned?
Because you've... gotten stronger?"
You nod.
She seems to consider something,
thinking very carefully.
"I want to test it, to be sure,"
she says,
"...if it's alright with you.
I want to know that I can't hurt you anymore."
"...Test me how?"
you ask.
She takes some deep breaths.
It's clear what she's about to suggest
is going to be as uncomfortable for her
as it is for you.
"I'll try to restrain you,"
she says,
"And you'll have to break free.
Even if you know I won't ever do this to you again,
somebody else might,
and I want you to be safe,
so you should be prepared for that kind of situation."
She stares at you with an inscrutable expression.
"Let's practice together."
Her words knock you back,
but you stay strong.
you say,
She reaches her hand out,
and a million memories flash through both of your minds.
She's reaching for your face.
You swat her hand away.
She moves quicker, and you keep reacting.
She tries to push you over,
grabbing you by the shoulders,
but you shake her off.
She leans in for a kiss,
and you dodge it deftly.
She attempts to grope around your body,
and you push her down to the ground.
She lies there,
you now sitting so much higher above her,
the roles completely reversed,
and on her face
for the first time in more than four years
you see a beaming smile.
"...I'm so proud of you,"
she says,
"I... I could cry."
She is, a little bit.
"You're really... so much better than me, Sunny,"
she says.
"Please don't talk down to yourself,"
you say,
"You're great.
I can hardly think of someone who cares for me so much
despite so many things making that so difficult.
Despite everything, you still love me."
She sniffles.
It really shouldn't be her who's crying.
You're the victim, after all,
but just because something shouldn't happen
doesn't mean it doesn't.
She cries.
"I do..."
she says,
"I love you so much, Sunny..."
Those pure words ring throughout your brain.
They're entirely genuine,
clear as the sharpest diamond.
You reply simply.
"I love you, too."
[ We see five young adults,
the eldest girl missing,
KINDNESS flowing through them. ]
[ Yet elsewhere, we see three,
the eldest boy, the eldest girl, and her brother,
VENGEANCE hangs in the air. ]
[ Yet elsewhere, we see five young adults,
the eldest girl missing,
her brother a felon.
The result of COWARDICE. ]
[ Yet elsewhere, we see four young adults,
the eldest boy and girl missing,
her brother a felon.
Another result of COWARDICE. ]
[ Finally, we see six young adults at the beach,
the wind billowing through their hair,
the result of TRUST.
They, along with all the other groups of friends,
have healed. ]
[ THE END. ]
What is love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
What is love? Yeah
No, I don't know why you're not there
I give you my love, but you don't care
So what is right and what is wrong?
Give me a sign
What is love?
Oh, baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
What is love?
Oh, baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh
No, I don't know – what can I do?
What else can I say? It's up to you
I know we're one, just me and you
I can't go on
What is love?
Oh, baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
What is love?
Oh baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh
What is love?
What is love?
What is love?
Oh baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
I want no other, no other lover
This is our life, our time
We are together, I need you forever
Is it love?
What is love?
Oh, baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
What is love?
Oh, baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
Oh baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
Oh, baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me, no more
What is love?
To show my appreciation for my fans,
here's a new chapter showing off some fanworks!
I really do want to say, I appreciate you all very much. Thank you.
I hope that you all will follow me to whatever story I decide to tell next.
If you make any Opposite Day fanart, fanfics, fan anything, it really means the world to me,
let me know and I'll share it here!
— Omega Fallon
by The Exorcist
by Fms, featuring an OC named Domori
...and this one, taking place after the confession. Kel tried to hug Sunny.
by Horace Hilden, featuring Scopophobia